
I Am The Pen

@thebardanon / thebardanon.tumblr.com

Blog for writing Anonymous Poems and My writing. Tags/WIP Coyote Ann.

Recently got a similar ask! This tutorial is for everyone wishing to diversify their characters’ body types.


If seasons never changed, which would you most like to live in eternally?


I hate the summer but practically speaking it's the most efficient season, from it's milder muggy mornings to it's warm humid laden nights.

Each day we'd have to work harder to keep the crops watered but they'd have little loss in growing.

The squash, the grain, thr fiber and fruit all thriving fat on their vines, forcibly cut down to rescue the soil.

The smell of citrus would perfume the air, like brass jazz echo as we try to fend off mosquitoes and beetles.

I might miss Autumn, the milder walk into the winter, bonfires, loose neighborly kinship not found in the greater year, we would be far too hot and weary to cling as much together, and I may miss Spring as the world awakens from her slumber, soft sounds of melting snow as you can almost hear the earth groan and strech. The vibrants and glows that will become commonplace. I know I'll miss winter, the cold air and familial draw into warm fires and the pies and soups and stews far too hardy and warm for summer time meals.

But even if I lose my bonfires, bouquets, and stews, and watch as each hot and glowing day moves into another waiting for the boon of the monsoon rains that wander to and fro.

I'd remember that summer heat led to my first kiss, and I would remember my first job in the corn field, and the smell of dried mud kicked up in the pine boroughs as I marched into the hills the sticky sap clinging to me from the sweaty branches I push past to stand on the hill overlooking my home.

Maybe if It was summer again, long as forever, I could claim back that little piece of happiness I'd forgotten.


The Outbursts of Everett True was a comic strip that ran in papers from 1905 to 1927, wherein the aforementioned Everett True regularly beat the everliving shit out of rude people as a warning to anyone else who might consider being rude. Men have not only been taking up too much room on public transport for about as long as public transport has existed, but the people around them have been irritated about it for at least a hundred years. The next time someone tries to claim that manspreading is a false phenomenon, please direct them to this strip so that Everett True can correct their misconceptions with an umbrella upside the head.


I have never before heard of Everett True, but if he “regularly beat the everliving shit out of rude people as a warning to anyone else who might consider being rude,” I have a strong spiritual connection with him.


I fucking love him

i can imagine this guy’s voice very clearly in my head but i couldn’t put a name to it 

He also jabs racists in the eye!


I love the justice grandpa of fists

I’m very lucky to own a book that’s a collection of most of these comics (sadly not all of them) and would highly recommend hunting these down if you can. Sorry for the lack of a scanner but phone photos will just have to do.

He was a enjoyable cuss who didn’t care for war mongering.

Especially profitable war mongering and excuses for it!

He certainly didn’t like selfish husbands and fathers!

Politicians who turned on their words once they got theirs weren’t safe.

He said fuck the police!

He absolutely didn’t like people ruining little things for kids.

He stood up for foreigners. Especially those doing their best to communicate with limited second language knowledge.

He was not having any tomfoolery when it came to gun safety and laws. Especially with youth involved.

You had better not abuse a animal with him nearby. He’d right that wrong real quick!

And best of all him and his wife were both prickly cusses together. Relationship goals.


I have a new role model




“justice grandpa of fists”

It’s nice to see a fat dude in a political cartoon that’s NOT being used as shorthand for greed and corruption.

Hes like the personification of motherfucker unlimited


Reblogging this newer version of this thread with so many more strips I haven’t seen…why did this character ever disappear. Where did you go, Everett.


we need him more than ever…

sorry to make a long post longer but I feel like we could all really use some Everett True Beating Up Anti-Maskers content: 


He’s a hero, our Everett.


Just found out there were live action Everett True shorts (silent films, though, so the outbursts were largely body language)


Reblogging to always have it to hand. :)


I think the absolute worst part of the extreme resurgence of porn bots is that none actually have any porn.

They're just...shells of porn that was.



Winter steam from the bayou,

Gentle moss perfume.


this is the funniest ad i’ve ever seen on here i am cackling


This is one of the most misaimed ads you could possibly run on tumblr on multiple levels

i got another one, only this one is kind of viscerally terrifying

someone somewhere had to pitch “Peter Griffin with a mouthful of photorealistic flesh” as an advertisement for a product and someone else had to official approve that idea for us to get here

theres a third one and the caption is just viscerally upsetting

this reads like a monster factory goof


This is what I think when I think ai generated ads.

Like seriously. This is the result of a poor variabled algorithm and we all know it.


Kevin is the real villian in Home Alone


The movie establishes that the phone lines to the house are down, that’s also why nobody is able to call Kevin at home. The movie also establishes that all of his neighbors are out of town which is why he couldn’t borrow their phones. The movie ALSO BEGINS by introducing the main antagonist as a “police officer” which is why Kevin doesn’t trust the cops. I’m so tired of the ignorance. The slander.


FINALLY we’ve reached the time of year for home alone discourse

home alone is just die hard for kids


He also stole that toothbrush so was even more scared to call the police in case they arrest him for theft too


Kevin knew that ACAB ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Keep in mind that the robbers could have turned around and left at any time. Kevin set up the traps, but they didn’t have to walk into them. They could’ve left and robbed an easier house, but didn’t because they wanted to get the 8-year-old who was beating their asses. At some point, it stopped being about stealing the McCallisters’ stuff and started being about killing Kevin, at which point Kevin was justified in doing whatever the hell he wanted to them.

Plus if he just scared them away, they would have gone to rob his neighbors’ houses (if I remember correctly the neighbors were all gone except that old man who he couldn’t go to for help because he was convinced he was a serial killer)


Not if, he did scare them away, Kevin drove off the bandits through non violent means 3 times before he resorted to traps and Rube Goldberg shit, Kevin gave them 3 chances to walk away, after that it was fair game


At one point the robbers started acting like cops. That was their downfall.


Worst types of country songs:

  • Alcoholism rules
  • God bless the USA
  • Truck
  • Diet christian music
  • Love a small town blue eyed girl

Best types of country songs:

  • Just a specific ass situation
  • I hate this damn job
  • Woman kills those who've wronged her
  • Alcoholism sucks
  • Fuck the police
  • Gay sex
  • Hispanic ladies doing magic
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