
Thoughts by Me. :)

@blueyedangel94 / blueyedangel94.tumblr.com

This page is dedicated to sharing my thoughts, showing my life, and just having fun. :)

no offense but broadway and other forms of high theater should be more accessible and should at the very least be taped and released for easy home viewing when they close

people are going to pirate broadway shows regardless bc most people cant AFFORD to drop hundreds of dollars on tickets, and a working-class family in flyover country is probably not gonna have the chance to see a musical in broadway or chicago or california etc. very often! 

but their parents could probably buy them a DVD for their birthday! so why should children (especially young actors) be deprived of art bc of their class or location? wouldnt allowing people who literally cannot access theater to buy or rent high-quality, official recordings benefit the arts better than forcing them to pirate it?

and so many of these shows close and are all but lost to the majority of the population! thats fucked up. just record them!!!! fuck!!!!!

there’s a section of the new york public library that has access to theaterical recordings…..but it’s only accessible to students and theater professionals who need it to study. cmon!! people should be allowed to view this stuff. 

for a lot of people, getting to watch legally blonde the musical on mtv or listening to a recording – accessible, affordable forms of theater – made them dedicated lovers of the arts. they inspire actors and singers and animatics and composers. why deprive these people????

and people might say “well no one will buy tickets!!” which is absurd. i watch hockey games on television all the time and i still buy tickets to see it in-person because live is a whole different experience! and like…..you dont know theater people. they’ll gladly see the same show 50 times. lots of people see shows BECAUSE they already access it through stuff like bootlegs or albums already so whats the point! its not like they wouldnt make bank off of theater nerds buying recordings anyway!

anyway, high-end musicals should be recorded and released on dvd and streaming services and played on public television thank u



100 Thousand Reblogs and I will let Dark and Wilford live.

Anything less and they’re dead FOREVER.



stop picking at your lip

and you, over there? leave your cuticles alone. 

and don’t touch that weird bump at the back of your scalp, for fuck’s sake

so much as think about biting the inside of your cheeks and I will come to your house and Get you

that scab is supposed to be there, buster - go pick on somebody your own size!


You are my happy place. You are inside jokes and loud giggles. You are strange looks and laughing so hard I snort. You are bad dance moves and rolled eyes. You are silly nicknames during serious conversations. You are "How did I get so lucky?" In the quiet moments. You are my person I call after a nightmare. You are the humming in my ear when the world is too much. You are my "I love you" and "Babe, your puns aren't funny." You are my " I'm here," and "soo...ice cream?" on bad days. You are my past, present and future. You are my home.


We INFJs are masters of telling you very little to nothing about ourselves but in a way that makes you think we've revealed a lot.


Hufflepuff: Are you listening to High School Musical while studying? Ravenclaw: How else do you expect me to bop bop bop to the top of the class?


things i say that confuse and worry my coworkers:

  • “happy birthday” every time i hand them something
  • “well, that’s not ideal” whenever something is going wrong
  • “we are in the timeline that god abandoned” whenever i’m mildly inconvenienced
  • “can’t you see that your fighting is tearing this family apart?” whenever two or more coworkers are arguing
  • referring to taking medication as “eating medicine”
  • “time to go back to prison!” when putting animals back in their cages
  • referring to inanimate objects as (s)he, particularly when i break something and say “oh no, he’s dead.” this concerns them especially when i follow it up with “that’s not ideal”
  • “what are they gonna do, fire me?”
Anonymous asked:

woah wait - whats this about Elain being a lowkey shadowsinger, as well as her abilities as a seer ( which is badass enough at it is ) i may be being completely stupid but i literally cannot recall this being touched upon, or even hinted at, during the book ?? would you mind sharing your thoughts / the evidence youve gathered to back this up ? tysm xxx

Haha! So while I was reading, I thought it was weird that she wanted to be constantly bathed in sunlight. And we know she was in a dark place, and Feyre kind of explained that as her needing to get the sunlight she could no longer produce from within. And that makes sense. But it struck me that maybe she wanted the sunlight to keep the shadow away because her darkness was calling to them. We don’t know if Shadowsingers are born or made. And in ACOMAF Rhys mentioned that maybe the shadows came to Azriel when he was locked in darkness for all those years. So yeah. That played in my mind a bit. 

And then we got scenes of Azriel being HELLA attentive. He was the ONLY one in the WHOLE BOOK who saw Elain. And that was kind of her thing—no one saw her but Graysen, but now he won’t see her. But the entire book, when Azriel interacts with her, he knows exactly what she needs. He hides his shadows when he’s around her, he doesn’t ignore her visions instead he talks with her about them. He sits with her in companionable silence in the sunlight in the garden (like maybe he did, and needed, the same thing when he was released from the darkness). He is almost as much of a seer as she is in a way. He is the one who figures out that she is a seer. And I think he figured it out the day they all stood in the foyer after the Court of Nightmares visit. Also, she sees him. She doesn’t balk at the scars or his huge frame or anything.

Then she was downstairs with the Shadows making bread. I know it was daylight and Elain was healing, but it was kinda odd that she was handing out with the Nualla and Cerivden (I cant spell their names!). 

But all of that is scraps. But then…

Azirel hands Elain Truth-Teller, a blade he’s never given to anyone. Ever. And they have their weird moment where they’re both holding the blade and it reads like maybe some truth passed between them as they both held that blade. And I remembered that Elain predicted Cassian’s death. And I got the impression, that 1) Azriel remembers because he was standing in the room when she said it, and 2) Azriel knew she could handle the blade/needed to be able to trust herself with it, and that if Cassian was going to die, it would be after this moment. So because he knew Elain saw Cassian’s death, and knew when it might happen int he near future, it could’ve been a way for Azriel to low-key let her know that just because she sees death, doesn’t mean she can’t stop it. But it’s always her choice.

The wouldn’t you know Elain Archeron “stepped out of a shadow behind him” to stab the king. I mean she TOTALLY could’ve been in the area. She TOTALLY could’ve come running. She TOTALLY could’ve winnowed. And it could TOTALLY have been the magic of the blade that brought her to the person she wanted to kill so that it would always “strike true.” And that seems likely. that it was Truth-Teller. BUUUUT. Didn’t Azriel become Feyre’s shadow when they went to save Elain? Didn’t he then fold them into shadow so that they could run through the camp unnoticed?

We would be stupid to ignore that she very likely could’ve walked through the shadows regardless of holding the blade.


“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”

not even risking that shit

scrolled past this, re-evaluated my life, then SCROOOLLLED back up and hit the damn reblog button. 

Last comment same thing. Sorry to the next person who sees this. I just can’t risk it. I have things I need to do before my life becomes hell. Lol

Im tired of seeing this damn post 😭


Smart and lazy is a horrible combination that results in disappointed teachers, exasperated friends and a whole lot of bad doodling

Oh shit this was literally me in school

Don’t forget those angry parents and half finished homework assignments crumpled in your binders

Im smart and tired I want to do good but i dont feel like trying anymore


I work at a kindergarten and this is a collection of cute Wonder Woman related things that happened within a week of the movie being released. 

  • On Monday, a boy who was obsessed with Iron Man, told me he had asked his parents for a new Wonder Woman lunchbox. 
  • A little girl said “When I grow up I want to speak hundreds of languages like Diana”
  • This girl had her parents revamp her Beauty and the Beast birthday party in THREE DAYS because she simply had to have a Wonder Woman party. 
  • Seven girls playing together during recess on Tuesday, saying that since they all wanted to be Wonder Woman they had agreed to be Amazons and not fight but work together to defeat evil. 
  • There is this one girl that refuses to listen to you unless you address her as Wonder Woman. 
  • Another girl very seriously asked the teacher if she could ditch her uniform for the Wonder Woman armor bc she “wanted to be ready if she needed to save the world”. The teacher laughed and said it was okay, and the next day the girl came dressed as Wonder Woman and not a single kid batted an eye.
  • They are making a wrap-up dance show, and they asked the teacher if they could come as superheroes, they are going to sing a song about bunnies. 
  • This kid got angry and threw a plastic car over his head and a girl gasped “LIKE IN THE MOVIE”
  • A boy threw his candy wrapping in the floor and a 5-year-old girl screamed “DON’T POLLUTE YOU IDIOT, THAT IS WHY THERE ARE NO MEN IN TEMYSCIRA”
  • On Wednesday, a girl came with a printed list of every single female superhero and her powers, to avoid any trouble when deciding roles at recess. 
  • I was talking to one of the girls that hadn’t seen the movie, and the next day she came and very seriously told me “you were right, Wonder Woman was way better than Frozen.”

Consider this your friendly reminder that if this movie completely changed the way these girls and boys thought about themselves and the world in a week, imagine what the next generation will achieve if we give them more movies like Wonder Woman.  


Being good to each other is so important, guys.

that went in an unexpected direction

always reblog


that….didnt go the way i thought it would

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