
Ember's Wizarding Corner



Discounted Sale Item #11

NOW $95 (Originally $200) - Free US shipping on orders

Approx 4.5" by 3" super detailed obsidian platypus carving

*Only 1 piece available*

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do u ever just think about the fact that molly weasley saw HARRY POTTER, the boy who defeated voldemort, and went “i’m gonna knit this kid a christmas sweater”

what i love thinking about is in the book ron says he told his mum that harry wasn’t expecting any christmas presents and that’s why she sent him them and knowing ron can be a bit scatty/oblivious he probably didn’t mention it til like two days before christmas so i just like to think of molly sitting up all night knitting harry his sweater and baking him homemade fudge or whatever because she’d be damned if she’d let harry go present-less at christmas

Or maybe Harry is just as dismissive. Like, Ron is dreaming aloud of him mom’s homemade fudge and asks Harry what he wants and Harry shrugs “the Dursley never give me anything, last year I got a half-used eraser” and Ron is like 0_0  because what, no one is going to give a gift to his new best friend? So he takes poor Errol telling Percy it’s an emergency and Percy’s like no! and Ron’s like HARRY NEVER GETS CHRISTMAS GIFTS YOU GIT and Percy’s like Oh. Ok. Write mom. And Ron’s letter is mainly MOM HARRY NEVER GETS CHRISTMAS GIFTS FROM HIS MUGGLES WHAT DO I DO and then it’s December 23 at night and Arthur is ready to go to bed and sees his wife get the yarn and the knitting needles out again and Honey I thought you were done? Did we get another child while I was at work? YES, she answers, furious. Ron’s new friend, little Harry. If I get this done by tomorrow morning I can make a batch of fudge and send Errol back with it. And that’s when Arthur Weasley realized they did get another kid when he wasn’t looking but, honestly, once you went past the five kids mark you stopped counting.

“ Did we get another child while I was at work?” “YES”


okay ill go and humor mineblr and try to build a rustic house to see what all the fuss is about



sorry mineblr for ever doubting you,,,,,, i understand now,,,,,ive seen the way of the rustic house,,,, i cant stop building,,,,,,,



A new wizard rock compilation album, “Transfiguration: A Wrock Comp for Trans Rights”, is bringing humor and heart to a difficult discourse within the Wizarding World fandom. Find out more about the album from our interview with one of its organizers!


This week’s Beast Of The Week is the Hippocampus! It is not a part of a brain involved in the formation of memories, it is an adorable merhorse! 😉😍 


did you know snape was already the potions teacher when tonks went to hogwarts? did you know she absolutely had to have done this at least once?


This week’s Beast of The Week is the Golden Snidget! We think it’s adorable, and it’s a good thing it is no longer used during Quidditch matches!


Some thoughts on the curse-breaking/dragon sanctuary sidequest

The whole truth or dare scene was ridiculous... first they didn’t let us choose Bill or Charlie as an option to be lost in the forest with (really Jam City - it isn’t dating 😒) Second, Barnaby’s jokes about his good looks are lame. Why is he acting so vain all of a sudden?? Third, Charlie overreacting to Bill’s story didn’t make any sense whatsoever 🙄 which leads me to the next point...

Charlie is a dragon expert. So why tf would he wander off in the middle of the night, past the protective wards, and into a horntail’s cave?? So here’s Charlie looking like a complete helpless fool and having to be rescued by MC and Bill again (just like in the cursed vault if you decided to take him)

Which forces MC to battle the dragon all by themselves. I have level 25 attribute points and I can’t make it any higher to increase my chances without spending money (which I am absolutely not gonna do because I think people know by now how I feel about jam city’s bullshit stance on not dating canon characters). And their new dueling changes have made it harder to win against opponents 😡

The side quest started out fun and then descended into OOC Charlie stupidity. Will I be able to finish this damn thing?? Who knows. I don’t want to lose all the coins I’ve earned trying to beat a dragon which seems impossible with my attribute levels.

TLDR: I am really angry 😤

Feeling glad I stopped playing this for the past several months. I don’t have the energy to deal with this on top of other stress in my life right now.

On another note, I’m wondering if they’ve become determined to assassinate Charlie’s character in-game to make people stop wanting to date him? Cause honestly, it had already made me stop wanting to PLAY ENTIRELY.


This week we’re all about the Runespoor! Did you know where was supposed to be a scene in “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” where Newt and Jacob walk through a cave hosting a baby and adult Runespoor?


Google “ your name + your hogwarts house + aesthetic” and post the first 4 pics !!

I saw this post in @shitslytherinssay and I love the idea



Thank you so much for keeping my blog alive the tag!! 💙💙

@pippinstarling @marshmallowofravenclaw if y'all would like to of course

Thanks so much for the tag! 😘

Tagging @crookzhanks , @missnight0wl and anyone else who would like to do this!

Wasn’t tagged but thought I’d give it a shot


Fred and George putting on their new scarfs 🧣 their mom made them. 💚

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