
Ra-Ra-Rasputin, Russia's Greatest Love Machine

@paler-than-thou / paler-than-thou.tumblr.com

I don't even know what goes on in here any more. He/him, transmasc, ace/aro. This is a safe space and if you do not respect that so help me God...

10 years ago I got a weird rash. Now I'm kind of dying from Lyme Disease, Baronella, and Babesia, as well as possible other cooccuring infections. Normally I'd just go to the doctor and take some antibiotics, but Lyme disease that's been untreated for almost 10 years requires a Lyme specialist, and Lyme specialists don't often take insurance.

I absolutely need treatment, as this disease is affecting my heart, my nerves, and my mental function. If left untreated, it could develop into schizophrenia, dementia, a stroke, or heart attack.

Please help me share this fundraiser and raise enough money to get the treatment I need. Lyme disease can be fatal if left untreated, and even if it isn't, the quality of life is close to that of someone with heart failure- which isn't good. Share this fundraiser, donate, send the link to your mom, your aunt, your uncle, your grandparents, and your nice neighbors. šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™ Any kind words or prayers and spells are appreciated. Thank you so much!


One of the best parts of having a toddler in your life that can navigate YouTube is they find some wild shit


So were just gonna sit and pretend this doesnt SLAP??

Oh i would never claim this wasn't the bop of the century. I have taste


Oh yeah. This goes off honey


How long until we get this playing at the club?


stop fucking using the word psychotic to describe bad behaviour and violence already god fucking damn it

oh my god iā€™m so tired psychotic does not mean violent it does not mean angry or erratic. it refers to a person suffering from psychosis, a loss of touch with reality that includes hallucinations and/or delusions. psychotic people are not inherently violent and y'all need to understand how much stigma you create when you again and again incorrectly use the word psychotic without even thinking about it

would appreciate if non-psychotic people could reblog this

I mean, yes, lots of us grew up thinking that ā€œpsychoticā€ doesĀ mean violent and/or angry and/or dangerously unpredictable because thatā€™s how we always heard it used in pop culture, and our pop culture sources were wrong and so are we if we keep using it that way.

I get it! Itā€™s hard to change how we think about the meanings of words!

Make the effort.


Speaking as a mental health social worker, I just want to say thereā€™s a really good chance you personally know someone who is dealing with these symptoms and just trying to live and cope as best they can.Ā  Imagine how hard it is to learn you have psychosis when youā€™ve always associated the word withĀ ā€œcrazy violent peopleā€.Ā  So yeah, itā€™d be great if more people could try to make the effort, because the stigma is really bad.


im translating russian memes for practice and i... theyre so fucking funny

me: *flips pillow over to the cold side and goes back to sleep*

nurse who's been watching me in a coma for the past 5 years:


Just something I really want to share on here because itā€™s important.

Hey, Hearing people, it would be great if you rebloged this.

I have auditory processing problems, and this is relatable af.

I have partial hearing loss in both ears, and this is absoLUTEly relatable.


ā€œThere are good men out there, guys, donā€™t give up. You donā€™t have to be gay, there are good people with dicks out there, youā€™ve just got to find them,ā€ Cyrus said, while Simpson laughed along. ā€œYouā€™ve got to find a dick thatā€™s not a dick, you know? I always thought I had to be gay, because I thought all guys were evil, but itā€™s not true. There are good people out there that just happen to have dicks. Iā€™ve only ever met one, and heā€™s on this live.ā€

*deep sigh*

This is lesbophobic, biphobic, and transphobic and if you don't know why, please educate yourself.



weā€™re gonna delete deadnames

reblog to delete your dead name

I dont have a dead name but reblogging this also deletes your friends dead names

hey guys our dead names are now deleted


Protip for men: if marriage is a horrifying concept for you and you think it is an evil trap, do not buy a ring and ask a woman to marry you

Iā€™m way over seeing radical feminist bullshit on my dash. This isnā€™t even social justice or a real issue.

sorry that not marrying someone you dont loathe is radical feminism i guess?

women: donā€™t propose or get married if u donā€™t like the thought of marriage

men: what kind of sjw fuckery


the other bit that this implies is: If you like your wife, act like it. Even around your friends. Be open and honest about liking your wife, liking spending time with her, and not being resentful of the shared work of building a household. Let your buddies know you canā€™t hang out with them because youā€™d rather be home with your wife, whom you like, because she is your legit bff, even though you know your buddies are gonna mock you for it. Stand up to your buddies. Tell them mocking isnā€™t cool and you donā€™t want them to do it anymore. Challenge the other men in your life to be better men. That is what ā€œdonā€™t get married if you think marriage is an evil trapā€ implies to men who are married. And while itā€™s all completely reasonable I imagine that itā€™s scary as fuck when itā€™s just so much easier to har de har har the little womanā€™s such a nag, ainā€™t she, donā€™t we all hate being married so much? with other men. In that context, ā€œdonā€™t get married if you think marriage is an evil trapā€ is kindof a radical statement.


The number of guys I work with who are engaged who started pulling the ā€œuh oh, life over soon, har harā€ shit that I have completely shut down with a simple ā€œwell if you donā€™t want to get married, then donā€™tā€ā€¦*sigh* And theyā€™re just like, hem, haw, welllll if I donā€™t then she might not stay with meee, which I respond to with ā€œwell, sounds like you need to have a pretty serious and honest conversation with your fiancee about your feelings thenā€ and then the *panic!* lookā€¦When you remove that easy ā€œhah hah ball-and-chainā€ narrative, watch the reaction. Some of them (to a female friend) will mumblingly admit that they love their fiancee and are excited to be married. Othersā€¦all you get is fear.

Thatā€™s the disservice we do men by refusing to teach boys how to explore their emotional needs. It hurts everyone. I watched three male friends walk into marriages I can tell they werenā€™t ready for and didnā€™t want, just because it was expected and they had no tools for emotional self-examination. Two of those marriages are (shockingly) in crisis, a couple years later. One has kids involved now. Itā€™s more than a little heartbreaking. The marriages I see that are working? Are the guys with the emotional maturity to talk to their wives and who donā€™t care if everyone knows theyā€™re in love with them.


My friend is getting married this summer and when I congratulated her fiance on their engagement he said to meĀ ā€œYeah well you know, women. This is what they want so you have to bite the bullet.ā€ and my other friendā€™s husband who was sitting next to him laughed and agreed. If this is how you feel, donā€™t get married. Donā€™t propose. Justā€¦. Donā€™t. Do it. Any of it.

Straight people think that doing things you really donā€™t want to do - like marriage and having kids - is normal cos theyā€™re still stuck in a fucking 19th century mindset.

Itā€™s why I know my best friend got a good one, heā€™s open about how much he loves her and heā€™s excited to be getting married and regularly contributes ideas and has his own input, itā€™s nice to see

It filters through as well. Even being gay, a lot of my straight friends donā€™t understand why I spend so much time with my husband. Because I love him? Because I enjoy his company? Because heā€™s my best friend? I canā€™t count the amount of straight people that have told me that they think itā€™s ā€œweirdā€ that my husband and I spend so much quality time together. The only person who understood was my mom, whose response was: ā€œIf you love someone and genuinely enjoy their company, why WOULDNā€™T you want to spend your free time with them?!ā€


How can anyone look at their impending marriage and think ā€˜oh no, itā€™s all over nowā€™ like???? Iā€™ve only felt so close to so many people in my life, but those small few were like?? Iā€™d wake up in the morning excited to be awake just to look forward to SEEING them. Iā€™d catch myself with this stupid idiot grin in broad daylight just THINKING ABOUT BEING AROUND THEM. Iā€™d sleep easy with them in my head, shitty days became perfect once I spoke to them. THATā€™s how I imagine feeling again someday. I think about feeling that way for someone again and itā€™s like the whole future opens up. Marriage is finding your best friend in the whole wide world and wanting to have a sleepover every single day, and to agree to it and then go around groaning like your freedom is being stolen is a HUGE disrespect. If you have the freedom to share your life with anyone you like and you throw it around like baggage you really canā€™t expect it to grow, can you? You gotta care about yourself a little more than that I think


All of this.


Not to mention this mentality makes itā€™s way TO THE DAY OF THE WEDDING. How many weddings have we seen with something like this:


Like what kind of toxic mentality do you have to have to say this as the bride is about to walk down the aisle and marry someone who itā€™s now suggested doesnā€™t even want to be there?? How is this cute? How is this supposedly charming? This is supposed to be the person you love and want to be with! And not to mention that you send this down the aisle with a small child (the ring bearer or the flower girls)ā€¦I have a special loathing for things like this.Ā 


Holy shit I didnā€™t know that was even a thing. This reminds me of a study I read about years ago with statistics on happiness/stability in relationships of people of various genders/orientations, and straight people were at the very bottom. (And lesbians were at the top! Not a huge surprise, given that women are generally more inclined to communicate and work out emotions and issues.)





Long time no see, and now Iā€™m asking for money ^^;

Gentlepeoples, I introduce to you: Bean.


ā€œBut Chris!ā€ You cry,Ā ā€œYou only have two cats! Who is this?ā€

Okay so, story time: My partner and I, @puppehgalā€‹, were walking home along a very busy road and we came across a very small Bean being very friendly with a guy. At first, we thought said guy was her owner, but apparently not as he gently pushed her away and crossed the road. When it became obvious Bean was about to follow him right into roaring trafficĀ we got her attention and she switched onto us. Now, Bean was being incredibly friendly, much more so than normal wandering cat and we hadnā€™t ever seen her in the neighbourhood - we literally lived a few doors away from this. She was also very soft but very underweight, and had what looked like sores under her arms and on her belly. Still, possibly just a stray, right?

Except she had absolutely no fear of traffic and people. Twice she nearly wandered into the road as she followed us, and was far, far too friendly to be a stray. Strays will usually be cautious of new humans, even cats who are allowed out will be the same. She had none of that caution.

So my partner and I looked at each other, and both came to the same conclusion: we couldnā€™t just leave her. Weā€™d come out to a dead cat. So up I scooped Bean, and took her to our tiny flat to shut her in our bathroom with food (which disappeared depressingly quickly) and water, a litter box and bedding. She purred the entire time and wasĀ ā€˜cuddlingā€™ me, which is another sign she was owned.

In all, she seemed like a house cat that had got out.

I phoned round and managed to find a vet that was open on a Saturday and not too far from us, and off I toddled with her to said vet. We found out that she was only 2.9kg, very underweight, and had flea-allergic dermatitis (just like my Apostrophe) which she had made worse by fussing with the itches until they had become sore. Apart from that, she was healthy and hearty, 7-8 years oldā€¦and unchipped. No microchip.

The vets were nice and have cut down on the price of the checkup for being kind enough to pick her up and look for her owners, but the reality is we are right before a payday (oh the joys of living paycheck to paycheck) and have had to break into our rent money to care for little Bean. Rent is due in 6 days, and while I would happily pay any amount for her the reality is we need that money. Weā€™re looking to raise about Ā£50 ($64) for the checkup, price for the flyers to find her folks and for food/general care as thatā€™s about what itā€™s taken and weā€™re fostering her for the foreseeable future.

If you can help, the linkā€™s hereĀ - even just a quid/dollar will help. If not, please pass this round.Ā 

As a note, any excess over the Ā£50 will be going to Team Cat Rescue - a local Birmingham-based charity that is helping us with posting about the cat and has lent us a cat-crate to keep Bean in.

Thank you in advance!


Costs so far, will be getting her catfood and extra litter in a few as well :) weā€™ve reached the target and then some, thank you so much to everyone who helped! We keep a roof over our head and more importantly keep Bean safe and warm!

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