
Spec to the left

@afterperfect / afterperfect.tumblr.com

Linguist. Grad student. Castle fan. Sometimes I like to pretend I'm a functioning adult.

having to be “mature” at a young age sucks bc you aren’t really “mature-mature” you’re a child playing at a maturity bc you don’t have the foundation to be the bigger person when conflict arrives so what you do is ignore it bc ignoring a problem and being happy about a resolution look the same to your inexperienced eyes. Then you get adults praising you for a development above your peers but you aren’t really developing. You’re stagnant. Your peers will grow up and experience things and make mistakes and grow from them but you will keep yourself in this box, ignoring things ignoring ignoring ignoring until one day you have to face the fact… it wasn’t maturity you had. It was fear. And now you’re an adult too and you make all of your choices based on an emotional risk/costs analysis bc you don’t know any emotion other than fear & you have to start healing from your own childhood by making peace that you weren’t really a mature child. You were just a child who was given too much to carry & didn’t know how to say “no”.


What idiot decided staphylococci were things that should exist?

Also, what doctor decided that I need to take up a hospital bed for the sake of antibiotics 3x a day, even if they do have to be IV?

And after a week in hospital and then a week at home, I’m back in hospital, only without an actual bed this time, because there aren’t any available. And getting tired of the word “idiopathic” because it’s doctor-speak for “we have no fucking clue what’s going on with you.”

At least they’re putting me under general anesthetic this time instead of a local that, speaking from experience, does not actually anesthetize for shit.


What idiot decided staphylococci were things that should exist?

Also, what doctor decided that I need to take up a hospital bed for the sake of antibiotics 3x a day, even if they do have to be IV?

And after a week in hospital and then a week at home, I’m back in hospital, only without an actual bed this time, because there aren’t any available. And getting tired of the word “idiopathic” because it’s doctor-speak for “we have no fucking clue what’s going on with you.”


sorry what

That header photo doesn’t do the dragon justice. (For shame!). Here’s NASA’s own photo:

(Source [Because NASA is funded by taxpayer money, all their images are public domain, BTW])


he is here 

Reblogging for THE ART HOLY SHIT

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