
@marumoons / marumoons.tumblr.com

moons | 21 | they/them | nb ace lesbian | art - books - space - knights - the moon - flowers

i love you fairy tales i love you folklore i love you myths i love you stories as old as humanity itself i love you oral traditions i love you characters carried through time on my ancestors’ tongues i love you story i’ve seen a million ways and want to see a million more i love you archetypes i love—


Hopeless romantic: A person who is in love with the idea of love and yearns for a storybook romance.


I made this blog for rants and rant i shall.

I will never not cry about murderbot still not believing/being shock when it realizes someone cares for it. Because i feel that so hard in my bones. I don't know why i never feel like people actually love or care for me. I mean, its like i empirically know? My friends are absolute gems filled with love and glitter and i love them? But my brain still convinces me that if i disappear they won't think of me often/wont notice? Even writing this i know is irrational. But yeah. Murderbot has lived through *several* examples of situations where its friends didn't abandoned it, and when it happens again it's like *insert picachu meme*

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