

@lovehelen0325 / lovehelen0325.tumblr.com

Custom made jewellery

Discover my first #design as @shape_therapy from the new series I decided to call ANALOG EXPERIMENTS. These designs will take a completely different path now focused on #geometric and #mathematic principles. Stay tuned for more !


#shapetherapy #geometry #graphicdesign #Illustration #patterns #colors — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3e6KmQ7


☽ Lavender Syrup

The perfect sweet addition to ice cream, fruit tarts, cakes and more.


  • 1.5 c water
  • 1.5 c granulated sugar
  • 2 tbsp fresh lavender blossoms
  • A few drops of purple coloring


  • Place all ingredients except coloring into a pot on low heat until the sugar has dissolved. Bring to a simmer for 5 minutes, then remove from the heat and let steep for 30 minutes.
  • Return the pot to the heat and bring back to a boil; once liquefied, pour into sterilized jars and seal with lids.

Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms

It’s really common to find witchy mental illness/health related content that is catered towards specific illnesses (usually anxiety and depression). This is more catered to specific symptoms.

Witchcraft is to be used as a supplement to proper medical care, medication and therapy - not as a sole alternative!



Brain Fog + Memory:




Insomnia + nightmares:

Intrusive thoughts:

Panic attacks:


Picking (hair, skin, etc.):

Mood Swings/Emotional Balance: 

If anyone has content on a category I wasn’t able to include, or for a category that is lacking, feel free to send it my way and I’ll get a part two started for this post! Click [here] for the chronically ill symptoms masterpost. 

Links updated May of 2020. Please inform me of broken links via askbox!


tumblr tuesday: shower thoughts

Shout out to those of you who wonder out loud on the internet. (And then come home from work in the evening to a bajillion notes from people with takes you hadn’t even considered on a topic you haven’t even thought about since making a half-asleep text post ten hours ago before your first coffee of the day.) Shout out to you and only you. And to these folks who have had some thoughts worth thinking:

thank god for skin! without it we would simply be peeled limes with complicated emotions

@decaffeinated-hoe does not need caffeine to have thoughts or write them down on the internet. We’re truly blessed!

caligula was a pretty fucked up guy, but in his defense if everyone called me a nickname that meant “little boots” i’d also probably execute a few people

@thoodleoo serves delightfully acerbic hot takes on the ancient Romans.

I think women in ponds giving out swords is a fine system of governmence actually. May i have one

@swordlesbianopinions is fairly straightforward: Here is a lesbian who likes swords and wielding opinions, which she does freely and, might we add, rather well. Bravo!

‘how kafkaesque’ i say waiting in line at the taco bell. you think im talking about the alienating bureaucracy of waiting in a single file line for food premade in another state but actually im talking about the dead cockroach in the corner

@mariowiki​ likes sea creatures with lots of skin. She has been here forever and still manages to be funny, which is kind of impressive, honestly.

And here, to round us out, is an elephant seal in desperate need of a shower (if not a thought.)

Cleansing your Crystals

Cleansing your crystals is a very important part of working with them efficiently and successfully. It is a good idea to cleanse your stones whenever you just bought them, have been carrying them around with you, have recently worked with them or it's just been a while. To start off, this is a list of crystals that can be cleansed in water:

  • Rose Quartz
  • Clear Quartz
  • Smokey Quartz
  • Amethyst
  • Moonstone
  • Agate
  • Citrine
  • Jasper
  • Aventurine
  • Black Obsidian (can break in extreme temps.)
  • Tigers Eye
  • Carnelian

These cannot be cleansed in water:

  • Malachite
  • Turquoise
  • Fluorite
  • Selenite
  • Opal
  • Halite
  • Pyrite
  • Hematite
  • Celestite
  • Tangerine Quartz
  • Azurite
  • Apatite
  • Rhodocrosite
  • Jade

Obviously, these are not lists of all crystals/stones that you may have, so please do your research.

If you have a crystal that cannot be cleansed in water, here are some alternatives to cleansing them:

  • Soil- you can bury your crystals in the soil of your backyard and let mother nature cleanse the stone (note: you should do a little research on the soil in your area. If it is too acidic/rocky/moist it may not be safe to use this method)
  • Incense/Smoke- this is an easy method to use and I have done it myself. Simply light some incense (of your choice) and pass the crystal(s) through the smoke that rises. Do this as many times as needed.
  • Intention/Third Eye- hold your crystals in your hand and imagine the light from your third eye entering the stone and cleansing it thoroughly. Do this as long as needed.
  • Rice- easy and cost-efficient! Simply place your crystals into a bowl of brown rice (not bleached, it is damaged/processed more) overnight. The next morning, gather your stones and throw away the rice.
  • Sound- you can use bells, a tuning fork, singing bowls, or your preferred method of sound cleansing to clear away unwanted energy from your stones. Do this as long as needed.
  • Selenite- this crystal is very good at moving energy within other crystals/people/areas. Simply set your other crystals next to a piece of Selenite for however long needed, and you're good to go! (NOTE: this stone is listed above as a "Do Not cleanse with water" stone. It also breaks easily)

There are many more ways to cleanse your stones, so feel free to list your preferred method


1963 Chevrolet Corvette C2 Splitwindow

© M. Schulte

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