
@fakehause / fakehause.tumblr.com

akrasia (əˈkreɪzɪə) n. the state of mind in which someone acts against their better judgement through weakness of will.

for the theater mode enjoyers: unfortunately, the entire series was taken down from rooster teeth’s website around a week ago:

as explained by chelsea, all of the episodes had to be taken down because rt lost the rights to the films that were used in the show. on the bright side, excluding the aux episodes, every other episode has been backed up to the internet archive. it’s separated by group: achievement hunter, funhaus, and cow chop.


i’m sure that someone has already mentioned this but very dedicated group of people are attempting to archive as much RT content as possible! the url is archiveofpimps(.com) and they have a discord too where they coordinate their efforts! everything is on archive(.org) so please consider donating to the website if you can!


getcha jerma crying on stream pride icons here, you gay fucks


this is NOT the full story the context is he was doing a bit about dudes in the gym listening to music in their headphones so loud that you can hear it, he decided to roleplay it out with like. the “remember me for centuries” song and tried to act like a normal human while his earbuds were fucking BLARING this song, loud enough that it was getting picked up by the stream mic, and his chat convinced him to do other songs and he eventually layered fart and scream sounds and started bawling NOT JUST because it was PHYSICALLY PAINFUL, NOT JUST that it was funny fart and scream noises, but because of the mental image of some ripped old gym dude walking past you and you hear fart and scream compilation blaring out of his earbuds like thats normal and youre left to wonder what the fuck is wrong with that person

this bit went on for more than an hour including a brb to cool down and a session afterwards where he started organizing edits people made of his crying face into evolutionary lines


local girl defends loser dad from some rich kid

this has been in my head for months and i finally drew it lol


I love Where Do We Begin so much because a solid 30% of it is someone misremembering an old piece of media and then an ad-hoc study session which is probably the most accurate representation of how most of my convos with friends go too

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