
Ace Tetreault


Artist Photographer/ they/them / Space Case™
I lived in Ghana, West Africa for about six months after college and a group of respected women leaders in the community, the “Queen Mothers,” took me under their wings. During one of our afternoons together, they asked me, “Is it true that in the U.S. farmers will plant a seed and they do not offer any libation to the soil, do not pray, sing, or dance their thanks, and they expect the seed to grow?” Upon my confirmation of this truth, they added, “That is why you are all sick.”
The belief that the earth is living, conscious, and requiring of reciprocity is central to traditional African cosmology, and the book would be hollow without honoring that. I believe that our current ecological catastrophe is partly the result of demonizing traditional, earth-based religions and losing the practice of listening to the earth with our hearts and not just our scientific instruments.
Anonymous asked:

so ronan definitely gets a little A tattooed for somewhere for adam and adams like ‘you shouldn’t have’ and ronan just goes ‘i didn’t, this means asshole’

oh.. my god.. anon ily this is hilarious

ronan gets lowkey embarrassed and defensive about it but adam loves it so much… like this is before they get engaged or even talk about marriage so its like. a Big Deal. 


all of science fiction: human beings will resent A.I and robots and will never trust them

real human beings: I had to apologize to my roomba for stepping on him today I felt so bad he cleaned my whole house and I just stomped on him

Scifi 2019: Elite police officers are trained to hunt down robots that are forbidden from returning to Earth. They call it “retirement” as a euphemism.

Real 2019: The entire internet mourns a beloved Mars rover that gave a haunting final message as its 15 year life came to an end.


im sick of you uwu hhhhhh bottoms here’s the REAL best signs and worst signs

funny and charming: GEMINI, ARIES, Scorpio, pisces

entertaining and tolerable: LIBRA, aquarius, Sagittarius, cancer

talking to you feels like squirting lemon juice in my eye: TAURUS, CAPRICORN, Virgo, leo


Being a decent human means holding your trash until you can locate a goddamn trashcan u littering swine


Men like to believe theyd be great in apocalypse scenarios but they dont even know how to sew

Some male friends of mine were once talking about how useful they’d be in an apocalypse, and I pointed out that as a weaver and sewer and maker of stuff, I’d be pretty damn useful and they tried to tell me they could just loot clothes from WalMart and they’d be fine. As if WalMart has endless supplies without weekly deliveries.

So just last night a friend of mine was talking about who he’d round up in the event of a zombie apocalypse and how I’m his go-to farmer on account of I know how to keep an entire homestead up and running and we’re talking about what kind of resources I’d need to keep a colony of about 50-ish people alive and i bring up what all goes into processing wool for clothing and such and he just kind of stops me like ‘wait, wait, we don’t need to do all of that because we can scavenge for clothes we don’t need to be able to make them’ and i’m just like, ‘dude, that works in the short-term maybe but if this community is going to be sustainable you’ve gotta have people whose job it is to make clothes and blankets and shit’

also cloth rots pretty quickly when left exposed to the elements and after the first few years or so anything we manage to scavenge isn’t going to be wearable anymore and anywho we’ve got to teach the kids everything or they’re not gonna know what to do some decades down the line when everything’s too rusted or rotted out to be of any practical use anymore, etc etc, and he’s reckoning that things like woodworking and smithing and ranching are more important than say, cleaning or cooking or dairying and meanwhile i’m just smh may all the gods have mercy on this poor fool

He also balked when i brought up how to run a laundry and what all was needed to make everyday shit like soap and toothpaste - like dude, you think this is going to be all about hunting and scavenging and being neato manly-man drifters like in the walking dead let me teach you a thing about keeping a village alive and healthy for more than a week man most of it is shit you keep thinking is non-essential on account of it being “women’s work” or “simple chores” that’re actually pretty labor-intensive and take time, training, knowledge, and practice to do successfully, let alone well, and are 100% absolutely necessary work in order for you to have any reasonably good quality of life after the world ends


I’m reminded of this post I read a while back about some guy who thought his underwear lasted years because his wife would periodically replace his boxers and socks with identical boxers and socks when they started to look old and he just … never noticed.


Society was created by women. Men were the hunters/warriors because if they died, society would go on. But if a woman died? All that highly skilled knowledge? That would be devastating

There is a reason so many cultures celebrate grandmothers. That’s who ran the village while the men were gone.


if anyone needs cheering up here are some of the names of the seals at ireland’s seal rehab centre:

honourable mention to: el taco, wolverine, haggis, ham, nacho, and terry.

haggis, lord farquad, and…

marty the blob


‘But then I realized that Minako-sensei, Nishigori, Yuuko-chan, and my family never treated me like a weakling. They all had faith that I’d keep growing as a person and they never stepped over the line.’


a chapterbook: *came with a stitched in ribbon bookmark, had a cloth spine, had those rough edged finished pages, or came with a map*

8 year old me: i am a 500 year old librarian and this is the most valuable book in my collection. i rescued it myself from a castle as it burned to the ground. *gingerly runs my little grubby hands down its spine and gazes wistfully out of the school bus window* i am the keeper of all civilization’s knowledge

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