
The one and only Goblin Queen


I'm the Reverend Doctor Wrath, and this is some sort of a blog! Some folks seem to think I'm pretty neat, and I'm the best in the world at keeping staff paper in a camera shot. Follow for whatever I feel like reblogging, a lot of stuff in the tags, and the occasional fun with the english language. She or They series pronouns, mid 30s, located in California somewhere. Unless the tags say otherwise, anything is rebloggable if you want. Header by Laurie Raye


Also I will deny it if you ever ask me about it, this is the one and only time I'm going to admit this, but go follow my side blog @identifying-spaceships-in-posts so it can get tagged more often instead of me having to just pick that stuff out of my timeline

Happy Cesar Chavez day, everyone

Wisconsin, if you beat Elon Musk's stupid evil candidate for Supreme Court Justice, I promise I will never make a single cheese joke about you ever again in my life.

I think I've figured out why the fact that so many people I know use generative ai to do things like write emails for them bothers me so much is that. Like. You're not even participating in your own life. I get that emails are boring and sometimes even challenging to write but you are communicating with other humans. The words written will represent your ideas and your feelings and you as a person. If you can't be bothered to do that, if you're so far removed from human connection that you don't care if people get the real you or a computer imitating you, then you've already lost. We've all lost.

I'm going to kill every AI bro out there for not only how insulting this Ghibli knock off shit they're trying to pull is, but how additionally bullshit it is that they chose Ghibili specifically because it was insulting to those who value actual artwork and creativity. Hell is too good for these people.


Imagine, if you will, being Draco of Athens, the very first dude to, in recorded history, die unusually if this wikipedia article, List Of Unusual Deaths, is to be believed. Smothered to death beneath, supposedly, gifts of hats and robes from an adoring public at the theatre. If you died before then, sorry, it just wasn’t unusual enough.

An important addendum is that since this 2018 post, two deaths now precede Draco of Athens. This obviously means that within the last three quarters of a decade or so, two people died prior to 650 in interesting ways, one stabbed with a tent peg and one crushed by a millstone.

Rosalinda Guillén, a farmworker and political activist in Skagit County, said Juarez is a 25-year-old farmworker and union organizer, and he was detained while driving his partner to her job in the flower fields.

“He tried to defend himself by not speaking to them and refusing to get out of the car, and they broke his car window,” Guillén told KUOW.

“He doesn’t have a criminal record, and we think that they stopped him because of his leadership, because of his activism,” Guillén added. “We’re trying to get him out.”


If you do not live in the US and are given the opportunity to travel here, I would at this point strongly advise you do not take it for your own personal safety. Tell your friends and family not to come here either, it is dangerous to be here right now and you should not take the risk.

According to Marco Rubio, our openly evil secretary of state, the standard for getting black bagged off the streets of Sommerville by six plain clothes goons into an unmarked car for non-Americans in this country is "Causing a ruckus"

i think too many people operate under the assumption that emotions are some frivilous fantasy of the mind and have no impact on the physical world, which is a cute thought when Humans are an animal that can die from being kinda stressed out

Well those are allllmost done

question. why do you have 7 featureless grey monoliths in your driveway

There's eight actually but the last one is still in the garage

question. why do you have eight featureless grey monoliths

They're actually a really dark purple

question. why do you have seven featureless really dark purple monoliths in your driveway and an eighth in the garage

Some of them do have features though. There's holes and hinges and stuff, so I can put secrets in em

question. why do you have 8 really dark purple occasionally featureful monoliths

The heart wants what the heart wants

this reads like a muppet sketch

see? See!??!

You're not wrong

This post is less than six months old.

To you, maybe.

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