@iyeonjuni / iyeonjuni.tumblr.com

young blood

oh my goodness it has been four whole months since i posted 😭😭

well life has been busy and the thing i have not been doing is writing but i do have life updates if anyone gaf (pls gaf they are fun happy things i wanna share)

so in the course of the 4 months i was gone (calculating… so like since december) i have seen enhypen irl for a total of SEVEN times 😭😭😭 yeah insanity i tell you (i was in a state of i Need to See Enhypen I NEED to attend the fate tour AGAIN. so i did) and i also went to see seventeen’s concert too like these past 4 months was work and watching concerts how fun

speaking of the fate tour i took a selfie with SUNOO YALL (like the send off) like who would’ve KNOWN WHO WOULD’VE KNOWN I WOULD BE HERE EVERYDAY I CHECK MY PHONE BOOM SUNOO AND ME DAWGGGG (ok calm it’s been like a month now since this happened)

anyways these are happy things i wanna share ! im also seeing ive in a few months life has been life-ing

But Onto REAL business! CICI WHEN ARE U GOING TO WRITE AGAIN? honestly, still no clue! i want to post labyrinth so bad but nothing is really progressing from my wee lil brain 😭 ill get there eventually though! but i did have a spurt of desire to write again after looking at my own bookshelf today

ok this is getting so long ! i kinda miss this place ngl but i needed a break


hi i just wanted to ask what you use for your banners for your fics? i saw the heartstrings one and was in love w it !!


hi thank you! i use sketchbook and drew everything myself!

Anonymous asked:

hi, someone has posted a spanish translation of your work to wattpad: wattpad . com/1373054860-%F0%9D%97%95%F0%9D%97%B2%F0%9D%97%B5%F0%9D%97%B6%F0%9D%97%BB%F0%9D%97%B1-%F0%9D%97%A7%F0%9D%97%B5%F0%9D%97%B2-%F0%9D%97%9F%F0%9D%97%B6%F0%9D%97%B4%F0%9D%97%B5%F0%9D%98%81-%E2%9A%A1%EF%B8%8E%F0%9D%98%9A%F0%9D%98%92%F0%9D%98%A1-%F0%9D%98%9A%F0%9D%98%9B%F0%9D%98%9C%F0%9D%98%8D%F0%9D%98%8D%E2%9A%A1%EF%B8%8E-%EF%BD%A1%E2%86%B7-%F0%9D%95%BD%F0%9D%96%8A%F0%9D%96%86%F0%9D%96%88%F0%9D%96%99%F0%9D%96%8E%F0%9D%96%94%F0%9D%96%93-%C2%A1-%E2%80%A2%E0%AC%93-%C2%B0

thank you so much for telling me. this is my first time getting plagiarized so i'm not sure how to proceed but thank you again.

the person posting this on wattpad has been stealing fics and works from multiple writers on tumblr so please, spread this around as much as possible.

please report this post on wattpad, thank you.

Anonymous asked:

Heyy i loved the two of us fic and i was wondering if you can do a part 2 :)?

aaa thank you so much for loving the series! i did plan on a part 2 yes though i’ve written like a paragraph so far 😭


ok haha hey yall be like well where tf did cici go well not only i got work everyday i do not have a lot of time but some people might also know that i have had an eventful month aka i went to korea for weverse con saw enha txt new jeans THEN i am also seeing ateez soon like whatttt THEN im seeing enha TWICE in the end of this month in seoul so like 😭😭😭😭


CICI !!! 1. I love the layout and 2.!!! THE COMEBACK?!? I’m in love, I’m itching to see the choreos esp for bite me beCAUSE THEY HAVE DANCE PARTNERS IM ACC EXCITED. my favourite song has got to be Bills, followed by Sacrifice 🤭 Chaconne is also up there with Bite Me and Karma. tbh, it’s a skip-free EP I can’t wait to see their stages tho 👀 how are you finding it??? may we receive some in-depth thoughts from you? :>


SMILES i haven’t talked to you in forever!! how have you been?? i hope well!

the layout isn’t much 😭 just sunoo and his favorite version! though it used to be mine but i think im gradually shifting towards the new ver 🥹

I SAW THE CHOREO THE OTHER DAY with the fancams and it looks so artistic?? and like overall just so cool i can’t wait till the live performances!

my fave is bills as well! during the medley it was fate but it turned out to be an intro 🫠 IF ONLY IT HAD A FULL VERSION (its just like how i wanted foreshadow to be a full song too) but yes there are absolutely no skips in this album they are all such good songs and SUNOOS VOCALS ARE THERE

i MAY have just bought all three versions … (this is something i never do at all) but Hey! first time fot everything 😭😭

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