
@deleted-ish / deleted-ish.tumblr.com

I cry a lot. @jessihoe

peace out

hey yall im moving, same url cuz philipinhoe is amazing, but yeah go follow me there cuz i aint gonna do shit on this



Indian Giver

You’re an Indian giver in the way you love: Everything you give, you take away.

What is an Indian giver?

A person who gives something and than wants it back.

what did the Indians want back?


More specifically, the term “Indian giver” arose from a series of incidents in which European colonists would borrow food and supplies from the local First Nations, then turn around and go “oh, we thought it was a gift” when the locals later tried to collect on the loan.

Modern history books like to bang on about “cultural misunderstandings”, but if you look at contemporary records, it’s clear that there was no misunderstanding - the colonists totally understood that they were being extended a loan, and simply didn’t want to pay it back.

The myth that Native Americans liked to swindle people by giving them gifts and later claiming that the gift had actually been a loan - hence, “Indian giver” - thus developed in order to retroactively justify the colonists stiffing the locals when those loans came due.

(In the interest of clarity, interest-bearing loans were not commonly practiced by North America’s First Nations at the time, though they did exist among some groups; in this context, the term “loan” simply means “I give you something you need right now, and you give me back something of equal value at some specified or unspecified future date”.)

White People so do not wanna see their history


“For the next two weeks, we’re stripping all product from our shop windows to take a deep dive into the discrimination faced by transgender people in North America while discussing how cisgender people can be good allies.”

“Our new Inner Truth Bath Melt is full of cocoa butter and Sicilian orange oil… 100% of the sales minus the tax goes directly to the National Center For [Trans] Equality and The Canadian Centre For Gender & Sexual Diversity.”

-From Lush North America on twitter.

This post is *really* pissing off truscum. 🙄

Me @ the truscum still sending angry messages about this:


To those asking: yes, I did mean truscum, not terfs. Truscum have decided this campaign is “cisphobic” and “implies trans is at war with cis”, among other nonsensical complaints.

I’m surprised terfs haven’t gone off on me for this post yet, so I understand the confusion.


cinderella marries the prince

and it’s… fine. The prince is great! They’re in love, he’s very sweet and passionate, writing her poems and songs, giving her anything she wants. The time she spends with her husband is great.

but cinderella is not royalty, her family was noble but she never spent time in those circles. She’s used to being busy, she’s used to cooking and cleaning and mending. There are hours, days, where she has nothing to do.

time passes. cinderella learns the fancy lady type of needlework. Learns to ride horses. Reads a lot.

as is normal for royalty at the time, they travel and are hosted by nobles or stay at castles owned by the king. But even that variety begins to become routine. The prince is distracted, there’s a lot of young women living and working on their route. Daughters of nobles. Younger and prettier with soft hands that have never done a day’s work.

cinderella needs something to spend her time on, and there’s a part of her thinking a couple-only trip might get her husband’s attention again, so she suggests making an old castle that’s fallen into disrepair their “project.” It was built in the time when castles were made to be defensible, so it’s quite sturdy, but it’s overgrown and secluded. The prince doesn’t know why his family stopped living there either. A hundred years ago it was their summer home.

so they go. And they work. And for a while it’s great! But when they leave for winter cinderella’s husband forgets her once again. cinderella resolves to make the best of her life and stop worrying about a man who has gotten what he wanted from her.

summer comes again and this time cinderella goes alone to the old castle (minus staff, of course, but cinderella manages to narrow it down to only repair workers and one maid). She can cook and clean and mend again, but this time it’s her own choice. She is happy.

this summer they make more progress on repairs. The workers say that most of it can be salvaged, except one tower that’s been completely overgrown with vines and briars. It will have to come down, eventually, but for now it can be safely ignored.

cinderella has more free time now. The old castle has a surprisingly untouched library, though time and moisture have damaged many of the books. Behind a collection of greek poetry cinderella finds an old diary. Very old, in fact, at least a hundred years. It’s rude to read a diary, of course, but whoever wrote this is long dead, and cinderella is bored, so…

from the description of activities the author looks to have been nobility. Maybe even a princess. She’s sensitive and sweet and smarter than she seems to realize. If circumstances had been different cinderella wishes they could have been friends…

after the summer ends cinderella returns to her husband. He’s spending a lot of time with a young musician and cinderella can’t even work up the energy to care. She does some research about the castle and the family she’s married into, finds out the name of the princess who wrote the diary.

aurora. Cursed and forgotten. She died young, they say, in a plague that also took out the castle staff and her own parents. Luckily they avoided a succession crisis, but not so lucky for the dead.

time passes. cinderella goes to the old castle again and again, even out of season. Soon enough all that remains to be done is the old tower, and the builders say they should tear it down and fill the gaps before it gets cold.

one night cinderella is restless. The princess from the diary had been fond of that tower, and cinderella is far more attached to a dead woman than she ought to be. She gets out of bed, reads by candlelight, and finally goes to walk the empty halls.

she finds herself going to the tower. Pushing past the vines that don’t seem so troublesome really. They almost part before her. The stairs are perfectly intact, the door at the top is already cracked open. As if she should have done this years ago, cinderella steps into aurora’s bedroom.

she’s as beautiful as the stories say. And sitting under her hands, crossed across her stomach as it rises and falls, is a book of greek poetry.

years later, people will tell the story of cinderella as a cautionary one. Don’t seek above your station. Don’t marry for prestige. After all, a girl who grew up as a servant once married the crown prince, and disappeared after only three years. She ran away, they say, she couldn’t handle the lifestyle.

two old women who run a bookshop together agree with the lesson. Marrying for the wrong reasons never ends well. It’s best to wait for someone you have things in common with, shared interests.

or, failing that, the more linguistic of the two says, wait a decade or ten for someone to fall in love with you from your diary.

her partner laughs and hits her with the socks she is mending.


Children Die At Alarming Rate In For-Profit Foster Care


CHILDREN IN THE for-profit foster care system are dying at alarming rates,but the deaths are not being investigated, and autopsies are not even being attached to the now-closed case files, a two-year investigation has found. https://theintercept.com/2017/10/18/foster-care-children-deaths-mentor-network/





I worked in a non profit facilty that housed children in the system and it was pretty terrible for a number of reasons so I can’t imagine what a for profit facility looks like. I worked in the field for years and didn’t even know there was such a thing (the ceo of the company i worked for was making high 6 figures while master’s level counselors were barely making 30 grand a year and most direct care staff working 2 or more jobs to survive btw). A lot kids need to be removed from their home, but unfortunately there is not enough adequate resources for them or their families so there’s never any improvement. And for the kids who dont need to taken from their homes (saw a lot of them too), putting them in this environment often exacerbates whatever behaviors or issues they had that brought the attention of social services in the first place. This is terrifying, especially for poc. I hope everyone wakes up and realizes that this country is so beyond morally bankrupt. Literally everything and everyone got a price. Disgusting.

PSA: this practice institutionalizes abuse and child neglect in the foster care system! This corruption should not be allowed!






Capitalism kills

I can personally attest to the harm that for profit Foster homes cause.


I’m reading this queer anthology and the first story is a fairytale about a queer Latina girl whose anger was so fierce it literally poisoned the rich white men who unfairly captured the transgender soldier she was in love with and my heart is literally bursting I’m going to cry

the second story is about two queer girls who leave their husbands-to-be at the altar and flee together on a boat to become pirates IM FUCKING SCREAMING THIS IS EXACTLY THE KIND OF GAY CONTENT I SIGNED UP FOR

okay this is the anthology and it’s entirely written by queer authors and inspired by the stories of real queer teens in history and it’s the most wholesome and epic thing I’ve read in a long while

Dear Mom and Dad,
   I’m trying to tell you something, and I’m having a hard time because it’s kind of a big deal.​ It’s not that big of a deal! It might be a big deal! ​I don’t know…
        I   A M   A   L E S B I A N!   Dear Mom and Dad, I’m a lesbian.
Benjamin Kelly, the district secretary for Representative Shawn Harrison, reportedly liked a tweet that referred to González as a “brown bald lesbian girl.” (Kelly has since been fired.)
González is not deterred. She’s taking calls from Demi Lovato; speaking with Anderson Cooper on live television. Overnight, she’s turned into the face of gun control, and her being a brown bald bisexual woman is not a deficit, as some might decide–instead, an incredible talisman that seems to indicate the kind of power those of us deemed powerless truly have. That despite the Trumps of the world telling minorities how worthless we are, over and over again; that QPOCs and women are not even low priority but instead targets, we will not recoil while sheepishly raising white flags.
Emma González is the portrait of empowerment, and she’s inspiring a movement that includes us all; one that is not asking for, but demanding a safety that is no longer promised or assured by current administration. And as she continues her advocacy into the March For Our Lives on March 24, it appears the NRA might have finally mets its match in a teenage girl.

This is EXTREMELY revealing. While we may all be aware of the systemic racism that drives your city design and school system structures - I found that this tool really drove the point home and illustrated how the active segregation of students by race works.

It is deliberate, dangerous and makes a huge difference

Repeat after me: Latinas being fetishized is a BAD thing. Fetishization is a form of racism. Latinas have every single right to be angry about it.

Women fetishization, in general

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