
You want my honest opinion of why I followed you? Well for one, I was looking for other Caroline's simply because the one's I followed seemed to have no interest in interacting with Kai and you did. But mainly it's because you are quite literally, Caroline. You write as if you've known her character your whole life, as if you created her, and I find that exquisite. You are a rare gem, my love, and I will forever be a loyal follower!


extremely accepting | there’s so many caroline’s out there, what do you like about mine?


Caroline means so much to me. I’ve investeda lot of time in my character development withher. Not very many people know this, but that’sthe reason I made this blog last year ( becauseI’ve played Caroline over the course of roughlyfour or so blogs ). Thank you for this, it honestlymade my night.

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