


I have had a tumblr account for so long and I didn't even know until I got a warning email

someone help me find david ramos from hotel hell season 2 episode 1, he was so cute, the guy who owned the food truck, whats he up to now?


same! i love this episode and his personality/charm was so amazing!! seems like such an outgoing, awesome guy. wonder if he has any social media

As of November 2023 he's still running his food truck!



One of the most important things I learned in my Language and the Law class is that law enforcement will intentionally misinterpret every type of statement asking for a lawyer as not asking for a lawyer. Even directly saying it like this “I will not speak to you without a lawyer” can be taken as a simple statement of fact rather than a request for a lawyer. You literally have to state “I am now invoking my right to a lawyer” and every time they try to proceed with an interrogation you have to answer every question with “I am invoking my right to have a lawyer present”. You can’t just tell them you won’t talk without a lawyer or that you want a lawyer. You have to state that you are invoking your rights. Otherwise they could just say “well they just said they wouldn’t speak without a lawyer present. That’s not invoking their rights to a lawyer. It’s just stating a fact.” even just stating your right to a lawyer doesn’t count!


PLEASE share this addition. I am a lawyer who works in criminal defense, and this is one of the most avoidable things that people consistently get wrong about the Miranda rights.

Here are some more “ambiguous” phrases which courts have found DO NOT invoke your right to a lawyer:

“Maybe I should speak to my lawyer first.”

“I might like a lawyer.”

“I think I should have a lawyer present for this.”

“Could I speak to my lawyer first?”

“How long until my lawyer gets here?”

And perhaps most egregiously – “Get me a lawyer, dawg – ‘cause this is not what’s up.”

Here are the magic phrases which you need to know if you want to invoke your Miranda rights:

1) “Am I free to leave?”

It’s worth asking this even if the answer is obvious. Even if the officer does not let you leave, by forcing them to admit that you are not free to leave, you are creating a record which your attorney can use to prove that you were in custody. Miranda rights only apply if the interrogation is custodial, meaning that police officers will frequently claim that their suspects were “not in custody” to get around their Miranda rights.

2) “I am invoking my right to remain silent.”

Simply staying silent will not invoke your right to remain silent. As absurd as this is, you must explicitly say that you are invoking your right to remain silent in order to invoke that right.

3) “I am invoking my right to an attorney.”

As stated above, you must be not only clear and unambiguous, but clear and legally unambiguous. Don’t get cute. Don’t get sassy. And on the flip side, don’t get intimidated and use verbal ticks to minimize your request. Say the line with those words exactly – say it clearly, and say it once, and then say nothing else.

Because even after you’ve done all this, the police can still try to get you to talk. They’re not supposed to interrogate you, but they’re allowed to make casual conversation, and if that conversation just happens to circle back around to the thing they wanted to question you about, well, that’s really your fault for talking after you said you wouldn’t, isn’t it? Can’t possibly fault the poor officers when you initiated – if you really wanted to have your rights respected, you wouldn’t have talked to them in the first place.

The police know this, and they will mercilessly exploit this loophole. So, once you’ve successfully invoked your Miranda rights, any and all conversation you have with police officers will put those rights back into jeopardy. 

Putting it all together:

Ask: “Am I free to leave?”

If they say no, say: “I am invoking my right to remain silent and I am invoking my right to an attorney.”

And then shut up and do not say a single thing to them for any reason whatsoever until you have actually spoken to an attorney. Yes, even if it takes hours. Yes, even if they start talking to you about something else.

Finally, a very important disclaimer:

I may be a lawyer, but I’m not your lawyer, and I cannot guarantee that what I’ve just laid out here will always work for every situation. We didn’t get to this bizarre and absurd place overnight – we built this ridiculous system piecemeal, by deciding on a case-by-case basis that certain phrases were “too ambiguous” or certain types of questioning weren’t actually questioning at all. The law is still in flux, and is still fundamentally out to get you, and willing to bend plain meaning beyond all recognition to do it. Even if you invoke your rights perfectly, exactly as I have specified above, there’s a chance that your invocation of rights will be disqualified on some new technicality that no one’s even thought of yet – and that’s precisely the problem.


Watch this video: “Don’t Talk To The Police”

I am begging my followers to please watch this video from start to finish. I know it’s long, but it is incredibly valuable information that everyone needs to know, especially if you’re involved in any form of activism.

Every single cop lies. Every single cop lies and manipulates and twists the situation around to get a confession. Even when they know that the person is innocent, even when they know that what they have isn’t enough to convict someone, even when they know that that confession has been made under duress or manipulation. All they care about is getting anything to put someone behind bars.

It doesn’t matter how eloquent or innocent or experienced you are. Do not talk to cops.


The video is a doozy. Aside from all the good advice, the racist dog whistling from the officer really jumps out. In fact, his whole segment was pretty effective to drive home the point that officers are literally trained to manipulate you and fuck you over. He does say he doesn’t “try” to put innocent people in prison, but he never says he tries to keep them out either. He also explicitly states that he destroys material that could be helpful to you.


hey y’all please please please read this and watch the video and do research if you can, this is really scary /srs


We stan!!!!

chaotic good

There’s a happy ending to, because the robbery was unsuccessful, the couple ended up getting the money Eden needed from a movie inspired by em! Also John only had to serve part of his sentence. Check out their wedding photos btw they’re beautiful.


reblogging because I’ve seen this post a thousand times and I’ve never seen the happy ending!! 


Extremely wholesome content.

The film is Dog Day Afternoon for anyone wanting to watch it


Fall In Love With Building A Gaming Pc

Building a gaming PC has it’s own advantages if and only if you know how to build it right the first time. You don’t want to end up being frustrated if your needs don’t meet the requirements.

Should You Build A Gaming PC Or Go Prebuilt?

It really comes down to the pros and cons of either building a PC or go for the prebuild gaming. However, building a PC definitely saves money. The main advantage of a prebuilt gaming PC is that it saves time but you have to pay extra money.

Questions To Ask Before Building Your PC

There are 2 most important questions to consider before building your own PC

1.      What are your needs?

2.      How much will you spend on it?

There are a few things you need to consider. First, you need to ensure you understand your own needs in relation to the components you can afford to buy. After reading this section, you’ll know whether building a gaming PC is right for you (it almost certainly is) or if you should go with a prebuilt machine instead.

Generally, we can divide PC in three levels to understand clearly. Three are three levels of PC in terms of build.

  • Low End PC typically costs in the range of $200 to $500
  • Mid End PC typically costs in the range of $500 to $800
  • High End PC mostly costs in the range of $800 to $1000+

7 Components to Build a Gaming PC

Imagine a body without organs! ………………Can’t imagine right? In this section, the components which might also refer to as the heart, brain, structure, bones & muscles of PC are needed to build a PC.

You need the following 7 components in every case to build a gaming or any PC.

1)     Processor (CPU)

2)     Motherboard (MOBO)

3)     Graphic Card (GPU)

4)     Memory (RAM)

5)     Storage (SSD or HDD)

6)     PC Case

7)     Power Supply Unit (PSU)

Processor (CPU)

Starting with brain of a PC. Yes, you heard it. Central Processing Unit is referred to as the brain of the computer. It is one of the most important component.

The Processor computes basic or complex instructions and perform tasks on the basis of those instruction just like a human brain.

Motherboard (MOBO)

Motherboard, you may refer it to as the heart of a PC. It is a circuit board on which every other components plug into. Just like the heart, it comes in different sizes and compatibilities. Every motherboard isn’t compatible to every components.

The greater the clock speed and other features, better the performance.

Graphic Card (GPU)

There is another Graphics Unit in a PC other than central processing unit, which is referred to as Graphics Card. It is for handling visual data on the PC. Visual data in gaming & video editing etc. increases which tends to increase more computing & processing.

Therefore, this is where Graphics Card comes in handy. It’s one of the most expensive component in PC.

Memory (RAM)

Generally, the first thing that comes in mind when saying Memory is to remember. This is exactly what memory is in PC. It stores temporary caches, files, tasks, and instructions of the programs running on a PC.

The more the random access memory (RAM), better the CPU (central processing unit) performance to compute instructions. It comes in different variants starting from 1GB to more than 128GB.

Storage (SSD or HDD)

Storage is where all the programs and everything on the PC needs to be saved. SDD and HDD are the two storage technologies often used when it comes to storing data. SSD uses no moving parts and the information is stored in microchips while HDD uses spinning disks to read/write data.

SSD is faster and expensive as compared to HDD but it really depends on the personal preference of which to use.

PC Case (Aesthetics)

In the end, PC Case is just a box. It might be covered in glass panels but still it’s just a case in which all the other components are placed to secure them with dust and water etc. PC Case also determines the aesthetics and design of the PC.  

Now, time to assemble the PC. There are few tools needed to assemble/build a PC at home.

Power Supply Unit (PSU)

Power Supply is a unit that supplies power to the whole system. It keeps those little electrons running to each and every component.

The faster the PC, the more power it needs to run.

What are the tools needed to assemble the PC?

You must need some tools to assemble the PC of your choice despite your requirements and needs.

  • Workstation
  • Screwdriver
  • Latex Gloves
  • Antistatic Bracelet
  • Thermal Paste
  • Compressed Air
  • Organization Buckets

Steps to Build a Gaming PC – Important

First, mentally prepare yourself that you are going to assemble a PC. Move into an ample room where you have a plenty of space to put all of your components and tools. Clean up your environment and work on a nonmetal surface.

Open up the boxes of components and you will find instruction manuals. Keep them, they are handy.

1. Installing CPU

Open the instruction manual of the CPU. Look around the motherboard and don’t get confused from too many chips on it. It’s like a puzzle game and you will have to put the right cable in the right place.

You will see little prongs on one side of the chip. In some other CPU’s, it might be some little golden contacts on one side. Do not touch them as it might damage the contacts.

Check your motherboard’s instruction manual to unlock your processor’s socket. There will be some bunch of holes that will look like big square with a button beside it. Find a corner of the CPU having little golden triangle. Inline it with the motherboard’s processor socket having the same symbol. Put your processor in it and make sure that it’s seated perfectly by looking at the instruction manual. Also, double check it.

Now you will see a square of silicon on the processor. You will have to apply thermal paste onto it. Your processor comes with the Heat Sink. Take thermal paste, not too much or too little. Remember your goal is to make a thin layer of thermal paste between a processor and heat sink. Therefore, take thermal paste accordingly.

Apply thermal paste onto the shining silicon of the processor and put the heat sink on top of it so that the silicone square of the processor and the copper circle on the heatsink lines up perfectly.

Gently press the heatsink and wait for it to dry. Thermal paste layer should remain at the center and in between the processor and the heatsink. Plug in your heat sink’s cooling fan near the processor socket by looking at the instruction manual.

Congratulations, you have just done the hardest part. It’s finished buddy.

2. Installing Motherboard

First see your motherboard’s instruction manual and put your motherboard into your case. Be sure that the screw holes in the case and on the motherboard, lines up.

3. Installing Power Supply

Now time to install power supply. You will find a big square spot that will fit your supply perfectly near the top or bottom of the case. After finding its spot, place Power Supply in and screw it. Do not plug anything right now.

4. Installing Memory

Now, see and find vertical sockets beside CPU and line up your sticks of RAM according to it and slot them in. Make sure to slot from the left side first. Seat them in and once seated your will hear a sound of the placement/click/tick as well. Some motherboards have the numbering on them too.

5. Installing Storage

There is a front-facing part of your case in which storage device either HDD or SSD has to be placed. It may differ from PC case to case. Place your drive into its place. Sometimes, it has to slide in the PC case. Screw it into place. If you haven’t found the place yet, see the instruction manual of motherboard.

6. Installing Graphics Card

See your motherboard’s instruction manual and look for the PCIe slot. Mostly, it’s a horizontal slot with a plastic latch beside it to clip/hold it. Line up the back side of your PC case with the back of your Graphics Card where HDMI is. Push in the GPU in the horizontal slot and it will be locked in easily. You will hear a sound of locking. If it doesn’t lock. Don’t force it. Try the other side. Screw it up and you are done placing.

Look into the cables coming out of the power supply. Look for the cables having rectangular or square shape that could fit into the rectangular or square socket on the side of your GPU. There are six to eight holes in rectangular or square socket.

Connect cables into the socket and you are done. If somehow, you are not able to do this, search on the internet by putting your manufacturer name and how to install it. You can search for: How to install “XYZ” GPU on “XYZ” Processor.

7. Setting Up the Ribbon Cables

There are tons of cables coming from the Power Supply. Open the instruction manual and connect the PSU to the SSD/HDD and the motherboard. Also, motherboard needs to be plugged into your case too. The rest of the cables depends on the hardware you purchased.

Don’t worry, each cable and pin configuration is on the instruction manual of the respective hardware.

8. Boot the PC & Install Operating System

You are done with the building of your PC. Now, just hit your power button. Insert your Operating System CD or bootable USB and install your Operating System. If PC didn’t boot up, don’t despair. It might be some faulty connections or faulty components causing PC to not boot up.

Check all the steps again and if somehow it doesn’t work then consider a google search or ask help from a technical friend who has computer background. Still having a problem, hire a technician. It won’t cost much.

YAYY……! You Build a Gaming PC.

Congratulations on building your first gaming PC. It’s a bit of a pain, but it’s a great way to spend an afternoon.

Facing RAM issue? Know about how to test your computer RAM for problems.




We need HOAs or some idiots will paint their house purple or put tractor tires in their front yard.  If you want tractor tires, don’t move to a HOA neighborhood.

I couldn’t even fathom how horrifying it must be to live somewhere there are...purple houses and and yucky stuff in people’s yards. Thank God I don’t have any real problems like that.

listen my Nonna and Nonno live right by a purple house (it’s a nice lilac) and as a kid I was fucking obsessed with it because purple is my favorite color. I’d go nuts whenever we passed by it. Also it had a purple mailbox to match and it blew my mind.

No more HOAs. More purple houses.


imagine trying to control what someone else can do with or on their own property just because you don't agree with their taste in decor


Related, becuase I just had to move:  “just don’t move into an HOA” Do you know what a PAIN IN THE ASS it is to find NON-HOA Housing? Very nearly everything in the CO front range that isn’t a rental has an HOA these days!

Short list of the Shit the HOA at my pervious house tried to pull:

  • Banning personal and community food gardens (The reason the tag for my garden is “The garden of earthly HOA violations”)
  • Banning people from using thier personal yards as Native Plant Restoration microzones, something that looks gorgeous and is extremely helpful to the local ecology
  • trying to get the city council to remove protections on adjacent city Open Space/Native Plant restoration zone so they could mow it.
  • mandating the use of ONE landscaping company in the neighborhood, coinicdentally owned by the HOA president’s son
  • Mandating the use of an unecessary water purification company on all properties.
  • suing city animal control for collecting lose dogs and cats and returning them to the addresses on thier collars.  You know. that thing animal control does so the animals don’t get run over or disemboweled by the coyotes or catch and spread rabies.  The thing that’s illegal to let your pet do out here for those reasons Karen.
  • Suing the city council to remove a city bus stop in the neighborhood that was heavily used by many residents.  They damn near got away with it becuase the HOA meetings were always in the middle of the day on a weekday.  You know, when the residents that use that stop are working.
  • Sending people letters threatening to fine them for having “Out Of Season” holiday decor.  Specifically targeting my Indian neighbors who were celebrating Diwali, not Christmas and the Jews with visible Menorahs.
  • Fining people for doing thier own appliance and car repair on thier own personal property
  • Fining people for operating a business out of thier house, specifically targeting a disabled neighbor that does comission tailoring and garment repair out of her home.  never bothered a soul except the one snoopy bitch who didn’t like that her clients were allowed to park in the tailor’s designated and otherwise unused parking space.
  • Trying to fine a neighbor for flying a Pride Flag

HOAs are invasive, bigoted, corrupt and cruel institutions that should never have been allowed to be created.  If you live in and HOA area, showing up at the meetings to tell people what the fuck is wrong with them, Joining your HOA board to protect your neighbors and possibly organize the dissolution of the HOA is one of the best things you can do to protect the marginalized members of your community.


Are y'all telling me this shit is actually LEGAL?

Here’s how to get an HOA to leave you and your purple house tf alone

cant stop thinking about this post. 😔

direct action

HOAs, IN THEORY, could be such a force for public good, and that’s what’s maddening. Imagine if an HOA was like “well we’ve got all these houses and this one empty lot, pay your HOA dues and we can install a community food garden!” or “leave your contact information on the HOA residents-only webpage if you’re willing to be an after-school dropoff for children in our community who may not have a parent at home” or “hi, Sally, we’ve noticed your yard’s gone rather hogwild and things weren’t like that before your husband passed last year, do you need some help? We have some folks in the HOA who can help you with maintenance, no charge.”

Instead they choose isolation over community in the name of a unity that’s in image only, and that’s really, really sad.

Friend of mine bought a small house, an old one in an old neighborhood. She had no idea it was an HOA neighborhood until the day she moved in. They arrived with paperwork she "had" to sign or things would get "complicated", aka do this or we're gonna make life hell for you. She immediately told them no, she has no desire to be part of the HOA, and they about blew a gasket. Went from civil to wtf real quick. They tried sending her violation reports, demanded she pay fines, threatened her, etc. What they didn't know is she's petty and gives zero fucks. She also lives keeping paperwork nice and tidy.

Shit hit the fan when she installed a wall around her property. A 3 feet tall 2 foot wide wall around her yard. Topped with gorgeous iron work with sharp points that make climbing dangeous. Think Addams Family Lite. They tried to stop the construction because she was using the /wrong/ company (a mutual aid group she worked with). Send her fines and fees, and made the mistake of sending a copy of the HOA contract with a forged signature.

Ooooo...it got so ugly! She remembered the HOA post here about that happening to others and, well, the HOA broke up because of other fuckery on top of this. But it was mostly due to her dragging them in court for fraud, harassment, disturbing the peace, trespassing, stalking, and a few other things. She was petty about it too, looked into every fucking thing she could to destroy them.

I was informed that you not, in fact, obligated to sign the HOA contract. It's not a legal requirement. When you look for a home, make sure to ask about the possible HOAs, and look at the details of your homeowner's contract. Sometimes HOAs have that shit written into the purchase. If you see it, change the contract, put your initials and date in the changed sections, and see how the real estate agent handles in. This is legal, btw.

Don't sign the HOA contract, learn the laws regarding yard stuff (did you know you can apply to have your yard declared a wildlife reserve?), and be petty af when the nosy neighbors won't mind their business.


5 Times Marinette Saved The Batfam (ch 3)

this fic is a collab with @nightlychaotic, @ramos123, @thedragonbug​, and @miraculousmelodies​!

Jason is, for lack of a better term, a loner.

He’d never really been a people person—growing up in Crime Alley does something to your sense of trust—and he largely prefers books to the company of others. There had been few exceptions to this rule before his death, and even less afterward.

He knows how to maneuver himself around others; growing up with Bruce had led him to become intimately familiar with the ins-and-outs of Gotham’s higher class, but he hates their plastic smiles, hates how everyone hides their intentions behind grandiose acts and saccharine words.

They peacock and parade about, flashing their opulence in displays of false magnanimity. Every socialite dons a perfectly curated mask—and it could be considered hypocritical for him to condemn such an act, but Court of Owls aside, none of them wear the same kind.


lucky in love

Marinette, for all intents and purposes, is a horrendous liar—but apparently not so horrendous that Red Hood doesn’t believe Ladybug when she says she’s in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Now she has to suffer the consequences of lying to her crush and deal with the new client who seems to be oddly invested in her relationship with Ladybug.
based on this idea in collaboration with @lady-literature and @bunathebunny

For being sponsored by the Goddess of Luck herself, Marinette sure is unlucky.

She thought her partnership (can she call it a partnership? a you’re here I’m here we might as well work together situation?) with Red Hood had been going well. They exchanged easy-going banter, were an efficient team, and she couldn’t help but feel like there was a mutual attraction there—that is, until she had to mess it all up by putting her foot in her big mouth.

After months of their initial acquaintanceship, they’re sitting on a rooftop, enjoying a small bout of reprieve from their earlier takedown of the same trafficking ring that had brought them together. Hood is sitting next to her, arms slung lazily over his spread legs. She’s never seen him so relaxed before, if she can even call it that.

He’s still tense, eyes darting around in a way that screams experience, but it’s a start.

This had me cackling oh my god 😭💀


in case y’all are interested in whatever my sleep-deprived brain conjures, here’s something i wrote a few months ago that i just found

daminette: art timari: smart jasonette: dart dickinette: heart

Me too


why is bob short for robert

how does one get ‘billy’ out of ‘william’?


How in hell do you get “Dick” from “Richard”?

you ask him nicely

you ask him nicely


There’s a kid in my class named Richard Hunter


Dick Hunter

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