
Zaira's world~

@zaikira4world / zaikira4world.tumblr.com

Hola! My name is Sofia, but you can call me Zai. My post could be in spanish or english and I'll post whatever I want, sorry not sorry~

Hace mucho que no venía por acá... Solo vine buscando un tag, ando atormentada por lagunas mentales y ansiedad. Eso.

Existo en otros lados~


Si hay un día para usar esta polera, es hoy. #8m https://www.instagram.com/zaiwhatnow/p/Buw5tLjgRyB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e8vlbcj7am5o


Estoy subiendo esta maravillosa historia escrita hace como 6 años, en colaboración con un grupo de unos 25 niños que tenían entre 5 y 7 años y fue una experiencia increíble! Sobretodo porque era todo súper normal, hasta que llegamos a la parte que se ve en la izquierda derecha de arriba! Vayan a verla, vale la pena (se pueden saltar el resto, he subido muchas cosas) #storytime #kids #thegirlandthecat #bombero #niña #gato #kinder #playa https://www.instagram.com/zaiwhatnow/p/Buj20vsAQkh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=l4a4q9dhrsmy


Lo dije en mi facebook y lo repito acá: mis respetos a la gente que se opera por estética, yo lo hice por salud xD Queda mucho para el viernes, pero al menos he dormido todo lo que no dormí en los otros días de mis vacaciones c': La operación fue para enderezar mi tabique desviado, hacer más pequeño un cornete que tenía enorme y sacar pólipos. Seguiré con estudios y cursos una vez que me deje de sangrar la nariz por estar mucho rato sentada xDUu eso incluye el curso de dibujo de @arte_master por si acaso! 😁 Cuídense! https://www.instagram.com/zaiwhatnow/p/BuPhF_CASHl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y615eqpyy53i


Mi abuela me pidió que le dibujara una iglesia para pintarla con acuarela... Me pasé sacando medidas y eso. #quemchi #chile #iglesia #church https://www.instagram.com/zaiwhatnow/p/BuKdFTbAGAv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mw7t3bmzmehp


people shouldn’t have to pimp themselves off to the military to afford college wtf

They don’t…lol

actually almost every teacher i’ve ever had has suggested joining the military because they’ll pay for college and almost half of my class is either doing it or considering it but i hope that rock you live under has air conditioning


I went to a poor school and they did this. Everyone I know who went to a poor school did this. But the people I know who went to an upper middle class or higher school didn’t experience this

It’s almost like the Military targets poor people

I remember, back when I was getting ready to graduate from high school, I got a call from a military recruiter. How did the call start out? Nothing about how this was the military trying to get me to enlist. No. Instead it was “Hi, I’m <name>, and I’d like to help you pay for college”. More or less everybody in my graduating class got that same call.


Regalones de Quilpué 💕 hoy serán legales! https://www.instagram.com/zaiwhatnow/p/Bt4CdvSgqgP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7s1bplgawbc2


No me mires así, Jessica, voy a seguir a la noche! https://www.instagram.com/zaiwhatnow/p/Bt30-fWgRu2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pv85r1nmqw77


Literally any other colour would’ve been a better choice guys.

I’d like to point out that the colour red has more positive than negative meanings.

im sorry but this reply absolutely killed me

red can mean whatever the heck you want it to mean, that is never going to change that this straight up looks like they DRAGGED A BLOODY BODY ACROSS THE FUCKING FLOOR 😂

Hi fun fact, colors do have meaning and there is a legit thing called color theory. Red does has more positive connotations than negative like the @mintymaiden said. Red is associated with more love, lust, passion than blood and death just like the chart shows you but If you want, here’s a link for you to check it out yourself. Also, check out “The Designer’s Dictionary of Color” by Sean Adams. Have fun learning something



I think y’all are missing the point here.

You can theorize to Nebraska and back but that doesn’t change my immediate reaction which is that someone is literally dragging a corpse around


I like that the presumption here is that “No One On Tumblr Has Heard of Color Theory, Let Me Explain in Depth” rather than simply acknowledging that the VISUAL EFFECTS of this particular color choice, applied in the manner it was, can still amount to “this is a hospital and that looks like blood”

like, color theory doesn’t exist in a vacuum. If your design of choice for Blood Red Paint is asymmetric splatters and sploches against the wall, or in this case, a snail trail on the hallway’s floor, an infographic won’t override the viewers’ instinct.

this post is the perfect summation of tumblr’s reading comprehension and critical thought abilities

Let’s take a step back.

Colour theory works. You feel better in a room painted in a bright, warm colour. Its why recovery rooms are painted in such colours after someone has had surgery. Its why children’s wards are filled with bright colours.

Now, here’s the thing. As someone who has spent a lot of his life going in and out of hospitals to visit family, I can tell you that as a kid, I hated hospitals. I still do as an adult, just to a slightly less degree. 

There’s a reason why kids can be scared of hospitals. When you’re a kid, even at the best of times, hospitals suck and even more so when you’re ill. They smell funny, you feel like crap and you’re continually poked and prodded and put through tests, some of which are invasive and painful. Not to mention surgery, or nauseating treatments for serious illnesses.

That image is from a children’s hospital. Yes, it is a place where children go to become well again. Yes, it is a place of healing. Yes, an adult thought it might be whimsical to put a funny path to guide people around that branch. Kids aren’t going to think “Oh, that’s funny.” or “That’s cute.” They’re going to be like:

Or they will say something like "am I a zombie?" o act like a corpse... Some kids think that it's funny. But yeah, most of them will be like


i went to the dentist today and my dentist honest to god said “can i ask you a question…….what the hell is in your mouth”

it was in awe lmao

then the hygienist and assistant all came over to look too and they were like “wooooow” and my ass was sitting there like

oh my god i posted this and then went to work, and

story time

okay so to preface this, my hometown where i’m originally from is a really fucking weird place. like from the outside it seems like a normal suburban town, but once you’re there for awhile you get the feeling that’s something’s not…quite all together. a lot of people are really fucking weird there — so much so that that was a running joke in school growing up, that people in the town were just like that. everyone knew not to go out to the farm lands surrounding the town especially at night, we called it “the cuts” and people used to disappear out there all the time or get shot at by the especially weird people that would live out there. the news was and still is truly a thing of horror. every time i come back i’m regaled with even more stories of crazy shit that has happened there.

to put it in perspective we generally never had “normal crime” like robbery or anything like that when i lived there, though that did happen sometimes. the news stories were always like, “a kid was kidnapped by local residents and tortured in a house around the corner,” “a random person was chased down and shot for sport in a really nice neighborhood,” “someone was gored to death by a bull while out car shopping,” etc. (these are all real, btw). everyone does drugs and the whole town is located really close to a government site where they test nuclear weapons and chemicals and shit. this is how i grew up, in this bizarre environment.

i need to preface it this way so that you get that it’s weird. it’s a fucking weird place. i used to listen to the welcome to night vale podcast and make comparisons from it to my hometown, that’s how weird it is.

i only say this so you know that this town is where i got my orthodontics from.

all the kids in my town went to this one particular orthodontist. i also used to go to a dentist in town that a lot of people went to as well. i had a permanent retainer put on my bottom teeth after braces and no one had ever said anything to me about the model of retainer itself or it being weird type of retainer at all. i saw a ton of other people (mostly other kids that were my age at the time) that had the same type of retainer as me too so i never thought about it.

so i kept my retainer in — it’s never caused me problems and it keeps my teeth straight, why not?

however i went to a dentist for the first time in a metropolitan area now, and when he saw it in my mouth his literal first reaction was to say “uh can i ask you a question….what the hell is that”

LITERALLY the words that he said

which in hindsight makes almost too much sense. of course my town of all towns would put these weird unnecessary contraptions in kids’ mouths, and of course it happened so much that everyone just thought it was normal. that sounds exactly, to a T, like my hometown.

my permanent bottom retainer is apparently this prototype that is so rare that he’s literally never seen it before in his life, not in dental school, nowhere. it’s not that it’s an outdated type, it’s just rare as fuck. they were still staring at pictures of it on my chart in wonder when i left the office.

so just know somewhere out there, in a weird ass suburban town where they test nuclear weapons and a good portion of the residents go fucking nuts, there’s probably hundreds of people still walking around with this same contraption in their mouth that exists nowhere else in the world thinking, “yeah, that’s cool. that makes sense. let me go drink the definitely not-contaminated water now and never move away from here.”

This sounds like an X-files episode

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