

@crunchbuttsteak / crunchbuttsteak.tumblr.com

I'm Liz, I'm a 36 year old smokeshow baeddel, trans woman and lesbian in Southern California and also I used to draw a lot??? My pronouns are she/her only. this blog is my personal blog so it's going to mainly be a lot of posts about sailor moon, star trek, and feminism.

The biggest missed opportunity of the PHO format becoming the de-facto media board for wormfic is that it totally misses the mark for what a forum in the late 2000s early 2010s would look like due to canon Worm being a solely text medium.

You just know PHO would be a fucking eyesore of stacks of gaudy forum banners proclaiming that user's support for their local protectorate team, choppy 5 frame 80x80 pixel gifs from whatever anime survived Kyushu, ribbons declaring "This user ships villains," all stacked on top of forum signatures that are a mishmash of movie quotes, badass quotes superheroes have said*, and Scion-themed bible verses.

*mostly Alexandria or Legend. No Eidolon at all.

Those weird little dragons egg things people used to put in their forum signs that would like... hatch if enough people clicked on them? Those still happened, but it was a tinkertech virus event and ended up with sixty people being killed by computer dragons.


the main reason i wrote The Abuser's Guide to Transmisogyny was specifically coping with the trauma of knowing how bad the crowd trying to specifically target my housing and such was at it. they repeatedly undermined their own point and suddenly regrew a conscience only to lose it and call me a pedophile again a month later multiple times, and were just generally bad at actually making their points believable

and it almost fucking worked anyways

if my partner who was getting me housing was a little less wary of the callout posts she was getting sent, i would be a smear on the highway right now.

so writing The Abuser's Guide was me partially going all A Modest Proposal on it and coping by basically sarcastically telling my abusers how they could have done a better job, because "my abusers were bad at killing me" is a batshit fucking trauma to have.

so every time i see the same thing happening to someone else, the 12 year old who doesn't know how to work a crowd who's mad about a homestuck poll still wielding the weapons of social murder to some effect... it reminds me viscerally of what happened to me


i actually don't care if this or that tgirl who was called out is, in fact, dangerous because the medium of the Callout isn't an effective vehicle for dealing with genuinely dangerous people in your spaces to begin with. it is a vehicle first and foremost for abuse, rumor milling and social murder, and any dangerous individual who's caught in the process is a matter of pure coincidence, not a result of the system working as intended. also i think the best way to make sure that abusive or predatory people get worse and even more dangerous is to socially isolate them and cut them off from anybody who could challenge them to change and own up to their actions. i don't support prisons for the same reason


TMA? TME? What's that?

This is a question I get a lot on my posts talking about transfeminism; I intend to make this a masterpost with which to send people if they are genuinely curious.

What does TME/TMA mean?

TME- Transmisogyny Exempt

TMA- Transmisogyny Affected

More specifically, TMA is a catchall term for people whose experience being assigned male and transitioning to a feminine gender or presentation has made them the focus and primary target of transmisogyny. TME people are everyone else.

But isn't everyone affected by transmisogyny in some way?

In some way, yes. But TMA people are, by definition, the ones who are the primary target, and the ones who cannot escape it. A trangender man might be mistaken for a trans woman on the street and accosted, yes! However, his interactions with family, the legal system, other queer people, and any partners are going to be affected by transphobia, but not transmisogyny, because these people see him as outside the "MtF" category. This is the core of transmisogyny and why transmisogyny as a term exists separate from transphobia.

Why not use transfeminine/transmasculine?

Where I'm standing I'd like to be able to use those words with the rough understanding that they are related to one's relationship to assigned gender and transmisogyny, but there are people who do not feel that this adequately describes their identity (ie transfem people who were AFAB). I'm taking these people on good faith, but I still want to be able to discuss what TME/TMA is discussing.

Isn't this just reinventing the gender binary?

It's describing a preexisting one. The White/POC dichotomy is not "reinventing race science", it's describing how the society built on that lie affects people. Someone who uses the word "nonblack" probably knows that racial categories are artificial, but is still affected by anti-black racism, and deserves the language to talk about it. Understand TME/TMA the same way.

Also, to be clear, cisgender men are TME. It is not just restating your AGAB.

What about intersex AFAB people?

This is where I am going to bow my head and admit that I do not know, exactly. It's undeniable that there are similarities in the bodies of TMA people and a cis woman with PCOS, just for example, and that the hatred that such bodies attract are going to affect her. However, it's also true that having been assigned, raised, and legally defined as a "female" is going to provide a different set of problems. If someone wants to have a genuine discuss about this, my ask box and messages are open- however, if you are not yourself AFAB and intersex, I do not care your opinion on the matter.

If it has so many problems, why use it?

Every term used to discuss marginalization has problems. "White", for example, is a category that can include or exclude Ashkenazi jewish people depending on context and usage; the border between cis and trans is one that has edge cases. But these terms are important for describing oppression and helping marginalized people! It would be absurd to completely abolish them, wouldn't it? It's the same with TME/TMA.

I fundamentally disagree that this category of people you're talking about deserve or need a word to describe their oppression, or that they have a unique relationship to that oppression.

Well. You're wrong, so


I decided to start nightblogging, which is what they called shitposting in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now to nightblog about superwholock cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bendytoots coldsnatch on ‘em, gimme five beautiful cucumbers for a quarter you’d say.


The important thing was that you had an onion on your belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have any white onions, because of the Homestucks. The only thing you could get was these weird gray ones.


“if somebody becomes panicked when you accuse them of lying theyre obviously not telling the truth” shut up ugly im a survivor who got punished for shit i never did all the time of fucking course im gonna panic when im blamed for something i didnt do

since this post is actually getting attention rn i really want to emphasize this-

many of the “tells” of lying are traits commonly found in abuse survivors and mentally ill/disabled people.

stuttering, averting eye contact, panicking, raising your volume, fidgeting, and other similar traits are actions performed commonly by these groups, especially in situations of heavy stress- such as being accused of doing something we didnt do, especially if we are afraid of being punished for doing nothing.

im honestly begging people to think critically when accusing somebody of lying for small traits like these.


i can’t get over the fact that if you were to have more than two arms you’d need more than two pectoral muscles to accommodate them

can’t make this shit up folks


Counterargument, sweet back muscles


i am. very normal. yes. very. definitely not gripping my arm so hard it’s about to draw blood


A graphic from Mad magazine #182 from April 1976. The larger piece this comes from is "A Mad Portfolio of Some Idealists' Dreams" by Arnoldo Franchioni.

I have been starting to visit and revisit Mad following the discovery of a huge box of old issues in the storage unit of my wife's late uncle. Some of this stuff has aged rather interestingly.


they need to start making video game women like her again

warning to people in the tags who are now interested in this game: it runs at negative frames per second and i would describe the dragon levels as “actively hostile” to play

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