
Krazy Kattzz


Anonymous asked:

34 with an ao3 account is crazy


I just don't understand. Do they not know that the people who built AO3 nearly 20 years ago were 30 then? I used to be annoyed by this kind of take but now I'm just baffled.

Turning 40 this year. Have no intentions of not posting to AO3 just because I'm older. Like, wtf, I'm not giving my shit up because of an arbitrary number and I think some of my readers would riot if I did.

Screw this take. Aging doesn't mean you give up hobbies. What kind of boring ass adults do these people want to be when they're older?

Stay weird.


laser gun gator boys

oh my god i didn’t realize this video had audio


Okay as adorable as this looks, I’m pretty sure that’s a distress sound?  A “mommy help me I’m scared come save me!” sound?

This video is from Dragonwood Wildlife Conservancy, and they are yearling (last year’s babies) Cuban crocodiles. Good news for you, this isn’t actually a distress call! According to @kaijutegu​ (and her giant bookshelf full of reptile resources), the laser sounds are an affiliative social call that young Cuban crocodiles use to communicate with their parents. They normally stop making the noise at around two years old, which is approximately when they start dispersing from the family group.

See, Cuban crocodiles are a super social species - and one of the few where the fathers stick around and provide paternal care for the babies! In the wild, babies would regularly interact with both parents, including when they provide food. This call is basically the type of vocalization that the babies use to communicated with their parents.

These crocodiles are being hand-raised as part of a private-sector breeding and reintroduction program (because the parents are so protective of their offspring that if you left them the babies to raise, you’d never be able to safely get close to them), and so they’re responding to the guy in the video the same way because he’s constant known safe individual and also the provider of food. He’s not a threat - his presence is a good thing, and he’s worth interacting with because it normally means food. You can also tell from their behavior and body language that they’re not stressed: some of the crocodiles are actively climbing on him and interaction of their own volition, but the ones that aren’t don’t show any indicators of hyper-vigilance. If that were a distress call, every crocodile that heard it would be alert and on edge looking for the threat. Distress calls tend to only happen once or twice, because in the wild continuing to make noise makes a baby more vulnerable: so these crocodiles wouldn’t be continually vocalizing if they felt threatened. There’s no snapping or gaping or freezing, all of which would be behavioral indicators of distress or discomfort. (Here’s a video of a baby nile crocodile being harassed by photographers which will give you a visual reference for both freezing and gaping.)

So, hey, this is certifiably cute - and good for conservation!



Bruce: *sees Gotham in chaos on his day off*
Bruce: Not my circus, not my monkeys. Not my circus, not my monkeys. Not my—
Bruce: *realizes it's his kids causing chaos*
Bruce: My circus my monkeys! My circus my monkeys!

i had a joke about orpheus and eurydice but looking back it wasn't a good idea


a handful of bat!bruce and damian requests cross posted from twitter


someone beat his highest score in cheese viking. (if anyone tries to be weird and ship them in the tags im gonna fuck your mom and block you)


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