
"loaves and cheese," redcoats and cabbages!


Emily || she/her/hers || INFJ-T || autistic || adult || Demisexual || history-loving egg || AmRev fan (RevWar and Early U.S.) || living under a rock || Civil War Account: grants-blue-eyed-stare || Fandom Account: macaronnchees

Discord: AmRev server I randomly gained ownership of. Everyone is welcome, but this server is focused on AmRev! I look forward to talking to everyone! amrev cult: https://discord.com/invite/GgEjhatH8z

My Demographics: Emily (Abraham Rowe in AmRev reenactment, Charles Astle in ACW reenactment), she/her/hers, adult, soon to be in college (VERY busy because of school), demisexual, autistic

I am a private of the 71st Pennsylvania Company B! Our group is located in the Southwestern US.

Bio (Summary in Tumblr account description) (Italics for my favorites):

  • Hobbies: Historical reenacting, listening to music, piano, reading, baking, sewing/costume design, research, painting, drawing, etc.
  • Historical interests: The American Revolution (road to war through to the founding of the nation), Early Federal Era, the Civil War,the Seven-Years’ War (and French & Indian War), the War of 1812, Napoleonic Wars, the French Revolution, general naval history (1700-1900s)
  • Musicals listened to: 1776, Les Miserables, Natasha Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812, The Lion King, Waitress, Hamilton, Cats, Wicked, Aladdin, Assassins
  • Music Interests: Any old music (shanties, rock shanties, ballads, Victorian music, folk, old marches, western), musicals/broadway, classical, showtunes, soft rock, etc.
  • AmRev Content Watched: TURN: Washington’s Spies (seasons 1-4)1776, HBO John Adams, I Made America, Liberty’s Kids (not all episodes), George Washington miniseries (1984), George Washington miniseries (2020), Lafayette: The Lost Hero, King George III documentary, John Laurens’ War, Hamilton, and etc. (more that I am forgetting right now)
  • Civil War Content Watched: Gettysburg (1993), Glory (1989), Grant docu-series (2020), Lincoln (2012), Ken Burns: The Civil War (1990), Free State of Jones (2016), Dances with Wolves (1990)
  • Other historical content: Horatio Hornblower miniseries, Pride and Prejudice miniseries (1995), Pride and Prejudice (2005)
  • Fandoms (activity greatly varies): AmRev, American Civil War, Genshin Impact, Ninjago

AmRev Account Masterlist: (2022 version) here

List of Reenactment Resources: here

Alt. Accounts: Civil War: @grants-blue-eyed-stare Fandom: @macaronnchees

I’ll probably add more to this pinned post later :)



Hey all you autistic pals. Do you do historical research for fun? Well I have something for you. The Concord Review is a prestigious journal that publishes student research in history. If you are in high school you are eligible for submission. I must warn you that most submissions are over 6000 words (average amount is 9000) and only 5% of submissions are published. If you are very passionate about your subject and will have fun writing, I recommend submitting this due to the fact that it looks REALLY good for college applications and on your resume.

I might submit but my time is running out ouch :,) and I haven't started researching a topic yet.


tired of those quasi-history posts that are like "omggg Historical Man was so amazing!!" and the list of "fun facts I've researched" is

  • fact from wikipedia
  • fact from wikipedia
  • incorrectly understood fact from wikipedia
  • he was 100% [sexual identity label invented in the last 20 years]
  • apocryphal story that people who know about him tear their hair out reading
  • war crime (framed as a positive)
  • period-typical bias (framed as bordeline cancellable)
  • perpetuated myth that no amount of historian effort can correct
  • hilariously wrong claim based on a reading of a word that meant something different at the time
  • fully false piece of information from the 1950s biography that tried to rehabilitate him
  • quirky personal characteristic taken out of context ("so relatable")
  • "he hated his wife lol" [no further mention of her or any other women]
  • period-typical family relationship framed as daddy issues
  • fully made up tumblr fact
  • mental illness armchair diagnosis ("so relatable")
  • "his boyfriend"


You all should add your favs :)

This is based off of the Professor Lando model. He used Abraham Lincoln as an example.


Let's put Garfield on there

i was just gonna do myself but then the evil demon in my head told me to do everyone whose image i had recently saved in my phone so i hopelessly cluttered it. at least the twink femboy section is getting near capacity

I needed to add him


adding on… it makes sense to me


Some editions if you don’t mind. Most notably Marshall because if we have Wilsom we need Marshallmallow

This was very difficult and I had to consult John tyler

good job pranklin. john tyler gave you great advice. i love that guy. also we need more bear twinks someone get on that

Thomas R. Marshallmallow is holding up the Bear Twink fort

has this been done yet

ronald reagan for ya. not as twinky as woodrow but he’s almost there in his earlier years.

Oh we’re adding modernish dudes now? Don’t let conservatives see where you put Ronnie Raygun, they’ll lose their shit




the real tragedy isn't that we don't know for sure what the old white men looked like, it's that we don't know what their voices were like. "strong" "pleasing" okay bitch i want to know exactly how obnoxious adams sounded and i want to hear him read his own letters out loud like an audiobook so where do we go from here


if people had their voices i feel like they'd definitely be making AI covers of them singing stuff 💀

That would be amazing! Imagine John Adams in the Obama Beatbox video 😭😭

Adams' voice is permanently the voice of William Daniels in my mind. It's very fitting :)

Anonymous asked:

Hii I have a bit of personal question, if that is alright. I am very interested in the American Revolution but I do not live in America. I would like to become a historian or researcher of that time period one day. As a student do you think it is difficult to be a historian of the American Revolution when you are not American? I get a lot of books and information online, but I do not think it is the same as being in a place? Do you think your school program a good stepping stone to get into an American graduate school? Is that something you want to do one day?

Sorry for all the inquiries, you are just the only person on here who is in a similar situation as myself! Best wishes to you!

Hi Anon! This is a really good question, and I'll do my best to answer it as both a history student and a university professional.

(First, I'll note that my interest personally is not primarily in the American revolution, but rather in the 18th century more broadly. That includes lots of angles that I can pursue in Europe, not least looking at relations in the Atlantic world, the "republic of letters" and the enlightenment, and thematically I'm interested in queer history, which can be studied everywhere. I also have no desire to live in the US. But, yes, let's assume AmRev is the focus.)

There are different considerations for undergrad vs postgrad.


At undergraduate level, it doesn't matter too much where you study. At this point in your journey, broadly speaking, the focus is on developing your academic skills, learning established content about your topic, and exploring a range of scholarly interests (not just the topic itself, but how to research that topic – i.e. methodologies). As long as your university has a department for American history, or even better a major, you're fine.

While you're busy with your degree, you can supplement your learning about the period in a lot of ways, including:

  • Using your own library to access books, journal articles and databases (and getting materials through inter-library loans if need be)
  • Using the vast and ever-growing online resources on American history provided by institutions like the Library of Congress, American universities and libraries (e.g. NYPL)
  • Where something isn't already available online, contacting the archive that has it and seeing if you can get a copy (I wrote a post about that)

Talk to your history prof about your interest, and they will probably be able to suggest some avenues to pursue. One very useful tool is to look up the AmRev curriculum or syllabus from other univerisities and see what readings and topics they cover (just google: "american revolution" syllabus). Here's one that came up.

And then – and I'll put this point in bold because it's the most important thing I'll say here:

👉✨Attend conferences✨👈

Conferences are where you make invaluable connections with like-minded scholars, hear about new research, find out about opportunities (scholarships, programs, funding, etc.), discover what a career in academia actually looks like, get advice from people already doing the job you want to do, and so on. There are even conferences specifically for undergrad students, or there might be a track at a generalist conference that allows emerging researchers to present on a topic. Lots of these take place online (hence, cheaper), or you might be able to apply for funding from your university to attend (or idk you have a fabulously wealthy great-aunt).


While undergrad is more about learning, postgrad is more about finding out. The higher up the ladder you go, the narrower your focus becomes, and you start to need more specialised guidance. To get the most out of your learning, you need to go where the experts are, and naturally, many of the most cutting-edge scholars on American history are, well, in America. You'll want to be surrounded by a community of like-minded scholars. And yeah, "being there" can be important not just for better access to primary materials, but also for insights that come from physical, social and cultural proximity.

That said, I don't think it's impossible (or inadvisable) to study the American revolution outside of America; it's just trickier. Doing that successfully comes down to 1) finding the right advisor and 2) choosing the right topic.

By this point, you should know who the leading scholars are in your particular niche of interest. Nobody really studies "the American revolution" writ large; rather, they (and you) will focus on the political or racial or sociocultural or regional or culinary or-- whatever aspect of it. It might just happen that the people in your field are located near you.

You can also approach the topic from a different angle – start from a local point of interest that you can to relate to the AmRev. (Maybe you're Italian, and you know about Italian History Blorbo who went to fight in the war, and there's a story to tell there. Maybe you're Dutch and you have things to say about the intricacies of the financial and political support the Netherlands gave to America. And so on.) This might, in fact, lead to novel insights and perspectives that haven't been explored yet.

Good luck to you!

If anyone wants to share their own experiences, please feel free!


hey now...

Couldn't have nailed me any harder to the floor if you had a fucking hammer.


I… I don’t know how to feel about this


hell yeah that's my jam! 🥰💛

Sadly there is no better way to describe me


Spins around. So I've like just figured out I'm a system yeah and I've got another fragment up here and I have a suspicion it's gonna form into Horatio. Either Mister Hornblower or Banastre Tarleton and if it's the former I'll smack you with a newspaper /silly


AAAAAAA HORNBLOWER IS TOO POWERFUL!!!! HE'S GONNA TAKE YOU OUT WITH THE NEWSPAPER!!!! Stay strong (T o T). (A Hornblower vs Tarleton fight over your consciousness would be wild. Another round of seamen vs horses!)


It's so scary idk who would be worse to be forced to live with 😭 Especially since Javert is already here and both of them lowkey have broken a bunch of laws lollllll

They're going to form the wackiest and zaniest frat house lol


Spins around. So I've like just figured out I'm a system yeah and I've got another fragment up here and I have a suspicion it's gonna form into Horatio. Either Mister Hornblower or Banastre Tarleton and if it's the former I'll smack you with a newspaper /silly


AAAAAAA HORNBLOWER IS TOO POWERFUL!!!! HE'S GONNA TAKE YOU OUT WITH THE NEWSPAPER!!!! Stay strong (T o T). (A Hornblower vs Tarleton fight over your consciousness would be wild. Another round of seamen vs horses!)

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