
Naming your Hamsters


My first hamster's name was Buster. I got him for Christmas in 2000. I guess that getting him on Christmas as my first pet ever made him more special to me. I mean, seeing the new hamster and knowing he was mine, mixed with the excitement of Christmas morning is a great feeling! Anyway, he was brown with some white spots on his back. I don't know what species of hamster he was, but he was very docile and patient with me, because I was just learning about hamsters. I have this sweatshirt that is made out of a terry-towel material, and it has a pocket on the front. Well, I used to put him in my pocket and sit in the rocking chair in my living room to lull him to sleep. It was so sweet, seeing him all curled up! I would just sit like that for an hour or two and read, and when I finally took him out he would be really hot from my body heat. I just loved him to pieces! * * * * One night, I came in to find him not himself. He was just kind of lying there in his bed, and he wouldn't move. He looked like he had trouble breathing. I asked my mom to take care of him through the night, and in the morning I was told the dreadful words. "Honey, Buster didn't make it through the night." I stayed home all day and sobbed my heart out. How could this happen? My first pet! We buried him in the front yard, under some bushes. He died on the night of January 5th, 2001. girl hamster names
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