
Not My Division

@greg-the-di / greg-the-di.tumblr.com

I'm in the de-details with the devil, so now the world can never get me on my level
I'm not sure if any of you even remember me, but I used to be quite active here until things got super complicated and I fell off the face of the earth for a while - guess I needed to spend that time figuring out survival. In the last two years, I've gone from homelessness and adrift in a sea of pain to being established and happy, thanks to some great friends in my local trans community.
I just got married at the beginning of August to the smartest and most wonderful woman I've ever met, and now we're looking at buying a house together. It's amazing what two years and supportive friends to guide to the right resources can do.
Oh, and by the way, I've legally changed my name, and while I won't share my last name or where I live, I thought you all might like to know that I've chosen the name Asher. It's Hebrew, meaning, "happy"/"blessed". I chose it to set an intention for my life.
Anyway. I hope you're all well and happy.
“Queerness, to me, is about far more than homosexual attraction. It’s about a willingness to see all other taboos broken down. Sure, many of us start on this path when we first feel “same sex” or “same gender” attraction (though what is sex? And what is gender? And does anyone really have the same sex or gender as anyone else?). But queerness doesn’t stop there. This is a somewhat controversial stance, but to me queer means something completely different than “gay” or “lesbian” or “bisexual.” A queer person is usually someone who has come to a non-binary view of gender, who recognizes the validity of all trans identities, and who, given this understanding of infinite gender possibilities, finds it hard to define their sexuality any longer in a gender-based way. Queer people understand and support non-monogamy even if they do not engage in it themselves. They can grok being asexual or aromantic. (What does sex have to do with love, or love with sex, necessarily?) A queer can view promiscuous (protected) public bathhouse sex with strangers and complete abstinence as equally healthy. Queers understand that people have different relationships to their bodies. We get what it means to be stone. We know what body dysphoria is about. We understand that not everyone likes to get touched the same way or to get touched at all. We realize that people with disabilities may have different sexual needs, and that people with survivor histories often have sexual triggers. We can negotiate safe and creative ways to be intimate with people with HIV/AIDs and other STIs. Queers understand the range of power and sensation and the diversity of sexual dynamics. We are tops and bottoms, doms and subs, sadists and masochists and sadomasochists, versatiles and switches. We know what we like and don’t like in bed. We embrace a wide range of relationship types. We can be partners, lovers, friends with benefits, platonic sweethearts, chosen family. We can have very different dynamics with different people, often all at once. We don’t expect one person to be able to fulfill all our diverse needs, fantasies and ideals indefinitely. Because our views on relationships, sex, gender, love, bodies, and family are so unconventional, we are of necessity anti-assimilationist. Because under the kyriarchy we suffer, and watch the people we love suffering, we are political. Because we want to survive, we fight. We only want the freedom to be ourselves, love ourselves, love each other, and live together. Because we are routinely denied that, we are pissed. Queer doesn’t mean “don’t label me,” it means “I am naming myself.” It means “ask me more questions if you’re curious…“”

I’ve chosen this as one of my first posts as it’s important to me that people understand what I’m talking about when I use the term queer.  


May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨

10 of Pentz came thruuu


Omg this actually works!!! Thank you 10 of Pentacles!!!

I could seriously use this money right now….

Please give me my refund of 400$ soon…


Fine, here’s a money reblog that’s less scammy feeling than that other one! :D



…You know what, I don’t normally reblog these kinds of things, but who knows, maybe the universe will conspire to help me. Money would be very nice and useful right about now.

Same thing bro.



Of all of the upsetting things this year has brought, I didn't anticipate having to live in a shelter among them, but that's where I'm headed. For the weekend, I'm staying in a stranger's home because apparently strangers care more for my well-being than family, and then on Monday, I'll be in a shelter ran by some folx in my community who are trying to help others in similar situations heal.
I'm deeply sad though not scared because I really have nothing else to lose.

Update I just got an opportunity to make exactly $115 and i’m not kidding so like. Reblog to make $115.

Idk what I have to lose at this point


Don’t confuse my hatred of the hyperwealthy for jealousy over what they have. I don’t want a six figure sports car, or a 40 room mansion, or a gold leaf truffle wagyu steak dinner. I want redistribution of wealth that allows for infrastructural support of all citizens’ basic survival needs.

Tonight while talking about tattoos with my ma - I'm thinking about a watercolour phoenix as a tribute to my community and the name I've chosen for myself; I'm also working on a way to incorporate the trans flag colors - when she told me that she will never call me anything other than what she named me, that I will always just be her baby daughter.
What a way to invalidate me and make me feel like utter shit. Thanks. As if I don't hate myself enough, let's pile on more rejection and depression.
I brushed off my feelings and told her it was okay. But you know what? It's not okay. It fucking hurts a lot.

last time i did this my wish really came true. so im going to wish again

nothing to lose. :))

Let’s hope

Why not? :)

*crossing fingers*


pretty much^^^^

i got nothing to lose. (:

Last time i did this my wish came true.

Jesus Christ if my wish comes true I will piss


please work omg

looks fun lol





Well, i got nothing to lose, might as well try it

This shall be interesting😌

I really need this.

lets do this lol


My wish came true last time, so Imma do it again lol

i love seeing this on my dash omg


I could use a miracle, so here goes…


Right. Doing it. Why not?


I’m upset because I want to change the world but the world is too big and people are too mean

“Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.” - Rabbi Tarfon


if you’re reading this

a lump sum of money is on the way to you

  • it happened today, damn that was like 3 days maybe?

It Works the money is on its way!

Need this.

Of course

It worked tho

I just won $500 off a scratch Ticket lottery.


So there's a thing very few people in my day to day life know right now. It's not that I'm non-binary, but it's that I've finally decided upon a name I want. A name I love. A name that actually feels like it belongs to me, like it's always belonged to me - it was just patiently waiting for me to decide it's what I really want. So, friends, the name I've chosen is: Asher Sloane. I will answer to Ash/Ashes/Asher or by my middle name because I love that too.
This comes at a transformative time wherein I'm rebuilding from the ground up, so it's fitting if a lot complicated due to current circumstances. But still. I'm excited. This is huge and so important moving forward to have people who will honor this change.
I’ll always be proud.

[click the gifs for better quality ❤]

Decided to remake this for pride month!!! Happy pride, everyone 🌈 ❤

You’re all special. You’re all wonderful. You’re all valid. Be proud  ❤ ❤ ❤

Edit: Just a reminder that even if your flag is not included, this post is still for you ❤ Sorry I couldn’t do everyone’s flag. This post’s message is still valid for you even if your flag is not here. Happy pride  ❤

Anonymous asked:

I know this sounds kinda weird... but we kinda used to be internet friends about 2 years ago, and it’s so cool to see that your blog’s still up! I deleted my old one when the PP2 fandom started running out of content lol. Idk if you even remember me, but my old blog was @queenfangir1 .

O hey! I do remember you, though, like you said, it’s been ages. The fandom sort of died - lots of folks left, myself included. This blog is still up and running - not frequently because life is strange and kinda hard. But yeah. Feel free to come to chat whenever!

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