
Splendor In The Trash

@splendorinthetrash / splendorinthetrash.tumblr.com

Adventures in book revision, and trying to get the attention of a literary agent, while effectively holding down the fort, raising the kids and getting the dinner on the table.

I love it when a person who’s never attempted to write a novel talks of how easy it is. He/she could knock that bitch out in a couple months. Theirs would be a best seller for sure.

I nod and smile politely, but what I’m really thinking is: Ha, if you try it might be x number of years if ever. Hope you’ve read a lot. Your story would have to be original and interesting. It would have to be as tight as the lid on an old jar of jelly in Grammy’s pantry, plausible, with no plot holes. You’d have to create characters who seem like they could step off the page too. There has to be tension and suspense to prevent boring your reader during the setup of more tension and suspense. Goodness forbid there should be weird POV shifts, passive voice, improper use of dialog tags or anything that might confuse the reader. Gosh, the list goes on. Do you plan to quit your day job? Maybe you’re some kind of book writing mage.

When the person is done talking, I say, give it a try. No guts no glory babe. Take that first completed draft over to your local critique group. Better yet, query some agents. See what happens. Then get back to me on that. I want to take you out to celebrate your first book signing. Can’t wait. If he/she is a book writing mage, I want to be their best friend.

“No guts, no glory babe.”




Write just for the pleasure of writing. But if–when you’re done with a first draft–you think it is worthy of publication, revise with the understanding that the publishing industry is a business.


When I’m stuck in the process of writing a first draft, I reread my manuscript from the beginning. Often, by the time I reach the roadblock, it’s come to me what I should write next.

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