



Her eyes. They were like the sunset. So bright they could light the sky. But they had that impending darkness that I knew was sure to come hidden inside. That darkness of night was what made me pawn after her. It was her lure. It pulled you in just enough to give you a taste, never enough to be the least bit satisfied and then it just pushed you back. Always making you crave for more. And you would do almost anything for just a little bit more. She was an addiction. I needed her everyday. I needed to see her. I needed to touch her. I needed to just feel her. If I just felt her once. I knew I could make it through the day. I could arise any challenge as long as I had her. She was the light. She was a goddess. And damn did I want to be her slave. I'd do anything for her, all she had to do was say the word. And it was hers. I would protect her. I would keep her safe. I would make sure that that light in her eyes never dwindled, never died out. I would do anything for her, always. I loved her. - Her @dardarbinks7 D. Boltz

His fingers touch my skin like a match being struck igniting a fire deep within. My leg burns as his rough fingers remain at rest. Agonizingly slow he begins to move. A million butterflies go off in my stomach making my skin crawl and my breath hitch in my throat. His hand on my thigh and I feel like my body is on fire. But instead of burning I’m dancing in the flames, as I feel his touch on my skin. Both hands clutch the side of the seat trying to keep still. He grips my inner thigh. And the butterflies erupt flying North from my stomach and bursting out from my throat where my breath was hitched and is now free. Past my lips I can’t help but let a moan escape. He looks at me his eyes filled with lust but most of all satisfaction. He smirks, loving my torture. I smile, biting my lip trying to hide the pleasure. Time feels so fleeting in this moment but his touch has me pleading. He continues his assault, and I look down at his hand. I can’t breathe.  I close my eyes, tilt my head back and sink my teeth into my bottom lip not wanting to let the pleasure seep from my body. He drags his hand to where it’s almost touching the fire that is blazing inside of me. I take in a sharp breath. He stops. I open my eyes, looking at him through parted hair. Begging him to continue with the flutter of my lashes. He confirms my wanting with the raise of his left brow and I nod my head preparing myself. And then it begins. He grips my inner thigh pressing his fingers into my skin forcibly. My eyes immediately snap shut and I feel my core tighten and my blood boil as the fire begins to spread. From his hand to my thigh, the blaze rips through my abdomen and my back arches in response sending my chest bursting forward. My eyes split open as another moan erupts from my mouth ringing through the car.  I look him in the eyes one last time.  With that smirk still plastered on his face, he swipes his tongue across his bottom lip and bites it hard.  His eyes pierce into mine and I can’t help but swallow the power of the man before me makes my legs weak and my body shake.  I want him so badly my knuckles clench around the black leather seat and begin to turn a ghostly white.  But then the red glow tinting the left side of his face flashes. He releases his grip on my thigh and retracts his hand. Where his touch once was is now just a burning remembrance of what could of been. I can’t help but whimper missing the heat of his touch, as the cold air sweeps in to take it’s place.  Still staring at him I see the smirk he wears so well, it’s boyish making him look so innocent and I can’t help but smile.  But those eyes, the way he looked at me with them was like no man has ever before. It was strong and demanding, practically screaming dominance. With his touch on my body he had total control of me, I was his submissive partner and it sent sparks of electricity surging down my spine in excitement.  But the light is green now.  His hand is now on the gears, shifting. The car shoots forward and with it his gaze. I tear my eyes from him and place them on the dimly lit road. The darkness engulfs us both as the radio plays a song that is off key.  Just silence is left. The moment is gone.

A Thursday

D. Boltz


I have this need to feel important.

This need to be needed.

And I just need to be needed by you.

But here I sit alone needing you, and where are you?

Not needing me. 

You’re out with her.

You’re feeling here, touching her, needing her.

And she is needing you.

But I need you more.

You made me need you.

You made me believe you were the air in my lungs.

So when I breathed you in I could feel alive.

But you just left without a word.

You didn’t even tell me you didn’t need me anymore.

And now I’m trying to breathe in that same air you once gave to me.

The air that made me feel like I could do anything, like I was invincible.

The air that was better than any high a drug could ever give you. 

It made me hopeful, the world was a better place, life had meaning. 

But now your not here, and that air is gone.

So all of that hope for a better life with happiness that I had found in your breathe has desiccated into this heap of nothingness.

All that air you breathed into my lungs that kept me afloat, along with those promises you made to me are all beginning to deteriorate. 

I can feel the water begin to rush in through the crumbling cracks of your broken vows. 

And I can feel myself starting to go under.

My lungs are filling, weighing as much as bricks and my body is starting to ache all over. 

My head feels like exploding, because the pounding against my brain won’t stop imploding. 

But I tell myself I’m okay.

That I just need to be patient and you’ll come back.

And that’s when I realize the pounding I’m feeling isn’t coming from my head but from my heart. 

My heart is aching and I can feel myself slowly breaking. 

And I know, I just need to breathe.

But my air is gone. 

And I just need it back. 

I need you back.

And I’m sitting here hoping you’ll come back because I need you to drain my lungs from this water that now calls them home. 

I need you to come back because I need so desperately to feel that cool, smooth air rush back into my body and free my clogged lungs.  

I need you to come back so you can save me from this pain.


D. Boltz

And baby, I might not be all that you want. But I can give you all that I've got.

-D. Boltz Source: @dardarbinks7


Some days I feel like it's getting better. The pain in my chest doesn't feel as heavy. I can breathe and make it through the day. But those are the days where I'm not thinking. I'm just on autopilot. Repeating the routine of my life. Over and over. Nothing changes. Nothing happens. I don't have to think. I don't have to feel. But when I grab the wheel to take ahold of myself again. I feel it. I feel the emptiness. I feel the loneliness creep back in. I can feel the darkness getting darker. The pain increases and my mind throbs. I don't like thinking because when I think it hurts. Thinking about YOU hurts. I just need to turn it off. I need to recede back into the pattern, back into to the repetition. Back into the routine of my life so I don't have to think. I need to go back. I'm going back, I'm turning it off again. - Autopilot @dardarbinks7 D.Boltz


I told myself not to get attached. To keep my distance.

I told myself don’t rush into things. Just take it slow.

But when I saw you, it was like getting hit by a bus. 

Except you were the bus, and you hit me at 60 miles per hour.

You ran me over and kept going, never even bothering to look back.

You left me there gasping for my life on an abandoned street.

I experienced the most excruciating pain you could imagine.

Everything hurt.

My throat from screaming, my eyes from crying, my heart from breaking, and my thoughts which became frightening. 

I was left alone to pick up the pieces of myself that had splattered up and down the road. 

My trust had been completely diminished, my hope had been shattered, and my faith was fully forgotten.

The only thing left I had was…was…Nothing.

I had nothing left, you took everything from me. 

What’s the point of trying to put myself back together again when I’ll be nothing but hollow inside.

I guess that’s it then. There’s nothing left.

Good bye.

- Hollow @dardarbinks7 D.Boltz


It’s getting harder and harder trying to pretend I’m okay. It took so much energy just to get out of bed this morning. I was dreading school. I was able to at least make it through 1st and 2nd period without breaking. But after that, sitting in my seat. Pretending that everything was okay. That what you did was okay. That I was okay. Just wasn’t okay anymore. I cracked. In the middle of class. I ran out the door. Tears blurring my vision and went to the bathroom as fast as I could while tears streamed down the side of my face. I couldn’t take it anymore. This pain in my chest that you caused hurt more than I could bare. I sat down in the stall with my head in my hands and tried to cry the pain way. After a while I knew I had to go back to class so I gathered what little of myself I had left and returned to 3rd period. After that class was over I felt myself crumbling again. Knowing damn well I wasn’t going to be able to handle the rest of the day I made my way to one of my teachers that was very understanding. Tears were already trickling down my cheeks by the time I got to him. He wrapped me in a hug and told me it would be okay. That it would get better. And I just cried harder because he didn’t know this pain I was feeling. He didn’t understand how much I was hurting inside. I knew it wouldn’t get better but I just nodded anyway to assure him. My teacher let me sit at his desk for the rest of class. When I was stable enough, I left his class and was able to finish off the day. As hard as it was I made it through the day. But the thought that kept running through my head was, I would have to do it all over again tomorrow.

- Tomorrow


D. Boltz

Anonymous asked:

What's love to you ?👸

Love is being there. Love is loving someone not because they are perfect but because they are beautifully imperfect. It's trusting them with anything. It's being able to tell the person the most horrible things you ever done and not feel ashamed because you know they will understand. It's something that is natural. Something that is different for everyone. And something that is just so unbelievably beautiful.

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