

@infiniteraptor / infiniteraptor.tumblr.com

He/Him I 29 I 8th July I Maxis Match I Sims 4

🦋Digital Dollhouse Makeover Challenge: A 12 Day CAS challenge all about makeovers!🦋

Hello Simblr! Since joining the community like a month ago I've been really interested in CAS Challenges, and while participating in other people's challenges, I got inspired to make my own.

This challenge mostly focuses on dressing up or reworking existing sims rather than creating new ones, so it's good for players who have a lot of sims they're already attached to. I also largely wanted to avoid the typical "nerd girl takes off her glasses" type of movie makeover and instead tried to come up with prompts that involve a different type of transformation than just "'''''ugly'''''' to '''''pretty''''''".

RULES: not many tbh. Do all 12 or pick and choose, do them out of order, just have fun! However, make sure to include Before and After photos for each makeover!

  1. Take one of your favorite sims and make them over into the complete opposite of their usual aesthetic!
  2. Humanize an occult sim, or occult-ify a human sim!
  3. Imagine that a "What Not To Wear"/"Queer Eye"-type show exists in your Sim universe-- make a before-and-after of a sim that got made over on that show! (It's up to you whether the makeover is actually any good— you remember those old 2000s makeover shows that made everyone dress so boring, right?).
  4. Download an "ugly to beauty challenge" sim from the gallery, but give them a makeover that embraces their existing features instead of completely changing them.
  5. Take a randomly-generated townie in a wacky outfit and try to make them over in a way that maintains their general appearance and vibe! Refine their outfit, make them more cohesive, adapt them into your own style-- but keep them recognizable as the sim you started with.
  6. Put a sim in drag!
  7. Imagine what would happen if two of your sims gave each other makeovers.
  8. Make over one of your LEAST favorite premade townie's original EA version without changing any genetics! Skin details, hair, clothing, defaults, etc. are fair game, but you can't change any sliders on their face or body.
  9. Take one of your earliest Sims you have saved (a sim you made years ago, or whenever you were just getting started with TS4) and update them into your current style! If you don't have any of your old sims to update, remake and update a sim from a previous Sims game!
  10. Show a sim who's had a physical change that mirrors some sort of development they've had as a person/character. I.E. they started dressing different after a major life event, made a change reflecting a change in personality, etc. Use an existing storyline from one of your saves or make up a hypothetical plotline/backstory!
  11. Give a sim a fairytale transformation like Cinderella.
  12. Dress one of your sims in a randomly generated aesthetic. (Generator 1 / Generator 2 / Generator 3 )

If you do any part of this challenge, PLEASE tag me and/or use the tag #DDCasMakeovers so I can check them out! I'd also love to just find new blogs to follow through this :)

This would be the perfect way for me to get back into sims again!!


yippie thank you for the tag (^_^)/

@rivv1t @saveourship @funkedge @qilinkisser @bee-crown @starsstruckpeaches and anyone else who wants to do it !! No pressure at all :)

Oh god this is so cute!!! Thanks so much for the tag <3

I'm awful at listing people so whoever wants is welcome, but I'll add a few names just so, sorry if you've been mentioned before

I didnt see this till now sorry thank u 4 tag

I'll tag some random ppl I regularly see rb from me but no pressure/you ofc definitely can ignore this and also anyone who just wants to do this but I didnt tag ofc you can too


Tumblr ND poll

Please respond and reblog for a large sample size.

146 votes and only 21 reblogs? *sigh* This is not how we get to a large sample size, guys.


Reminder for simblreen if you go the riddle route; remember not everyone is good at riddles and autistic folks especially struggle so try not to be a stickler about people having to guess your riddle ^^

To add to this, especially make sure if you're doing scavenger hunts and riddles that you at least release them publicly after the event. It sucks to not be able to find something or solve a riddle and just get left out when you were there for the event and trying. It's supposed to be fun to participate, not make people feel stupid and then left out. This is trick or treating, would you shut the door on someone standing in front of you who didn't answer your Halloween riddle right? I hope not.


I love my mutuals, but I don’t really care for the ‘specialness’ associated with them. want to send me an ask off anon? do it. want to tag me in a post? do it. follower, mutual, or just random person who stumbled across my blog: I crave interaction and literally do not mind.

THIS. The inherent cliques formed is so weird, like pls message me, send me an ask, pls don’t think that just because we normally don’t talk, I won’t reply



1. cheercaptain Track & Field Girl

So, cheerleaders aren't a thing in sweden so instead i made a similar trope sim, a track & field girl (and similar types of sports)


Teen-A-Day | CAS Challenge

Hi, I’m here again and I -uh- made another challenge. Thought you might wanna join. Feel free to do 1 or all 28. Share or don’t share. Give us character deets or don’t. Stick to stereotypes or get creative. There are no rules. Just here to make some teens ✌️

p.s. this is from a midwestern american perspective - feel free to alter prompts to fit your life experience.


Reblog if you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transgender or a supporter.

This should be reblogged by everyone. Even if you’re straight, you should be a supporter.

Reblog this post if you are a Simblr who WILL NOT DELETE THEIR ACCOUNT

If you are found to be deactivated later on (Simblrs are going missing!), we will raise the alarm to Support that your account was deleted without your consent. This is a major issue right now and we need to protect and help each other. 


random bitter aspiring authors on "writing advice" blogs: Don't make your main characters super special mary sues. don't make them better than other people or more interesting. your main characters should be boring average guys with the personalities of wood pulp

the Epic of Gilgamesh: Gilgamesh was objectively the best man ever. He was the hottest, sexiest, most gorgeous hunk of pure manly awesomeness that ever lived and he used a sword that weighed 120 pounds.

The lesson here is that your main characters can be as special, overpowered, and unrealistically skilled at everything as you want, as long as this has the purpose of driving the plot via all the problems they cause (because they're an egotistical nightmare and a gigantic raging asshole).

The second lesson here is that no matter what randos on writing blogs say, people like stories where the characters are unique and iconic. Or at least they remember them.

(I have a theory that the stories that form long-lasting fandoms, and/or are recognized and referenced frequently in pop culture, are stories that have the same sort of "iconic" elements that are long-lasting in folklore and mythology. I think superheroes are particularly well suited to lasting centuries/millennia into the future because they're just so simple and memorable conceptually.)

Hi my name is Gilgamesh Hammurabi Ziusudra Euphrates Ishtar and I have the same heroic build as my lordly ancestors (that's how I got my name) with bulging muscles and chiselled features moulded by the goddess Aruru, and icy blue eyes like the limpid waters of the Great Flood, and a lot of people tell me I look King Enmebaragesi of Kish (AN: if u don’t know who he is get da Kur out of here!). I’m not related to Ishtar but I wish I was because she’s a major fucking hottie. I'm a demi-god but I'm not immortal. I possess extraordinary strength. I'm also a king and I rule a city called Urduk, where I force my subjects to erect lots of ziggurats (I'm known for my cruelty). I’m a Sumerian (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly animal skins. I love the forbidden Cedar Forest and I slay and skin all my beasts from there. For example today I was wearing a skin made from the Bull of Heaven with a matching sheep hide skirt, gold armlets, a carnelian headband, and black combat sandals. I was wearing black kohl eyeliner to ward off conjunctivitis. I was walking outside the twin peaks of Mount Mashu at the end of the earth. I came across a tunnel which no man before me had ever entered, which I was very happy about. Two guards that were giant scorpion monsters stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.


also since april fools is coming up tomorrow, just wanna say that this blog is a safe place that will have no jumpscares/flashing lights/derealization stuff! /gen

rb if u wanna let others know your blog will be safe too :]


Happy birthday to best @momtrait !! I love you my fren! <3

Hope we get to talk more again like we used to!

I've worked on this hoodie for a LONG time and I've managed to not say anything :D

This hoodie is simply a texture edit and therefore needs no additional mesh!

* Base game compatible!

* Custom thumbnail

* 65 swatches which includes prints (both cute and cool), colour blocks, patterns, plains and some with patches on the elbows. It has something for most kids!

* Unisex, obviously!

* Properly colour tagged

DOWNLOAD(Google drive)

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