
MY NEW FANDOM BLOG IS NOW @bisexualmalbertha !!!


(I'm trying to follow as many of you as possible, but I follow over a thousand blogs and it's hard trying to find everyone... so please follow!!!)


Hurricane Irma

This hurricane has officially hit a category 5. To give you an idea of the strength of this storm:

Harvey was a category 4.

Katrina and Andrew were a category 5 and Irma is at the moment is stronger than both of them. This hurricane is going to cause absolute destruction when it hits. Puerto Rico (especially this beautiful isla)  Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic and Florida are all in it’s path. Here’s a checklist if you can afford these supplies.


  • Bottled Water- a week’s supply minimum (One gallon daily per person)
  • Non perishable items that don’t require cooking ( Tuna, nuts, fruit cups, Cereal bars, peanut butter, crackers, dried fruits, canned vegetables, chili)
  • Dry pet food 
  • Packaged juices 
  • Powdered or canned milk 


  • Manual can opener
  • Toilet paper 
  • Baby wipes ( this will make a great alternative for showers)
  • Batteries ( AAA, AA, 6V, C, and D)
  • Flash lights (if you have manual ones even better)
  • Battery powered radio 
  • Utility knife 
  • Waterproof matches 
  • 5 gallons of gas
  • Tampons and pads 
  • Portable phone charger fully charged)
  • Sand bags (redirects water and debris flow)
  • First aid kit
  • Blankets 
  • Rain gear - Ponchos, boots. (avoid umbrellas)
  • Medications 
  • Portable cooler

Documentation / Legal End

  • A closed water proof sealed container
  • Take pictures and send them to yourself in an email of the following: Drivers License, photo ID, social security numbers, medical insurance cards (of each person) 
  • Take photos of everything! Insurance companies are not your friends. Email everything to yourself. 
  • If you have young children and they are able to make sure they memorize your name, address, and phone number

Other tips: 

  • Before the hurricane hits fill up the bath tubs in your house (extra water for flushing the toilet) 
  • Bring any ornaments from outside inside 
  • Trim trees
  • Board your windows
  • Have a secure room that you an pile everyone ( has to have no windows) 

if you have any questions message me. Keep safe mi gente xx 


HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALONE Let’s say it’s 6.15pm and you’re going home (alone of course), after an unusually hard day on the job. You’re really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to drag out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don’t know if you’ll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself..!! NOW HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALONE… Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can perhaps buy precious time to get themselves to a phone and dial 911. Rather than sharing another joke please contribute by broadcasting this which can save a person’s life! Be prepared and become part of the solution. Get your free next-of-kin notification card today. Click here: https://www.InCaseOfEmergencyCard.com/

major signal boost

Reblogging cause this could save someone’s life

This could save many lives, reblog

Useful information to have!

i wish my dad had known this



i'm sorry, but i need to say this

girl meets world’s writing became so trashy. season one and part of season two’s storylines were great, but after that, it seriously went down hill. i mean…

riley matthews : she was such an adorable cinnamon roll in season one and two, but when season three came around, she acted incredibly rude and her silliness was turned into stupidity so fast that i had to stop watching. the way she acted towards maya, in the last season, was horrible, and it made me so mad because their friendship’s wonderful, but riley’s attitude just felt so off putting. not to mention that her character had the potential to carry a great depression storyline on her back. i mean, her grades started to drop, her smiles seemed fake, and her parents grew less interested in her and more interested in her best friend, and i’m sure that that made her feel sort of unwanted. mj tried to show that being optimistic doesn’t always mean playing dumb, but he failed with that in the last season.

maya hart : to start off, i hated the whole, “maya doesn’t have a dad so her life is horrible” storyline. in the show, andi mack, andi’s dad disappears for a while, but andi doesn’t become pessimist about everything. she has a mom to take care of her, and so did maya, but mj totally disregarded that. he just had to have shawn come in and save the day, completely disregarding the forced white trash that is katy x shawn. maya does/did not need a father to make her happy and i hate that the writers wrote any differently. she had her mom, she had riley, and she had the matthews! i understand that her father leaving might’ve made her lose hope in some ways, but not in ways that made her fail classes and ways that made it hard for her to keep a relationship. speaking of which, maya hart had the most potential, i have ever seen on disney, to have a questioning sexuality storyline. i mean, she literally uttered the words, “i need to know who i am before i know what i like.” her long game with josh started to clear up as a “questioning lesbian” storyline, the longer it lasted. she made a deal with an older guy, saying that if both of them were single in four years, they would date each other. just please think about it for a second. just— a girl who could easily say, “no thanks, i have a boyfriend” to any guy who hit on her, while still single and still contemplating the idea of being in a real relationship with a guy in four years, so she can figure out whether or not she actually wants to date him. maya hart is gay. don’t @ me.

lucas friar : seriously, all i know about this boy is that his name’s lucas friar. we don’t call him “bread” for nothing! where the fuck did his storyline go? the four lucas-centric episodes didn’t even really involve him that much, they mostly just had riley complaining about how she didn’t know lucas as well as she thought she did. i was really hoping that they would give him the potential to let kids with anger issues know that they aren’t abnormal, and that they can be a good person, but mj sent that down the drain with every other great storyline that gmw missed out on. on to another one!

farkle minkus : please oh please let this baby breathe! mj, why did you do this to such an amazing smol bean?! why did you make him such an asshole?! why?! what was with his attitude in girl meets highschool? what was that? what happened to riley and farkle always being on the same team? what happened to farkle never leaving riley & maya sides? how could such an innocent lil cinnamon roll side with l*cas? how could he side with l*cas after the boy treated riley like crap?! what was that scene?! oh my god micheal jacobs! and did you seriously show judaism as a bad thing?! being jewish is not bad whatsoever, so why the hell would you make farkle so insecure about his religion like that?! the sad part is, i’m seriously asking, because we got zero depth into his religion. they talked about it…twice and then never brought it up again?! i actually had to ask my friend what happened because i was so confused. i shouldn’t have to have his religion spelled out for me! + the only way i found out besides my friend telling me, was when riley gave him a menorah for christmas. i was still really confused, because the culture week episode, where he apparently found out he was jewish, never said anything about that! ugh, micheal jacobs, i don’t care, he can be ashamed, but just tell me why!!

isadora smackle : i seriously needed me some more izzy! why was there a lack of her character? seriously! she had some of the best lines and best acting! why wasn’t she in more episodes? she deserved some centered around her! i think we got one and that episode was mostly focused on farkle’s possibility of autism. speaking of that, i really wished that smackle was written an autism storyline, instead of dunking that into the trash to use it as a humor category. i seriously wanted some debates from her about feminism and equality since she was on the debate team! to sum up: she deserved so much better! nice job for striking out again, writers!

zay babineaux : we just needed more of him because he was a blessing to everyone!


“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”

not even risking that shit

scrolled past this, re-evaluated my life, then SCROOOLLLED back up and hit the damn reblog button. 

  1. She ain’t no games in real life so I take her serious all the time
  2. Anyone with a name that starts with a “Z”, ends with an “i”, and isn’t some kind of Italian pasta, IS SERIOUS
  3. I’m not climbing no mountain with a pig on my back, 🙅🏽🙅🏾🙅🏿 Negative.

Nope. I know better, have your reblog Madame Zeroni.


who the fuck is Madame Zeroni

A character from the book (and superb film adaptation) Holes. She helped this guy out in a time of need, and put a curse on him when he was too selfish to think of her in return. That curse lasted for four generations.


ladies and gentlemen we have officially reached the “in case a nuclear attack happens” phase……. [x]

This shit is wild.

There should be an amber alert or something to warn us, hopefully. But if you’re so close to the blast that the entire outside flashes white your first priority is to get underneath the blastwave any way you can.

After that you have 2 options: drive away or protect yourself from the radiation.

Option one is tough because literally everybody else is going to want to do this, and you could get stuck right in the fallout. And lemme tell you, if you’re stuck out there when the ashes first fall for more than 15 minutes, you’re dead. Radiation poisoning.

Option two is harder, but has a better success rate. Get underground. Most houses have a crawlspace, but in this bad time just saw a fucking hole in your floor. Put table over hole. Pack some large containers (like tubs), with dirt, tight, and stack them on your table or wherever you’re going to be directly underneath. you need 36 inches if dirt to be protected from the radiation poisoning. You could preemptively buy lead and stick that in a container with a lot of serface area, i forget how many inches you need vertically.

How ever much serface area the dirt/metal/lead covers is how much you and your party will be able to move around. As long as there’s enough inches vertically you’ll be good so long as you stay under it.

You gotta stay under there for at least 2 weeks, 3 to be sure.

Also, if you can see the mushroom cloud, stick your arm out as far as you can. Do a thumbs-up and close one eye. If your thumb is bigger than the cloud, you are safe. If the cloud is bigger or the same size as your thumb, then that means you are in the radiation zone and should evacuate immediately.

Fuck I cant believe this is something I need to reblog.


Inspired from and based on this post by @incorrect-drarry-quotes (If you don’t want this to exist, just tell me and I’ll remove it..)

“Look at you, look at how you stand. People who had good childhoods don’t stand like that.“

Harry looked up confused to meet Draco’s gaze. The blond, pale boy looked sternly, yet caring back with stormy grey eyes, as he continued.

“You walk as if you don’t want to be seen, as if you think you’re supposed to not be seen. And that’s how neglected people walk. What I don’t understand though, is why someone would treat you like that. As far as I’m concerned you’ve never done anything to ever deserve to be neglected, abandoned.”

Harry could do nothing but stare at the other man for moments. When the look of concern on Draco’s face didn’t disappear, Harry decided that he actually cared about this. And maybe about Harry as well. Draco asked him once more to tell what exactly had happened and that’s how Harry found himself talking about his childhood with Draco Malfoy, of all people, in the kitchen of Draco’s flat where they previously had shared a cup of tea while working on a case. He told him things he hadn’t even dared to tell Ron or Hermione because he was afraid of how they would react, of the pity that would be shown in their eyes each time they looked at him. And Draco stood by the kitchen countertop, listening to everything Harry had to say. When Harry had finished he put his tea cup down and walked to kneel in front of him. He took Harry’s now shaking hands in his and looked deeply into his eyes. How did it come that those eyes calmed him so much?

“Harry James Potter,” Draco said with a low voice, indicating that what he was to say was extremely serious. “What they did to you is illegal, you know that right? It’s not acceptable to ever treat anybody like that. And I hate them for doing this to you.”

“What are you talking about, what does it matter that they did it to me? It would be an equally big deal if it had been someone else.”

“For everyone other than me maybe, but I’m not them, and to me you matter more than them.”

Draco lifted one of his hands from their grip on Harry’s, to trace a trail of Harry’s hair behind his ear. Everything came crashing down on Harry all at once. Draco was telling him that he liked him. He was saying that he liked him more than as a friend. That he liked him differently than how Ron and ‘Mione liked him. He was meaning that he liked Harry in the same way as Harry liked him! But that was completely absurd. He couldn’t like Harry. Harry had done so many horrible things towards him, he couldn’t forgive him just like that.

“I don’t.. understand.. you don’t… hate me?” he stuttered, not daring to meet Draco’s gaze anymore so he turned his head to the floor.

“Of course I don’t hate you, Harry.” The sweet way he said his name made something stir inside Harry. “How could I, when you saved my life? And surely, you must know I didn’t hate you before that either. You must’ve known that I’ve been in love with you for quite a while, right?”

“Uhm.. no.. I didn’t… I thought.. well, when I realized I liked you I thought it was hopeless cause you could never love me back for what I’d done to you so…”

He didn’t get to explain any further, since he was silenced by Draco’s lips pressing gently against his. They felt soft, and tasted fresh and sweet from the honey that had been added to their tea. Automatically, Harry’s hands found their way into the blond hair. It was just as soft and amazing as Harry had imagined and the sensation of it against his hands, while Draco’s tongue asked for entrance to his mouth by trailing his lips made his entire body tremble. For the first time in his life, he had exactly what he wanted.


Hey, we’re in line for some absurd temperatures here in the southwest this week. This is very important to know and keep in mind. Be safe, stay hydrated, stay out of the sun as much as you can.

i threw up in front of some grade schoolers because i had heat exhaustion

dont be like me


Since someone else crossed my dash asking for tips for keeping cool, thought I’d share this handy chart that also came across my dash.





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