Anonymous asked:

omg you dissapeared already noooo

hi hi hi hello. so basically I deleted the app from my phone because it was just taking up memory so that's why I've been extremely inactive. tbh I haven't had time to miss coming on here either as I started full time work (7am-5pm working days!!!!!!!) 2 weeks ago. Pluuuuuus I went on holiday before then and didn't have any data/internet access. So yeah lots of little things have happened meaning I'm non-existent on here now lol. I do miss the old times but tumblr hasn't been the same since PLL finished which has made it super easy for me to stay away. With the way my life currently is, I doubt very much I'll be back on here I'm afraid. thank you so much for thinking of me (and the other ppl who have messaged a similar thing!)hope you are all well, thanks for the fun! lots of love ❤️

Anonymous asked:

Do you still watch Jane the virgin?! I'm so excited for it to come back on !!

I kind of gave up with it tbh. After that major tragic event happened (won't specify in case of spoilers but I hope you know what I mean!), it wasn't the same for me. I did really enjoy the first season.

Anonymous asked:

do u have any alternative movies/tv shows to get lost in as a substitution for pll?

I’m rewatching Game Of Thrones atm and absolutely loving it. Idk if you’ve watched already but you get so immersed into the plot straight away and it’s very addictive, so I would recommend that as something to drag you away from PLL. It’s very heavy watching too and you have to pay attention so it will very much be the centre of your attention when watching.

(Warning though, it is very graphic both with violence and sex scenes so if you’re squeamish or underage you might wanna do a bit of research as to how graphic it can be. I’ll tell anyone right now….. very.)

Other shows I would recommend are: Dexter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, MTV Scream, some seasons of American Horror Story (some are trash), Orange is the New Black.

Anonymous asked:

i totally forgot pll existed after that shit ending, so i checked your acc! i hope you're doing well, you were my spirit animal during pll haha. i hope this is not too late but well. i have a big boobs too (34E) and i had the same problem with my clothing. then i started to buy unpadded bra's. so the girls get their support from the underwire and the rest is just lace with no padding whatsoever. if you get hard nipples easily this might not be you though. i'd also say to get fitted at a good 1/2

2/2 bra/lingerie shop because sizing is different with every brand. like i own bra's that are size dd but also size f (ikr). it's fucking annoying that bra's for bigger boobs are more expensive but i still think it's worth the money. so buy a good quality bra with no padding. also v-neck tops make your girls look fantastic! i hope these tips helps and you can always ask for more because i know your struggles, i've been there! (all the dirty men reading this can fuck off!)---------------I'm good thanks hope you are too 🌸Thanks! I've never considered buying unpadded bras. Might try one out. I realised the V next trick a while back but never really appreciated it until today when I was having a full melt down lol. It actually does help make me look less frumpy and more flattered.

Anonymous asked:

Sooo did the writers explain why Ezra/Ian was wearing an earpiece during that Ezria argument or was Ian really being fed his lines?

I have no idea. Was he actually wearing one? I can't remember tbh


What I say: I’m fine.

What I mean: Everybody will think The Dragon and the Wolf is all about Jon x Dany when it more likely refers to Rhaegar/Lyanna.


do not fix your dark circles let the world know youre tired of its shit and ready to kill a man

you’re* it’s* Btw. I am a man.

oooooooooooooh my gooooooooooooooooooooooood ooooooooh my god. oh my god. ooooooooooh. my god oh my god

Anonymous asked:

I'm a senior in high school and I have a shit ton of presentations to do in all my classes this year & everyone at my school is super outgoing and competitive so naturally they're all really good at public speaking & I suck! I get so nervous I feel like I'm going to cry, pee & throw up right before I go. My voice also shakes & I have this nervous swallowing reflex so I can never get my words out. And I can't escape from doing these speeches so any help? Advice?

Gosh I’m so sorry I really don’t :( I was shy and really bad at public speaking, still can’t do it… 

Anybody out there with tips on public speaking and presentations? Help an anon out


I'm like this too and genuinely considered dropping out of uni when I found out I'd have to do presentations.

My only advice would be: PRACTICE. Sounds so obvious, but knowing what you're going to say is the most helpful thing. We fear speaking in public because we fear messing up and looking dumb... So don't let it happen! Learn exactly what you need to say, how you'll say it, how you'll be standing etc. Don't leave any room for being thrown in the deep end and have to improvise under pressure. I spent hours and hours rehearsing to the point where I didn't need my notes at all, and I was complimented a lot on how well I spoke, which was amazing to hear considering the anxiety the mere thought of doing it caused me.

You got this!!! Literally. This is all in your hands. Don't stand in your own way.

Anonymous asked:

Why can't you stand the riverdale actors? You watch riverdale?

I don’t watch it and part of that is based on the actors haha I specifically do not like C*le at all. His ex has said he emotionally abused her and like I know that comes with a lot of people saying “ohhhh she can’t prove that” and “she could be lying” but …… I ain’t about that life. Emotional abuse is hard to ‘prove’ and victims shouldn’t have to ‘prove’ anything anyway >.


Not to mention he can't keep a straight face when he's acting lol. Seriously, the acting on the show from most of the cast is what put me off. So so so bad.

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