
Faye (Taylor's version)


Swiftie ❤️ I've never been rational around you -Ethan Ramsey-

... Thank You! 💐💕

For reading my writing and always being so supportive! I want you to know that it's never overlooked and always appreciated. I'm really glad you're a part of our crazy little fandom. (And so is CPR bear!) 💕

#spreadingsomelove #passiton


Omgg you're so welcome and i just wanted to say that i love your writing especially Tobias/Casey and I'm glad that this fanfom is still here 🥰🥰


Genevievemd Tag List Cleanup

Hello, peanuts. It’s that time, you know the drill, reply to the post with whatever list you want to stay on or if you want to leave. 

Lists:  ~ Perma: Everything Ethan x MC and occasional Bryce x OC, Sienna x OC, Tobias OC)  ~ Edit: Only edits (picta, text, manips)  ~ Fic: Only fics (Ethan x MC and/or Bryce x OC) 

Please Respond by 4/4, and whoever doesn’t will be taken off. No hard feelings 


Hii keep me in Perma


WIP Wednesday - Delaying the Inevitable - The Final Chapter

OK - it's not phenomenal - but it's a bit of a peek.

No, unless noted, I'm not saying who is saying what to whom.

And it's not necessarily in order. :) Just one more!


The fact that I know this is going to break my heart 💔😭😭


Have you ever wondered where books come from?

Well then, let me show you, because that’s what I do for a living.

Right now, it’s this time of the year, and the little ones have just freshly hatched:

You’ll notice they’re still blind and naked when they hatch. So I make them little coats to keep them warm during their first winter:

See how they happily line up to put them on:

See? Better. Now they’re ready to go and explore the world.

And if they make it through the winter and we take good care of them, they will grow up to be strong and wise like their older fellows:

So, in case you were ever wondering, now you know.


As a Publishing Professional I can say that this is 10000% accurate, and I am a little concerned you’re just giving away all of our industry secrets on Tumblr.


I am a famousy awards-winning author of BOOKS and I endorse this post.


Tag List Cleanup

Hi everyone!

Open Heart has been over for eight months so I understand if some people aren’t interested in it (or in my writing) anymore. As such, it’s time for a routine tag list clean up!


  • Perma: All works and edits (except N S * F W)
  • Ethan x MC
  • N S * F W (1 8 + only please) *Not the same as Perma. Only this list will be tagged for N S F W. Please let me know if you want to be in this one in addition to Perma.

✔️ If you want to stay, please reblog/comment on this post (or DM me)  

  • You can also let me know if you wish to be moved to a different section or added altogether
  • I try to mainly tag just fics, Picta edits, and HCs. Once in a while, I’ll tag other content I create, though sparingly.
  • If you decide to stay or join, I thank you immensely! Your interest and overall kindness towards me and my works mean the world ❤️

🚫 If you want to be removed, please ignore this post

  • You don’t have to interact or say anything at all. No hard feelings whatsoever!
  • You will be removed from new works starting 2/22/22 :)
  • If you do decide to go, please know I will forever be grateful for your interest and support these past two years! ❤️

Thank you everyone for your time and honesty!

Current taglist under the cut


Unforgettable (AU) (Unblemished Part 2)

  • Book: Open Heart
  • Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
  • Rating: Teen
  • Category: Fluff with a bit of angst
  • Summary: Eighteen years ago, they tearfully ended their romance, and a deep friendship was born. Three years ago, they lost that too. Now, Casey finds herself in Boston, and they meet, potentially changing forever.
  • Warnings: Some sexual innuendo
  • Words: Approx. 2600 (sorry)
  • A/N: When I wrote Unblemished, I intended it to be a one-shot. Well, fanfic writers, if you had a dollar for every time that happened… An anon question had me thinking, and I realized their story was not over. As a reminder, this is an AU and not part of my Casey/Tobias HC.
  • A/N 2: Participating in @choicesfebruary2022challenge Day 16, Reunion


If you wish to be added or removed from tags, please let me know. Comments and reblogs are always appreciated. 😊


I have to say that the heartbreak was worth it for this 🤣😭♥️♥️



  • Book: Open Heart (AU)
  • Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
  • Rating: Teen
  • Category: Angst
  • Summary: Sometimes walking away is the right choice, the only choice, but it doesn’t make it any easier.
  • Warnings: Breakup, end of a relationship
  • Words: Approx. 1300
  • A/N: I apologize in advance. THIS IS AN AU… my babies are completely and happily in love forever and ever in my HC. This is just nonsense in my head.
  • A/N 2: I am also participating in this month’s @choicesfebruary2022challenge, Day 24 Break up.
  • A/N 3: Also participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge “To be or not to be” – this is a Not to be. 💔 (Did I mention I'm sorry?)


If you wish to be added or removed from tags, please let me know. Comments and reblogs are always appreciated. 😊


This just broke my heart 💔 but it was beautiful 😭😭♥️


Fine Line (Ethan x F!MC)


Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende)

Word count: 2K 

Rating/Warning: T/ nothing too expl*cit

Premise: After a New Year’s Eve kiss, they’re not pretending anymore. Part III of As Long as You Love Me So and Auld Lang Syne

Author’s Note: *waves nervously* Hi. So it’s been a year. I left these two kissing in the cold for that long. Thank you so much for all the questions I got about this! I hope you like it! 

“Happy New Year!”

The new year was welcomed by cheers, singing, and laughing. Yet, the sound of the revelry was nothing more than an echo to Ethan’s ears as he kissed her. The only sound that rang true was the thundering of his victorious heart, joyous at finally having her in his arms again.

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