

@seventhfracture / seventhfracture.tumblr.com

Currently a personal. Not currently taking on RPs. Twitter: @VDeyja AO3: Vanya_Deyja/TrashKing/Choke-a-bro

If you're lamenting the fact that you used to be able to shoot through a 500-page novel in like a day when you were in middle school and now you can't, it's worth bearing in mind that a big part of that is because when you were in middle school, your reading comprehension sucked. Yes, mental health and the stresses of adult life can definitely be factors, but it's also the case that reading is typically more effortful as an adult because you've learned to Ponder The Implications. The material isn't just skimming over the surface of your brain anymore, and some of the spoons you used to spend on maximising your daily page count are now spent on actually thinking about what you're reading!

Reading as a kid: "I can tell that this is supposed to be an emotionally moving ending, but I genuinely cannot remember who two-thirds of these characters are."

Reading as an adult: *reads a paragraph* *pauses* *reads the same paragraph again* *flips back and re-reads the preceding page to make sure you didn't misunderstand something* *stares into space for ten minutes as the Implications sink in*


added to this: most of us have a whole lot more going on in our lives as adults than we did as kids, in the sense of having a constant background awareness of Tasks That Need To Be Done, which impacts your ability to immerse yourself in a book. so whereas your middle school self could effortlessly devote their whole brain to reading, your adult brain is equivalent to an overtaxed CPU attempting to juggle thirty open tabs across two browsers, an excel spreadsheet, bloatware, security popups, the trial version of adobe, and a song that won't stop playing because itunes froze


Resources For Writing Deaf, Mute, or Blind Characters

Despite the fact that I am not deaf, mute, or blind myself, one of the most common questions I receive is how to portray characters with these disabilities in fiction.

As such, I’ve compiled the resources I’ve accumulated (from real life deaf, mute, or blind people) into a handy masterlist.

Deaf Characters:

Dialogue with signing characters (also applies to mute characters.)

Mute Characters

Blind Characters:

Characters Who Are Blind in One Eye

Deaf-Blind Characters

If you have any more resources to add, let me know!  I’ll be adding to this post as I find more resources.

I hope this helps, and happy writing!  <3

Updated with more resources, specifically for characters who are blind in one eye.


Wow look at how sparkly it is! Yes, keep paying attention to the sparkles. The contents? You don’t need to know that. Just look at those sparkles!


How to become self confident

  1. Pretend to be so self confident that the gods will strike you down for your impudence. Your brain cannot tell the difference between being sarcastically self-absorbed and genuinely proud of yourself.
  2. ???
  3. You are now extremely self confident.
  4. Uh oh, you're too self confident. Zeus is turning you into a wolf because of your hubris.
  5. Awooooo
  6. Yay hehe I'm dogy :)

thank god for the YouTube people who make tutorials on how do do basic things like fry an egg or clean a washing machine and don’t make you feel stupid while explaining it

like when the fuck was I supposed to learn about cleaning grout? why does everyone else seem to know but me?


I was at a gas station called "Crazy Jack's Discount Shit Shack" but all the items were ancient and cursed. Crazy Jack was just some hillbilly guy with and underbite and a straw in his mouth. Had to stop my sister from buying the cursed objects, even though she knew the were all horribly cursed.


This is just the average trip to any flea market or antique store in the South.


It pisses me the fuck off that yoga is actually ancient and really good for you. Part of me still feels like it was invented to extract wealth from white socal moms.

I hate New age shit so much I actually get kinda mad when cleaning my room and drinking water actually improves my mood.

Like what do you mean moderate exercise and disciplined self respect actually improve my life. Cut the bullshit and invent cigarettes that are good for me already.


No one asked but I think the secret to making the enemies-to-lovers trip work is respect. They can loath each other, but they have to loath each other as equals. Like “sorry but no one else is allowed to murder this man but me” + “it’s an honor and privilege to despise you.”

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