
It’s Not Affecting Life Support


Lif. 26. She/They. Screenwriting major. Fandom obsessed. Whoufflé/Whouffaldi shipper since 2013. Dean coded Sam girl. Heller. Is there anything Good Omens fans call themselves? Daughter of Athena. Brown Ajah. Hobbit. For Terrasen. DreamWorks hoe. Waterbender. Loki fan. Green lightsaber. Fantasy and animation. “Problematic.” Whump and darkfic lover. Please feel free to ask me about my two kitties! Twin is @evilwriter37.

Hello, new followers! My blog is a crazy place, so time to talk about some tags to make it easier for everyone. Though I feel as if I must begin with a disclaimer.

I love Supernatural, and tag that as #spn. If you are here for another reason, you can block that tag.

I love Star Wars, and tag that as #star wars. Again, block if you are not here for that, so you don't get annoyed. (My current obsession within Star Wars is The Bad Batch. You can block #the bad batch, and/or #tbb.)

I love cats. A lot. Feel free to block the #cats tag. I also will tag #my cat, or #my cats; and #loey (my kitties’ ship name), #alley cat, and #loki the cat.

Other tags I use frequently are #personal, #lol, #nature, #birds, #fanfiction, #fanart, #writing, and #whump.

Be warned, I am a huge fan of whump. If you don't like whump and don't block the tag you will see some things that might make you uncomfortable. Please, feel free to block the tag if you need to.

I seem to have picked up the habit of talking about what I'm reading, so for that I use #reading, and if it's a book (it usually is), I use #books.

If you are as annoyed with my mother as I am, block the tag #my mom. I'm in a tough situation here at home, so I do vent about it. Speaking of difficult, I sometimes use the tag #actually disabled.

If you want fun content, there’s the #my dad tag. He’s an interesting man.

I tag adult content as #nsft, and sometimes #mdni.

I try my best to tag #salt, and #wank.

I am participating in Whale Weekly. All Whale Weekly posts are tagged as #whale weekly, and #moby-dick.

When I'm reading Dracula all posts will be tagged as #dracula, and #dracula daily.

Other tags are #music, #The Lord of the Rings, #lotr newsletter, #The Hobbit, #httyd, #rtte, #doctor who, #mcu, #good omens, #grishaverse, #tdp (The Dragon Prince), #atla (Avatar: The Last Airbender), #tlok (The Legend of Korra), and #toa (Tales of Arcadia). May occasionally talk about #sjm (Sarah J. Maas) and #tog (Throne of Glass) while doing rereads.

And apparently I blog about #pjo now!

If you're looking for my writing (if the tumblr search function ever actually works again), that can be found under #my writing.

And below the cut I have a masterlist of my writing!


Really confused as to how my logo changed to kermit the frog. Unless im starting to have hallucinations from lack of sleep. Still. mindfucked. 


the text post: guys we love gifmakers you are the backbone of this site! we need to appreciate gifmakers more you put in so much work </3 (28,591 notes)

the gifs: 87 notes. 67 likes and 20 reblogs.


Fandom: The Bad Batch Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 1472 Summary: During Clone Force 99's first training mission off Kamino as cadets Tech finds out about toads, and he is instantly fascinated. A/N: Happy Tech Tuesday, everyone! I'm blessing you with fluff thanks to @miss-mouse99! She found a toad today and named it Todd, and thought it'd be silly if I wrote about Tech finding a toad. Thanks, bestie.


Not Todd making an appearance here’s his photo if anyone is curious 😭 we found him in our garden and put him in another muddy area so we didn’t accidentally hurt him with our tools



Fandom: The Bad Batch Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 1472 Summary: During Clone Force 99's first training mission off Kamino as cadets Tech finds out about toads, and he is instantly fascinated. A/N: Happy Tech Tuesday, everyone! I'm blessing you with fluff thanks to @miss-mouse99! She found a toad today and named it Todd, and thought it'd be silly if I wrote about Tech finding a toad. Thanks, bestie.


What if Tech is still out there alive in the galaxy but he has no memory of his family? Even if he does, what if he thinks they’re dead because any messages that he sends to the Marauder don’t go through since their ship got blown up?



New angsty thought brought to you by sntofbirbs.

OW. Ow, ow, ow.

This is a good ask. Thank you.


i made a whump wheel

want to beat up a character but don't know how you wanna do it? same here, friend. behold, the whump wheel! it currently has 60 different prompts/tropes on it and is ready for use! 🎉 i...love this thing. it is wonderful for writing exercises. (if you wanna know what's on it before using it, take a peak at the screenshot below)

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