
[Vah Medoh screaming in the distance]

@coconi / coconi.tumblr.com

Here's Cony (she/they), a 30+ Chilean translator who edits MMVs, writes fics and cries a lot. Expect lots of Zelda, LotR/The Hobbit, Critical Role and birds. Demi and queer and very much obsessed with my fiancée. Enjoy your stay! 𓅪 𓅪 [ ao3 | youtube | icon and bg credits (for mobile users) ]

Ah, they're probably coming up next! I don't recognise the performance off the top of my head, but doing ballet is HELLISHLY INTENSE and doing it without your muscles througly warmed up is just asking for injured tendrons. In between scenes the dancers literally can't sit still for too long or their muscles will cool down, or worse, cramp up, and if they're not changing costumes they're usually stretching, vigorously massaging their legs and, like here, bouncing around to the tune.

So this is a perfectly natural ballerina behavior. They're just keeping warm and bonding. 👍


I love how the last line has the exact cadence of a "is the ballerina video cute" blog

these ballerinas are not distressed and this in fact good enrichment for ballerinas when confined outside their natural habitat (the stage)


Hiii I’ve discovered that the reason my posts where doing badly is actually entirely my fault bc I had the wrong setting on because I have some problems reading lol(atleast I’m hoping that’s the case and this solves the problem)

i deleted the previous post and I’m posting it again. sorry if you had already seen it, I’m not trying to spam ):

This piece took me a long time (30h no joke) but I’m very happy with it, probably gonna do some more Lino after this bc atm I’m tired of digital art lol, but I’ve been needing to finish the Lino series anyway so it works :D

Edit: holy shit it worked, mad at myself for not figuring that out sooner lmao


Then an old wife, Ioreth, the eldest of the women who served in that house, looking on the fair face of Faramir, wept, for all the people loved him. And she said: ‘Alas! if he should die. Would that there were kings in Gondor, as there were once upon a time, they say! For it is said in old lore: The hands of the king are the hands of a healer. And so the rightful king could ever be known.

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