
I Moved

@your-old-enemy / your-old-enemy.tumblr.com

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Eddie thinks Richie has a gorgeous smile even with his buck teeth.

Eddie think Richie is funny even when no one else in the room laughs at his jokes.

Eddie thinks Richie’s hair looks amazing even when it’s tangled and messy from sleeping in.

Eddie thinks Richie has a great body even though he’s been called ‘skinny’ and ‘lanky’ his whole life.

Eddie thinks Richie looks hot in his dumb checkered overalls and yellow vans even though they sort of hurt his eyes.

Eddie thinks Richie is romantic even when he says he gets embarrassed by wanting to buy him flowers and whispering how beautiful he is when they’re in bed together.

Eddie thinks Richie should keep the glasses even if they’re way too big.

Eddie thinks Richie is the most unique, funny, kind hearted and loving person he’s ever met, even when Richie doesn’t think that.

Eddie just loves Richie.


romanticizing mental illness is dangerous and misleading

Artsy depression: haunted eyes, good at art, emo hair and eyeliner on point
Actual Depression: bloodshot eyes, no longer trust themselves with pencils, has not showered in five days
Quirky OCD: organized books, clean room, color coordinated outfits
Actual OCD: Intrusive thoughts, flipping the light switch 8 times so you don’t stab your brother, picking holes in your skin
Cute eating disorders: Slim trim and beautiful, shyly refusing a second helping, dancer aesthetic
Actual eating disorders: Puffy cheeks and eroded teeth from excessive vomiting, hair growing over your freezing body and refusing to eat carrots because they’re too high in carbs
Adorable anxiety: just a smol bean, soft, must be protected from the world
Actual anxiety: crying so hard you throw up, shaking, losing sleep over a period after the “okay”
RPG PTSD: flashbacks, vietnam, u don’t know what i’ve been through kiddo
Actual PTSD: Buying your first pregnancy test at twelve, flinching at high fives, i can’t feel my hands where am I what year is it
Cartoon ADHD: look a squirrel, something shiny, fidgety loveable bufoon
Actual ADHD: rereading the same page over and over because it doesn’t make sense, hasn’t done the laundry in four months, hyperfocusing on a mushroom knowing you have work to do
stop making terrifying realities seem cute. it’s disrespectful for those of us who are actually struggling

Fucking preach.

Uwu smol baby autism: adorably awkward, huggable, acts cute when confused, has some sort of rainman talent and a perfect memory in general

Real autism: worrying about whether you’re interpreting people’s cues correctly/making your tone sound correct for the context, or whether they’re about to get wierded out and uncomfortable bc of something you said, sensory issues that drive you nuts, not being able to adapt to sudden changes in plans and freaking out, melting down or shutting down when stressed by stupid things

Reblogging for the autism part that is just too real 


I would not have started using unhealthy coping mechanisms if people hadn’t romanticized them

I would not have started using unhealthy coping mechanisms if people hadn’t romanticized them

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot stress this enough


Jason Miller is the type of conservative who cheats on his wife, kills his unborn lovechild by posion, and will NEVER be renounced by evangelicals.

Oh, didn’t you hear? As far as evangelicals are concerned, abortion is totally fine when men do it! It was never about protecting fetuses at all! It’s been about controlling women this whole time.


Also someone can correct me of I’m wrong to be concerned about this, but how could he have gotten the info needed to ensure a proper dose to avoid medical complications? He not only violated her bodily autonomy at best, but he could have caused a medical emergency on top of that. Abortion is often perfectly safe, esp when done waelt, but only if the pregnant woman gives informed consent to someone who knows what the fuck they’re doing.

Hey what the fuck how is this creep not in jail

Who even gave cis men the authority to speak over this kind of stuff?? You cant have children?? Why do you get a say in it?

This is horrible,kill him

Read the article. He didn’t have the info needed to ensure a proper dosage, and he did cause a medical emergency. From the article:

“Jane Doe wound up in a hospital emergency room, bleeding heavily and nearly went into a coma… Jane Doe herself was hospitalized for two days, the abortion pill possibly reacting with potential street drugs in her system at the time she drank the Smoothie [which contained the pill].”

He almost killed this woman to keep his job, “good” name, wealth, whatever. That’s deeply fucked and not at all okay.

This article is also from September 2018, btw. I don’t know what happened to this dude. I hope he got arrested, but he’s rich and powerful, so probably not. However, this article is not new, and should not be assumed to be.


Whenever there are jump scares/monsters appear in Stranger Things 3, Will should just stand there and have no reaction and obviously be thinking “it’s not like I could go through anything worse than I already have”

Monster #127: *roars and runs toward them*



you don’t even understand how much im losing my mind if they’re really doing the reflection scene???? literally im not gonna make it out of the theater im feeling faint

if it’s this scene, if this scene happens, i will have to be carried from the theater

i saw that and this is immediately what i thought of i’m gonna be hospitalized it’ll be so PERFECT


i’m rewatching the last episode of stranger things 1 and LEST WE FORGET,, JONATHON!! MADE THE NAIL BAT! steve may weild it but he DID NOT make it!!!!


bit nsfw but i wanna know what some of the weirdest stuff is that people have walked in on in the losers household. like im sure it happens all the time. actually it doesnt even have to be sexy cause im sure there have been instances where bill and richie have been caught trying to feed richie beer through a tube, or stan and ben seeing how much stuff they can stack on an asleep-on-the-couch eddie.


I think that the there is 1000% weird shit that goes down in the Loser household. Some of it is sexual, someone it is just plain weird, and most of it is hilarious. 

They live in a relatively safe neighborhood, so they have an open door policy. It originated because Richie is a big dumb bitch and constantly forgets his keys and the other losers got tired of letting him into the house. So they just… stopped locking their back door. Because none of them have braincells. 

Either way, all of their friends outside of The Losers know that the back door is always unlocked and it’s become kind of a regular thing for people to just waltz in and out of their house. Most of them have been lowkey traumatized. None of them have learned their lessons. These are their stories:

  • Mike keeps one of those workout bars in the doorway to the kitchen to do pull ups with. Someone has walked into the house and seen Richie’s arms tied to it, fully naked, with Bill just standing in front of him. 
  • Stan has walked in to find Richie covered head to toe in baking flour and absolutely no baking equipment out or any indication Richie was baking at all. He left immidately
  • Someone has walked in to find Bill shitting with the door open in the downstairs bathroom. The toilet is too far from the door for him to reach and shut it. They just stared at each other
  • Someone once walked in to find the entire living room done up in an intricate blanket fort. No one was home and there was no explanation for it. 
  • Richie and Eddie once tried to make a house of cards, but instead of cards they tried to use kitchen plates. Someone walked in and startled them and all the plates broke. Mike made them go buy new ones
  • Someone once walked into the house and started to have a conversation with a very strange looking bill. he had a beanie on, wasn’t standing the way be normally would, and was giving short, one word answers. Turns out it was just Bev in drag
  • Mike tied Ben up to the couch and blindfolded him. He left Ben in nothing but a cockring. Ben still has no idea that his lab partner came over to work on their assignment and then IMMEDIATELY left
  • Everyone has walked in to at least two of them fucking at any given time
  • One poor soul walked in to ALL of them fucking. Richie jokingly offered for her to join. 

Thank you for sending this in!!!

Anonymous asked:

Richie but he's actually a shy quiet kid whenever he's not with the losers and he's Classic Trashmouth when he is

this but instead of richie being shy he just doesnt find anyone other than the losers that interesting or stimulating so like in classes where he’s alone he actually keeps his head down and does his work but if there’s even one (1) other loser in the class with him, hes swinging back on his chair and cracking jokes every fight minutes to try n make them laugh

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