
Lover of things, hater of the rest!

@beeroses / beeroses.tumblr.com

I post tv shows, books, traveling, funny things, sad things, complicated things, I read things, I like things, I drink things, I watch things, basically, it's a mess and it's mine and it's beautiful! 💚29. Canadian she/her 💚

I really deeply appreciate the storytelling craft that has gone into ensuring that David Tennant is the Doctor forever, and can appear at any time without requiring weird timeline shenanigans. This is fan service, yes, but I'm certain the #1 fan this is servicing is in fact David Tennant.

He won it all. He really did! So proud of him!!!


Hi! Glad to see you back! How about Jax Teller having a younger twin sister and what a day is like for them? If you don’t like that one how about Jax as a single dad to a daughter and how he takes care of her hem she is sick


She’s Teething

Jax Teller

As this is a flash fic this hasn’t been edited

As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️


Fred Weasley x Reader - At Last

For the amazing @beeroses who requested this story for my 3.6k drabble challenge!

I hope you all enjoy this! 💛

Prompt - You kissed me last night / And you didn't stop me


Jax Teller X Readder - Always Been You

Hey! Sorry I've been a bit quiet recently, I've had a lot of stuff going on; I know people are really excited for the stories they've requested and I will get to them, please just be patient with me.

With that being said, I've written this story for the amazing @beth-gallagher22 who requested it for my 3.6k DrabbleWriting Celebration, it was so hard to stop at 500 words!

I hope you all enjoy this!💛


Reblogging things I like feels a lot more goblinesque than upvoting ever did. The upvotes felt like "hmm yes, I approve *golf claps*" while reblogging feels like furtively staring at something before shoving it in your mouth and scurrying back underneath the nearest piece of furniture.

Which isn't to say that I don't like it. But I definitely find myself going "maybe I shouldn't reblog this because I've already reblogged a bunch of things today and I don't want to look like I don't have a life," I say as I close the app and reopen it like one of those little automatic box toys with the switches.


3.6k Celebration Masterlist

Thank you to everyone who sent in requests! I'm so grateful to every single one of you and I hope you all enjoy the stories I'll be posting for this challenge! I'll update this as frequently as I can!💛

Thank you all for your support!

  • Fred Weasley x Reader - You kissed me last night — And you didn’t stop me for @beeroses
  • Jax Teller x Reader - This isn't goodbye for @rayslittlekitten
  • Jax Teller x Reader - She’s in love with someone else — Then why is she standing outside in her wedding dress? for @beth-gallagher22
  • Chibs Telford x Reader - You showed me what living was like again, I’d forgotten for @rl92
  • Vander x Reader - I didn’t mean to fall for you - Neither did I for @conretewings
  • Harvey Specter x Reader - Everyone should dance in the rain at least once in their lives faith for @malfoys-demigod
  • Harvey Specter x Reader - I can’t believe I got a first date let alone a year for @choochoo284
  • Harvey Specter x Reader - You know I’m holding back from fucking your over the kitchen counter, don’t push your luck for @callsign-ember
  • Sirius Black x Reader - I just...adore you for @xacatalepsyx
  • Raymond Smith x Reader - I like the sound of there being an us for @thedreadandthefugitivemind
  • Raymond Smith x Reader - I'm really in the mood to tease you today for @wild-rose-35
  • Raymond Smith x Reader - You tried to kill me three days ago for @deathbecomesnerds
  • Thorin Oakenshield x Reader - Just a few more minutes for Anon
  • Negan x Reader - I cannot stand you and yet I cannot stay away from you for Anon
  • Steve Harrington x Reader - Person A asking Person B out on a date and Person B panicking about what to wear for Anon

Can’t wait 😍😍


the gimmick blogs are like tumblr’s rogue gallery. yes we’ve got some heroes, yes we’ve got some villains, but more importantly if you look over here you will see some freak who devotes all their time to counting the number of “t’s” in a post


T Count: 15

Letter Count: 198

Your T Percentage: 7.58%

Average T Percentage: 6.95%

You used the letter T 1.09 times as much as average!


Sometimes you create a guy and it turns out they already exist


Sometimes that guy has skills beyond your comprehension @identifying-cars-in-posts

1993-1997 Mazda 626

I love all the fun kinds of autism we get here


Chibs Telford x Reader- A Confession Of Love

For the Anon who has waited so patiently for this! Thank you so much for the request!

I hope you all enjoy this!💛

Y/n and Chibs stood face to face in the clubhouse, the air thick with tension and emotions. Chibs' face was a mask of barely contained anger and frustration, while Y/n's had a mix of fear and sorrow. She knew things with the club weren’t going great; she didn’t need anyone to tell her that, it was clear to see; and she’d heard the rumors of the escalating violence between SAMCRO and a rival gang. That’s why she’d been begging them not to get involved; but it was quite clear to her that her opinion on the matter didn’t matter that much because it was club business; and she wasn’t part of the club. 

She just didn’t want anyone to get hurt. 


Hello darling 💙

Would you consider writing for Count Vronsky from Anna Karenina?


Pairing: Count Alexei Vronsky x Foreign Socialite!Reader Warnings: Borderline Toxic Infatuation, Vintage Slow Burn, (almost) Infidelity Summary: A foreign born socialite/heiress visits a friend in Russia and meets a straight up demon. For @bettytaylorversion (AU where Anna doesn't go back to Vronsky and chooses to stay with Karenin.) Word Count: 2.3K a/n: I remember that Tolstoy made this character so straightforward that you can kind of play around with him as much as you like without changing much about who he is at his core. I can't be left to my own devices. That being said, I don't want purists yelling at me. So I hope everyone takes some of my choices here with a grain of salt.


Everything about Russia felt intimidating to you: the language, the size of the country, the power of its military, and the show of their aristocratic wealth. You were wealthy. But this was a different kind of wealth. You came to visit your close friend who was another socialite that you met through overlapping inner circles. It'd taken you a while to accept the invitation as you weren't sure how kindly they'd take to a foreigner.

You understood some of the language based on what your friend taught you, but you still weren't confident enough to converse in just Russian. Instead you opted for French, which seemed to work well enough. You knew your native language was a lost cause. While some people in the parlor were polite, others had no interest in speaking with you. A small number seemed interested in you and your home country. Or maybe they just noticed your Very New and Very Parisian wardrobe with your collection of gifted jewels. They decided you were important enough to talk to.

When she introduced you to Count Alexei Vronsky, an officer in the army, you felt her grip on your elbow tighten just the slightest bit. You knew about him. She told you all about his affair with the married woman from Saint Petersburg. You weren't sure how you pictured the man. She said he was handsome, but you lived in a world full of beautiful people. How much different could he be?


fernando alonso walks to the grid before the race — canadian gp 2023, photos by mark sutton and bryn lennon



Worst part about this is I've only ever used that yellow square emoji once and it was just to see how it looked. This isn't who I am. However, in retrospect, I suppose it is

Reading through the notes is a surreal experience please keep adding more to fuel my effervescent consumption of non descriptive emojis



I just wish I knew why

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