
@poisontongued / poisontongued.tumblr.com

i'm gone @killrate !

"when all else fails, give up and go to the library."


❝It’s worked for me only some of the time.❞ She giggles, recalling all of the times that it didn’t.

Sure, she could have signed out her books and read them all at whatever apartment she was staying in for that month... But she would always be tempted to do something else.

To bake a pie. To turn her attention to lacrima vision, when her mind got too loud, and she was aching for a distraction. To bathe for an hour.

Home, however loose the term, was a place with a lot of distractions.

Sometimes, the library is simply the more obviously reasonable option─on those days when she’s particularly determined to do nothing but study. 

But then she’s faced with the inevitable overwhelm. There are too many books, too many topics, too many things that she might forget so maybe it’s best if she just... Reaches for them.


❝Unfortunately,❞ she finishes highlighting one of her bullet-points, and looks up at Sherry. ❝I find myself repeating the same mistake each time I do. I’ll be looking for a specific book, and come out with four. Because, you know! You just find treasures along the way. I know I’d dodge a lot of that if I’d just ask the librarian to guide me, but... Finding them’s half the fun.❞

Mary removes her gale-force glasses, and sets them next to her tea cup. 

❝And it’s worse in a town I’ve never been to before. You always find new things on the same subject, by another author that you’ve never heard of... I can’t resist, but I also can’t keep up with everything n’ actually get somewhere.❞ She admits, tapping her fingers against the table’s surface.

Reading in Lamia’s guild hall hadn’t been the worst. Mary had always been a creature of adaptation. So, however noisy the guild’s members could get... It was an okay price to pay. Mary could still focus through it. The real problem, though she would not admit it, was that she was having trouble understanding some of the schematics of the material she was currently researching: archival magic. But alas, it is a lost magic, technically─and those are never easy to grasp without all of the right tools. She’d learned to tune it out. In any case, technically she isn’t free to just go to the library, even if she’d wanted to.


She raises an eyebrow, and leans forward a bit.

❝... Are you hinting that you’d like to go there right now?❞


“So it’s definitely a little late, and probably all smooshed too, but I saw these at a shop earlier today, thought they might be fun for lunch — happy Valentine’s Day weekend?” A shift of fabric, the unfurling of a handkerchief, and there was her gift of sorts — a couple of heart shaped rice balls and two pink tinted sodas. “We can get ice cream at the next town over for a real treat!”


Mary’s resting her face atop her hands, laying on her tummy as she reads over her notes.

Magical theory was an interest subject, when it didn’t require for her to do mental cartwheels and to work backwards. Not that it’s ever been particularly tough, either─perhaps her focus just isn’t all there anymore due to mental exhaustion. And at that point, she wasn’t going to get anywhere.

She pushes herself off the bed as she shuts her books closed, and gets up to leave them atop the dresser. And while she’s at it, Mary turns on the music lacrima ( she’d been pleased to find old records of Bosconian artists at the library ). And thus, she did not hear the jingle of keys, or the sound of the door opening when Jackie returned.

Admittedly, she is startled as Jackie pops in by the threshold, and she turns her head so quickly that she swears she felt a bone crack. She doesn’t have much time to think about it though.

She smiles at her friend as she rambles, and steps closer to inspect what ridiculous, Valentine’s-themed treat she found. ❝Of course you did...❞ She starts, reaching back to untie her buns, letting her now-curled locks cascade over her shoulders. She shakes her hair about with one hand, never taking her eyes off what her friend has brought.

Her eyes light up. ❝Ooh, Jackie, those are so freakin’ cute! Who gives a shit if they’re a little fucked up? ─Is that raspberry soda?❞ She leans forward to inspect the label closer, but quickly loses interest, because she would much rather be putting her shoes on. So that’s exactly what she does.


❝Fuck yeah we’re goin’! Ooh, y’know what I’m gonna get for us? That warm white chocolate brownie, with the vanilla scoop on top.❞ She adds with a note of excitement.


SHELTER. / sg ez & sg mary (fuck me up fam)

♡ @yeonghcn

Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

The odds are against them for now. Her limbs are burning, and perhaps it’s from the scrapes, or maybe from the ceaseless weaving around projectiles─and whenever she’d made the mistake of thinking she could stop to catch her breath, she has to pivot again.

And the fact that she and Taliyah have less-than-average coordination with the others ( because they’d never fought alongside anyone aside from their team, gods be damned ) is doing little to help them.

The voidlings haven’t all been completely obliterated, but now the infestation had been contained.

If Abaddon had to guess, she’d say there were twenty─maybe twenty-five small ones left. Disgusting, multi-legged things, rattling at a deafening frequency the moment they were sliced through.

A chorus of it, for what seemed like hours.

How many minutes has it been, anyway? Ten? Fifteen? It couldn’t have been that long.

The putrid scent of the sewers nearby where the space-tear had burst open could barely be perceived anymore, over the acidic scent of the void creatures twisting as they were struck dead.

They melt. The things rattle again, and then quiet.

Roughly twenty of those rotten things left, and then the two large ones, still being kept at a distance if only because they’d been cowering behind their army of spider-like beasts ( which were maybe an eighth of their size ).

Abaddon grips tightly at her rope, the spearheads at either end dangling just above the concrete. The neon rope is weaved once around each wrist, and she inhales deeply once more.

The others had started shooting again; and with Soraka right behind them, Ezreal’s closing in on one of the larger void-creatures: the crab-like monstrosity & what they called the sun-eater─ that now stood nearly bare in its path as the last of its voidlings fell and dissolved to smoke.

Abaddon starts swinging one side of her rope, then flings it at one voidling, but her focus shifts. A second swing, and the spearhead ( now piercing the spiderling ) changes direction swiftly. Three more voidlings are whiplashed─by the former’s corpse. 

Those three seconds should not have been gambled with.

She should not have paused that long, should not have turned her back. There were two brood mothers among them. The shelled beast charged at her, completely disregarding Taliyah. 

As she turns, she’s met face-to-face with the crab. There’s little time to react, and all she can do is put her hands in front of herself. Her ribs ache, and she bites back a cry as she reaches for one of the creature’s horns following its initial, crushing blow. Then, the other.

Abaddon waits one, two seconds. She can feel the soles of her feet become hot as she’s head-butted several yards back, causing her feet to drag. But she holds on for dear life, because she cannot let the fucking thing go. Not unless she’s trying to get winded, or worse.

It comes to a sudden halt, and with the velocity… Her fingers slip ( why the FUCK does the First Star go with silk gloves? ). She loses her grip on the thing’s horns, and while she’s launched backward, one hand tugs at her rope; the other finds the spearhead. Teeth gritting, Abaddon swings her arm, and slings the blade at the beast, aiming for its skull.

The monstrosity opens its mouth and its jaws unhinge to snap at the projectile. It bites down on it, and pulls, dragging Abaddon forward. Her eyes widen─the beast caught her off-guard, and panic sets in. Letting go of her weapon was the first thing she did, except the rope was weaved around her wrists, her forearms. 

Breathe, Mary, breathe.

After all, she is Mary before she is Abaddon - she has to find herself; the real girl who’s scared & angry at the universe─because she’d been FINE before the First Star took away her normalcy. She was perfectly happy just being mundane.

( No wonder Jinx was always a wild-card. She’d been angry, too. Had been right to BE angry. )

She clumsily struggles to get loose from her own restraints, and finally, she does. The novice braces herself to hit the ground─she will only be suspended in the air for a moment.

From the corner of her eye, she catches a blinding beam, and her head turns forcefully to look in the direction of the one they called sun-eater


She’s seen that thing hit before, the way it sears everything in its path. The last time, Quinn had taken a blow, but the stardust imbedded into her uniform is what saved her from a nastier burn. That had only been momentary contact.

This beam is going straight for her. Her teeth grind. She’ll live, she’s sure of it. The sounds of the other Star Guardians have been tuned out, screaming… Something at her. 

She hits the ground, and tumbles a few yards; but the beast’s beacon fires at her, trails behind her body, searing the concrete in its path as it follows her movement. Her body eventually stops rolling.

She has barely a second to panic, because it’s coming straight for her head.

No defenses, no starlight to keep her safe.

Oh. I’m going to die…

Her body tenses up completely. A shift of light, a blink later─and a pale shade eclipses the beam for her. 

Abaddon’s ears are ringing, maybe from her own screaming, though she can’t hear his name fall from her lips. Everything is loud.

She gets up, because suddenly her bruises & bloodied skin don’t ache, and Ezreal falls. She catches him, but doesn’t dare to look away from the monster.

Soraka screams something at her. She doesn’t process it. The other raises her staff, and she dispels the sun-eater’s beam. 

She understand the cue now. Abaddon looks down at Ezreal in her arms. Bleeding, tense, but he’s still awake. His face is red ( how could it not be? His chest is burnt ). As Soraka draws near, she hands him off to her─painfully, because he should be her responsibility now.

At some point, during those few moments, the light-bender & the marksman had taken care of the shelled one. Abaddon sprints forth, swinging her hand low to sweep up her weapon once more, before Taliyah’s wall closes off the sun-eater’s path.

In a blind rage, Abaddon cries out, swinging the spearhead at the creature’s eye once more, and her vision is too blurry with tears to see clearly.

But she cannot mistake the sound of Taliyah willing gravity to be disturbed beneath the beast.

It is propelled forward─perfect for two blades to dig their way into its skull. They strike.

The novice grips her weapon by its rope, and both girls turn to sprint back to Ezreal and Soraka. She kneels at his side─dropping her weapon behind her in the process. However, the weapon shifts, and her familiar lands beside her.


❝I’m sorry─I’m so sorry,❞ she stammers, and her hands come up shakily to her face. She wipes her tears, quickly, but her trembling fingers find his hands soon enough.

❝Thank you─don’t ever do that again. Please.❞ Naturally, her digits find his pulse, because his eyes are closed & he’s not responding, and that makes her extremely uncomfortable.

His pulse is there. He is alive.

She exhales deeply, a little easier, though her shoulders jerk from her own sobbing. She wants to curse at him. Badly.

But she cannot bring herself to do such a thing; not when he could have died from preventing what would have been certain death for her. 

❝I’m sorry,❞ she offers again─a whisper, directed at Soraka this time.


[黒魔術教団] メアリー [Black Magic Cult] Mary

  • 抗えない苦痛 Unbearable pain
  • (Non) 敵全体の毒耐性ダウン
  • (Non) All enemy Poison resistance down
  • (She has extremely strong against Dark, is strong to Non, Wind and Earth, is extremely weak to Light, is weak to Fire and Water)
sherry smiled. peaceful, serenely — but only at first glance. too many teeth, too much smugness. and why should she not be? why should she deny herself small moments of basking in the light she had lit for herself? others did it all the time, did they not? ‘ ‘ at the present time, i cannot get any assignments outside of fiore’s borders for us, ’ ’ she said, her smooth voice tinted with traces of something akin to regret, ‘ ‘ but i have convinced jura to let take over a sector near the border. the damage done there requires heavy lifting. ’ ’ whether one was to take it literal or not, it had always been her speciality, whether she had been ten or in her twenties. ‘ ‘ since it is your first assignment with me, i was hoping you could watch my back, get a feeling for how i do things? ’ ’
anyone who knew her, really knew her, knew that although sherry had been successful on her own in the more recent past, she was — at heart — a team player. her magic was suited to both, might even lend itself better to solo work  ( depending on who felt like they were an expert on it ),  but she preferred to have company. it made the more tiresome aspects of jobs less draining and it was an additional layer of security to know that there was someone else who could spot what she missed. solo work, in her experience, left far more room for errors.
( and errors, most mages would agree, were seldom acceptable. )
going through her handbag, sherry hummed the first couple bars of the song stuck in her head, then she clicked her tongue against her teeth in triumph as she found what she had been looking for. ‘ ‘ the village was hit only moderately by the war, thankfully, but it was struck by a rockslide last week, ’ ’ she summarised as she went through the papers she had received, ‘ ‘ the sector was previously handled by, oh — arania webb, that is excellent — she will probably be there to give us a full briefing when we arrive. all civilians are accounted for, very good, and it does sound like they are currently understanding about not being able to go back to their homes, ’ ’ sherry continued as she flipped another page. ‘ ‘ the king has deployed people to ensure that the houses’ stability has not been impacted by the landslide, so we will only have to make sure that we get the rocks out of the way and jura has asked that we make sure that the rockslide was a natural disaster and not caused by anything … or anyone, ’ ’ she ended with a somewhat sour tone, just as they reached the train station.

As she walks alongside her new superior, Mary pulls a bobby-pin out from beneath a layer of her hair, and uses it to pin her fringe on her right side. Mostly because it’s having a hard time staying tucked, and the breeze isn’t helping.

She shifts her gaze to the side, and though there are plenty of restrictions regarding her conditions of release, she doesn’t mind that one too much. Nothing outside of Fiore, for the moment, but that’s fine. She supposes though, it must be boring for Sherry. Though that does mean too many familiar faces too often.

But when has she not dealt with it?

She can only think of one time that she actually stepped just barely outside of Fiore’s borders, even considering her situation. To actually focus on studies. Not that it had lasted too long, as she’d started to feel homesick for a place that didn’t exist... Frankly, she’s surprised that she even lasted as long as she did, not being noticed by authorities & civilians alike. 

But it hadn’t been the people’s job to keep an eye out for her, and she will say it over and over: the criteria to be a runeknight can’t be too picky because they are incompetent.

Where the Council’s restructuring had actually done something, it would probably be in their best interest to do the same for their knights.

Not that she’d share that thought. She’d get nothing out of that. But like many things, runeknights were less of a tool for order, and more of one to both instil fear & security in the right parts. And to put the cuffs on you, some part of her whispers.


Heavy-lifting, huh? Oh, she’s not particularly excited to embarrass herself. Hopefully that’s a metaphor, though she’s not too hopeful of that... Given that it IS a rockslide. ❝Of course. That sounds good.❞ But that’s one thing Mary IS, and that is adaptable. Unsurprisingly, that’s the same reason why she’d not found it too difficult to find synergy with most of Crime Sorciere, when she had first joined them. Same reason she had worked fine with strangers during the war.

A smile tugs at her lips. Jura must really like you, she thinks to herself, because all things considered, their task sounds relatively straight-forward. She was half-expecting the Council to take things out on her; on her friends, subtly─pardon or no pardon. It’s what the old Council would have done.

The old Council would not have been above having some ex-criminals be hated by association of the dread they bring. ❝Arania... Haven’t heard that name in a while. But that shouldn’t be hard. Mermaid Heel has a reputation for being efficient.❞ She remarks. 

Perhaps she is getting ahead of herself, but regardless, a weight which she had not realized had been there lifts off her chest.

Things will be well, in the end. They have to be.


11/22/63,  a novel by stephen king,  sentence starters.

  • life turns on a dime. sometimes towards us, but more often it spins away, flirting and flashing as it goes: so long, honey, it was good while it lasted, wasn’t it?
  • a person who doesn’t learn from the past is an idiot, in my estimation.
  • when all else fails, give up and go to the library.
  • sarcastic people tend to be marshmallows underneath the armor. i’m no different.
  • the multiple choices of possibilities of daily life are the music we dance to.
  • the devil’s voice is sweet.
  • sometimes a cigar is just a smoke and a story’s just a story.
  • humans were built to look back; that’s why we have that swivel joint in our necks.
  • in 1958, there’s always smoke.
  • we never know which lives we influence, or when, or why.
  • i’m one of those people who doesn’t really know what he thinks until he writes it down.
  • i’m crazy. crazy and having a terribly involved hallucination in a mental hospital somewhere. perhaps some doctor will write me up for a psychiatric journal.
  • hearts don’t really break. if only they could.
  • yeah, but what if you went back and killed your own grandfather?
  • why the fuck would you do that?
  • stupidity is one of the two things we see most clearly in retrospect. the other is missed chances.
  • when you hide the truth from someone, you deny them their dignity.
  • we have been given pain to be astounded by joy.
  • we have been given life to deny death.
  • we did not ask for this room or this music. but because we are here, let us dance.
  • if there is love, smallpox scars are as pretty as dimples.
  • i’ll love your face no matter what it looks like. because it’s yours.
  • i know life is hard, i think everyone knows that in their hearts, but why dos it have to be cruel, as well? why does it have to bite?
  • i was no longer walking around the house of cards; i was living in it.
  • like all sweet dreams, it will be brief, but brevity makes sweetness, doesn’t it?
  • explanations are such cheap poetry.
  • on the subject of love at first sight, i’m with the Beatles: i believe that it happens all the time.
  • when you put on a clown suit and a rubber nose, nobody has any idea what you look like inside.
  • things do happen for a reason, but do we like the reason? rarely.
  • for most of us, i think it’s easier to admit doing wrong than being stupid.
  • sometimes life coughs up coincidences no writer of fiction would dare copy.
  • life’s simplest answers are often the easiest to overlook.
  • do i know what people say? sure.
  • i know your mother lives in your head – almost everyone’s mother does, i guess – but you can’t let her have her way on this one.
  • don’t look back, never look back.
  • life is too sweet to give up without a fight, don’t you think?

“I have wrapped one-hundred-forty-six presents and I am still not done.”


Her brows raise in awe as she stands there, awkwardly holding a box of pastries. Not that she’s by any means surprised that Sherry does, in fact, have quite a list to get through, but that’s... Overkill.

What really got her was the part where she added, casually, that she has still more to go. One might ask Sherry why she would task herself with something so lengthy and not request help ONCE. But Mary, being the type of person who would find something like gift-wrapping a very personal touch, assumes that’s the reason for it. That, or Sherry is simply a little too self-reliant.


❝Stars, Sherry─❞ Still... Over a hundred-forty gifts?How? And have you ever considered keeping a small circle?❞ She jests, coming closer to her. ❝... In any case, let me know if you want help with that. I'm sure you chose to do it yourself for a reason, but... For real, that’s insane. ─Oh! The real reason I came here, by the way! Do you want a pastry? Here. Have one.❞ She suggests, opening the box up for Sherry to see the variety.


“I can’t face reinvention.”


her pen clattered against the table as ur let go of it, too distracted to remember to hold it.  related to this: somewhere in the house, solomon’s knee met something hard  ( couch table, most likely )  and he cursed quietly, and she heard it almost too well, the walls were too thin but her focus was elsewhere, right now.  it was not as if a mere bruise was a genuine threat to him.  unrelated to this:  the bird that had been trying to pick up three of the sunflower seeds she had left on the windowsill had contented itself with one, even it it was still chirping angrily.  she had been right to nickname it lyon, she supposed.

picking her pen up again and twirling it between the fingers of her left hand, she watched the other woman for a few beats before letting her attention wander through the room, allowing it to roam over the magic instruments, the baubles she had amassed over the course of many years.  ‘ ‘ hm, it does make me wonder, ’ ’ she mused aloud as she rested her chin against her hand, dark eyes returning to mary.  ‘ ‘ neither faithfulness to old methods nor stubbornness is bad but . . . ’ ’

traditions of many sorts had always felt too tight for her --- like a corset that had been laced with the intention to cause the wearer to faint before brunch.  some, she had left behind when she had traded her comfortable bedroom for a tiny dorm room.  others, she had smashed when she had picked apart every magic she had felt any pull towards to piece together something that had felt right.  there were people who did well with traditions, who were suited to classic styles of magic, but that had never been her.  and as long as nobody who clung to the traditional approaches sought quarrel with her, she was quite happy to stay in her corner and to leave them theirs.  she did have manners, after all.

‘ ‘ the freedom in magic is reinvention, is the possibility of walking new paths without having to abandon old friends, ’ ’  she said as she tapped her pen against the table.  this sounded like something she had told the other students in her year, those who had not understood what on earth she wanted with a degree in magical theory, but then and now, it was a good point to make.  if she would ever end up writing a book, she might just use this phrasing.  ‘ ‘ there is nothing bad about breaking something apart and using the shards for something new,  but if you feel that the word reinvention is too overwhelming, let me offer another. ’ ’ 


she paused for a moment, for effect --- she knew how to improve an argument when it had fallen short at first.  ‘ ‘ creativity, finding new applications for old tricks by thinking outside the box. easiest example: you are a poison mage so the thought must have occurred to you --- that in the right dosage, a poison can pass as medicine.  this duality applies to a lot of things. ’ ’  she smiled warmly, pouring more tea into their tea cups and pushing the cookie box more towards the other.  ‘ ‘ reinvention doesn’t have to mean burying an old thing. sometimes, it’s just taking and improving it. ’ ’ 


Rules: Don’t reblog, repost.

tagging:  can you read ? ok you’re tagged ♡ tagged by: @icehaloed

( reply as muse talking )

► NAME ➭  Mary. Abaddon.
► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➭  Not in my head, and that’s what really matters.
► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➭  ... Ish. ( no )
► ARE YOU ANGRY?  ➭  Sometimes.
► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➭  I wouldn’t know... I’d think so?


► BIRTH PLACE ➭  Dricht. Alvarez. Didn’t live there even for a year. 
► HAIR COLOR ➭  Magenta.
► EYE COLOR ➭   Gold.
► BIRTHDAY ➭  October 29.
► MOOD ➭  I’m alright.~
► GENDER ➭  Female.
► SUMMER OR WINTER ➭  Summer. I won’t compromise my dresses over some snow.
► MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➭  Afternoons. Mornings are for getting things done.


► ARE YOU IN LOVE? ➭  I wonder if I have ever actually been in love. Ever.
► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? ➭  No, I think that’s called eye-fucking.
► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ➭  Death did. But it’s fine.
► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? ➭  My mother’s, for sure... I doubt it though.
► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➭  Not at all, just my judgment.
► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER? ➭  I’m sure I’ve had plenty, who can blame ‘em?
► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➭  Uh... Y...eah, but, don’t we all? Expectations aren’t very good to have all the time, you know...


► LOVE OR LUST ➭   Love.
► CATS OR DOGS ➭  I really love both, but cats are my go-to.
► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS ➭  I’ve found that being selective with the company I keep is good for my health. 
► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN ➭  Romantic night in, otherwise we might commit a crime, who knows?
► DAY OR NIGHT  ➭  Day. Night time gives me too much time to think. Being in your head isn’t always fun.


► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➭  Nope, and she still doesn’t know where I went off to.~
► FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS ➭  Up the stairs, luckily! Had a fun time sliding all the way back down.
► WANTED TO DISAPPEAR ➭  Not exactly. I wish no one knew me, though. I miss being anonymous some days.


► SMILE OR EYES ➭    Hmm... I love seeing someone happy. Smile.~
► SHORTER OR TALLER ➭  Taller, and I guess that me being so fucking short makes that easy for people at average-height.
► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION ➭  I have high standards and I demand both. Though... Idiots can be so funny sometimes... 
► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP ➭  Relationship. Sounds nicer, I think.


► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➭  Oh, I dunno. I think I might’ve ruined that.
► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➭  I’m sure a few years ago I may have thought so. Now? No. I made it a mess, though. 
► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME ➭  ....... Hahahah... Yeeeeeah... Ta-da!
► HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT ➭  No. Either way, I was obedient... Until I wasn’t.


► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS? ➭  Why the hell would I be friends with someone I hated? I find it so much more efficient to fight right then and there.
► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS? ➭  Of course. Well... I wonder about one of them sometimes, but I don’t think he has ever been the most normal. Can’t say I’d tell him my secrets, though...
► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU? ➭  I’m not even sure who I am anymore. It’s hard to say. No one, I guess. Well─I do have one friend...
► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? ➭  Oh, I can’t name-drop them! ... They know who they are.~
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