
Art Dump


I post MegaMan related content here sometimes, thanks for stopping by! Profile picture masterfully created by @glowstiix
Anonymous asked:

Hey, how has everything been doing? Everything ok?

Things are good! I fell out of megaman stuff (I’ll be back at some point probably) and I’ve been really active on my flight rising sideblog— I draw dragons over there.

I’ve thought about posting here more, but I also feel like this blog is distinctly megaman related and people follow me for megaman stuff, so I’d feel like I’m cluttering up other’s feeds with unrelated things.

Thank you for checking in on me!!


I’m taking requests for a little bit, drop them in the ask box if you’d like to see something


As much as Elec man looks like baby in this, all I can think of right now is this picture

Excellent addition!

Anonymous asked:

Aww, I'm glad I was of support, and I'm happy that you enjoyed the session! It's always scary to take the first step, but you made it, and that's amazing!

It was my first time ever playing D&D with strangers, so I’m really glad that they were friendly! The anxiety left within minutes

Anonymous asked:

Take a deep breath, so lomg as the other player and the DM aren't total jerks, everything will be fine. D&D is all about having fun and going on an adventure. You got this!

I want to let you know I kept reading this message in my inbox up until the session— thank you!! The session has been really fun so far :D


I hyped myself up to go to my first session of D&D at my local game store and now I’m anxious about it fml


i'm curious about something




Happy New Years everyone! Here’s to a good 2023 🥂🍾


I’m taking requests for a little bit, drop them in the ask box if you’d like to see something

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