
Electric Generation


Scifi and futuristic pink Floyd King Crimson cyberpunk
Anonymous asked:

So I did a personality test a while ago and I got INFP-T, but I did one now and I got INFJ-T, do yo have any idea of what that may mean? I mean, it's pretty much the same, both of them are "diplomatic"

Hello INFP/J,

Well let me start by saying, we INFPs get mistyped as INFJs, ENFPs and ISFPs the most no questions asked. But actually though our types are SO amazingly the same and INFPs and INFJs are known to get along famously. They are different in many ways and unique in a lot of ways as well. My mother is an INFJ and I absolutely adore her as well as one of my best friends. One is a -A and the other a -T. But just because they are in the Diplomat group doesn’t make them the same at all. 

INFPs listen differently, we take emotions differently. We tend to look at things with a more rosy outlook and more fantasy whereas INFJs tend to be more factual and analytical at times. It actually is quite interesting when you get an INFP and an INFJ together in a relationship, because usually, the two begin to rub off on one another. It is quite funny really. In my personal relationships, I am usually the more spontaneous and more Extroverted (I am an Ambivert big time) one that gets my INFJs to do stuff and try things that is out of their comfort zones. While they keep me grounded and tell me the honest truth even the things I don’t want to hear, but if they love you they are honest. Both types are loyal to a fault and develop deep, deep relationships with the people they allow in. I read an article once and talked to my INFJs and they said that so long as they just had even only one person to share their life with, they’d be fine. They really are a neat type just again more to themselves, and analytic.

I whole heartedly think that INFPs and INFJs can have tendencies of each other, hands down though. 

Here is a link that I just love that tells you what percent of INFP or INFJ you are that I found very helpful when I started getting into MBTI:http://www.celebritytypes.com/test/infj-or-infp.php

Also a link that shows the way INFPs and INFJs deal with emotions:https://introvertdear.com/news/how-infjs-and-infps-deal-with-emotions-differently/

 Also a link to an article on how to tell the two apart: http://introvertdear.com/news/infp-or-infj-7-ways-to-tell-them-apart/ 

And here is a simple chart that kinda shows the main differences at a glace. It is hard because again, we are sibling types. :) 

Hope that helps! Best Anon

-Admin Autumn (INFP)


Utopia - A film by John Pilger - Official trailer

One of the most extraordinary films about Australia is soon to be released in the UK. This is Utopia, an epic production by the Emmy and Bafta winning film-maker and journalist John Pilger.

Utopia is a vast region in northern Australia and home to the oldest human presence on earth. “This film is a journey into that secret country,” says Pilger in Utopia. “It will describe not only the uniqueness of the first Australians, but their trail of tears and betrayal and resistance - from one utopia to another.”

The future is a concept, it doesn’t exist. There is no such thing as tomorrow. There never will be, because time is always now. That’s one of the things we discover when we stop talking to ourselves and stop thinking. We find there is only present, only an eternal now.

“Show me how you do that trick

The one that makes me scream” she said

“The one that makes me laugh” she said

And threw her arms around my neck

“Show me how you do it

And I promise you

I promise that

I’ll run away with you

I’ll run away with you”


A complex and interesting personality is not a matter of being isolated, it’s a matter of being deeply connected with and aware of one’s relationship to the whole surrounding cosmos. 

Let’s suppose that I’m preparing to make a date with some lady, and she’s such an individualist that her thoughts are only occupied with herself. She never thinks about anything that isn’t her self. Well, she’s an awful bore! She has nothing to say. She’s not interested in any books, in any landscapes, in any works of art, in any literature, in any other people—she’s a TOTAL bore! But the more, on the other hand, she would be interested in all those things that are supposed to be NOT herself, the more of a colourful personality she becomes. 

So, the rule is to get away from these ideas of the individual as finding his individuality and uniqueness through independence, and rather finding his individuality and uniqueness through being related.

Alan Watts

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