
Meljayvik Week 2022


A ship week for Mel Medarda x Jayce Talis x Viktor from Netflix's Arcane; A League of Legends-based TV show. More information on affiliated Carrd. Moderated by @dannidorina


Brought to you by MelJayVikWeek 2022, the following fic now exists!

Séance, a meljayvik fic about dying and being dead in Piltover. Not literally. Metaphorically? Poetically? Does it matter?

Click HERE to find out!

Chapter 1, Scaffolding Design 1: Risk Assessment Using Past Examples is live. On the menu today is understanding Jayce and Ximena, feat Viktor.

Most of the fic is melvik heavy, so this is a special treat <3



something quick for meljayvik week because i completely missed all of the prompts unfortunately



Our congratulations on @meljayvikweek for actually managing to organise a week event and lead it so assiduously! 

Now where are the Zaun dad’s, Singerdinger and MelJay weeks??? Anyways, we wanted to give them a little shoutout for their works! 

Day 1 - Hex-Tech / Mel

We couldn't find their socials on Tumblr, but please go see more of their art on their twitter!

Day 2 - Craftsmanship / Jayce

Thy don't seem to be very active on Tumblr, so we would also recommend you to check out their twitter!

Day 3 - Arcane / Viktor

Day 4 - AU / Mel x Jayce

Day 5 - Home / Jayce x Viktor

This one is a personal favourite of the person writing this.

Day 6 - Celestial / Mel x Viktor

Day 7 - Understanding / Mel x Jayce x Viktor


Please go visit their twitter!!!


MelJayVik Week 2022 - AU

Day 4 of @meljayvikweek - AU

“Oh my god, would you look at that?”, Mel whispered, sharp and urgent, repeatedly tapping her foot against his shin underneath the table. When Viktor looked up from the assignment he was correcting he immediately saw what she was talking about. Because on the other side of the yard, behind a row of perfectly planted and maintained flower beds, the pool boy was in the process of taking his shirt off.

Viktor swallowed but his tongue felt sticky against the roof of his mouth. So he reached for the glass of lemonade and took a cool swig, shaking his head as he swallowed.

“He can’t be serious”, he murmured, still holding on to the glass. As if it could wash away his more figurative thirst as well, if only he drank enough.

They had both been speculating, of course, but neither of them could have really predicted just how ripped the guy was under his plain white polo shirt with the ugly company logo splashed across the back. Sure, his arms were impressive but the rest of him was sculpted to perfection as well. Viktor groaned, low in his throat, as he lifted the bunched up white fabric to wipe the glistening sweat from his face, muscles in his arm flexing casually and khaki pants riding low enough on his hips to reveal the snug white waistband of his underwear. The picture sparked a memory and his eyes flicked back to Mel who was just as lost in the sight as he had been.

“Boxer briefs”, he rumbled, pulling her attention after a moment, hazel eyes finding his again. “You owe me twenty.”


MelJayVik Week 2022 - Celestial

Day 6 of @meljayvikweek - Celestial

It had taken Jayce months of research, tedious combing through weathered scrolls and dusty tombs locked away in the darkest, most heavily restricted parts of the libraries all across the land. The process had been slow and frustrating. But in the end he gathered enough snippets of forbidden knowledge to set off on his expedition.

The journey through the sprawling jungles and sweeping mountain ranges had taken many more weeks but Jayce had come prepared to fight every step of the way, knowing he was on the right track as he found more and more markings etched into cracked bark and mossy stone. And when finally, after days of fighting his way upward and through steep gulches, the oppressing cliffs to his sides opened up and revealed the view of a sunbathed temple atop the mountain, his heart was soaring despite his burning body.

So when Jayce entered the now forbidden place of worship after months of preparing and searching, the last thing he expected to find was another person already there.

The other man was kneeling at an altar b the feet of an immense statue at the far end of the temple. His slender frame illuminated by the many torches lining the weathered walls and the dancing flames of two braziers to both sides of the altar. As he took in the sight of the stranger Jayce wondered how anyone this whispy and frail could have braved the mountain range to get here. But then he noticed the staff on the stairs next to him.

Jayce swallowed, unsure what to do. The mage had not noticed him just yet, seemingly lost in worship as he shaped the smoke from smouldering herbs strewn across a bed of coal before him. He might not take kindly to being interrupted. But Jayce had risked too much to turn around now, that he had finally found what he was looking for.

So he adjusted the straps of his heavy backpack and stepped further into the temple.

Are you sure this is safe? Of course not. / I can feel my body... eroding.

meljayvik week 2022 | prompt: arcane & viktor

Like everyone else, Viktor's on a journey of becoming. His is much more explicit and maybe tangible (for much of the audience) because it's focused primarily on the self. If Jayce is preoccupied with creating tools that can enable and "empower" as he sees it; if Mel is obsessed with painting the world in gold i.e. transforming the world around her to something better and kinder; then where is Viktor's core concern focused? The Self, the Body, and in some ways the Mind. It's physical, and psychological, maybe even a little spiritual, because that hexcore was quite literally communing with him even before he decides to use his own body as a science experiment and begin his transformation. Or should we call it an evolution?

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