
my mom is 61 and her bf is a huge nerd and he’s teaching her to play magic the gathering and he had her watch avatar the last airbender with him and his ringtone is terra’s theme from final fantasy 6 and he paints pictures of sephiroth. my mom’s bf is nerdier than i’ll ever be.

and she does all these pinterest crafts and now she makes little bejeweled vials of healing potions for him and his buddies. my little geek heart can’t handle all this.

edit: just picture a 60-something woman with a VERY thick minnesotan accent saying “mike is having me watch the naruto”

just fyi my mom is now 62 and they finished watching “the naruto”

if i had told my 13-year-old self that this is what my mom’s hallway would look like when i was 30 i wouldn’t have believed me


sorry i’m an anxious kind of person so in every situation i always Panic first and then am like “lol it’d make no sense be calm now”


how about instead of pretending that lesbians never fall in love with straight women, we understand that a lesbian falling in love with a straight woman is not predatory?

lesbians are allowed to have unrequited crushes for fuck’s sake, there is nothing inherently bad or predatory about a lesbian falling in love with someone who can never return the feeling. it fucking happens to everyone, yes, lesbians included.

a lesbian being attracted to a straight woman doesn’t make that straight woman a victim. straight women’s collective terror and loathing of lesbians makes them homophobes, not victims.

now, if a lesbian stalks her unrequited crush? if she harasses her unrequited crush? if she does legitimately bad things in the name of her unrequited crush? yes, then she’s being predatory, just like anyone else who does these things, and regardless of whether her crush was straight or gay.

but simply having a crush on a straight woman? are you fucking kidding me?

come the fuck on. stop agreeing with straight women who think lesbian attraction is inherently malicious.


i usually don’t talk about my doubts, because as a Paranoid Bitch i’m lowkey convinced that the more i talk about them, the more likely they are to become reality, but i wanted to say this:

i doubt, 24/7. it’s due to a lot of things, one of the largest of which, admittedly, is my own inability to trust my own instincts and readings, but there’s a lot more that goes into it. i know what it’s like to become despondent because you think that it won’t happen. i live with that fear constantly. the mildest, least-related things can trigger it to become suddenly much worse, too. early last year, when they were doing setlock, there was some tweet that was sent about tea that for some reason triggered me into having a meltdown + panic attack, because for a few minutes it convinced me that not only that it wouldn’t happen, but they would make sher/o//y canon. over tea. i have crises similar to that usually at least once a week.

to get to my point, though: i’ve come to accept these doubts, and move on and have fun in the meantime. please don’t give up just because your belief isn’t at 100% anymore. doubts are natural, especially in the face of something like this, and you’ve got more than every reason to have them – but at this point, what’s going to happen is going to happen. in my experience, it’s more fun to live at least in tentative hope, rather than complete doubt. hope, at least, helps get me through.

in short, please don’t give up quite just yet. we’ve got three days until we know for sure. let’s make the most of them.


if you are a young thing i have one piece of advice for you:

being enthusiastic and happy about things you love is more important than being apathetic and snide. you will go so much farther in life spending energy on and talking about something you love than wasting energy on only complaining about or making fun of something you don’t. 

don’t focus on mocking others for being genuinely excited about something. focus on the things and people you love. 


i'd love to announce that the last 20 minutes have been an emotional rollercoaster and idk what to believe anymore


mark and steven and sue have been hurt SO many times by unauthorized leaks, be it from the czech republic fucking up or screening events for s3/tab, and you’re telling me that they showed the full unaltered episode AND skipped the non-disclosure agreements because mark asking nicely would be enough to protect it??



You will cry . You will laugh . You will forget to breathe and you will be fulfilled. The questions about Series 5 - it is an open door that the creators can walk through any time according to Moftiss


I don’t understand, DOrothy just said the ep was exactly 90 min but PBS says it’s 94 min

Like with the press screening for TLD last week, the 4 minutes were omitted so there wouldn’t be the risk of the big stuff being told to the world before Sunday. That’s what happened with Eurus last week, and that’s what I’m thinking is happening with the kiss (or something) this week.

i truly rely on that

me: i think i like this character
character: dies
me: ok you know what? fuck this. i dont deserve this. do you know who i am? im a good person. i havent done anyone wrogn in my life. i dont deserve to go through this. i dont deserve this. i dont deserv
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