
Studies in the Occult

@secularwitchcraft / secularwitchcraft.tumblr.com

This blog is a collection of information about various forms of witchcraft and magic, the occult and paranormal, and some mythology/folklore.

New Year’s Spell *:・゚✧

This spell is to start the year with a fresh look on things and to take away whatever old things are still lurking in your life, it’s a cleanse for you and your space and a lot of good wishes for you!! Keep in your mind your particular goals for the next year for better results.

You can take advantage of the full moon in january 1st to make this spell even better ☆

**Let the candles consume themselves even if it takes days of turning them on and off.

*For closet witches it can be just an incense or a candle around the room and a sweep to a clot or piece of paper that you can throw away from your house. And just gather 12 seeds in a circle while you are doing the spell and leave them near your door for the year*・.。


Solar Eclipse Magic

Although a solar eclipse lasts mere minutes, the event offers scientists a rare opportunity to study the sun - and magical practitioners a perfect opportunity to practice some “advanced” magic, by which I mean simply that in order to understand and use the energy of an eclipse, you must understand the energy of time and the seasons. You also must be able to raise and focus energy within a limited amount of time.

Throughout the year, the sun waxes and wanes. At the Summer Solstice - the longest day of the year - the sun is visible for the longest period of time. Days then become shorter as the sun wanes, and at the Autumnal Equinox, day and night are equal. At the Winter Solstice - the shortest day of the year - the sun is visible for only a few hours, and days then become longer. Then at the Spring or Vernal Equinox, day and night are equal. Finally, as the sun waxes, we come once again to the Summer Solstice.

With this understanding, you’ll see that during a solar eclipse, we can see the sun as whole, then partially or completely hidden, and then visible again. Within just a few minutes, we experience an energy similar to a complete cycle of Solstices and Equinoxes.

In addition to this short cycle of seasonal energy, we are aware of the moon’s presence. The moon’s shadow falls across the earth, thereby adding the unification of solar and lunar energy to our magic, and reinforcing the sense of wholeness and completion of a solar eclipse.

Since a solar eclipse can occur only during the day, and only during a New Moon phase, you also will be working with New Moon energy, which is great for new beginnings.

When an eclipse occurs at the time of the waning year - as now here in the Northern Hemisphere (August 2017), from the Summer Solstice to Yule - it is a good time to rid yourself of negativity, unwanted energies, physical or mental clutter, undesirable habits, and unhealthy patterns of thinking, speaking, and acting.

Weave the New Moon energy and the waning year energy into the energies of the eclipse, and you can craft some amazing spells. For example, write your own love spell to close the door to past heartbreaks or unsatisfactory relationships. Release those things you no longer want to occur, experience, think, or feel regarding your love life. Open the door to all the wonderful thoughts and feelings you want to attract into your life regarding romance, love, and companionship.

If there is nothing specific in terms of love, prosperity, protection, health, or other aspects of your life you wish to address at this time, here is a simple spell to send out your light and beautiful energy to the world:


  • A gold or white candle to represent the Sun
  • A silver or white candle to represent the Moon
  • Candle holders and a lighter


  1. Light first the candle representing the Sun, then the one representing the Moon.
  2. Sit in silence as you visualize the transit of the Moon’s shadow across the face of the Sun. When you are ready, speak your own words or the following: “As the Sun and Moon embrace today, May new opportunities begin to come my way. During this eclipse, as we move from light to darkness to light again on Earth, May it be a time ushering in abundance, peace, balance, love, magic, and rebirth.”
  3. Allow the candles to burn out in a safe place.
  • Safety Notes:
  1. Never look directly at the sun during an eclipse. Wear protective glasses - more than regular sunglasses - to view this event, or you risk retinal burns and permanent eye damage.
  2. Never leave burning candles unattended.

Spell Jar Basics: Creating and Tailor-Making Your Own Spell Bottles & Jars

(Hello again, everyone! I’m back after a long hiatus - it feels good to be witching again!)

Spell jars are a great and easily modifiable way to do “slow-cooker” magic-stuff that doesn’t require a lot of active participation time, but the combined result is just as - if not more-potent.


You’ll need a jar, first of all - the size and shape of which should correspond to your intent, ideally. For smaller,”single-burner” spells, you might want a small, corked bottle you can balance a spell candle on. If you were to make a witches’ bottle for protection, you’d want something a little bigger, to hold all the ingredients, and probably something in an amber or other more opaque tone, so you can’t see inside.

Ideally, your jar or bottle would have a lid, for various spell-mechanics purposes-using the jar as a sealant, keeping the contents together while you shake it, and so on.


Next, you’ll need the components for the “spell” part. Assemble harmonious ingredients that are correspondent to your intent - for instance, if I were to assemble a spell bottle for balance, I’d try to grab some herbs and reagents correspondent to my intent (coriander, sea salt, and so forth), that are mostly yellow (the color I correspond with balance), and, perhaps, keep it down to 5 ingredients, which is the number I correspond with balance. 

Fill the jar or bottle with these ingredients-this is you doing the prep work for your spell! If you intend to shake the contents to reactivate them every so often, for instance, you’d want to leave a bit of room at the top.

You might want to add some extra oomph to your jar for more heavy-duty spells, like tying correspondent ribbon around the jar, or inscribing a sigil or planetary symbol on it.


Now that your spell preparations are complete, you’ll need to pick a good time to perform your spell, and choose a way to “activate” it - that is, a spell mechanic to set your intent in motion and do the actual “casting”.

For timing, you’ll want to pick something that,again, corresponds with your intent: You can use the waxing and waning tides of the moon to draw or remove something from your life, use sunsets and sunrises for manifestation and banishment, cast at high noon for an elemental fire influence, or on a clear, dark night for an honorary jar for Nyx - do a little research and listen to your gut!

As for the casting, you have a number of ways to go about it. Here are a couple of popular methods you can pick, mix, and match (but remember, you can always invent a more appropriate method for your own spell!):

Sealing with a Candle: An effective way to complete and cast your spell, with the added bonus of sealing in the contents of your jar for permanent magick. Choose the color of your candle according to your intent, inscribe it with a rune or sigil, anoint it with oil, or/and customize it in any way you see fit to correspond it with your intent and with the contents of the jar. Burn the whole candle at once to cast a spell in one go, or light the candle a little bit every night during the waxing or waning moon to draw or rid, respectively.

Burying the Jar: For spells involving the earth, staking a claim on your own property, magic you don’t want to reverse, or jars honoring cthonic spirits, bury your jar in the dirt, whether it’s in your yard or in a container.

Reversible Spells: Leave the jar’s lid or cork unsealed by wax, but firmly pressed on, perhaps with a string or ribbon to seal the magic in instead. If you ever have need to reverse the spell, you can open up the jar, safely unenchant and dispose of its contents, and clean out the jar with salt and water for later.

Recastable Spells: Leave a generous portion of room in your jar or bottle before sealing, and give it a vigorous shake when you want to re-cast.

Now go forth, and cast!

If you do make any spell jars, I totally want to see them! :>


water witch self-care tips 🌊

- gravitate towards a body of water - a river, lake, pond, or ocean - whenever you’re feeling lost

- keep aquamarine with you to serve as a worry stone

- practice morning shower meditation, allowing yourself to be cleansed of negativity early in the day

- keep collected water in a small bottle, shaking it when you need an energy or confidence boost

- let something as simple as drinking water serve as a spiritual practice - with each sip you take, your body and mind are thanking you more


Searching for active witchcraft blogs

Please reblog if you are an ACTIVE witchcraft blog so I can follow you! And maybe I can get a follow back! Thank you!


Witch tip:

Burn Frankincense, Orange Peel, and Sage if you are having creative blockages or feel yourself slipping into a depression, these will help lift your spirits and feel motivated again!


🌟Inconspicuous Witchy Items🌟

This is a list of inconspicuous witchy items that you can keep at home or with you and not draw unwanted attention or letting people know your practice.

🌟 Candles and incense! Candles and incense are great inconspicuous tools for magic, especially birthday candles. Most people wouldn’t suspect you of being a witch if they saw a candle or some incense lying about! Plus, they’re great tools for cleansing and empowering spells! 🌟 Oil diffusers and essential oils! Oil diffusers and essential oils are amazing as well and it won’t out you as a witch. Oil diffusers are great to disperse oil about the room to cleanse it and essential oils can be used in all kinds of magic! 🌟 Salts and herbs! As long as these items stay in the kitchen, no eyebrows will be raised. They’re great for all sorts of spells and amazing with some kitchen magic! Just remember to bring them back to the kitchen and not use all of it if you move these around! 🌟 Teas! If you can’t find the right herbs, you can use tea packets! A lot of teas have a good mix of herbs that may not be on a spice rack in your kitchen. Plus, you can use tea for kitchen magic and the steam from it can cleanse an area. You can also use it in the bath! Best of all, no one will suspect you of being a witch if you have tea in your kitchen cupboard! 🌟 Ziploc bags! Jars can raise some eyebrows, actually, so the safest bet is Ziploc baggies! Plus, they’re easier to move around with no need to be afraid to make noise and they can hold all your herbs, powders, oils, and such. Just make sure to keep them somewhere hidden and don’t poke a hole! It’d be awful to have to clean up a mess or to have someone find your baggie full of herbs. 🌟 Dowels and string! If you’re a crafty witch, this one is perfect for you! You can keep these anywhere you want without causing suspicion. You can use dowels as wands and you can use string or a dowel to cast a circle! 🌟 A deck of cards and a necklace or lanyard! If you want to do some divining, but a pendulum or tarot deck would out you, you can use a deck of playing cards and a necklace or lanyard instead! You can use the playing cards as you would use a tarot deck and you can use a necklace or lanyard as a pendulum! None of these items would cause people to think twice about what you’re doing. 🌟 Bottled water! Any type of bottled water would work, and seeing it around your room would never draw suspicion! You can leave the bottled water under the moonlight to charge in a windowsill for an hour or two and have moon water or you can use it to represent the element of water. There’s so many things you can do with water and a bottle of water wouldn’t drum up suspicion!


Astronomical & Astrological Events in July 🌌

  • July 1st: Chiron Retrograde
  • July 4th: Venus enters Gemini
  • July 5th: Jupiter quincunx Neptune; Mercury enters Leo
  • July 9th: Full Moon in Capricorn
  • July 20th: Mars enters Leo
  • July 21st: Alpha Cygnid Meteor Shower
  • July 22nd: Sun enters Leo
  • July 23rd: New Moon in Leo
  • July 25th: Mercury enters Virgo
  • July 29th: Uranus semi-sextile Chiron; Southern Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower
  • July 30th: Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation; Southern Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower; Alpha Capricornids Meteor Shower
  • July 31st: Venus enters Cancer; Piscis Australid Meteor Shower
Source: lunaesteria

🔢 Number Correspondences 🔢

I incorporate numbers into my spells very often- from how many pieces of a stone I put in a spell bottle, to how many times I make a certain gesture. Numbers can be very symbolic and important! So, here’s a list I’ve compiled from experience and research. These correspondences can be interpreted for divination and spellwork.

0 Emptiness, spiritual essence, potential, fluidity.


Unity, positivity, strong will, new beginnings, and pure energy.


Duality, partnerships (romantic or rivalrous), love, balance, and choice.


Magic, intuition, versatility, expression, and creativity.


Solidity, persistence, grounded nature, calmness, and home.


Travel, primitive energy, sudden change, and adventure.


Harmony, balance, sincerity, love, and truth.


Manifestation, scholarly activities, mystery, and the focused search for esoteric meanings.


Business, continuation, success, repetition, wealth, and cycles.


Attainment, satisfaction, accomplishment, intellectual power, inventiveness, and influence over situations and things.

And that’s all! For larger numbers, just add up the digits until it’s a single digit number, then refer to that for the number’s meaning. (e.g. 53 is the same as 8 because 5+3=8) I hope this was helpful!



Amethyst is a very powerful and protective crystal which has been used since ancient times for its healing properties. This stone works with the Third Eye Chakra to provide a very peaceful energy for meditation. Amethyst also works with the Crown Chakra to enhance spiritual wisdom. Amethyst is great for stress relief and encourages inner strength.

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