

@hcwlin / hcwlin.tumblr.com


Honestly, I just love incongruously modern inciting incidents for classic folkloric motifs. Like, some poor shmuck being sent to the middle of the deep, dark forest just as evening is rolling in to fix Baba Yaga’s wi-fi. She likes to update her recipe blog at midnight sharp, and if she’s not back online by then, there’s gonna be hell to pay!


[text:] when donkey asks shrek what his name is, shrek pauses before he says shrek, & i’m convinced he came up with it on the spot.


[text] it’s... 3 am.... why.....


Boring old werewolf instincts:

Sexual jealousy

Constant aggression

Rigid hierarchy

Must win sports

Homophobia And Sexism Is Normal™

Eat people

Cool new werewolf instincts:

There is no five second rule

Corvids are friends

Hang out as a pack


Gotta pee


Also consider:

Separation anxiety

Unconditional love and loyalty

Being able to sleep in almost any situation or position

Irresistible urge to chase squirrels and rabbits

Hating the vacuum cleaner

Wanting to do everything with friends

Loudly and repeatedly announcing to housemates that someone is at the door

Long, shouted conversations to other werewolves across the neighborhood (bonus points at 2am)

Taking advantage of any and all free food

Werewolf-vampire solidarity

Fighting any animal that trespasses into the backyard

Boundless energy

Too much energy

Eating out of the trash if it smells tasty

Being bad at sports because you don’t want to let anyone else take the ball from you. Then destroying the ball in front of everyone because you want to make a point

Trying to fight things 10x your size like a fucking idiot

Being unable to hold a grudge for more than a few hours

Trying to make people feel bad for you over mundane things that aren’t actually that bad. And somehow succeeding.


Needing to try a bit of your friends’ food, even if you’ve tried it 5645674 times before and have never once liked it

Getting way too friendly with random strangers

Being in a love-hate relationship with water

Digging. For no reason.

Thinking you’re a badass despite being a hyperactive ball of emotions and hedonism

Loud sobbing while pressing yourself up against the sliding glass door at your friends who locked you out because they were tired of your bullshit and wanted some goddamn peace and quiet


Okay this one is a gem:

“ Loudly and repeatedly announcing to housemates that someone is at the door “


Bla Bla Bla [x]

He wants to talk with the family so much

such a smooth velvety voice

he’s talking about his day


      merilee gives his shoulder a playful shove. “ i’m kidding! i know rowena can be… not really difficult, just different. “ i know you know i don’t like the whole pack thing. i get it, it’s part of our way of life and rowena really loves it. so i suck it up to keep her happy. so, thanks. for taking care of her. ” // @hcwlin | x 


“Oh thank GOD,” and thank all the saints and all the angels and the entire host of heaven that he’s not about to get his ass handed to him by Merilee Santos.

Spoiler alert: of all the parents of his classroom she’s the one he fears the most.

“I thought you were being SERIOUS,” the poor boy is clutching at his chest like he needs Lifealert or something. It takes him a full half-minute to get his heart back where it belongs at a calm resting rate and not pitched up somewhere in his throat ready to burst through his mouth. Sure, Remy looks like he could take on five guys at once in a brawl but he’s just not that type of person, not really.

“She’s doing really well, too,” he manages after taking a much needed breath. His hand drops to his side. “She keeps trying to teach all the others how to use context clues when reading, it’s really kind of... well, cute, but, amazing. She’s probably the smartest kid of the bunch, no lie.”


“I’ve been wanting to kick your ass all week.”


“Was it something I said?” no doubt it’s something that went home with little Rowena Santos, a misunderstanding at best, and at worse? Just the truth with no context.

He takes a step backward to give this one a little space. He knows that even if she is technically smaller... her bite might just be about as bad as her bark.


well!! im gonna probably do a new theme!! and a new promo! and write some stuff here!


HEY FRIENDS as u kno this is a slow af blog so thanks for sticking with me. i’ll be on.. sometime... maybe tmrw if not tonight..

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