@spectavisse-blog /


Of his name, and whence it came.

As the great empire of Solheim flourished in days of yore, so did a number of certain bloodlines. How utterly apropos that those names thrived, and remained a constant from the Old Calendar Era into the Modern Era. However, unlike most that are seen nowadays – one was effectively marred.

The family name of Scientia originates from when Ifrit, then benevolent and deemed blessed in all his names: The Infernian, Eternal Pyreburner, Lord of Inferno – the God of Fire – chose to not only recognise, but reward a select few of humanity (and his worshippers) for their passion. In an act of his love for humanity and for their unending appetite for so much more, Ifrit blessed them with the knowledge of fire as to encourage these mortals to continue their stride towards knowledge overall.

Thus, in that blessing the name Scientia (lit. knowledge, des. science) was both born, and would later be disgraced.

As the power of knowledge led to prosperity, and technological advancement within Solheim, the faith of mortals did eventually waiver. This blatant disregard to Ifrit’s benevolence, and eventual rejection of him is what scorned the fire God. Wrathful by this betrayal of the mortals, is how and why Solheim came to a fiery end. Not all of those who were blessed by Ifrit were involved in this flippant notion, and shunning of him. It is from these, that in modern times there are still those who show the Pyreburner proper worship. However, those who had proclaimed greatness over the gods, were undeniably persecuted by their fellow mortals, and that this likely escalated to affect those in association and/or those who still held faith.

As such, there is obviously an acute awareness of what disobedience against the empyreal can result in, in addition to a reluctance to share personal details of one’s religious beliefs due to this point of historical conflict upon the star. Even after such a period of time, to demonstrate certain traits or to be named after the Pyreburner does still carry a stigma. It ought to be known, that despite the known stigma: Ignis’ name (lit. fire, fig. passion) was given to him out of continued respect for Ifrit. For all intents and purposes, Ignis has been previously deemed by his relatives to serve as a stellar example of how one may embody passion and knowledge. Due to the origins of his family, there is an emphasis on intellect within his family hierarchy, and it is for this reason that his Uncle Cinis (lit. cold ashes) is deferential to him.

With this in consideration: Ignis is personally a proud, and confident fellow. However, he typically restrains himself through his humble, and polite wording, as he is incredibly aware of his social standing and has been from a young age due to his highly specialised education. As such, he has gained what may oft be seen as a subservient nature, however it ought to be noted that in actuality: it is a mindset that has been installed and reinforced upon him over the years, which oft does not align with his personal opinion.

This has had lasting effects on his personal self-worth, more-so due to his fealty being to that of the Lucian royal family, and to the one who is supposedly the chosen King of Kings. Lest the Six and Twenty-four strike him down as they did the Pyreburner, should he have the gall to voice his true opinion at times which could come into conflict with not only the gods, but the power of the royal line.

Ultimately, this leaves the notion of potentially being ostracised, and disgraced to a greater extent (than to how his surname was marred long before his birth) continually at the forefront of his mind.

this ask meme is based on the blog gravesuggestion.  i’ve divided it up into two categories  ( light  &  dark )  based on the themes.  some of these can be somewhat triggering seeing that the darker ones deal with a lot of death mentions.  please be cautious before continuing on!!


‘  at night i dream of you.  ’ ‘  don’t give up yet.  you still have time to fix things.  ’ ‘  falling in love with someone else is not a personal attack.  ’ ‘  i am still so weak when it comes to you.  ’ ‘  i can’t believe i let myself let you down.  ’ ‘  i don’t care where we go when we die,  as long as i’m with you.  ’ ‘  i dream of saying to you all the words i held inside until it was too late.  ’ ‘  i feel so warm  &  safe when you talk to me.  maybe i could love you if you’d let me.  ’ ‘  i finally let the right people in  &  i have never felt so loved.  ’ ‘  i like the way your nails paint red stripes along my spine days after you’re gone.  ’ ‘  i lived in your permafrost for twenty years  &  then you looked at me  &  i felt the warmth of spring.  ’ ‘  i once wished you’d leave me alone,  but i take it back.  ’ ‘  i want to be able to love someone else,  but you stretch your arms  &  spread your legs inside my heart so that there is no room for anyone or anything else.  ’ ‘  i want to believe that we got it right this time.  ’ ‘  i wonder how much longer i can cling to your light before it expires completely.  ’ ‘  i would travel across the world to be by your side,  because as long as you are with me,  anywhere is a perfect place to me.  ’ ‘  it took me awhile to realize it myself,  but you are not what other people say you are.  ’ ‘  it’s not that i really need you,  but life would be pretty boring without you around.  there’s no one i would rather be with.  ’ ‘  i’d like to stay like this for awhile.  ’ ‘  life  &  death don’t have to be so boring,  let’s make both an adventure.  ’ ‘  life imitates art,  they say.  i didn’t believe it until i started to notice the way your eyelashes look so much like tiny ink stroke.  ’ ‘  live your life so that when you die,  souls will come for miles just to hear your historic tales.  ’ ‘  make your exes jealous  &  your past self proud.  ’ ‘  maybe you’re what i needed to find in order to move on.  ’ ‘  never get caught falling harder.  they’ll never let you back up.  ’ ‘  please don’t go.  ’ ‘  some days it’s easier to just stop fighting it  &  succumb.  ’ ‘  sometimes,  you’ll find it hard to keep going,  but you always will.  ’ ‘  the desire i feel for you is that same itching,  insidious hunger that an addict has for their addiction.  ’ ‘  the worst thing about you is that you weren’t all bad.  ’ ‘  there is absolutely nothing  &  no one who can stop me.  ’ ‘  there is no route of losing you that is without pain.  ’ ‘  there’s still room for adventure  &  there is no one i’d rather have by my side.  ’ ‘  things didn’t turn out the way i planned,  but i’m alright with that.  ’ ‘  we could be really incredible together,  you know?  ’ ‘  you are beautiful  &  vibrant  &  confident.  you are light  &  laughter incarnate  &  every fiber of your being screams freedom  &  joy.  when i am with you,  i am truly happy.  ’ ‘  you are starlight incarnate,  from the grand way you sway your hips to the wide mysterious way you think.  blessed are any to be loved by you.  ’ ‘  you are too afraid of the future to let go of a past that was never kind to you.  ’ ‘  you call me yours  &  i have no idea what that even means to you.  ’ ‘  you remind me of bubblegum  &  sweets;  soft  &  pink  &  warm.  you are strong in the gentlest way.  you are so stubbornly kind.  i wish i could be like that.  ’ ‘  you still visit me while i sleep sometimes.  your fingers trace my spine  &  i listen to you breathe.  please stop haunting me.  ’ ‘  ‘morbid curiosity’ is a wonderful way to describe how i feel about you.  ’


‘  a thousand empty bottles  &  fist fights will never return to us what we lost that day.  ’ ‘  everyone else has moved on,  but i am still here.  ’ ‘  everything about you screams danger.  ’ ‘  everything is worthless to you  &  you,  in turn,  became worthless.  ’ ‘  for once in my life i want to be surrounded by people that i don’t feel like i need to impress.  ’ ‘  freedom is really hard to get used to.  ’ ‘  how could you do this to me?  how fucking could you?  ’ ‘  i am becoming everything we always dreamed of  &  i am leaving you behind.  ’ ‘  i buried you so well that you might as well have died.  ’ ‘  i can rest easy knowing that the person i love is dead  &  not the monster you became.  ’ ‘  i can’t look at you.  not now,  not ever.  ’ ‘  i don’t ask how you’ve been.  what’s the point?  you’d lie anyways.  ’ ‘  i dream of hearing the words i so desperately needed to lay your memory to rest.  ’ ‘  i haunted this house first.  there is no room for you here.  ’ ‘  i have a right to be upset.  i loved them too, you know.  ’ ‘  i just want it to end.  i want it to all go away.  i want to go away.  ’ ‘  i may be a wolf in sheep’s clothing,  but a snake hiding in the skin of a mouse is far more dangerous.  ’ ‘  i saw your face today  &  didn’t feel anything.  i am free.  ’ ‘  i tried to save you,  but you didn’t want to be saved.  you just wanted someone to suffer with you.  ’ ‘  it’s almost as if you were never here.  ’ ‘  it’s unhealthy to do these things,  you tell me.  you say it’s time to stop smoking,  time to stop gambling,  &  dammit,  i f you don’t stop drinking it’ll kill you.  i sure hope you’re right,  darling.  ’ ‘  i’m always pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to kill you in my mind  ’ ‘  i’m not really scared to die.  i’m more afraid that no one will miss me when i’m gone.  ’ ‘  i’m not the person you left behind anymore.  there’s no one here to miss.  ’ ‘  i’ve been dead far longer than i’ve been alive.  ’ ‘  i’ve eaten nothing but flower petals  &  ivy for weeks because i want to be beautiful inside like you.  ’ ‘  i’ve never been completely satisfied.  i most likely will still be unsatisfied long after my death.  ’ ‘  no motive other than pleasure,  my dear.  ’ ‘  one day i’ll go or you will.  either way,  it will be as if i’m losing a piece of myself.  ’ ‘  our dreams  &  promises decay along with you.  ’ ‘  the leaves change,  but nothing else does.  ’ ‘  the only difference between avoiding  &  leaving is that now i’m not waiting up for you.  ’ ‘  there is no such thing as a person who is required to love you.  ’ ‘  there’s only so much that can be done to repair old damage.  ’ ‘  things aren’t going as i hoped.  maybe if i die,  i can start over again?  better luck next time.  ’ ‘  this is not something to be proud of.  this is a tragedy.  ’ ‘  trying to get rid of me?  oh honey,  you’ll have to try much harder than that.  ’ ‘  trying to get under my skin?  you’re nothing more than a pesky itch.  ’ ‘  unlike you,  i can’t hide my identity when it becomes an inconvenience or a danger.  ’ ‘  weeping is for gods  &  martyrs,  we cannot afford such luxuries.  ’ ‘  would you even miss me?  ’ ‘  you are not important enough to earn an eternal place in my heart.  ’ ‘  you complain nonstop about being unloved  &  alone,  i can’t imagine what you’d be like if that were actually true.  ’ ‘  you don’t know what it’s like.  ’ ‘  you made this so fucking easy for me.  ’ ‘  you should see me as a threat.  i will tear down everything you know until there is nothing left of you.  i am a walking threat.  ’ ‘  you think i’m already gone,  but i’m still fighting.  ’ ‘  you think i’m dead,  but i’m just dying.  ’ ‘  you were never an addiction,  you were a fucking disease.  ’ ‘  you wouldn’t dare cross me.  i am god  &  you are the soil beneath my feet.  ’ ‘  your existence takes up so much more space in mine that we might as well be one entity.  ’ ‘  your fingers are so cold  &  bruised,  but you’re still slamming your fists again the barricade as if it makes a difference.  ’ ‘  your hair is tied in a noose  &  your fingernails are razor blades,  your lips are poison  &  i will gratefully kiss them.  ’ ‘  your hatred has a body count  &  we will not forget.  ’ ‘  your loss,  not mine.  ’ ‘  you’re a sick fuck.  you know that?  ’ ‘  you’re not gentle with me  &  i would never ask you to be.  ’ ‘  you’ve trapped yourself so thoroughly in your own mind that it’s not even a rut anymore,  it’s a pit.   ’

HUMAN LIVES WERE TRANSIENT before the might of the six, the hope they desperately clung to for strength in the face of terror thought to be such a foolish thing. Lunafreya had brandished her hope as a weapon in spite of it all, awakening the Hydraean – even as Ravus ordered an end to the goddess, if only to make an attempt at freeing his sister of her doomed future. Alas, the true evil had stood beside him all along…and he had been unable to identify it. The scourge would be upon him, and upon them all, no matter the choices availed to him. In the end, the lost prince had given as much as he was able to the cause, casting aside his pain and bitterness at the past in order to aid the King of light, knowing he would be fulfilling Luna’s dream in turn. 
“My purpose was left unfulfilled. The glaive was meant to reach the true King’s hand and his alone, not – …” The spirit found himself unable to utter the accursed’s name. Chancellor he was not, nor was he human – his corpse, for some time, being reanimated by Ardyn’s hand to be used for the very opposite of the purpose Ravus had chosen for himself. Against his will, a marionette on corrupted strings. 
“Tell me…he has received it, yes? Will you see him through to the end, Ignis?” 

“He did receive the glaive of his father, alas my duties have yet to come to an end. He has yet to ascend the throne, for shortly after… you delivered the glaive to him: Noct... vanished,” his voice finally faltered at delivering the unfortunate truth. He gave pause for a moment.“Though, I must say that I am utterly beholden that a merciful angel, rather than a furious one has brought you back to me. That I might take it as a sign that he will soon return.

Spiritually, physically it mattered not. The sentiment was for all intents the same. Even as Ignis’ corporeal form slumbered, albeit far from peacefully; succumbed to exhaustion and uncomfortably curled up alone within a small tent at a haven (Lachyrte) nearby Galdin Quay. Steeped in a sense of forlornness, as he did loyally await the Chosen King in order to resume his duties – he did so among those personally unfamiliar to him. Survivors of the chillingly plagued world now become Kingsglaive held an active watch, for naught but daemons existed beyond the grace of the Oracle’s blessed sigils, and humanity’s artificial light.

Had he the means to truly force his body into the celestial blue field of flowers, to all that represented familiarity, yet his body entirely refused to follow his urge; he knew full-well that such an action was nothing beyond a lingering intrusive thought of merely giving up. Physically, in wont of maintaining a measure of control the lack thereof within this spiritual state, this lucid dream made him all the more vulnerable to such notions. As much as Ignis had wished to deny it, adapting was difficult without the other members of the royal retinue, and none beyond that limited circle understood his resolve to continue on.

No others could understand, nor would they ever. Within the most dire of times, only Ravus had.

With all his determination, Ignis was finally able to raise his hand and gesticulate a silent invitation: come to me, come with me. To one whose brilliance was snuffed out of the light of their star too early, and had remained at the forefront of his mind for so long.  Ignis’ eyes burned, not of the magic of the gods and kings (this time), but rather a damp heat as tears did streak his visage.  The highest point of his resilience, his pride had been when they had fought together, and Ignis would not deny that he longed to experience that once more. (So much so, it was painful as his physical form entirely mirrored the reaction of his non-corporeal form).


“Given we had a certain sense of solidarity within our individual duties, might you accompany me once more whilst I await Noct’s arrival whenever that may be, Ravus? Your presence – your will – is all inspiring, for I have never forgotten the sacrifice of yourself and of your family.”


ignis, on a scale of one to ten, one being gladio, negative ten being prompto, and ten being ravus, how ... flat is my butt?


“… Allof a sudden, I seem to be missing my spectacles again,Noct.”


“Notto mention, if I did happen to be able to see clearly in this verymoment: I would rather choose to refrain from judging. Withthat said, I believe you could simply choose whatever number you seefit. Perhaps a five would suffice?”


“Given it is entirely apparent that it is forgotten that oft I carry poison, and could have chosen to end your life all too swiftly, Prompto,” he slowly uttered as the tone of his voice lowered into a snarl. His hand sought to adjust his spectacles, a familiar action to try and stem a sliver of his true nature from boiling to the surface.


“Should you survive, you would do well to remember that. Now, would you rather kindness – or shall I remove my gloves, and perhaps satiate my curiosity on just how I ought to utilise my culinary knowledge for trying my hand at evisceration? Even if must needs be a spork to go about it. ”


“Actually, considering the High Commander’s attire typically obscures his backside… I believe it would be better to say that no one has proven themselves worthy to admire it proper,” his tone was steady, try as he might to remain objective in his statement; the corners of Ignis’ lips twitched into a smirk at at the mere thought of the fellow in a less than decent state.


“Has no one else noticed the man’s thighs? Or the fact that he performs tactical feats beyond the norm, without the use of Inertia Controllers – this alone ought to prove that he has a spectacular body, and an even better arse.”

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