
the dying light

@pennyrigby / pennyrigby.tumblr.com

Leda | she/her | 28 | queer? bi? idk - i'm just lazy but full of joyous whimsy

hello people!

I haven't been active in over two years so I'm pretty sure my mutuals won't care but I felt like using this account again. I don't know how long it'll last but we'll see :)

likes, asks and follows come from this blog so if you see this url in your notifications and you don't recognise it, it's probably because you're more familiar with one of my sideblogs (@jfleamont, @lukepattersun and @samfenderdaily). if you follow me there and I follow you back from here, there's no need to follow this blog as well ❤️

that's all for now ❤️


Did you know? Tumblr DOES have a post length limit. Strangely, though, it's based on how many blocks of text you have. Supposedly this implies that you can have any length post so long as it's one block of text? Very strange, will have to investigate further.

Two limits! You can have a maximum of 4,096,000 characters in 1 [one] tumblr post. I would work out how many combinations this is, but 26^6,000 is already considered to be "Infinity" by most calculators, and a program I wrote threw an error code.

26^95,000 is already over 134,000 characters long - which would take 33 different text blocks to convey via tumblr. Whenever somebody says we're running out of posts, don't forget that tumblr is needlessly designed for MASSIVE amounts of information [no matter how detrimental it may be for mobile phones].

There are SOME works of fanfiction which are lengthy enough that you couldn't fit the whole thing into one tumblr post, but this is enough to fit Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy in it about 14 times over.

Don't hide that in the tags


Amethyst grapes with jade leaves. 

China, Qing dynasty, 19th century




Sometimes people use “respect” to mean “treating someone like a person” and sometimes they use “respect” to mean “treating someone like an authority”

and sometimes people who are used to being treated like an authority say “if you won’t respect me I won’t respect you” and they mean “if you won’t treat me like an authority I won’t treat you like a person”

and they think they’re being fair but they aren’t, and it’s not okay.


i know the in-text divide is that obi-wan sees anakin as a brother and anakin sees him as a dad. but tbh. to meeee. they’ve ALWAYS been a teen mom & the kid she didn’t want. like what is obi-wan’s decision to take anakin on at the end of tpm if not a girl telling her parents she’s keeping the baby, goddamnit, too late to back out now? and what is aotc if not an adult obi-wan yelling at teen anakin going “i gave up COLLEGE (free-wheeling knighthood) for YOU you BRAT and your FATHER (the force) is a DEADBEAT so i have to raise you ALL on my OWN…..” and anakin is like “ma just because that man hurt you doesn’t mean i can’t find love…” . & so forth


“I,” he gasped, blinking the spots from his vision in lieu of shaking his head. “I just want you to understand, I’m not in here with you.”

“You’re in here with me.”


best scene in the prequels is when anakin and padme have just landed on naboo & padme goes “hmm being a childqueen might’ve fucked me up a bit” and anakin, former 9yo slave separated from his mom, confronted for perhaps the first time with the idea that childhood trauma effects you later in life, goes “nuh uh”

his face lol. “wait you were too young to have a career at 14?? but that would mean….”


i had a joke about orpheus and eurydice but looking back it wasn't a good idea


"Master, if your master threw you into the trash because you broke your legs, I'd be sad. I'd try to fix you."

Presenting R0D-NT.

Happy birthday to me! Today I turn the same age Obi-Wan had when he had to take care of the most bonkers kid of the galaxy (aka 25)

I swear I started this as just a drawing of Obi-Wan looking for his cloak and then...oh welp!

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