

@doctorqueensanatomy / doctorqueensanatomy.tumblr.com

this place has everythin g | they/them | multi fandom (currently life on mars) | queer socialist | londoner

Watching some of the supplements to the pink flamingos criterion and this performer in the movie, Elizabeth Coffey was pre-op while filming, and if you’ve seen the movie you know she famously or infamously exposes herself on camera. Fast forward 50 years to a retrospective of John waters in 2022 in a Baltimore art museum, and I guess they’d made their bathrooms gender neutral somewhat recently and also named the bathrooms after John waters. So John invited Elizabeth Coffey who is also still alive and an advocate for trans seniors to come and be the first person to piss in their newly gender neutral bathrooms lol which seems like a very John waters thing to do lol

Here they are at the bathrooms lol


the “cannibalism is inherently sexual and about love and so hot” crowd somehow turns out to be very put off when a rap song has the word pussy in it

“shake that ass bitch” on a trap beat seems to be just a little too much for blogger who spends 7 hours of their day writing omegaverse fanfic porn

“be gay do crimes” chanter suddenly very upset reading lyrics on genius dot com about someone making and dealing drugs

this post is about antiblack racism and specifically how nonblack users like the ones mentioned above have a racial bias and are ok with sexuality and talk of violence until it’s coming from a black person, the subconscious idea that black people are uniquely perverse or aggressive is what’s being mocked here, if ur reblogging this and saying anything like “me” ur missing the point, this behavior isn’t funny or cute or quirky, its just one of the many ways nonblacks show how they dehumanize us while being perfectly fine with doing the same actions that they dislike seeing a black person do bc of not seeing us as equally human


watching/rewatching a show when you already have an established favorite character is great because every time they come on screen it's like



shoutout to offputting autistic people

i am so sick of “social communication difficulties” being painted as like. haha i said something out of turn! haha i talk too loud! haha i was silly when i should’ve been serious! im so weird lol.

shoutout to people who get told they stare and their eyes are too wide and they always look nervous or too intense. shoutout to people who don’t know why the conversation dies right after you interject. shoutout to people who never know how to get your thoughts into words. shoutout to people who need clarification so much no one ever tells you things. shoutout to people who always feel resented. shoutout to people who don’t know how to be in conversation. shoutout to people who struggle with social function in a way that can’t be uwu-ified.


The Moon and the President's Wife // BOOM


I genuinely cannot stop thinking about this. both times. BOTH TIMES, the Doctor calmed down thinking of this. A poem with a direct reference to Missy, to the Master.

Because it's not a poem outside of the Doctor Who is it? Correct me if I'm wrong but google isn't too helpful anymore. Its something tailor made. That is calming, or at least distracting, to the Doctor on such a deep level.

Did the Doctor make the poem? An embellished memory of losing the moon and stealing the president's daughter?

Or perhaps its the version that became popular with the Shabogans. Rumours turned into rhyme. A real tale kept alive by a touch of fiction. Told and spread orally, eventually making its way back to the Doctor.

Or was it already a story. The Doctor narrowly avoiding recreating it (as they tend to do). Missy referencing the old poem in her fib. A now a private joke between her and the Doctor.

But more so, it feels like a conversation. The Doctor and the Master talking before they left Gallifrey. The Doctor causing all sorts of havoc but still hesitating to actually leave. The Master questioning them: Is this all there is for you? Didn't we agree there was more?

Whatever it is its making me FERAL


mfw when my rival bandmate and colleague and the guy i dont really like even though we used to be close enough that i let him live in my house writes a good song about love in the modern era but doesn't know what to title it but i already have the perfect popular colloquialism that includes his name in it and somehow perfectly encapsulates the feeling of affectionate exasperation i sometimes feel towards him as well as the pleading lyrics of the song and now i have given the song another layer and a meta significance beyond the content of the lyrics and i have branded the song with the name of its writer so even tho my bandmate doesn't get much recognition in the overall existence of our band/TV show this song is now indisputably his and he didn't even choose that i did that for him and then it becomes the closing title of the show and in some ways the main theme and message of our "band"s whole deal but that doesn't even matter because the whole monkees phenomen is cardboard anyway but what does matter is the song and what is real is the fact that i did that for him and he didn't even ask me to and in a way this is a sign of how well we would work together if i or both of us but our differences aside and accepted the fact that are more similar than we think but in the end this only makes our fallout more tragic and for decades to come it will be the biggest What If in both our lives. just think about that for a second

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