


Just me. Hi guys it's me again. My old blog was lost so this is a new one. I'm Polina and I'm from Russia. That's why I'm sorry for my English always :D Love Diabolik Lovers and especially Dance with Devils.
Anonymous asked:

Hello! Dear MTK, thank you so much for this blog! I mean it's very special for me at tumblr, because your vision of Diaboys is perfect! So boys, imagine that you want to impress a girl. What character trait do you consider the best in yourself?

{I wouldn’t say my vision of them is perfect, but I try my best to portray them as correctly as possible… I’m still glad to hear that, dear Anon ^^}

[MTK: Oh, you’re welcome! ^^]

Shuu: My best character trait…? Heh, isn’t my personality quite charming?

Reiji: You wouldn’t even bother to impress a girl, gokutsubushi, it’d take too much effort for you.

Shuu: That’s not wrong either…

Reiji: Hmpf. As for me, I guess the lady would be fascinated by my smart and good-mannered traits, isn’t that right?

Laito: But Reiji, you’re too much frigid, nfufu.

Reiji: Excuse me…?!

Laito: I guess my best trait is that I’m a fun person to hang out with~ Girls wouldn’t ever get bored with me, nfu~♥.

Kanato: Because you would just wear them out with all your perverted activities, Laito… disgusting, isn’t he, Teddy?

Laito: Meeeanie~.

Kanato: Be quiet. I guess I can be very generous if I want to impress a girl that caught my interest, and be quite polite. Unless she turns out to be an ugly person.

Ayato: Pff, otherwise you’d just start stalking her and show your creepy attitude.


Ayato: Yeah, yeah. I don’t need to mention a particular trait, because Ore-sama…!

Subaru: “… is already the best at everything” my ass.

Ayato: Oi, Subaru! 

Subaru: I’m fed up with your megalomaniac bullshit! And I have nothing to say about me. Nothing about me would be good enough to impress a girl.

Ruki: Is that what you think? You’re quite honest now, some girls would like that.

Subaru: W-Wha- Yo-You…! Nobody asked you!

Ruki: Heh. I think a girl would be quite captivated by my calm way of speaking, anyway… and of course by my intelligence.

Kou: You’re quite self-confident, Ruki-kun~.

Ruki: I’m just stating the truth.

Kou: Heee, maybe too much... By the way~ I’m cheerful and any girl would love to spend time with me. I can be fun!

Yuuma: Until she gets on your nerves and you reveal your double-faced nature.

Kou: Yuuma-kun, that’s very rude of you!

Yuuma: Shut up, I’m also saying the truth! As for me… well, girls like tough guys like, don’t they? I’m a bit rough, but I think the Sows do like it rough~ hehe.

Azusa: I’d say they’d like… that scaredy cat part fo you… Yuuma… they’d find you… adorable, hehe

Yuuma: … Azusa. Do you want to get hit- No, nothing.

Azusa: Mh… I think I could impress a girl… with my kindness…  and my loyalty to her…

Carla: On the contrary, I consider you to be quite the obnoxious one.

Azusa: Eh… Carla-san… if you dislike me so much… you can hurt me…

Carla: Don’t move. Do not approach me. I don’t need a particular trait of my character to impress a woman. If I want her, I’ll get her by any means.

Shin: But Nii-san, you do have features that would attract a girl’s attention!

Carla: That just means I’ll always be successful, hm.

Shin: … yeah…? Anyway; I’m very proud of being a First Blood and of my natural strenght, so any woman would admire me for this!

Kino: Aren’t you cocky? Understimating people could get you easily killed, you know?

Shin: What?! Oi, what right do you have to ins-

Kino: Oh, come on, we know you got killed a lot in the Dark Fate game, lol. And as for me… Well, girls, don’t you think I’m the nicest and most fun guy among these idiots~? You do agree, don’t you?

[MTK: Kino-kun, stop breaking the forth wall X°D.]


Awwwwww, my babies are so funny :333

Anonymous asked:

There's one thing that's same about the first bloods and humans. We both hate vampires. Enough said. *waits for a reaction of the first bloods and the vampires*

Reiji: There’s one thing both First Bloods and Vampires agree on.

Carla: Humans are mere fools.


Why do you families hate each other? Let's try to learn to love and care. How about we say one nice thing about each family! And let that positive energy flow, and strengthen your auras *I'm acutally a therapist. I try this with a lot of my clients 😊*


[MTK: I think I may need a therap-]

Shin: Yes, she does need one.

[MTK: … why don’t you focus on her suggestion, Shit-kun?]

Shin: Damn woman... *notices Carla’s glare* Tch…

Shin: … One nice thing about them…?


Carla: Mukami Ruki and Sakamaki Reiji are the only ones worth of a bit of respect…?

Reiji: Just “a bit”, you say?

Ruki: I don’t think this will work…

Subaru: … Yuuma is very strong, for being an half-blood.

Yuuma: *surprised* Well… sometimes I think the Hikikomori here is nicer than his brothers…

Subaru: “Hikikomoriwho?!

Yuuma: I’m talking ABOUT YOU, IDIOT!

Laito: “Let the positive energy flow”, huh…

Ayato: “Let’s try to learn to love and care”, my ass.


//aaaaaaaaaaa hi! My names Amelia, I just wanted to drop in and say all things work out in the end, no matter what they may be, by you still gotta work for it, oh! And Carla-San, I read the ask about how you view art and I have to say it's the most inspirational thing I've ever read. So thanks for that! ^v^


[MTK: Hello, Amelia-san! Thank you for your words ^^]

Carla: Mh, of course you should thank me for that.

Carla: The First Blood King’s words are absolute pearls of wisdom, after all.

Reiji: And the First Blood King is a very modest person, indeed.



Poll-Bet Special~

[MTK: Hi there~ Remember Kino-kun’s idea of betting on which Diaboy you followers shipped me with the most? Well, since everything turned out differently from what Kino-kun had expected, we decided to comment on some of the ask you voted with… by drawing our reactions! I did all the drawings, so please do not repost them and do not use them in any way!]

Kino: It was kinda hilarious reading some of your asks…  I admit you followers are kinda amazing in this.

[MTK: I’ll put everything under the Read More, because this is gonna be a very loooong post~ I hope you enjoy it!]

Awwww, I love you all so much guys!


Rem Facts

Rem doesn’t play “hide-and-seek.” He plays “hide-and-pray-I-don’t-find-you.”

When Rem gives you the finger, he’s telling you how many seconds you have left to live.

Rem makes fire by rubbing 2 ice cubes together.

Rem wins Shogi without moving.

Rem threw a grenade and killed 50 people, then it exploded.

Rem’s tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

Rem can build a snowman out of rain.

When a zombie apocalypse starts (@rem-is-best-almond 2017), Rem doesn’t try to survive. The zombies do.

Rem makes onions cry.

There once was a street called Rem, but the name was changed for public safety because nobody crosses Rem and lives.

Rem’s computer has no “backspace” button, Rem doesn’t make mistakes.

When Rem was born he drove his mom home from the hospital.

Rem can hear sign language.

Once a cobra bit Rem’s leg. After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died.

Rem beat the sun in a staring contest.

When the ghost goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Rem.

Rem will never have a heart attack… even a heart isn’t foolish enough to attack Rem.

Rem once went to mars. That’s why there are no signs of life.

Rem’s calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd. No one fools Rem.

When Rem was in middle school, his English teacher assigned an essay: “What is courage?” He received an A+ for turning in a blank page with only his name at the top.

There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Rem allows to live.

In space Rem can hear his fangirls screaming. Including you. So smash that like button or Rem will find you….. …..and then kill you…. …..out of sexiness.


Rem Facts

Rem doesn’t play “hide-and-seek.” He plays “hide-and-pray-I-don’t-find-you.”

When Rem gives you the finger, he’s telling you how many seconds you have left to live.

Rem makes fire by rubbing 2 ice cubes together.

Rem wins Shogi without moving.

Rem threw a grenade and killed 50 people, then it exploded.

Rem’s tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

Rem can build a snowman out of rain.

When a zombie apocalypse starts (@rem-is-best-almond 2017), Rem doesn’t try to survive. The zombies do.

Rem makes onions cry.

There once was a street called Rem, but the name was changed for public safety because nobody crosses Rem and lives.

Rem’s computer has no “backspace” button, Rem doesn’t make mistakes.

When Rem was born he drove his mom home from the hospital.

Rem can hear sign language.

Once a cobra bit Rem’s leg. After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died.

Rem beat the sun in a staring contest.

When the ghost goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Rem.

Rem will never have a heart attack… even a heart isn’t foolish enough to attack Rem.

Rem once went to mars. That’s why there are no signs of life.

Rem’s calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd. No one fools Rem.

When Rem was in middle school, his English teacher assigned an essay: “What is courage?” He received an A+ for turning in a blank page with only his name at the top.

There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Rem allows to live.

In space Rem can hear his fangirls screaming. Including you. So smash that like button or Rem will find you….. …..and then kill you…. …..out of sexiness.

I laughed way harder than I should lol

Anonymous asked:

Reiji shut the fuck up

Ayato: Yeah, Reiji, shut the fuck up!


Shuu: Never minding his own business…

Kanato: Giving us unnecessary rules!

Raito: Listening to your nagging is boooring, Reiji~…

Reiji: That’s it! I’M MOVING!

One week later.


Raito: They didn’t like how the place was organized anymore, they haven’t gotten any orders - nor money - from Reiji, and-


Shuu: He moved, remember?



Kanato: I want cake… cries furiously I WANT IT NOOOOW!!!

Ayato: Shit! Oi, Raito! Can’t you make one!?

Raito: Hmmm… I can try~!

Raito: Here, Kanato-kun~!


Shuu: Ugh… I’m starving as well…

Shuu: …Not to talk about the taxes…

Subaru: THEY’LL THROW US OUT OF THE HOUSE!!! breaks a wall

Raito: Hey, Subaru-kun! You can’t do that! Who is going to pay for the damage?

Shuu: …I’m going back to sleep…

Ayato: Dammit! We gotta get that bastard back!




This is the true Suckamaki life. Reiji mama come back the lil bros , wait even the big bro need you!

Anonymous asked:

Kino seems too... nice. And in Diabolik Lovers, non of the characters are nice without expecting anything in return. Therefore, Kino is suspicious. (Slowly walks away while doing the "I got my eyes on you" thing)

Kino: That’s a bit mean…

Kino: … but at the same time I can’t say you’re completely wrong.

[MTK: … *gasps and puts away the glass of guava juice he has just given her*]





While it’s nice to see so many people supportive of Yui, and acknowledge her as more than a husk for self-insertion, one thing must be made clear:

Yui never heals them - she does not cure them of their suffering. Rather, one of her strengths - arguably her greatest strength - is her gift of listening to them, of being their support. She never judges them for breaking down, she never tells them how to solve their problems, and she never gives up on them, even when they make poor choices. She comforts them, she validates their feelings, and she asks for next to nothing, except for them to be fair, honest and open with her. 

For some, she’s too ‘soft’ for their tastes – but that softness is what gets her farther than being a ‘badass’, especially being surrounded by supernaturals far stronger than her. 

When someone is going through a storm, your silent presence is more powerful than a million empty words.” – Thema Davis



Red and Blue Castles

It’s a quiet evening at the mansion. As usual, the Sakamakis’ esteemed father is nowhere to be found. While the eldest is being tutored and cosseted, it falls to Reiji to keep an eye on the household. “A place for everything and everything in its place” is how the saying goes, yet where is the place for a castaway such as him?

Reiji decides not to think about that just now.

As he glides through the hallways like a phantom, he stops upon noticing a small splatter of paint on one of the room’s door frames. Those triplets again… He clicks his tongue and opens the door without announcing himself.

Reiji is surprised to find out that he is only one-third correct. Seeing his older brother enter the room, Ayato freezes in place, one of his suspenders haphazardly fallen down to his elbow. His white shirt is covered in paint, as is the wall in front of him. Reiji pushes up his glasses and inspects what Ayato has painted on the wall—a castle? It is actually somewhat impressive art coming from a child, but Reiji cannot afford to be impressed. “Just what do you think you are doing in here?”


“I can see that, you imbecile. I meant why are you painting on the wall?” Reiji notes Ayato’s lack of brushes. “And with your hands? What a mess you’ve made!”

“Well, I—”

“When Father finds out, he’ll be furious and…” Reiji trails off once his eyes fall upon Ayato’s face.

The youngest triplet’s left cheek has a distinct purple welt. Vampires, especially purebloods such as the Sakamakis, heal quickly; it must be a recent injury. Reiji taps his own left cheek in reference. “What happened?”

Ayato’s arm flies up to cover the bruise and he shrinks in embarrassment, hiding behind his elbow. “I…got into a fight, that’s all!”

“Oh? With whom?”

“With…with Laito! I’ll get him back double next time!”

“Interesting… I don’t recall ever seeing Laito hit anyone. In fact, I don’t believe that I’ve ever seen him get angry.” Reiji replies matter-of-factly. Ayato’s shoulders hunch forward in shame and defeat as he begins staring at the ground. His silence is all Reiji needs to piece together the truth. It’s a not-very-well-kept secret at the mansion, Cordelia’s treatment of her children. It seems to Reiji that she spends more time with her lovers and admirers than with the triplets. And when she’s actually around, well… He gazes at his younger half-brother, the very image of pitifulness.

For one agonizing moment, however, Reiji can’t help but feel a sort of envy towards Ayato. Beatrix has never beaten him. He does not wish for her to, of course, and yet… If you’re scolded, it means the other person expects more from you. That’s more than I can say about my own mother. Reiji is tired of the status quo, of the endless, tepid days of following in that useless heir’s footsteps…

A soft sniffle pulls Reiji back to reality. Ayato is very obviously and unsuccessfully trying to hold back tears. Reiji bites his lip. How ridiculous of me, envying my youngest brother. It’s a fruitless train of thought. Reiji steps towards the wall, turning away from Ayato. “In any case, you don’t seem to be very good at art.”

“…! I-I’m just messing around, that’s all! If the great Ayato-sama puts his mind to it, there’s nothing he can’t do! Don’t underestimate me, Four-eyes!”

Reiji whirls back around, offended. “F-four-eyes!? How dare you!”

“Hehe!” Ayato is grinning now, his earlier tears gone and forgotten.

“Hah, putting that aside… I really wonder about that. Why don’t you try this color instead, if you’re trying to paint a castle…?”

“No way! I want a red castle! It has to be flashy!”

“Just where in the world would you find a red castle… How frivolous you are. I certainly would never visit such a garish place.”

“W-well, I’m not inviting you!”

The two of them paint side by side for some time, not making much conversation aside from the occasional “Pass me that paint” or “Try painting this instead”. Reiji doesn’t feel the usual tension or pressure that he does when with his family. Their efforts are frenzied and yet calming.

“…I thought you were going to yell at me.” Ayato admits some time later, when the two are sitting down admiring their handiwork over a cup of tea and some takoyaki.

“And why is that?”

“Because I was painting on the wall.”

“So you understand that you did something bad, then?” Reiji smirks.

“………” Ayato wrings his hands in obvious embarrassment, but he is habitually terrible at apologizing. 

Reiji shrugs. “Well, paint can always be washed off. Just take more care in the future. I won’t always be so forgiving.”

“Yeah, yeah!” Ayato laughs, but then stops himself. He looks serious as he mumbles, “I’ll…clean it up. I put it there, so I should be the one to put it away. I understand that.” Ayato seems to be glowing in triumph nonetheless as he stares at the painting.

“Hmph. Don’t look so proud. It only looks good because of my superb efforts.”

“Wha—! You’re so conceited, Four-eyes!“ 

I suppose, from time to time, something like this isn’t too disagreeable… Despite himself, Reiji helps his brother clean up the room before their parents and solemnity return.

(writing by narihira, art/original idea by arriku)


This is so beautiful and shows a brotherly bonding story but at the same time keeps them in character. The artwork is magnificent as well. <3

OMG I'm almost cry when reading this.

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