
Just me... a confused young adult


23. Baby nurse in PICU.  Autistic. witchy stuff. Marvel - (irondad and spiderson mostly).  Anxiety. Tv shows. Hamilton and anything that sparks my intrests in the most slighest way.

Want to learn something new in 2022??

Absolute beginner adult ballet series (fabulous beginning teacher)

40 piano lessons for beginners (some of the best explanations for piano I’ve ever seen)

Basic knitting (probably the best how to knit video out there)

Pre-Free Figure Skate Levels A-D guides and practice activities (each video builds up with exercises to the actual moves!)

How to draw character faces video (very funny, surprisingly instructive?)

Playing the guitar for beginners (well paced and excellent instructor)

Playing the violin for beginners (really good practical tips mixed in)

Color theory in digital art (not of the children’s hospital variety)

Retake classes you hated but now there’s zero stakes:

Calculus 1 (full semester class)

Learn basic statistics (free textbook)

Learn a language:

Russian (pretty good cyrillic guide!)


after the ceremony

[Image Description: Fanart for Encanto (2021) showing five-year-old Mirabel in the nursery. There is a box of chalk laying on the floor and a golden door her height with her name and a smiling portrait of herself surrounded by stars on drawn on the wall. She is standing with her back turned to the viewer, one hand still holding the chalk and wiping tears away with her other forearm. End Image Description]


personally I like to think steve’s birthday isn’t actually July 4th but someone asked him when his birthday was when he was doing his little show tour thingy and he just said it as an accident and/or a panic response in a bid to seem even more patriotic and everyone believed him and now it’s like 100 years later and he’s too deep in the lie to back out now bc he knows all the avenger’s would fucking publicly roast him if he admitted july 4th wasn’t actually his birthday- like he would literally never live that down- so he lives his life in fear that some bitch ass historian is gonna find his birth certificate and expose him 

avengers: happy birthday, steve!

bucky, eyes narrowing: what the fuck your birthday isn’t until-

steve, holding back tears: shut up

Bucky tries to hand him a birthday card one cold December day, and Steve tackles him out a window before anyone else can see what he’s holding

Bruce: What was that crashing noise?

Tony, fiddling with something: Barnes just got tackled by Cap, because today is his actual birthday.

Bruce: How do you know?

Tony: My dad remembered it more than mine


Bruce: but you and Barnes threw him a huge party on the 4th of July this year.

Tony: Yeah, seeing him squirm about lying to the public is the best part of our country’s birthday.

World Heritage Post

canon: they died
fanfic: fUCK YOU

Canon: and so they never met

Fanfic: here’s a funny story


Canon: There was tension and pining, but they never even kissed.

Fanfic: Actually,


Canon: Torture the cinnamon roll.

Fanfic: Torture the cinnamon roll.

Canon: When they traveled they stayed in separate rooms

Fanfic: AND. THERE. WAS. ONLY. ONE. BED!!!!!

Canon: … and they were roommates.

Fanfic: oh my god, they were roommates…


Canon: They were international assassins who assassinated assassins.

Fanfic: But hot DAMN wait till you hear about this cafe they opened


Canon: They had a coffeeshop

Fanfic: but they were ASSASSINS


Canon: they were mortal enemies and attempted to murder each other on multiple occasions


Everytime I reblog this has a new addition and it’s the best

Canon: They were straight

Fanfic: Lol




I love fanfic so so so much.

Canon: Am I joke to you?

Fanon: No, just a disappointment.


I wasn’t going to reblog then the last line killed me.

Anonymous asked:

I wish you would write a fic (this is sort of more like the preferences I’ve seen around) where we see how each (or some if you don’t want to write em all!) of the avengers (plus sam and bucky, maybe?) would react to penny coming back from a patrol badly injured? If not that’s cool, and thank you! 😄

How about some headcanons?

*Natasha is calm.  A single eyebrow lifts when Penny limps in through the living room where she is reading a novel.  She doesn’t know the little spider that well and the girl doesn’t ask for help so she just nods, taking note of the bruises that will disappear in a few hours.  Nonetheless, Natasha follows her to the bathroom with a first aid kit she pulls out from under the coffee table and places it on the sink.  “Is there anything you can’t reach?”

Penny shakes her head and Natasha leaves her to it.

*Clint is irritated at first.  Not with Penny.  Not really.  He tells himself that he’s not mad at the teenager.  He’s irritated with Stark for letting a teenager patrol the streets of New York with a superhero suit and a warning to be careful.  When he finds her in the training room, trying to give herself stitches, he all but snatches the needle away.  When he takes over, though, he’s gentle, asking what she’s gotten herself into this time.

“I handled it.”

He doesn’t ask anymore questions.  She’s too much like Stark for her own good.  So he’s just going to have to keep an eye on her.

*Bucky is reluctantly impressed.  Someone covered in that much blood shouldn’t be so snarky.  “How the hell did you manage to get stabbed twice?  Don’t you have super reflexes?”

“Fuck off.”

He chuckles as he applies pressure on the floor of the training room, a reluctant smile turning the corners of his mouth.  “Were you trying to just wait for that to heal on its own?  I thought you were a genius or something.”  She groans.  “Did you disable that tattle tale thing on your suit again?”  


“Stark’s gonna be pissed.”

“Please don’t tell.”

And, since she’s bleeding on the floor, he decides not to tell her that Tony has already been informed by Friday and is on his way.

*Sam is stunned.  Penny’s hand grips his arm as she stumbles forward, her lips pressed together in a bloodless line.  “Kid?” He turns, supporting her before she can fall, and looks her over.  She’s not bleeding...but this kid is notorious for hiding injuries, and it manages to scare the hell out of Tony every time.  

“Sam?” Her voice is nearly a whisper, the letters of his name slurring together.

“Yeah?  What’s wrong?”

“Something...something’s wrong...”  she collapses against him then, eyes fluttering shut, and his heart points in his ears as he lowers her to the kitchen floor.  

“Kid?  Hey, talk to me!”  He shakes her, trying to get her to open her eyes, the trail of blood dripping from the corner of her lip stopping him short.  “Penny!  Hey!  Shit!  Friday!  Get someone up here now!”  He presses his fingers to her throat, wincing at her pulse as it races.  They’d been bickering about cookies...she’d just walked into the penthouse and she’d been fine...it’s all he can think as the doctors race into the room and surround them.  

Later he finds the man that poisoned the tiny dart they find on the street hours later and makes sure he never hurts that girl again.

*Loki is helpless, screaming as he fights against the impossibly strong chains that hold him.  The girl on the floor of the cell, the girl that gave him a tour of New York City in bits and pieces on his bad days, and who introduced him to her favorite books, and who taught him where to find the best hot dogs in the city (frankly he still doesn’t understand the appeal) is still now.  Just seconds ago she’d been fighting.

And then a bullet had gone through her chest, the man in the mask making eye contact with Loki as he pulled the trigger.

“That’s for everyone you killed.”

And Loki hadn’t been able to put words to his agony...hadn’t been able to explain the finer points of mind control to the angry human who had just shot the teenage girl that always smiled when she saw him.  Who trusted him enough to wrap her arms around him when he’d arrived just that morning, her excitement stunning him for a long moment before he’d patted her on the back with feigned irritation.  He’d only been gone for a month but she’d missed him.

No one ever missed him.

And now he would kill every human in this godsforsaken place that had conspired to capture him and hurt his dear friend.

*Thor is dumbfounded when he breaks through the doors of the place where they’ve taken his brother.  Three bodies lay silent and bleeding in the corner.  Another sits slumped against the wall.

And in the middle of the room, Loki son of Odin sits on his knees, Penny Parker cradled in his arms, one hand holding the back of her head, her body glowing green as he uses every bit of magic he possess to save her.

Thankfully for the remaining humans in the area, it’s enough.

Anonymous asked:

Do you have any fics of Peter accidentally hurting himself

What happens when a kid with arachnid powers tries to show off to his crush in gym class? A cracked coccyx and a bruised ego, of course. Plus, the lovely company of Tony Stark making fun of him for breaking his ass.
All Tony wanted was a couple hours to buy something nice for his fiance, but Peter's spider DNA has other plans.
Peter was bound to get shot at some point. It being on a Saturday afternoon all because of some long-winded story about pickles that he fails to explain is just the cherry on top. Cue Rhodey coming to the rescue to dig the bullet out and Tony having none of the kid's nervous wisecracks, thank you very much.
All Tony wanted was a peaceful night to work on Peter's birthday gift. But his kids make sure that this doesn't happen.
Peter is a bit too trusting of strangers and gets himself poisoned... Tony comes to take care of him :')
Peter is home alone and ends up doing something stupid and breaking his ankle. Figuring his super healing will fix it overnight, he doesn’t tell anyone and tries to sleep it off, only to wake up in the middle of the night in agony. Cue Tony, saving his ass yet again.
Peter tries winning an Iron Man plushie at an arcade and things get competitive.
Tony takes Peter with him on his trip to Ottawa in winter, ending with some skating on the famous Rideau Canal. It’s Peter’s first time skating, but he’s always been a fast learner at the things he’s tried…until he isn’t.

Herd immunity is the idea that if enough people get immunized against a disease, they’ll create protection for even those who aren’t vaccinated. This is important to protect those who can’t get vaccinated, like immunocompromised children. 

You can see in the image how low levels of vaccination lead to everyone getting infected. Medium levels slow down the progression of the illness, but they don’t offer robust protection to the unvaccinated. But once you read a high enough level of vaccination, the disease gets effectively road-blocked. It can’t spread fast enough because it encounters too many vaccinated individuals, and so the majority of the population (even the unvaccinated people) are protected.

Find out more here.


This is why I hate it so much when people are like “well I’VE never been vaccinated and im fine!” yeah genius, it’s because all your classmates and coworkers were vaccinated.


#tony stark, teacher’s pet

So this shows something I think about a lot with Tony and his genius. While it’s easy to portray him as arrogent and quick to assume he’s smarter than everyone, the opposite is just as likely to be a problem. The briefing packet included Selvig’s notes on the cube and it’s potential uses, so OBVIOUSLY he read through it and did any supplemental research needed to fully understand it, didn’t everyone?

Similarly in AoU, he tells the Avengers that they weren’t anywhere close to an interface, meaning “something outside of our work on the program caused this” and when they ignore him (without asking for clarification) he stops bothering to defend himself because he’s already said all he can say, rather than trying to walk them through why this cannot be his Ultron.

I also think this is half the problem in Civil War, in that he DOESN’T treat them like morons and spell out the background and political climate of what they are being presented with, instead assuming that they know the full scope and consequences of what is going on (and have recognized Ross’s manipulations) and still disagree.

tony’s biggest crime in the mcu wasnt manufacturing military weapons; it was assuming the other avengers had any functioning brain cells

Tony was a poem, but they couldn’t read

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