
Journal of A Man of Letters

@journal-of-a-man-of-letters / journal-of-a-man-of-letters.tumblr.com

Art and Text by Petite-Madame An BIG thank you to (in alphabetical order) Becc-j, Maichan and Quickreaver for the English beta. JOURNAL OF A MAN OF LETTERS -MASTER POST

Hi guys ^^

I launched yesterday my new Supernatural art project called THE LIFE OF DEAN WINCHESTER. You’ll follow the life of the Winchesters through Dean’s Instagram pics. ^o^

You can follow this account on Tumblr here: http://the-life-of-dean-winchester.tumblr.com/

You can find the F.A.Q HERE. Art and captions: Petite-Madame. English beta: Beccj, Maichan808 and Quickreaver. ♥

I hope you will enjoy this new project :)



I’m sorry but I’m putting an end to Journal of a Man of Letters

Hi Guys ♥

I hope you are doing fine and preparing to celebrate a happy Halloween. I’m really sorry, but I’m writing you to let you know that I'm planning to stop Journal of a Man of Letters. I thought I could carry on this project I started during S8 by reducing the length of the fics but I'm far too tired to draw something every week inspired by the aired episode. Trying to be on time makes me anxious, so I'm preferring to stop.

It used not to be a problem but since the beginning of my health problems last year, it really has become difficult for me to carry on.

However, I’m not leaving the fandom or anything, I’m even planning to start a new Spn project but that would require FAR less pressure and time than Journal of a Man of Letters. Something cool, where I could post at my own rhythm without having to produce something once a week.

I really, REALLY would like to thank all my followers for being there, being so enthusiastic about this project. You guys have been amazing from Day 1!! THANK YOU!

And also, I REALLY would like to thank my three betas, Quickreaver, BeccJ and Maichan who also have been there from the start and who betaed about 100 short fics week after week. Believe me, this Journal wouldn’t have been the same without them. They spent a lot of time and energy on it, sometimes even rewrote whole paragraphs and helped me when I was lost with canon. I think that Sam would have sounded like a French student in vacation in the US without them so THANK YOU!

I'm really sorry I'm having to stop but I'm far too tired. I used to stay awake until 3:00am to work on my art but since last year and the moment I became sick, I've been spending far more time in bed resting xD Anyway, thank you so much!!! See you soon. I will let you know about my new project if I start it.



Sam Winchester’s Journal - Entry #107

With time, I’ve come to realize there’s some simple concepts Dean and I have trouble comprehending. Trust, communication, the “Greater Good”. Irony, too. Yes, in the light of recent events, I would definitely put “irony” at the top of the list.


Sam Winchester’s Journal - Entry #106

All my life, I lived in fear.

The fear of seeing my father and my brother never coming back when they were working on a job longer than expected. The fear of witnessing the world end in a disaster of Biblical dimensions because an archangel had a tantrum. The fear of seeing Dean becoming a monster so powerful that even the King of Hell himself had failed to defy him.


Sam Winchester’s Journal - Entry #101

When I returned to the bunker, all I found were the dead bodies of the Stynes, riddled with bullets and bathed in their own blood. Well, even a word like “bathed” was an understatement, given that there was blood absolutely everywhere. On the floor. On the tables. On a huge pile of old books that had been dragged out from the shelves. Even on the big columns in the middle of the library.


Sam Winchester’s Journal - Entry #100

The sight of blood has never really scared me. When I was a kid maybe, or when I saw Dad get seriously wounded for the first time after a particularly rough hunt but otherwise, and as far as I can remember, I got used to it surprisingly quickly. Case after case, corpse after corpse. It was just a part of the job. Even cleaning a crime scene, with my hands and knees in human remains, wasn’t a problem anymore after only a couple of times in the field. I guess I found enough strength to detach the 14-year-old me from this terrifying aspect of the life.


Journal of a Man of Letters comes back on October 1st

Hi guys

I know, It’s been long ^^;;

Journal of a Man of Letters comes back on October 1st with seven new chapters that will be posted every night (Paris-France Time) until the Supernatural Season Premiere on October 7th.

Then, the posting will come back to normal with one post a week (certainly on Tuesday), during the whole Season 11 (I hope ^^;;).

However, there will be slight changes this season. I can’t carry on posting long fics AND 1-2 illustrations every week so from now on, the fics won’t exceed one-two paragraphs, like the very first chapters I posted here. Because of my health problems that started last November I have far less energy than I used to and let’s face it, it’s far too time consuming. I really have to do this or else I’ll have to stop this project, something I really don’t want to do.

So, from October 1st: shorter fics but still tons of artworks inspired by the aired episodes.

Kudos to  Beccj, Maichan808 and Quickreaver , my three amazing betas who are still part of the adventure. \o/

See you next Thursday with a post devoted to Episode 21 - Season 10. And Happy Autumn!


Journal of a Man of Letters is going on a (short) break

Hi guys ^^

Yup, I’m taking a short break again (about 3 weeks - a month).

Don’t worry, it’s not gonna last 5 months like last time and it’s not due to health problems. Like last year, I just want to know where the Spn writers are going regarding the Mark of Cain story arc. The last episodes of the season are always a bit confusing, there are so many things happening! I prefer waiting a bit before starting to write anything again and see how they are going to handle the character of Sam.

Before leaving you, I’d like to thank Beccj, Maichan808 and Quickreaver , my three amazing betas who patiently fix all my English mistakes week after week. Journal of a Man of Letters wouldn’t exist without them!

See you in 3 weeks - a month!  :)



Sam Winchester’s Journal – Entry #99

My friends—well, the few who are still alive—see me as the right person to call when they have to translate a 250 page volume from Enochian, want to find a quick and efficient method to kill creatures as diverse as Wendigos, White Ladies or Werewolves, or in need of some professional advice for summoning demons with minimal risk. That’s who I am, a Man of Letters, the intellectual of the batch, the brains (god, I hate this embarrassing nickname). I had no idea however, I was also perceived as some kind of authority when it came to reasoning with troubled teenagers because of everything I had lived through in my younger years. And, as surprising as it may seem, same goes for Dean, apparently.


Sam Winchester’s Journal – Entry #98

When I left for Stanford in 2003, Dad told me that going to college was definitely the “biggest fucking mistake” I’ve ever done and that I’ll ever do in my whole life. If for my father forgetting about hunting and getting an education was by far the biggest act of stupidity his son could ever come up with, I really wonder how he would have ranked glorious decisions such as choosing Ruby over my own brother, fighting Lucifer practically on my own full of demon blood, not looking for Dean when he was in Purgatory, and more recently making a deal with the King of Hell’s mother, one of the most powerful, if not, the most powerful witch in the business.


Sam Winchester’s Journal – Entry #97

If you had asked me about The Book of the Damned a couple of months ago, the first thing that would’ve come to mind would’ve been the mythic Necronomicon Ex Mortis from the Evil Dead Series. And more particularly, the memorable scene from The Army of Darkness where the hero can’t remember the magic words Klaatu verata nikto and raises thousands of Deadites by mistake (it’s not as if Dean didn’t drive me nuts with shitty Bruce Campbell impersonations for the past 20 years). I would also have told you about a book by Charles Fort, maybe unknown to the majority of you, but apparently a reference tome for some supernatural enthusiasts out there. I’m not gonna boast about that last one as I’d never really heard about it either before my quest to remove the Mark made me consider the possibility that this volume could contain the answer to getting rid of Dean’s fucking curse.

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