


Hey there, welcome to my page. I enjoy drawing, watching animated movies, and writing.

My Bride Is A Changling(Changling Au)

*In 18 century England, a family lived in a nice two story mansion. Lady Penny had two sons, Oldest Victor and his young brother Popper. One fine morning, Popper was still sound asleep in his room sorning away when there was a knock on hsi door.* "Master Popper? Time to get up."

Victor:"Oh Cora, you got food on your face."

Cora: “Oh goodness, where?”

Penny:"Here, i got a hand mirror." *Opening it to give to her.*


*Her outburst surprised everyone.*

*She froze before clearing her throat* “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m a, I needed to head to the ladies room anyways, so I’ll clean up in there.”

*She stood up and walked out of the dining room as Popper watched her. Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest where no human eye could see it, the real Cora was still sound asleep began to wake up from her long nap.*

*She yawned as she sat up in what she thought was her bed*

"Ah what a wonderful rest. It feel like the first real sleep I had without Matilda rudely waking me up....huh, I wonder why she let me sleep in?"

*She then removed her sleep mask and opened her eyes*

*And when her vison cleared she saw she wasn't in her room. But a lovely room made of crystals and beeswax.*

*This shocked her* “… What the heck?! Where am I?!”

*Suddenly she heard the door open.* Voice:"Oh good, you're awake."

“Huh?” *She looked in the direction of the voice*

*And there standing was a woman in a fancy dress robe with darkish green skin, light green hair and bug eyes.* "Did you enjoy your rest lady Cora?" *Cora stared at the creature for a moment before letting out a terrifying blood hurdling scream.*

*Which startled the creature*

"Woah woah, easy easy." *Cora jumped out of bed to hide.* "Stay away! Who are you?! Where am I?!"

“Please, try to relax. I promise you are in no danger. In fact you are our honored guest.”

"Guest?" "That right. We have brought you here because you wished for a life away from your current one."

“Wha, wait, wait. So your saying I’m here to get away from all my problems?”

"That what this place is known for. Follow me, I'll show you."

“….. Ok.”

*She followed her out of the room and walked around for a bit until the woman stopped.* "Welcome, to The Garden of Changia."

“Changia?” *She then looked in the direction the woman gestured towards*

*And there she saw the whole place was like a bee hive filled with changlings serving humans hand and foot. There was pools and hot springs, massages and huge flowers that pour sweet nector.*

*Cora was in awe at it all* “This is amazing.”

"For centuries we brought humans who are bored or unhappy with their lives here to give them the paradise they always wanted."

“So… I don’t have to worry about anything? Annoying maids, strict rules, my arranged marriage?”

"Not at all, here you are free to do whatever you want when you want."

*This excited Cora*

"Wow. But, won't my family know I'm missing?"

“Oh don’t worry, we’ve taken care of everything.”

Cora's thoughts:"Well at least I don't have to get married. I feel sorry for the next woman they'll try to set him up with." *But what she didn't know was that Popper and "Cora" began to spend more time together as the days went on.*

*And grew closer to each other with every passing day*

*They would enjoy walks in the garden or have treats at the town bakery. Popper started to realize something he never thought would happen. He fallen in love with her. Though ever now and then he noticed weird things she does.*

*Like how her family or maids would comment on how differently she behaved. Or how she would correct herself whenever he asked her a personal question. But the strangest thing he noticed was that she refused to go anywhere near mirrors, water, or anything that was reflective*

*Which made him a bit suspicious but he tried to brush it off thinking he was jumping to conclusions.*

*One evening the two were alone spending time together*

Popper:"You look lovely."

“That’s sweet of you to say.😌”

*He looked down nervously before taking a breath.* "Um Cora?"

*She looked at him* “Yes?”

"Well um, there something I...like to ask you."

“You can ask me anything, Popper.”

*He sat there for a moment, before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring.*

*This caught her by surprise*

"I know we were arranged from the start and I admit I didn't wanted it. But after meeting you and getting to know you, I can't deny that grown feelings for you."

*She blushed at his words*

"Cora Berrycloth, I love you. Will you marry me?"

*Popper then noticed for a brief moment there was a hint of sadness in her eyes before she smiled at him* “Of course I will, Popper.”

*Hearing that made him happy as he gently placed the ring on her finger.* "I promise to make you happy."

“And I you.”

*They looked at each other before leaning in and sharing a kiss.*

*Which filled them both with happiness*

*After a moment they pulled away smiling.* "I promise to be a good husband to you."

“And I will try my best to be a good wife.”

*Popper smiled, though he couldn't help but wondered why she seemed a bit sad.*

Cora: “… It’s getting late, perhaps we should head inside for the night.”

"Ok." *They walked back hand in hand. The next day back at the hive, Cora loved being there and enjoyed the treatment she was getting. She was relaxing with face mask while one changling gave her a massage and the other was giving her a pedicure.*

“Ahhhh, this is the life.”

Changling:"Another mango and spinach smoothie my lady?" "Yes please." *Filling her glass.* "Boy you changlings really know how to treat your guest."

“It is in our nature to do so. It’s the least we can do.”

"Ah this the best, I never want to leave this place."

“And you never have to, dear lady.”

*After her pedicure finished she stood up and strench.* "I'm gonna take a walk."

“Of course, just call out if you need anything.”

*Cora walked around the hive enjoying the scenery as he sipped her smoothie.* "Is so lovely here, simple fitting my style." *As she came around a hallway, she noticed one pair of doors slightly opened.*

“Hm?” *She went over to them*

*When she opened the door, she saw a large room. And right in the middle of the room was a large crystal ball on a table that had a smaller crystal in different colors.*

*Cora looked at it in awe*

"What's this?" *She went over to get a closer look. She then looked at all the colored crystals, out of curiosity, she touched one making it go down and suddenly the crystal ball glowed before showing a man working in his study.*

*This confused her*

Mother:"Stanley!!!" "Yes mother?" "I'm going to the market, I'll be back in an hour. Those taxes better be finished by the time I get back, I didn't raise a lazy bum." "Yes mother."

*Sounds of a door opening and closing were heard*

*The moment he made sure she was gone, he closed the window and suddenly transformed back into a changling.* "Man that woman alot. Now I can focus better."

*This surprised Cora*


My Bride Is A Changling(Changling Au)

*In 18 century England, a family lived in a nice two story mansion. Lady Penny had two sons, Oldest Victor and his young brother Popper. One fine morning, Popper was still sound asleep in his room sorning away when there was a knock on hsi door.* "Master Popper? Time to get up."

Victor:"Oh Cora, you got food on your face."

Cora: “Oh goodness, where?”

Penny:"Here, i got a hand mirror." *Opening it to give to her.*


*Her outburst surprised everyone.*

*She froze before clearing her throat* “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m a, I needed to head to the ladies room anyways, so I’ll clean up in there.”

*She stood up and walked out of the dining room as Popper watched her. Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest where no human eye could see it, the real Cora was still sound asleep began to wake up from her long nap.*

*She yawned as she sat up in what she thought was her bed*

"Ah what a wonderful rest. It feel like the first real sleep I had without Matilda rudely waking me up....huh, I wonder why she let me sleep in?"

*She then removed her sleep mask and opened her eyes*

*And when her vison cleared she saw she wasn't in her room. But a lovely room made of crystals and beeswax.*

*This shocked her* “… What the heck?! Where am I?!”

*Suddenly she heard the door open.* Voice:"Oh good, you're awake."

“Huh?” *She looked in the direction of the voice*

*And there standing was a woman in a fancy dress robe with darkish green skin, light green hair and bug eyes.* "Did you enjoy your rest lady Cora?" *Cora stared at the creature for a moment before letting out a terrifying blood hurdling scream.*

*Which startled the creature*

"Woah woah, easy easy." *Cora jumped out of bed to hide.* "Stay away! Who are you?! Where am I?!"

“Please, try to relax. I promise you are in no danger. In fact you are our honored guest.”

"Guest?" "That right. We have brought you here because you wished for a life away from your current one."

“Wha, wait, wait. So your saying I’m here to get away from all my problems?”

"That what this place is known for. Follow me, I'll show you."

“….. Ok.”

*She followed her out of the room and walked around for a bit until the woman stopped.* "Welcome, to The Garden of Changia."

“Changia?” *She then looked in the direction the woman gestured towards*

*And there she saw the whole place was like a bee hive filled with changlings serving humans hand and foot. There was pools and hot springs, massages and huge flowers that pour sweet nector.*

*Cora was in awe at it all* “This is amazing.”

"For centuries we brought humans who are bored or unhappy with their lives here to give them the paradise they always wanted."

“So… I don’t have to worry about anything? Annoying maids, strict rules, my arranged marriage?”

"Not at all, here you are free to do whatever you want when you want."

*This excited Cora*

"Wow. But, won't my family know I'm missing?"

“Oh don’t worry, we’ve taken care of everything.”

Cora's thoughts:"Well at least I don't have to get married. I feel sorry for the next woman they'll try to set him up with." *But what she didn't know was that Popper and "Cora" began to spend more time together as the days went on.*

*And grew closer to each other with every passing day*

*They would enjoy walks in the garden or have treats at the town bakery. Popper started to realize something he never thought would happen. He fallen in love with her. Though ever now and then he noticed weird things she does.*

*Like how her family or maids would comment on how differently she behaved. Or how she would correct herself whenever he asked her a personal question. But the strangest thing he noticed was that she refused to go anywhere near mirrors, water, or anything that was reflective*

*Which made him a bit suspicious but he tried to brush it off thinking he was jumping to conclusions.*

*One evening the two were alone spending time together*

Popper:"You look lovely."

“That’s sweet of you to say.😌”

*He looked down nervously before taking a breath.* "Um Cora?"

*She looked at him* “Yes?”

"Well um, there something I...like to ask you."

“You can ask me anything, Popper.”

*He sat there for a moment, before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring.*

*This caught her by surprise*

"I know we were arranged from the start and I admit I didn't wanted it. But after meeting you and getting to know you, I can't deny that grown feelings for you."

*She blushed at his words*

"Cora Berrycloth, I love you. Will you marry me?"

*Popper then noticed for a brief moment there was a hint of sadness in her eyes before she smiled at him* “Of course I will, Popper.”

*Hearing that made him happy as he gently placed the ring on her finger.* "I promise to make you happy."

“And I you.”

*They looked at each other before leaning in and sharing a kiss.*

*Which filled them both with happiness*

*After a moment they pulled away smiling.* "I promise to be a good husband to you."

“And I will try my best to be a good wife.”

*Popper smiled, though he couldn't help but wondered why she seemed a bit sad.*

Cora: “… It’s getting late, perhaps we should head inside for the night.”

"Ok." *They walked back hand in hand. The next day back at the hive, Cora loved being there and enjoyed the treatment she was getting. She was relaxing with face mask while one changling gave her a massage and the other was giving her a pedicure.*

“Ahhhh, this is the life.”

Changling:"Another mango and spinach smoothie my lady?" "Yes please." *Filling her glass.* "Boy you changlings really know how to treat your guest."

“It is in our nature to do so. It’s the least we can do.”

"Ah this the best, I never want to leave this place."

“And you never have to, dear lady.”

*After her pedicure finished she stood up and strench.* "I'm gonna take a walk."

“Of course, just call out if you need anything.”

*Cora walked around the hive enjoying the scenery as he sipped her smoothie.* "Is so lovely here, simple fitting my style." *As she came around a hallway, she noticed one pair of doors slightly opened.*

“Hm?” *She went over to them*

*When she opened the door, she saw a large room. And right in the middle of the room was a large crystal ball on a table that had a smaller crystal in different colors.*

*Cora looked at it in awe*

"What's this?" *She went over to get a closer look. She then looked at all the colored crystals, out of curiosity, she touched one making it go down and suddenly the crystal ball glowed before showing a man working in his study.*

*This confused her*

Mother:"Stanley!!!" "Yes mother?" "I'm going to the market, I'll be back in an hour. Those taxes better be finished by the time I get back, I didn't raise a lazy bum." "Yes mother."

*Sounds of a door opening and closing were heard*


My Bride Is A Changling(Changling Au)

*In 18 century England, a family lived in a nice two story mansion. Lady Penny had two sons, Oldest Victor and his young brother Popper. One fine morning, Popper was still sound asleep in his room sorning away when there was a knock on hsi door.* "Master Popper? Time to get up."

Victor:"Oh Cora, you got food on your face."

Cora: “Oh goodness, where?”

Penny:"Here, i got a hand mirror." *Opening it to give to her.*


*Her outburst surprised everyone.*

*She froze before clearing her throat* “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m a, I needed to head to the ladies room anyways, so I’ll clean up in there.”

*She stood up and walked out of the dining room as Popper watched her. Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest where no human eye could see it, the real Cora was still sound asleep began to wake up from her long nap.*

*She yawned as she sat up in what she thought was her bed*

"Ah what a wonderful rest. It feel like the first real sleep I had without Matilda rudely waking me up....huh, I wonder why she let me sleep in?"

*She then removed her sleep mask and opened her eyes*

*And when her vison cleared she saw she wasn't in her room. But a lovely room made of crystals and beeswax.*

*This shocked her* “… What the heck?! Where am I?!”

*Suddenly she heard the door open.* Voice:"Oh good, you're awake."

“Huh?” *She looked in the direction of the voice*

*And there standing was a woman in a fancy dress robe with darkish green skin, light green hair and bug eyes.* "Did you enjoy your rest lady Cora?" *Cora stared at the creature for a moment before letting out a terrifying blood hurdling scream.*

*Which startled the creature*

"Woah woah, easy easy." *Cora jumped out of bed to hide.* "Stay away! Who are you?! Where am I?!"

“Please, try to relax. I promise you are in no danger. In fact you are our honored guest.”

"Guest?" "That right. We have brought you here because you wished for a life away from your current one."

“Wha, wait, wait. So your saying I’m here to get away from all my problems?”

"That what this place is known for. Follow me, I'll show you."

“….. Ok.”

*She followed her out of the room and walked around for a bit until the woman stopped.* "Welcome, to The Garden of Changia."

“Changia?” *She then looked in the direction the woman gestured towards*

*And there she saw the whole place was like a bee hive filled with changlings serving humans hand and foot. There was pools and hot springs, massages and huge flowers that pour sweet nector.*

*Cora was in awe at it all* “This is amazing.”

"For centuries we brought humans who are bored or unhappy with their lives here to give them the paradise they always wanted."

“So… I don’t have to worry about anything? Annoying maids, strict rules, my arranged marriage?”

"Not at all, here you are free to do whatever you want when you want."

*This excited Cora*

"Wow. But, won't my family know I'm missing?"

“Oh don’t worry, we’ve taken care of everything.”

Cora's thoughts:"Well at least I don't have to get married. I feel sorry for the next woman they'll try to set him up with." *But what she didn't know was that Popper and "Cora" began to spend more time together as the days went on.*

*And grew closer to each other with every passing day*

*They would enjoy walks in the garden or have treats at the town bakery. Popper started to realize something he never thought would happen. He fallen in love with her. Though ever now and then he noticed weird things she does.*

*Like how her family or maids would comment on how differently she behaved. Or how she would correct herself whenever he asked her a personal question. But the strangest thing he noticed was that she refused to go anywhere near mirrors, water, or anything that was reflective*

*Which made him a bit suspicious but he tried to brush it off thinking he was jumping to conclusions.*

*One evening the two were alone spending time together*

Popper:"You look lovely."

“That’s sweet of you to say.😌”

*He looked down nervously before taking a breath.* "Um Cora?"

*She looked at him* “Yes?”

"Well um, there something I...like to ask you."

“You can ask me anything, Popper.”

*He sat there for a moment, before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring.*

*This caught her by surprise*

"I know we were arranged from the start and I admit I didn't wanted it. But after meeting you and getting to know you, I can't deny that grown feelings for you."

*She blushed at his words*

"Cora Berrycloth, I love you. Will you marry me?"

*Popper then noticed for a brief moment there was a hint of sadness in her eyes before she smiled at him* “Of course I will, Popper.”

*Hearing that made him happy as he gently placed the ring on her finger.* "I promise to make you happy."

“And I you.”

*They looked at each other before leaning in and sharing a kiss.*

*Which filled them both with happiness*

*After a moment they pulled away smiling.* "I promise to be a good husband to you."

“And I will try my best to be a good wife.”

*Popper smiled, though he couldn't help but wondered why she seemed a bit sad.*

Cora: “… It’s getting late, perhaps we should head inside for the night.”

"Ok." *They walked back hand in hand. The next day back at the hive, Cora loved being there and enjoyed the treatment she was getting. She was relaxing with face mask while one changling gave her a massage and the other was giving her a pedicure.*

“Ahhhh, this is the life.”

Changling:"Another mango and spinach smoothie my lady?" "Yes please." *Filling her glass.* "Boy you changlings really know how to treat your guest."

“It is in our nature to do so. It’s the least we can do.”

"Ah this the best, I never want to leave this place."

“And you never have to, dear lady.”

*After her pedicure finished she stood up and strench.* "I'm gonna take a walk."

“Of course, just call out if you need anything.”

*Cora walked around the hive enjoying the scenery as he sipped her smoothie.* "Is so lovely here, simple fitting my style." *As she came around a hallway, she noticed one pair of doors slightly opened.*

“Hm?” *She went over to them*

*When she opened the door, she saw a large room. And right in the middle of the room was a large crystal ball on a table that had a smaller crystal in different colors.*

*Cora looked at it in awe*

"What's this?" *She went over to get a closer look. She then looked at all the colored crystals, out of curiosity, she touched one making it go down and suddenly the crystal ball glowed before showing a man working in his study.*

*This confused her*


My Bride Is A Changling(Changling Au)

*In 18 century England, a family lived in a nice two story mansion. Lady Penny had two sons, Oldest Victor and his young brother Popper. One fine morning, Popper was still sound asleep in his room sorning away when there was a knock on hsi door.* "Master Popper? Time to get up."

Victor:"Oh Cora, you got food on your face."

Cora: “Oh goodness, where?”

Penny:"Here, i got a hand mirror." *Opening it to give to her.*


*Her outburst surprised everyone.*

*She froze before clearing her throat* “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m a, I needed to head to the ladies room anyways, so I’ll clean up in there.”

*She stood up and walked out of the dining room as Popper watched her. Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest where no human eye could see it, the real Cora was still sound asleep began to wake up from her long nap.*

*She yawned as she sat up in what she thought was her bed*

"Ah what a wonderful rest. It feel like the first real sleep I had without Matilda rudely waking me up....huh, I wonder why she let me sleep in?"

*She then removed her sleep mask and opened her eyes*

*And when her vison cleared she saw she wasn't in her room. But a lovely room made of crystals and beeswax.*

*This shocked her* “… What the heck?! Where am I?!”

*Suddenly she heard the door open.* Voice:"Oh good, you're awake."

“Huh?” *She looked in the direction of the voice*

*And there standing was a woman in a fancy dress robe with darkish green skin, light green hair and bug eyes.* "Did you enjoy your rest lady Cora?" *Cora stared at the creature for a moment before letting out a terrifying blood hurdling scream.*

*Which startled the creature*

"Woah woah, easy easy." *Cora jumped out of bed to hide.* "Stay away! Who are you?! Where am I?!"

“Please, try to relax. I promise you are in no danger. In fact you are our honored guest.”

"Guest?" "That right. We have brought you here because you wished for a life away from your current one."

“Wha, wait, wait. So your saying I’m here to get away from all my problems?”

"That what this place is known for. Follow me, I'll show you."

“….. Ok.”

*She followed her out of the room and walked around for a bit until the woman stopped.* "Welcome, to The Garden of Changia."

“Changia?” *She then looked in the direction the woman gestured towards*

*And there she saw the whole place was like a bee hive filled with changlings serving humans hand and foot. There was pools and hot springs, massages and huge flowers that pour sweet nector.*

*Cora was in awe at it all* “This is amazing.”

"For centuries we brought humans who are bored or unhappy with their lives here to give them the paradise they always wanted."

“So… I don’t have to worry about anything? Annoying maids, strict rules, my arranged marriage?”

"Not at all, here you are free to do whatever you want when you want."

*This excited Cora*

"Wow. But, won't my family know I'm missing?"

“Oh don’t worry, we’ve taken care of everything.”

Cora's thoughts:"Well at least I don't have to get married. I feel sorry for the next woman they'll try to set him up with." *But what she didn't know was that Popper and "Cora" began to spend more time together as the days went on.*

*And grew closer to each other with every passing day*

*They would enjoy walks in the garden or have treats at the town bakery. Popper started to realize something he never thought would happen. He fallen in love with her. Though ever now and then he noticed weird things she does.*

*Like how her family or maids would comment on how differently she behaved. Or how she would correct herself whenever he asked her a personal question. But the strangest thing he noticed was that she refused to go anywhere near mirrors, water, or anything that was reflective*

*Which made him a bit suspicious but he tried to brush it off thinking he was jumping to conclusions.*

*One evening the two were alone spending time together*

Popper:"You look lovely."

“That’s sweet of you to say.😌”

*He looked down nervously before taking a breath.* "Um Cora?"

*She looked at him* “Yes?”

"Well um, there something I...like to ask you."

“You can ask me anything, Popper.”

*He sat there for a moment, before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring.*

*This caught her by surprise*

"I know we were arranged from the start and I admit I didn't wanted it. But after meeting you and getting to know you, I can't deny that grown feelings for you."

*She blushed at his words*

"Cora Berrycloth, I love you. Will you marry me?"

*Popper then noticed for a brief moment there was a hint of sadness in her eyes before she smiled at him* “Of course I will, Popper.”

*Hearing that made him happy as he gently placed the ring on her finger.* "I promise to make you happy."

“And I you.”

*They looked at each other before leaning in and sharing a kiss.*

*Which filled them both with happiness*

*After a moment they pulled away smiling.* "I promise to be a good husband to you."

“And I will try my best to be a good wife.”

*Popper smiled, though he couldn't help but wondered why she seemed a bit sad.*

Cora: “… It’s getting late, perhaps we should head inside for the night.”

"Ok." *They walked back hand in hand. The next day back at the hive, Cora loved being there and enjoyed the treatment she was getting. She was relaxing with face mask while one changling gave her a massage and the other was giving her a pedicure.*

“Ahhhh, this is the life.”

Changling:"Another mango and spinach smoothie my lady?" "Yes please." *Filling her glass.* "Boy you changlings really know how to treat your guest."

“It is in our nature to do so. It’s the least we can do.”

"Ah this the best, I never want to leave this place."

“And you never have to, dear lady.”

*After her pedicure finished she stood up and strench.* "I'm gonna take a walk."

“Of course, just call out if you need anything.”

*Cora walked around the hive enjoying the scenery as he sipped her smoothie.* "Is so lovely here, simple fitting my style." *As she came around a hallway, she noticed one pair of doors slightly opened.*

“Hm?” *She went over to them*

*When she opened the door, she saw a large room. And right in the middle of the room was a large crystal ball on a table that had a smaller crystal in different colors.*

*Cora looked at it in awe*


My Bride Is A Changling(Changling Au)

*In 18 century England, a family lived in a nice two story mansion. Lady Penny had two sons, Oldest Victor and his young brother Popper. One fine morning, Popper was still sound asleep in his room sorning away when there was a knock on hsi door.* "Master Popper? Time to get up."

Victor:"Oh Cora, you got food on your face."

Cora: “Oh goodness, where?”

Penny:"Here, i got a hand mirror." *Opening it to give to her.*


*Her outburst surprised everyone.*

*She froze before clearing her throat* “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m a, I needed to head to the ladies room anyways, so I’ll clean up in there.”

*She stood up and walked out of the dining room as Popper watched her. Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest where no human eye could see it, the real Cora was still sound asleep began to wake up from her long nap.*

*She yawned as she sat up in what she thought was her bed*

"Ah what a wonderful rest. It feel like the first real sleep I had without Matilda rudely waking me up....huh, I wonder why she let me sleep in?"

*She then removed her sleep mask and opened her eyes*

*And when her vison cleared she saw she wasn't in her room. But a lovely room made of crystals and beeswax.*

*This shocked her* “… What the heck?! Where am I?!”

*Suddenly she heard the door open.* Voice:"Oh good, you're awake."

“Huh?” *She looked in the direction of the voice*

*And there standing was a woman in a fancy dress robe with darkish green skin, light green hair and bug eyes.* "Did you enjoy your rest lady Cora?" *Cora stared at the creature for a moment before letting out a terrifying blood hurdling scream.*

*Which startled the creature*

"Woah woah, easy easy." *Cora jumped out of bed to hide.* "Stay away! Who are you?! Where am I?!"

“Please, try to relax. I promise you are in no danger. In fact you are our honored guest.”

"Guest?" "That right. We have brought you here because you wished for a life away from your current one."

“Wha, wait, wait. So your saying I’m here to get away from all my problems?”

"That what this place is known for. Follow me, I'll show you."

“….. Ok.”

*She followed her out of the room and walked around for a bit until the woman stopped.* "Welcome, to The Garden of Changia."

“Changia?” *She then looked in the direction the woman gestured towards*

*And there she saw the whole place was like a bee hive filled with changlings serving humans hand and foot. There was pools and hot springs, massages and huge flowers that pour sweet nector.*

*Cora was in awe at it all* “This is amazing.”

"For centuries we brought humans who are bored or unhappy with their lives here to give them the paradise they always wanted."

“So… I don’t have to worry about anything? Annoying maids, strict rules, my arranged marriage?”

"Not at all, here you are free to do whatever you want when you want."

*This excited Cora*

"Wow. But, won't my family know I'm missing?"

“Oh don’t worry, we’ve taken care of everything.”

Cora's thoughts:"Well at least I don't have to get married. I feel sorry for the next woman they'll try to set him up with." *But what she didn't know was that Popper and "Cora" began to spend more time together as the days went on.*

*And grew closer to each other with every passing day*

*They would enjoy walks in the garden or have treats at the town bakery. Popper started to realize something he never thought would happen. He fallen in love with her. Though ever now and then he noticed weird things she does.*

*Like how her family or maids would comment on how differently she behaved. Or how she would correct herself whenever he asked her a personal question. But the strangest thing he noticed was that she refused to go anywhere near mirrors, water, or anything that was reflective*

*Which made him a bit suspicious but he tried to brush it off thinking he was jumping to conclusions.*

*One evening the two were alone spending time together*

Popper:"You look lovely."

“That’s sweet of you to say.😌”

*He looked down nervously before taking a breath.* "Um Cora?"

*She looked at him* “Yes?”

"Well um, there something I...like to ask you."

“You can ask me anything, Popper.”

*He sat there for a moment, before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring.*

*This caught her by surprise*

"I know we were arranged from the start and I admit I didn't wanted it. But after meeting you and getting to know you, I can't deny that grown feelings for you."

*She blushed at his words*

"Cora Berrycloth, I love you. Will you marry me?"

*Popper then noticed for a brief moment there was a hint of sadness in her eyes before she smiled at him* “Of course I will, Popper.”

*Hearing that made him happy as he gently placed the ring on her finger.* "I promise to make you happy."

“And I you.”

*They looked at each other before leaning in and sharing a kiss.*

*Which filled them both with happiness*

*After a moment they pulled away smiling.* "I promise to be a good husband to you."

“And I will try my best to be a good wife.”

*Popper smiled, though he couldn't help but wondered why she seemed a bit sad.*

Cora: “… It’s getting late, perhaps we should head inside for the night.”

"Ok." *They walked back hand in hand. The next day back at the hive, Cora loved being there and enjoyed the treatment she was getting. She was relaxing with face mask while one changling gave her a massage and the other was giving her a pedicure.*

“Ahhhh, this is the life.”

Changling:"Another mango and spinach smoothie my lady?" "Yes please." *Filling her glass.* "Boy you changlings really know how to treat your guest."

“It is in our nature to do so. It’s the least we can do.”

"Ah this the best, I never want to leave this place."

“And you never have to, dear lady.”

*After her pedicure finished she stood up and strench.* "I'm gonna take a walk."

“Of course, just call out if you need anything.”

*Cora walked around the hive enjoying the scenery as he sipped her smoothie.* "Is so lovely here, simple fitting my style." *As she came around a hallway, she noticed one pair of doors slightly opened.*

“Hm?” *She went over to them*


My Bride Is A Changling(Changling Au)

*In 18 century England, a family lived in a nice two story mansion. Lady Penny had two sons, Oldest Victor and his young brother Popper. One fine morning, Popper was still sound asleep in his room sorning away when there was a knock on hsi door.* "Master Popper? Time to get up."

Victor:"Oh Cora, you got food on your face."

Cora: “Oh goodness, where?”

Penny:"Here, i got a hand mirror." *Opening it to give to her.*


*Her outburst surprised everyone.*

*She froze before clearing her throat* “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m a, I needed to head to the ladies room anyways, so I’ll clean up in there.”

*She stood up and walked out of the dining room as Popper watched her. Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest where no human eye could see it, the real Cora was still sound asleep began to wake up from her long nap.*

*She yawned as she sat up in what she thought was her bed*

"Ah what a wonderful rest. It feel like the first real sleep I had without Matilda rudely waking me up....huh, I wonder why she let me sleep in?"

*She then removed her sleep mask and opened her eyes*

*And when her vison cleared she saw she wasn't in her room. But a lovely room made of crystals and beeswax.*

*This shocked her* “… What the heck?! Where am I?!”

*Suddenly she heard the door open.* Voice:"Oh good, you're awake."

“Huh?” *She looked in the direction of the voice*

*And there standing was a woman in a fancy dress robe with darkish green skin, light green hair and bug eyes.* "Did you enjoy your rest lady Cora?" *Cora stared at the creature for a moment before letting out a terrifying blood hurdling scream.*

*Which startled the creature*

"Woah woah, easy easy." *Cora jumped out of bed to hide.* "Stay away! Who are you?! Where am I?!"

“Please, try to relax. I promise you are in no danger. In fact you are our honored guest.”

"Guest?" "That right. We have brought you here because you wished for a life away from your current one."

“Wha, wait, wait. So your saying I’m here to get away from all my problems?”

"That what this place is known for. Follow me, I'll show you."

“….. Ok.”

*She followed her out of the room and walked around for a bit until the woman stopped.* "Welcome, to The Garden of Changia."

“Changia?” *She then looked in the direction the woman gestured towards*

*And there she saw the whole place was like a bee hive filled with changlings serving humans hand and foot. There was pools and hot springs, massages and huge flowers that pour sweet nector.*

*Cora was in awe at it all* “This is amazing.”

"For centuries we brought humans who are bored or unhappy with their lives here to give them the paradise they always wanted."

“So… I don’t have to worry about anything? Annoying maids, strict rules, my arranged marriage?”

"Not at all, here you are free to do whatever you want when you want."

*This excited Cora*

"Wow. But, won't my family know I'm missing?"

“Oh don’t worry, we’ve taken care of everything.”

Cora's thoughts:"Well at least I don't have to get married. I feel sorry for the next woman they'll try to set him up with." *But what she didn't know was that Popper and "Cora" began to spend more time together as the days went on.*

*And grew closer to each other with every passing day*

*They would enjoy walks in the garden or have treats at the town bakery. Popper started to realize something he never thought would happen. He fallen in love with her. Though ever now and then he noticed weird things she does.*

*Like how her family or maids would comment on how differently she behaved. Or how she would correct herself whenever he asked her a personal question. But the strangest thing he noticed was that she refused to go anywhere near mirrors, water, or anything that was reflective*

*Which made him a bit suspicious but he tried to brush it off thinking he was jumping to conclusions.*

*One evening the two were alone spending time together*

Popper:"You look lovely."

“That’s sweet of you to say.😌”

*He looked down nervously before taking a breath.* "Um Cora?"

*She looked at him* “Yes?”

"Well um, there something I...like to ask you."

“You can ask me anything, Popper.”

*He sat there for a moment, before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring.*

*This caught her by surprise*

"I know we were arranged from the start and I admit I didn't wanted it. But after meeting you and getting to know you, I can't deny that grown feelings for you."

*She blushed at his words*

"Cora Berrycloth, I love you. Will you marry me?"

*Popper then noticed for a brief moment there was a hint of sadness in her eyes before she smiled at him* “Of course I will, Popper.”

*Hearing that made him happy as he gently placed the ring on her finger.* "I promise to make you happy."

“And I you.”

*They looked at each other before leaning in and sharing a kiss.*

*Which filled them both with happiness*

*After a moment they pulled away smiling.* "I promise to be a good husband to you."

“And I will try my best to be a good wife.”

*Popper smiled, though he couldn't help but wondered why she seemed a bit sad.*

Cora: “… It’s getting late, perhaps we should head inside for the night.”

"Ok." *They walked back hand in hand. The next day back at the hive, Cora loved being there and enjoyed the treatment she was getting. She was relaxing with face mask while one changling gave her a massage and the other was giving her a pedicure.*

“Ahhhh, this is the life.”

Changling:"Another mango and spinach smoothie my lady?" "Yes please." *Filling her glass.* "Boy you changlings really know how to treat your guest."

“It is in our nature to do so. It’s the least we can do.”

"Ah this the best, I never want to leave this place."

“And you never have to, dear lady.”

*After her pedicure finished she stood up and strench.* "I'm gonna take a walk."

“Of course, just call out if you need anything.”


My Bride Is A Changling(Changling Au)

*In 18 century England, a family lived in a nice two story mansion. Lady Penny had two sons, Oldest Victor and his young brother Popper. One fine morning, Popper was still sound asleep in his room sorning away when there was a knock on hsi door.* "Master Popper? Time to get up."

Victor:"Oh Cora, you got food on your face."

Cora: “Oh goodness, where?”

Penny:"Here, i got a hand mirror." *Opening it to give to her.*


*Her outburst surprised everyone.*

*She froze before clearing her throat* “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m a, I needed to head to the ladies room anyways, so I’ll clean up in there.”

*She stood up and walked out of the dining room as Popper watched her. Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest where no human eye could see it, the real Cora was still sound asleep began to wake up from her long nap.*

*She yawned as she sat up in what she thought was her bed*

"Ah what a wonderful rest. It feel like the first real sleep I had without Matilda rudely waking me up....huh, I wonder why she let me sleep in?"

*She then removed her sleep mask and opened her eyes*

*And when her vison cleared she saw she wasn't in her room. But a lovely room made of crystals and beeswax.*

*This shocked her* “… What the heck?! Where am I?!”

*Suddenly she heard the door open.* Voice:"Oh good, you're awake."

“Huh?” *She looked in the direction of the voice*

*And there standing was a woman in a fancy dress robe with darkish green skin, light green hair and bug eyes.* "Did you enjoy your rest lady Cora?" *Cora stared at the creature for a moment before letting out a terrifying blood hurdling scream.*

*Which startled the creature*

"Woah woah, easy easy." *Cora jumped out of bed to hide.* "Stay away! Who are you?! Where am I?!"

“Please, try to relax. I promise you are in no danger. In fact you are our honored guest.”

"Guest?" "That right. We have brought you here because you wished for a life away from your current one."

“Wha, wait, wait. So your saying I’m here to get away from all my problems?”

"That what this place is known for. Follow me, I'll show you."

“….. Ok.”

*She followed her out of the room and walked around for a bit until the woman stopped.* "Welcome, to The Garden of Changia."

“Changia?” *She then looked in the direction the woman gestured towards*

*And there she saw the whole place was like a bee hive filled with changlings serving humans hand and foot. There was pools and hot springs, massages and huge flowers that pour sweet nector.*

*Cora was in awe at it all* “This is amazing.”

"For centuries we brought humans who are bored or unhappy with their lives here to give them the paradise they always wanted."

“So… I don’t have to worry about anything? Annoying maids, strict rules, my arranged marriage?”

"Not at all, here you are free to do whatever you want when you want."

*This excited Cora*

"Wow. But, won't my family know I'm missing?"

“Oh don’t worry, we’ve taken care of everything.”

Cora's thoughts:"Well at least I don't have to get married. I feel sorry for the next woman they'll try to set him up with." *But what she didn't know was that Popper and "Cora" began to spend more time together as the days went on.*

*And grew closer to each other with every passing day*

*They would enjoy walks in the garden or have treats at the town bakery. Popper started to realize something he never thought would happen. He fallen in love with her. Though ever now and then he noticed weird things she does.*

*Like how her family or maids would comment on how differently she behaved. Or how she would correct herself whenever he asked her a personal question. But the strangest thing he noticed was that she refused to go anywhere near mirrors, water, or anything that was reflective*

*Which made him a bit suspicious but he tried to brush it off thinking he was jumping to conclusions.*

*One evening the two were alone spending time together*

Popper:"You look lovely."

“That’s sweet of you to say.😌”

*He looked down nervously before taking a breath.* "Um Cora?"

*She looked at him* “Yes?”

"Well um, there something I...like to ask you."

“You can ask me anything, Popper.”

*He sat there for a moment, before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring.*

*This caught her by surprise*

"I know we were arranged from the start and I admit I didn't wanted it. But after meeting you and getting to know you, I can't deny that grown feelings for you."

*She blushed at his words*

"Cora Berrycloth, I love you. Will you marry me?"

*Popper then noticed for a brief moment there was a hint of sadness in her eyes before she smiled at him* “Of course I will, Popper.”

*Hearing that made him happy as he gently placed the ring on her finger.* "I promise to make you happy."

“And I you.”

*They looked at each other before leaning in and sharing a kiss.*

*Which filled them both with happiness*

*After a moment they pulled away smiling.* "I promise to be a good husband to you."

“And I will try my best to be a good wife.”

*Popper smiled, though he couldn't help but wondered why she seemed a bit sad.*

Cora: “… It’s getting late, perhaps we should head inside for the night.”

"Ok." *They walked back hand in hand. The next day back at the hive, Cora loved being there and enjoyed the treatment she was getting. She was relaxing with face mask while one changling gave her a massage and the other was giving her a pedicure.*

“Ahhhh, this is the life.”

Changling:"Another mango and spinach smoothie my lady?" "Yes please." *Filling her glass.* "Boy you changlings really know how to treat your guest."

“It is in our nature to do so. It’s the least we can do.”

"Ah this the best, I never want to leave this place."

“And you never have to, dear lady.”


My Bride Is A Changling(Changling Au)

*In 18 century England, a family lived in a nice two story mansion. Lady Penny had two sons, Oldest Victor and his young brother Popper. One fine morning, Popper was still sound asleep in his room sorning away when there was a knock on hsi door.* "Master Popper? Time to get up."

Victor:"Oh Cora, you got food on your face."

Cora: “Oh goodness, where?”

Penny:"Here, i got a hand mirror." *Opening it to give to her.*


*Her outburst surprised everyone.*

*She froze before clearing her throat* “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m a, I needed to head to the ladies room anyways, so I’ll clean up in there.”

*She stood up and walked out of the dining room as Popper watched her. Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest where no human eye could see it, the real Cora was still sound asleep began to wake up from her long nap.*

*She yawned as she sat up in what she thought was her bed*

"Ah what a wonderful rest. It feel like the first real sleep I had without Matilda rudely waking me up....huh, I wonder why she let me sleep in?"

*She then removed her sleep mask and opened her eyes*

*And when her vison cleared she saw she wasn't in her room. But a lovely room made of crystals and beeswax.*

*This shocked her* “… What the heck?! Where am I?!”

*Suddenly she heard the door open.* Voice:"Oh good, you're awake."

“Huh?” *She looked in the direction of the voice*

*And there standing was a woman in a fancy dress robe with darkish green skin, light green hair and bug eyes.* "Did you enjoy your rest lady Cora?" *Cora stared at the creature for a moment before letting out a terrifying blood hurdling scream.*

*Which startled the creature*

"Woah woah, easy easy." *Cora jumped out of bed to hide.* "Stay away! Who are you?! Where am I?!"

“Please, try to relax. I promise you are in no danger. In fact you are our honored guest.”

"Guest?" "That right. We have brought you here because you wished for a life away from your current one."

“Wha, wait, wait. So your saying I’m here to get away from all my problems?”

"That what this place is known for. Follow me, I'll show you."

“….. Ok.”

*She followed her out of the room and walked around for a bit until the woman stopped.* "Welcome, to The Garden of Changia."

“Changia?” *She then looked in the direction the woman gestured towards*

*And there she saw the whole place was like a bee hive filled with changlings serving humans hand and foot. There was pools and hot springs, massages and huge flowers that pour sweet nector.*

*Cora was in awe at it all* “This is amazing.”

"For centuries we brought humans who are bored or unhappy with their lives here to give them the paradise they always wanted."

“So… I don’t have to worry about anything? Annoying maids, strict rules, my arranged marriage?”

"Not at all, here you are free to do whatever you want when you want."

*This excited Cora*

"Wow. But, won't my family know I'm missing?"

“Oh don’t worry, we’ve taken care of everything.”

Cora's thoughts:"Well at least I don't have to get married. I feel sorry for the next woman they'll try to set him up with." *But what she didn't know was that Popper and "Cora" began to spend more time together as the days went on.*

*And grew closer to each other with every passing day*

*They would enjoy walks in the garden or have treats at the town bakery. Popper started to realize something he never thought would happen. He fallen in love with her. Though ever now and then he noticed weird things she does.*

*Like how her family or maids would comment on how differently she behaved. Or how she would correct herself whenever he asked her a personal question. But the strangest thing he noticed was that she refused to go anywhere near mirrors, water, or anything that was reflective*

*Which made him a bit suspicious but he tried to brush it off thinking he was jumping to conclusions.*

*One evening the two were alone spending time together*

Popper:"You look lovely."

“That’s sweet of you to say.😌”

*He looked down nervously before taking a breath.* "Um Cora?"

*She looked at him* “Yes?”

"Well um, there something I...like to ask you."

“You can ask me anything, Popper.”

*He sat there for a moment, before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring.*

*This caught her by surprise*

"I know we were arranged from the start and I admit I didn't wanted it. But after meeting you and getting to know you, I can't deny that grown feelings for you."

*She blushed at his words*

"Cora Berrycloth, I love you. Will you marry me?"

*Popper then noticed for a brief moment there was a hint of sadness in her eyes before she smiled at him* “Of course I will, Popper.”

*Hearing that made him happy as he gently placed the ring on her finger.* "I promise to make you happy."

“And I you.”

*They looked at each other before leaning in and sharing a kiss.*

*Which filled them both with happiness*

*After a moment they pulled away smiling.* "I promise to be a good husband to you."

“And I will try my best to be a good wife.”

*Popper smiled, though he couldn't help but wondered why she seemed a bit sad.*

Cora: “… It’s getting late, perhaps we should head inside for the night.”

"Ok." *They walked back hand in hand. The next day back at the hive, Cora loved being there and enjoyed the treatment she was getting. She was relaxing with face mask while one changling gave her a massage and the other was giving her a pedicure.*

“Ahhhh, this is the life.”

Changling:"Another mango and spinach smoothie my lady?" "Yes please." *Filling her glass.* "Boy you changlings really know how to treat your guest."

“It is in our nature to do so. It’s the least we can do.”


My Bride Is A Changling(Changling Au)

*In 18 century England, a family lived in a nice two story mansion. Lady Penny had two sons, Oldest Victor and his young brother Popper. One fine morning, Popper was still sound asleep in his room sorning away when there was a knock on hsi door.* "Master Popper? Time to get up."

Victor:"Oh Cora, you got food on your face."

Cora: “Oh goodness, where?”

Penny:"Here, i got a hand mirror." *Opening it to give to her.*


*Her outburst surprised everyone.*

*She froze before clearing her throat* “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m a, I needed to head to the ladies room anyways, so I’ll clean up in there.”

*She stood up and walked out of the dining room as Popper watched her. Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest where no human eye could see it, the real Cora was still sound asleep began to wake up from her long nap.*

*She yawned as she sat up in what she thought was her bed*

"Ah what a wonderful rest. It feel like the first real sleep I had without Matilda rudely waking me up....huh, I wonder why she let me sleep in?"

*She then removed her sleep mask and opened her eyes*

*And when her vison cleared she saw she wasn't in her room. But a lovely room made of crystals and beeswax.*

*This shocked her* “… What the heck?! Where am I?!”

*Suddenly she heard the door open.* Voice:"Oh good, you're awake."

“Huh?” *She looked in the direction of the voice*

*And there standing was a woman in a fancy dress robe with darkish green skin, light green hair and bug eyes.* "Did you enjoy your rest lady Cora?" *Cora stared at the creature for a moment before letting out a terrifying blood hurdling scream.*

*Which startled the creature*

"Woah woah, easy easy." *Cora jumped out of bed to hide.* "Stay away! Who are you?! Where am I?!"

“Please, try to relax. I promise you are in no danger. In fact you are our honored guest.”

"Guest?" "That right. We have brought you here because you wished for a life away from your current one."

“Wha, wait, wait. So your saying I’m here to get away from all my problems?”

"That what this place is known for. Follow me, I'll show you."

“….. Ok.”

*She followed her out of the room and walked around for a bit until the woman stopped.* "Welcome, to The Garden of Changia."

“Changia?” *She then looked in the direction the woman gestured towards*

*And there she saw the whole place was like a bee hive filled with changlings serving humans hand and foot. There was pools and hot springs, massages and huge flowers that pour sweet nector.*

*Cora was in awe at it all* “This is amazing.”

"For centuries we brought humans who are bored or unhappy with their lives here to give them the paradise they always wanted."

“So… I don’t have to worry about anything? Annoying maids, strict rules, my arranged marriage?”

"Not at all, here you are free to do whatever you want when you want."

*This excited Cora*

"Wow. But, won't my family know I'm missing?"

“Oh don’t worry, we’ve taken care of everything.”

Cora's thoughts:"Well at least I don't have to get married. I feel sorry for the next woman they'll try to set him up with." *But what she didn't know was that Popper and "Cora" began to spend more time together as the days went on.*

*And grew closer to each other with every passing day*

*They would enjoy walks in the garden or have treats at the town bakery. Popper started to realize something he never thought would happen. He fallen in love with her. Though ever now and then he noticed weird things she does.*

*Like how her family or maids would comment on how differently she behaved. Or how she would correct herself whenever he asked her a personal question. But the strangest thing he noticed was that she refused to go anywhere near mirrors, water, or anything that was reflective*

*Which made him a bit suspicious but he tried to brush it off thinking he was jumping to conclusions.*

*One evening the two were alone spending time together*

Popper:"You look lovely."

“That’s sweet of you to say.😌”

*He looked down nervously before taking a breath.* "Um Cora?"

*She looked at him* “Yes?”

"Well um, there something I...like to ask you."

“You can ask me anything, Popper.”

*He sat there for a moment, before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring.*

*This caught her by surprise*

"I know we were arranged from the start and I admit I didn't wanted it. But after meeting you and getting to know you, I can't deny that grown feelings for you."

*She blushed at his words*

"Cora Berrycloth, I love you. Will you marry me?"

*Popper then noticed for a brief moment there was a hint of sadness in her eyes before she smiled at him* “Of course I will, Popper.”

*Hearing that made him happy as he gently placed the ring on her finger.* "I promise to make you happy."

“And I you.”

*They looked at each other before leaning in and sharing a kiss.*

*Which filled them both with happiness*

*After a moment they pulled away smiling.* "I promise to be a good husband to you."

“And I will try my best to be a good wife.”

*Popper smiled, though he couldn't help but wondered why she seemed a bit sad.*

Cora: “… It’s getting late, perhaps we should head inside for the night.”

"Ok." *They walked back hand in hand. The next day back at the hive, Cora loved being there and enjoyed the treatment she was getting. She was relaxing with face mask while one changling gave her a massage and the other was giving her a pedicure.*

“Ahhhh, this is the life.”


My Bride Is A Changling(Changling Au)

*In 18 century England, a family lived in a nice two story mansion. Lady Penny had two sons, Oldest Victor and his young brother Popper. One fine morning, Popper was still sound asleep in his room sorning away when there was a knock on hsi door.* "Master Popper? Time to get up."

Victor:"Oh Cora, you got food on your face."

Cora: “Oh goodness, where?”

Penny:"Here, i got a hand mirror." *Opening it to give to her.*


*Her outburst surprised everyone.*

*She froze before clearing her throat* “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m a, I needed to head to the ladies room anyways, so I’ll clean up in there.”

*She stood up and walked out of the dining room as Popper watched her. Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest where no human eye could see it, the real Cora was still sound asleep began to wake up from her long nap.*

*She yawned as she sat up in what she thought was her bed*

"Ah what a wonderful rest. It feel like the first real sleep I had without Matilda rudely waking me up....huh, I wonder why she let me sleep in?"

*She then removed her sleep mask and opened her eyes*

*And when her vison cleared she saw she wasn't in her room. But a lovely room made of crystals and beeswax.*

*This shocked her* “… What the heck?! Where am I?!”

*Suddenly she heard the door open.* Voice:"Oh good, you're awake."

“Huh?” *She looked in the direction of the voice*

*And there standing was a woman in a fancy dress robe with darkish green skin, light green hair and bug eyes.* "Did you enjoy your rest lady Cora?" *Cora stared at the creature for a moment before letting out a terrifying blood hurdling scream.*

*Which startled the creature*

"Woah woah, easy easy." *Cora jumped out of bed to hide.* "Stay away! Who are you?! Where am I?!"

“Please, try to relax. I promise you are in no danger. In fact you are our honored guest.”

"Guest?" "That right. We have brought you here because you wished for a life away from your current one."

“Wha, wait, wait. So your saying I’m here to get away from all my problems?”

"That what this place is known for. Follow me, I'll show you."

“….. Ok.”

*She followed her out of the room and walked around for a bit until the woman stopped.* "Welcome, to The Garden of Changia."

“Changia?” *She then looked in the direction the woman gestured towards*

*And there she saw the whole place was like a bee hive filled with changlings serving humans hand and foot. There was pools and hot springs, massages and huge flowers that pour sweet nector.*

*Cora was in awe at it all* “This is amazing.”

"For centuries we brought humans who are bored or unhappy with their lives here to give them the paradise they always wanted."

“So… I don’t have to worry about anything? Annoying maids, strict rules, my arranged marriage?”

"Not at all, here you are free to do whatever you want when you want."

*This excited Cora*

"Wow. But, won't my family know I'm missing?"

“Oh don’t worry, we’ve taken care of everything.”

Cora's thoughts:"Well at least I don't have to get married. I feel sorry for the next woman they'll try to set him up with." *But what she didn't know was that Popper and "Cora" began to spend more time together as the days went on.*

*And grew closer to each other with every passing day*

*They would enjoy walks in the garden or have treats at the town bakery. Popper started to realize something he never thought would happen. He fallen in love with her. Though ever now and then he noticed weird things she does.*

*Like how her family or maids would comment on how differently she behaved. Or how she would correct herself whenever he asked her a personal question. But the strangest thing he noticed was that she refused to go anywhere near mirrors, water, or anything that was reflective*

*Which made him a bit suspicious but he tried to brush it off thinking he was jumping to conclusions.*

*One evening the two were alone spending time together*

Popper:"You look lovely."

“That’s sweet of you to say.😌”

*He looked down nervously before taking a breath.* "Um Cora?"

*She looked at him* “Yes?”

"Well um, there something I...like to ask you."

“You can ask me anything, Popper.”

*He sat there for a moment, before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring.*

*This caught her by surprise*

"I know we were arranged from the start and I admit I didn't wanted it. But after meeting you and getting to know you, I can't deny that grown feelings for you."

*She blushed at his words*

"Cora Berrycloth, I love you. Will you marry me?"

*Popper then noticed for a brief moment there was a hint of sadness in her eyes before she smiled at him* “Of course I will, Popper.”

*Hearing that made him happy as he gently placed the ring on her finger.* "I promise to make you happy."

“And I you.”

*They looked at each other before leaning in and sharing a kiss.*

*Which filled them both with happiness*

*After a moment they pulled away smiling.* "I promise to be a good husband to you."

“And I will try my best to be a good wife.”

*Popper smiled, though he couldn't help but wondered why she seemed a bit sad.*

Cora: “… It’s getting late, perhaps we should head inside for the night.”


My Bride Is A Changling(Changling Au)

*In 18 century England, a family lived in a nice two story mansion. Lady Penny had two sons, Oldest Victor and his young brother Popper. One fine morning, Popper was still sound asleep in his room sorning away when there was a knock on hsi door.* "Master Popper? Time to get up."

Victor:"Oh Cora, you got food on your face."

Cora: “Oh goodness, where?”

Penny:"Here, i got a hand mirror." *Opening it to give to her.*


*Her outburst surprised everyone.*

*She froze before clearing her throat* “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m a, I needed to head to the ladies room anyways, so I’ll clean up in there.”

*She stood up and walked out of the dining room as Popper watched her. Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest where no human eye could see it, the real Cora was still sound asleep began to wake up from her long nap.*

*She yawned as she sat up in what she thought was her bed*

"Ah what a wonderful rest. It feel like the first real sleep I had without Matilda rudely waking me up....huh, I wonder why she let me sleep in?"

*She then removed her sleep mask and opened her eyes*

*And when her vison cleared she saw she wasn't in her room. But a lovely room made of crystals and beeswax.*

*This shocked her* “… What the heck?! Where am I?!”

*Suddenly she heard the door open.* Voice:"Oh good, you're awake."

“Huh?” *She looked in the direction of the voice*

*And there standing was a woman in a fancy dress robe with darkish green skin, light green hair and bug eyes.* "Did you enjoy your rest lady Cora?" *Cora stared at the creature for a moment before letting out a terrifying blood hurdling scream.*

*Which startled the creature*

"Woah woah, easy easy." *Cora jumped out of bed to hide.* "Stay away! Who are you?! Where am I?!"

“Please, try to relax. I promise you are in no danger. In fact you are our honored guest.”

"Guest?" "That right. We have brought you here because you wished for a life away from your current one."

“Wha, wait, wait. So your saying I’m here to get away from all my problems?”

"That what this place is known for. Follow me, I'll show you."

“….. Ok.”

*She followed her out of the room and walked around for a bit until the woman stopped.* "Welcome, to The Garden of Changia."

“Changia?” *She then looked in the direction the woman gestured towards*

*And there she saw the whole place was like a bee hive filled with changlings serving humans hand and foot. There was pools and hot springs, massages and huge flowers that pour sweet nector.*

*Cora was in awe at it all* “This is amazing.”

"For centuries we brought humans who are bored or unhappy with their lives here to give them the paradise they always wanted."

“So… I don’t have to worry about anything? Annoying maids, strict rules, my arranged marriage?”

"Not at all, here you are free to do whatever you want when you want."

*This excited Cora*

"Wow. But, won't my family know I'm missing?"

“Oh don’t worry, we’ve taken care of everything.”

Cora's thoughts:"Well at least I don't have to get married. I feel sorry for the next woman they'll try to set him up with." *But what she didn't know was that Popper and "Cora" began to spend more time together as the days went on.*

*And grew closer to each other with every passing day*

*They would enjoy walks in the garden or have treats at the town bakery. Popper started to realize something he never thought would happen. He fallen in love with her. Though ever now and then he noticed weird things she does.*

*Like how her family or maids would comment on how differently she behaved. Or how she would correct herself whenever he asked her a personal question. But the strangest thing he noticed was that she refused to go anywhere near mirrors, water, or anything that was reflective*

*Which made him a bit suspicious but he tried to brush it off thinking he was jumping to conclusions.*

*One evening the two were alone spending time together*

Popper:"You look lovely."

“That’s sweet of you to say.😌”

*He looked down nervously before taking a breath.* "Um Cora?"

*She looked at him* “Yes?”

"Well um, there something I...like to ask you."

“You can ask me anything, Popper.”

*He sat there for a moment, before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring.*

*This caught her by surprise*

"I know we were arranged from the start and I admit I didn't wanted it. But after meeting you and getting to know you, I can't deny that grown feelings for you."

*She blushed at his words*

"Cora Berrycloth, I love you. Will you marry me?"

*Popper then noticed for a brief moment there was a hint of sadness in her eyes before she smiled at him* “Of course I will, Popper.”

*Hearing that made him happy as he gently placed the ring on her finger.* "I promise to make you happy."

“And I you.”

*They looked at each other before leaning in and sharing a kiss.*

*Which filled them both with happiness*

*After a moment they pulled away smiling.* "I promise to be a good husband to you."

“And I will try my best to be a good wife.”


My Bride Is A Changling(Changling Au)

*In 18 century England, a family lived in a nice two story mansion. Lady Penny had two sons, Oldest Victor and his young brother Popper. One fine morning, Popper was still sound asleep in his room sorning away when there was a knock on hsi door.* "Master Popper? Time to get up."

Victor:"Oh Cora, you got food on your face."

Cora: “Oh goodness, where?”

Penny:"Here, i got a hand mirror." *Opening it to give to her.*


*Her outburst surprised everyone.*

*She froze before clearing her throat* “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m a, I needed to head to the ladies room anyways, so I’ll clean up in there.”

*She stood up and walked out of the dining room as Popper watched her. Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest where no human eye could see it, the real Cora was still sound asleep began to wake up from her long nap.*

*She yawned as she sat up in what she thought was her bed*

"Ah what a wonderful rest. It feel like the first real sleep I had without Matilda rudely waking me up....huh, I wonder why she let me sleep in?"

*She then removed her sleep mask and opened her eyes*

*And when her vison cleared she saw she wasn't in her room. But a lovely room made of crystals and beeswax.*

*This shocked her* “… What the heck?! Where am I?!”

*Suddenly she heard the door open.* Voice:"Oh good, you're awake."

“Huh?” *She looked in the direction of the voice*

*And there standing was a woman in a fancy dress robe with darkish green skin, light green hair and bug eyes.* "Did you enjoy your rest lady Cora?" *Cora stared at the creature for a moment before letting out a terrifying blood hurdling scream.*

*Which startled the creature*

"Woah woah, easy easy." *Cora jumped out of bed to hide.* "Stay away! Who are you?! Where am I?!"

“Please, try to relax. I promise you are in no danger. In fact you are our honored guest.”

"Guest?" "That right. We have brought you here because you wished for a life away from your current one."

“Wha, wait, wait. So your saying I’m here to get away from all my problems?”

"That what this place is known for. Follow me, I'll show you."

“….. Ok.”

*She followed her out of the room and walked around for a bit until the woman stopped.* "Welcome, to The Garden of Changia."

“Changia?” *She then looked in the direction the woman gestured towards*

*And there she saw the whole place was like a bee hive filled with changlings serving humans hand and foot. There was pools and hot springs, massages and huge flowers that pour sweet nector.*

*Cora was in awe at it all* “This is amazing.”

"For centuries we brought humans who are bored or unhappy with their lives here to give them the paradise they always wanted."

“So… I don’t have to worry about anything? Annoying maids, strict rules, my arranged marriage?”

"Not at all, here you are free to do whatever you want when you want."

*This excited Cora*

"Wow. But, won't my family know I'm missing?"

“Oh don’t worry, we’ve taken care of everything.”

Cora's thoughts:"Well at least I don't have to get married. I feel sorry for the next woman they'll try to set him up with." *But what she didn't know was that Popper and "Cora" began to spend more time together as the days went on.*

*And grew closer to each other with every passing day*

*They would enjoy walks in the garden or have treats at the town bakery. Popper started to realize something he never thought would happen. He fallen in love with her. Though ever now and then he noticed weird things she does.*

*Like how her family or maids would comment on how differently she behaved. Or how she would correct herself whenever he asked her a personal question. But the strangest thing he noticed was that she refused to go anywhere near mirrors, water, or anything that was reflective*

*Which made him a bit suspicious but he tried to brush it off thinking he was jumping to conclusions.*

*One evening the two were alone spending time together*

Popper:"You look lovely."

“That’s sweet of you to say.😌”

*He looked down nervously before taking a breath.* "Um Cora?"

*She looked at him* “Yes?”

"Well um, there something I...like to ask you."

“You can ask me anything, Popper.”

*He sat there for a moment, before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring.*

*This caught her by surprise*

"I know we were arranged from the start and I admit I didn't wanted it. But after meeting you and getting to know you, I can't deny that grown feelings for you."

*She blushed at his words*

"Cora Berrycloth, I love you. Will you marry me?"

*Popper then noticed for a brief moment there was a hint of sadness in her eyes before she smiled at him* “Of course I will, Popper.”

*Hearing that made him happy as he gently placed the ring on her finger.* "I promise to make you happy."

“And I you.”

*They looked at each other before leaning in and sharing a kiss.*

*Which filled them both with happiness*


My Bride Is A Changling(Changling Au)

*In 18 century England, a family lived in a nice two story mansion. Lady Penny had two sons, Oldest Victor and his young brother Popper. One fine morning, Popper was still sound asleep in his room sorning away when there was a knock on hsi door.* "Master Popper? Time to get up."

Victor:"Oh Cora, you got food on your face."

Cora: “Oh goodness, where?”

Penny:"Here, i got a hand mirror." *Opening it to give to her.*


*Her outburst surprised everyone.*

*She froze before clearing her throat* “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m a, I needed to head to the ladies room anyways, so I’ll clean up in there.”

*She stood up and walked out of the dining room as Popper watched her. Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest where no human eye could see it, the real Cora was still sound asleep began to wake up from her long nap.*

*She yawned as she sat up in what she thought was her bed*

"Ah what a wonderful rest. It feel like the first real sleep I had without Matilda rudely waking me up....huh, I wonder why she let me sleep in?"

*She then removed her sleep mask and opened her eyes*

*And when her vison cleared she saw she wasn't in her room. But a lovely room made of crystals and beeswax.*

*This shocked her* “… What the heck?! Where am I?!”

*Suddenly she heard the door open.* Voice:"Oh good, you're awake."

“Huh?” *She looked in the direction of the voice*

*And there standing was a woman in a fancy dress robe with darkish green skin, light green hair and bug eyes.* "Did you enjoy your rest lady Cora?" *Cora stared at the creature for a moment before letting out a terrifying blood hurdling scream.*

*Which startled the creature*

"Woah woah, easy easy." *Cora jumped out of bed to hide.* "Stay away! Who are you?! Where am I?!"

“Please, try to relax. I promise you are in no danger. In fact you are our honored guest.”

"Guest?" "That right. We have brought you here because you wished for a life away from your current one."

“Wha, wait, wait. So your saying I’m here to get away from all my problems?”

"That what this place is known for. Follow me, I'll show you."

“….. Ok.”

*She followed her out of the room and walked around for a bit until the woman stopped.* "Welcome, to The Garden of Changia."

“Changia?” *She then looked in the direction the woman gestured towards*

*And there she saw the whole place was like a bee hive filled with changlings serving humans hand and foot. There was pools and hot springs, massages and huge flowers that pour sweet nector.*

*Cora was in awe at it all* “This is amazing.”

"For centuries we brought humans who are bored or unhappy with their lives here to give them the paradise they always wanted."

“So… I don’t have to worry about anything? Annoying maids, strict rules, my arranged marriage?”

"Not at all, here you are free to do whatever you want when you want."

*This excited Cora*

"Wow. But, won't my family know I'm missing?"

“Oh don’t worry, we’ve taken care of everything.”

Cora's thoughts:"Well at least I don't have to get married. I feel sorry for the next woman they'll try to set him up with." *But what she didn't know was that Popper and "Cora" began to spend more time together as the days went on.*

*And grew closer to each other with every passing day*

*They would enjoy walks in the garden or have treats at the town bakery. Popper started to realize something he never thought would happen. He fallen in love with her. Though ever now and then he noticed weird things she does.*

*Like how her family or maids would comment on how differently she behaved. Or how she would correct herself whenever he asked her a personal question. But the strangest thing he noticed was that she refused to go anywhere near mirrors, water, or anything that was reflective*

*Which made him a bit suspicious but he tried to brush it off thinking he was jumping to conclusions.*

*One evening the two were alone spending time together*

Popper:"You look lovely."

“That’s sweet of you to say.😌”

*He looked down nervously before taking a breath.* "Um Cora?"

*She looked at him* “Yes?”

"Well um, there something I...like to ask you."

“You can ask me anything, Popper.”

*He sat there for a moment, before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring.*

*This caught her by surprise*

"I know we were arranged from the start and I admit I didn't wanted it. But after meeting you and getting to know you, I can't deny that grown feelings for you."

*She blushed at his words*

"Cora Berrycloth, I love you. Will you marry me?"

*Popper then noticed for a brief moment there was a hint of sadness in her eyes before she smiled at him* “Of course I will, Popper.”

*Hearing that made him happy as he gently placed the ring on her finger.* "I promise to make you happy."

“And I you.”


My Bride Is A Changling(Changling Au)

*In 18 century England, a family lived in a nice two story mansion. Lady Penny had two sons, Oldest Victor and his young brother Popper. One fine morning, Popper was still sound asleep in his room sorning away when there was a knock on hsi door.* "Master Popper? Time to get up."

Victor:"Oh Cora, you got food on your face."

Cora: “Oh goodness, where?”

Penny:"Here, i got a hand mirror." *Opening it to give to her.*


*Her outburst surprised everyone.*

*She froze before clearing her throat* “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m a, I needed to head to the ladies room anyways, so I’ll clean up in there.”

*She stood up and walked out of the dining room as Popper watched her. Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest where no human eye could see it, the real Cora was still sound asleep began to wake up from her long nap.*

*She yawned as she sat up in what she thought was her bed*

"Ah what a wonderful rest. It feel like the first real sleep I had without Matilda rudely waking me up....huh, I wonder why she let me sleep in?"

*She then removed her sleep mask and opened her eyes*

*And when her vison cleared she saw she wasn't in her room. But a lovely room made of crystals and beeswax.*

*This shocked her* “… What the heck?! Where am I?!”

*Suddenly she heard the door open.* Voice:"Oh good, you're awake."

“Huh?” *She looked in the direction of the voice*

*And there standing was a woman in a fancy dress robe with darkish green skin, light green hair and bug eyes.* "Did you enjoy your rest lady Cora?" *Cora stared at the creature for a moment before letting out a terrifying blood hurdling scream.*

*Which startled the creature*

"Woah woah, easy easy." *Cora jumped out of bed to hide.* "Stay away! Who are you?! Where am I?!"

“Please, try to relax. I promise you are in no danger. In fact you are our honored guest.”

"Guest?" "That right. We have brought you here because you wished for a life away from your current one."

“Wha, wait, wait. So your saying I’m here to get away from all my problems?”

"That what this place is known for. Follow me, I'll show you."

“….. Ok.”

*She followed her out of the room and walked around for a bit until the woman stopped.* "Welcome, to The Garden of Changia."

“Changia?” *She then looked in the direction the woman gestured towards*

*And there she saw the whole place was like a bee hive filled with changlings serving humans hand and foot. There was pools and hot springs, massages and huge flowers that pour sweet nector.*

*Cora was in awe at it all* “This is amazing.”

"For centuries we brought humans who are bored or unhappy with their lives here to give them the paradise they always wanted."

“So… I don’t have to worry about anything? Annoying maids, strict rules, my arranged marriage?”

"Not at all, here you are free to do whatever you want when you want."

*This excited Cora*

"Wow. But, won't my family know I'm missing?"

“Oh don’t worry, we’ve taken care of everything.”

Cora's thoughts:"Well at least I don't have to get married. I feel sorry for the next woman they'll try to set him up with." *But what she didn't know was that Popper and "Cora" began to spend more time together as the days went on.*

*And grew closer to each other with every passing day*

*They would enjoy walks in the garden or have treats at the town bakery. Popper started to realize something he never thought would happen. He fallen in love with her. Though ever now and then he noticed weird things she does.*

*Like how her family or maids would comment on how differently she behaved. Or how she would correct herself whenever he asked her a personal question. But the strangest thing he noticed was that she refused to go anywhere near mirrors, water, or anything that was reflective*

*Which made him a bit suspicious but he tried to brush it off thinking he was jumping to conclusions.*

*One evening the two were alone spending time together*

Popper:"You look lovely."

“That’s sweet of you to say.😌”

*He looked down nervously before taking a breath.* "Um Cora?"

*She looked at him* “Yes?”

"Well um, there something I...like to ask you."

“You can ask me anything, Popper.”

*He sat there for a moment, before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring.*

*This caught her by surprise*

"I know we were arranged from the start and I admit I didn't wanted it. But after meeting you and getting to know you, I can't deny that grown feelings for you."

*She blushed at his words*

"Cora Berrycloth, I love you. Will you marry me?"

*Popper then noticed for a brief moment there was a hint of sadness in her eyes before she smiled at him* “Of course I will, Popper.”


My Bride Is A Changling(Changling Au)

*In 18 century England, a family lived in a nice two story mansion. Lady Penny had two sons, Oldest Victor and his young brother Popper. One fine morning, Popper was still sound asleep in his room sorning away when there was a knock on hsi door.* "Master Popper? Time to get up."

Victor:"Oh Cora, you got food on your face."

Cora: “Oh goodness, where?”

Penny:"Here, i got a hand mirror." *Opening it to give to her.*


*Her outburst surprised everyone.*

*She froze before clearing her throat* “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m a, I needed to head to the ladies room anyways, so I’ll clean up in there.”

*She stood up and walked out of the dining room as Popper watched her. Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest where no human eye could see it, the real Cora was still sound asleep began to wake up from her long nap.*

*She yawned as she sat up in what she thought was her bed*

"Ah what a wonderful rest. It feel like the first real sleep I had without Matilda rudely waking me up....huh, I wonder why she let me sleep in?"

*She then removed her sleep mask and opened her eyes*

*And when her vison cleared she saw she wasn't in her room. But a lovely room made of crystals and beeswax.*

*This shocked her* “… What the heck?! Where am I?!”

*Suddenly she heard the door open.* Voice:"Oh good, you're awake."

“Huh?” *She looked in the direction of the voice*

*And there standing was a woman in a fancy dress robe with darkish green skin, light green hair and bug eyes.* "Did you enjoy your rest lady Cora?" *Cora stared at the creature for a moment before letting out a terrifying blood hurdling scream.*

*Which startled the creature*

"Woah woah, easy easy." *Cora jumped out of bed to hide.* "Stay away! Who are you?! Where am I?!"

“Please, try to relax. I promise you are in no danger. In fact you are our honored guest.”

"Guest?" "That right. We have brought you here because you wished for a life away from your current one."

“Wha, wait, wait. So your saying I’m here to get away from all my problems?”

"That what this place is known for. Follow me, I'll show you."

“….. Ok.”

*She followed her out of the room and walked around for a bit until the woman stopped.* "Welcome, to The Garden of Changia."

“Changia?” *She then looked in the direction the woman gestured towards*

*And there she saw the whole place was like a bee hive filled with changlings serving humans hand and foot. There was pools and hot springs, massages and huge flowers that pour sweet nector.*

*Cora was in awe at it all* “This is amazing.”

"For centuries we brought humans who are bored or unhappy with their lives here to give them the paradise they always wanted."

“So… I don’t have to worry about anything? Annoying maids, strict rules, my arranged marriage?”

"Not at all, here you are free to do whatever you want when you want."

*This excited Cora*

"Wow. But, won't my family know I'm missing?"

“Oh don’t worry, we’ve taken care of everything.”

Cora's thoughts:"Well at least I don't have to get married. I feel sorry for the next woman they'll try to set him up with." *But what she didn't know was that Popper and "Cora" began to spend more time together as the days went on.*

*And grew closer to each other with every passing day*

*They would enjoy walks in the garden or have treats at the town bakery. Popper started to realize something he never thought would happen. He fallen in love with her. Though ever now and then he noticed weird things she does.*

*Like how her family or maids would comment on how differently she behaved. Or how she would correct herself whenever he asked her a personal question. But the strangest thing he noticed was that she refused to go anywhere near mirrors, water, or anything that was reflective*

*Which made him a bit suspicious but he tried to brush it off thinking he was jumping to conclusions.*

*One evening the two were alone spending time together*

Popper:"You look lovely."

“That’s sweet of you to say.😌”

*He looked down nervously before taking a breath.* "Um Cora?"

*She looked at him* “Yes?”

"Well um, there something I...like to ask you."

“You can ask me anything, Popper.”

*He sat there for a moment, before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring.*

*This caught her by surprise*

"I know we were arranged from the start and I admit I didn't wanted it. But after meeting you and getting to know you, I can't deny that grown feelings for you."

*She blushed at his words*


My Bride Is A Changling(Changling Au)

*In 18 century England, a family lived in a nice two story mansion. Lady Penny had two sons, Oldest Victor and his young brother Popper. One fine morning, Popper was still sound asleep in his room sorning away when there was a knock on hsi door.* "Master Popper? Time to get up."

Victor:"Oh Cora, you got food on your face."

Cora: “Oh goodness, where?”

Penny:"Here, i got a hand mirror." *Opening it to give to her.*


*Her outburst surprised everyone.*

*She froze before clearing her throat* “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m a, I needed to head to the ladies room anyways, so I’ll clean up in there.”

*She stood up and walked out of the dining room as Popper watched her. Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest where no human eye could see it, the real Cora was still sound asleep began to wake up from her long nap.*

*She yawned as she sat up in what she thought was her bed*

"Ah what a wonderful rest. It feel like the first real sleep I had without Matilda rudely waking me up....huh, I wonder why she let me sleep in?"

*She then removed her sleep mask and opened her eyes*

*And when her vison cleared she saw she wasn't in her room. But a lovely room made of crystals and beeswax.*

*This shocked her* “… What the heck?! Where am I?!”

*Suddenly she heard the door open.* Voice:"Oh good, you're awake."

“Huh?” *She looked in the direction of the voice*

*And there standing was a woman in a fancy dress robe with darkish green skin, light green hair and bug eyes.* "Did you enjoy your rest lady Cora?" *Cora stared at the creature for a moment before letting out a terrifying blood hurdling scream.*

*Which startled the creature*

"Woah woah, easy easy." *Cora jumped out of bed to hide.* "Stay away! Who are you?! Where am I?!"

“Please, try to relax. I promise you are in no danger. In fact you are our honored guest.”

"Guest?" "That right. We have brought you here because you wished for a life away from your current one."

“Wha, wait, wait. So your saying I’m here to get away from all my problems?”

"That what this place is known for. Follow me, I'll show you."

“….. Ok.”

*She followed her out of the room and walked around for a bit until the woman stopped.* "Welcome, to The Garden of Changia."

“Changia?” *She then looked in the direction the woman gestured towards*

*And there she saw the whole place was like a bee hive filled with changlings serving humans hand and foot. There was pools and hot springs, massages and huge flowers that pour sweet nector.*

*Cora was in awe at it all* “This is amazing.”

"For centuries we brought humans who are bored or unhappy with their lives here to give them the paradise they always wanted."

“So… I don’t have to worry about anything? Annoying maids, strict rules, my arranged marriage?”

"Not at all, here you are free to do whatever you want when you want."

*This excited Cora*

"Wow. But, won't my family know I'm missing?"

“Oh don’t worry, we’ve taken care of everything.”

Cora's thoughts:"Well at least I don't have to get married. I feel sorry for the next woman they'll try to set him up with." *But what she didn't know was that Popper and "Cora" began to spend more time together as the days went on.*

*And grew closer to each other with every passing day*

*They would enjoy walks in the garden or have treats at the town bakery. Popper started to realize something he never thought would happen. He fallen in love with her. Though ever now and then he noticed weird things she does.*

*Like how her family or maids would comment on how differently she behaved. Or how she would correct herself whenever he asked her a personal question. But the strangest thing he noticed was that she refused to go anywhere near mirrors, water, or anything that was reflective*

*Which made him a bit suspicious but he tried to brush it off thinking he was jumping to conclusions.*

*One evening the two were alone spending time together*

Popper:"You look lovely."

“That’s sweet of you to say.😌”

*He looked down nervously before taking a breath.* "Um Cora?"

*She looked at him* “Yes?”

"Well um, there something I...like to ask you."

“You can ask me anything, Popper.”

*He sat there for a moment, before he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring.*

*This caught her by surprise*


My Bride Is A Changling(Changling Au)

*In 18 century England, a family lived in a nice two story mansion. Lady Penny had two sons, Oldest Victor and his young brother Popper. One fine morning, Popper was still sound asleep in his room sorning away when there was a knock on hsi door.* "Master Popper? Time to get up."

Victor:"Oh Cora, you got food on your face."

Cora: “Oh goodness, where?”

Penny:"Here, i got a hand mirror." *Opening it to give to her.*


*Her outburst surprised everyone.*

*She froze before clearing her throat* “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I’m a, I needed to head to the ladies room anyways, so I’ll clean up in there.”

*She stood up and walked out of the dining room as Popper watched her. Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest where no human eye could see it, the real Cora was still sound asleep began to wake up from her long nap.*

*She yawned as she sat up in what she thought was her bed*

"Ah what a wonderful rest. It feel like the first real sleep I had without Matilda rudely waking me up....huh, I wonder why she let me sleep in?"

*She then removed her sleep mask and opened her eyes*

*And when her vison cleared she saw she wasn't in her room. But a lovely room made of crystals and beeswax.*

*This shocked her* “… What the heck?! Where am I?!”

*Suddenly she heard the door open.* Voice:"Oh good, you're awake."

“Huh?” *She looked in the direction of the voice*

*And there standing was a woman in a fancy dress robe with darkish green skin, light green hair and bug eyes.* "Did you enjoy your rest lady Cora?" *Cora stared at the creature for a moment before letting out a terrifying blood hurdling scream.*

*Which startled the creature*

"Woah woah, easy easy." *Cora jumped out of bed to hide.* "Stay away! Who are you?! Where am I?!"

“Please, try to relax. I promise you are in no danger. In fact you are our honored guest.”

"Guest?" "That right. We have brought you here because you wished for a life away from your current one."

“Wha, wait, wait. So your saying I’m here to get away from all my problems?”

"That what this place is known for. Follow me, I'll show you."

“….. Ok.”

*She followed her out of the room and walked around for a bit until the woman stopped.* "Welcome, to The Garden of Changia."

“Changia?” *She then looked in the direction the woman gestured towards*

*And there she saw the whole place was like a bee hive filled with changlings serving humans hand and foot. There was pools and hot springs, massages and huge flowers that pour sweet nector.*

*Cora was in awe at it all* “This is amazing.”

"For centuries we brought humans who are bored or unhappy with their lives here to give them the paradise they always wanted."

“So… I don’t have to worry about anything? Annoying maids, strict rules, my arranged marriage?”

"Not at all, here you are free to do whatever you want when you want."

*This excited Cora*

"Wow. But, won't my family know I'm missing?"

“Oh don’t worry, we’ve taken care of everything.”

Cora's thoughts:"Well at least I don't have to get married. I feel sorry for the next woman they'll try to set him up with." *But what she didn't know was that Popper and "Cora" began to spend more time together as the days went on.*

*And grew closer to each other with every passing day*

*They would enjoy walks in the garden or have treats at the town bakery. Popper started to realize something he never thought would happen. He fallen in love with her. Though ever now and then he noticed weird things she does.*

*Like how her family or maids would comment on how differently she behaved. Or how she would correct herself whenever he asked her a personal question. But the strangest thing he noticed was that she refused to go anywhere near mirrors, water, or anything that was reflective*

*Which made him a bit suspicious but he tried to brush it off thinking he was jumping to conclusions.*

*One evening the two were alone spending time together*

Popper:"You look lovely."

“That’s sweet of you to say.😌”

*He looked down nervously before taking a breath.* "Um Cora?"

*She looked at him* “Yes?”

"Well um, there something I...like to ask you."

“You can ask me anything, Popper.”

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