
I Read Books


Mostly book stuff // multi-fandom (see my about) // tracking #i-love-all-books-tag // non-black WOC, BLM supportive // she/her, cis, aroace


Call me A, she/her. I’m cis and aroace, half Pakistani, half white Canadian. I’m a minor. 

TERFs, pedophiles, aphobes, biphobes, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, and other exclusionists are not welcome here. 


Mostly Keeper of the Lost Cities, The Song of Achilles, and Red White & Royal Blue. Also One Last Stop, Arc of a Scythe, Vicious duology, Shades of Magic trilogy, some Renegades and Lunar Chronicles, Seven Realms, and maybe a bit of whatever I’ve just read. 

I write fics on AO3

Grishaverse sideblog @aceinejghafa, Shadowhunters sideblog @the-great-lightwood-bane


Thanksgiving has fallen, crushed beneath a frosted boot. Now, All Hallow’s Eve prepares for the quickly approaching Holly Jolly Hordes. They. Must. Hold. Or all Holidays will be lost to the Bastardization of Saint Nick’s Name.



i made a comic in google slides for some ungodly reason

the long-awaited sequel, Untitled #2

Untitled #3 explores the formulaic entertainment mass-produced by the pawns of capitalism. Or I just wanted to say ass. One of the two.

Untitled #4: the plot thiccens. also there’s a plot apparently

Untitled #5. This whole comic is 23 strips long, and I’ll be doing daily uploads until it’s all posted. Thanks for the great response y’all.

Untitled #6. Okay so firstly, HOLY FUCK Y’ALL. I did NOT expect this comic to get notes, let alone fanart. The most recent strip will always be linked at the bottom of my pinned post, so you can check there to see if you’re caught up.

Untitled #7. Not much to say here. I hope you’re having a good day!

Untitled #8. The true plot begins.

Untitled #9. The Creator can possess Red because I, like Red, have a phenomenal ass. That’s it. It’s not that deep.

Untitled #10. *slaps roof of blue square* this bad boy can fit so much fucking existential despair

Untitled #11. Bet you didn’t expect the ass jokes comic to come to this now did you

Untitled #12. Red is fucking pissed at me. sorry buddy

Untitled #13. I indeed cannot have a comic without characters. Well played, Red.

Untitled #14. Red has his priorities straight.

Untitled #15. It would be funny if this were the last strip but I promise it isn’t. I put too much effort into the end of the comic to stop it now.

Untitled #16. Nice try, Red. Nice try.

Untitled #17. The paradox of omnipotence perpetually vexes me :(

Untitled #18. Let’s not have any ambiguity: Red’s dead. Hey, that rhymes! Neat!

Untitled #19. While strip 18 coincidentally did fall on April Fool’s, it wasn’t a prank. This comic has two characters now. Remember when this comic was about ass jokes?

Untitled #20. Three more strips to go. Holy shit.

Untitled #21. ass haha

Untitled #22. What am I going to do? Who knows… Find out tomorrow at roughly 8:30 AM EST!

Untitled #23.

World Heritage Post


monarchy has no real purpose and should be abolished irl but im a slut for royal families in fiction. the politics. the intrigue. families divided by the eyes of a nation. the pressure of children told from birth that they are born to rule, born for only one purpose. the stifling of empathy and real bonds and love. the loneliness when all eyes are on you. it’s so inherently tragic and yet everyone involved is terrible because that’s all they can be. gimme.


Do other writers ever get this like, hyper-specific dialogue exchange drop into their brains and you know exactly where these character are standing and what they’re doing and how they’re saying these words but that’s all you get. You don’t have much other context and this specific moment that exists only at this time in your headspace??


looking for fics about your favorite character on ao3 be like:

dont care

dont care

dont care

what the actual fuck

dont care

ooh that sounds- what the fuck


don't care

the best fic ive ever read in my life. this absolutely ruined me and ill never be the same ever again

dont care


There will always be someone who judges you. You cannot prevent this. But by being openly yourself, weirdness and silly hobbies and all, you give those who would love you the chance to see you, too. And you might also inspire someone else to be less ashamed of who they are.


what's that one thing where they asked how ripely from alien was so realistic and believable as a female character in scifi for once and they were like "well we just took the dude from the original script and made him a girl and changed nothing else. it works bc men and women are the same?" and people were like "woah no way" and then didn't learn anything from that for 20 years

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