
this is a very old story

@homeandash / homeandash.tumblr.com

there is no other version of this story.
Ash or Aish. they/she. storygraph

hey did you know that uhh

  • i. the monster's body is a cultural body
  • ii. the monster always escapes
  • iii. the monster is the harbinger of category crisis
  • iv. the monster dwells at the gates of difference
  • v. the monster polices the borders of the possible
  • vi. fear of the monster is really a kind of desire
  • vii. the monster stands at the threshold… of becoming

oh shit i didn't expect this to actually get notes lmao

that said, while i think cohen's writing is evocative, it can be a little dense, so while i'm here, here's my capsule summary (you can also hear me talk about this in the first episode of my podcast) (listen to @ghostswerepeopletoo)

  • i. the monster's body is a cultural body - The monster is a work of fiction to be analyzed through tools of literary and sociological theory.
  • ii. the monster always escapes - As long as the cultural fear from which the monster stems persists, the monster will reappear in retellings, reimaginings, and sequels.
  • iii. the monster is the harbinger of category crisis - Monsters defy binaries and challenge easy comprehension or categorization.
  • iv. the monster dwells at the gates of difference - The monster represents the Other.
  • v. the monster polices the borders of the possible - Tales of the monster exist to discourage unacceptable or taboo behaviors.
  • vi. fear of the monster is really a kind of desire - Subjects can vicariously participate in the disruption of the social order through the monster.
  • vii. the monster stands at the threshold… of becoming - Within the monster we find information about the self.

Ivan Coyote, Rebent Sinner

[Image description: black text on a cream background, highlighted in pink. Text reads: Sometimes you just have to stand up there and tell your queer story in front of mostly cis and straight people. You just gotta do it, or else nothing’s ever going to change as big as we need it to. And sometimes they will laugh in the right places, but you won’t truely know if they are loving you or eating your difference. You just gotta do it, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get to say how tired I feel after. /end ID]

“It never really goes away, the longing for the life not lived, because isn’t that part of how we come to know ourselves too? Through what we lack as much as what we have, all we dream but do not hold. Some desires have no resolution.”

Madelaine Lucas, Thirst for Salt


Rec list: short books / novellas read in 2023

  • Autobiography of Red - Anne Carson (160 pages): a coming of age novel about a young man who is secretly a winged red monster. A wonderful, strange book that's also an ancient Greek myth retelling/translation.
  • She of The Mountains - Vivek Shraya (128 pages): this book feels so much like Autobiography of Red I wondered if it was an inspiration. A lovely, tender, lyrical story of a bisexual boy's first love woven with a retelling of a Hindu myth.
  • Loaded - Christos Tsiolkas (151 pages): another coming of age story - a young Greek-Australian man's 48-ish hours of nihilistic hedonism. Unrelentingly brutal prose style & a complicated, unlikeable protagonist. A little fucked up, very compelling.
  • The Yellow Wallpaper - Charlotte Perkins-Gilman (63 page short story): for the women trapped in rooms and/or the women slowly going crazy enjoyers. Iconic piece of early feminist horror and a 5 star read.
  • The Vegetarian - Han Kang (208 pages): A woman having strange dreams about meat decides to become vegetarian. That's all I can tell you, this book is best read blind. Very fucked up (complimentary).
  • Giovanni's Room - James Baldwin (159 pages): A claustrophobic story about love, shame, codependency, and the monster self-hatred can make of us.
  • The Husband Stitch + Especially Heinous - Carmen Maria Machado (short stories): cheating bc I read her entire collection 'Her Body and Other Parties', but these were standouts and they're both available online. The first - feminist horror retelling of the Girl with the Green Ribbon folk tale, the second - weird fiction take on Law and Order SVU, problematizing the use of sexual assault victims' suffering as entertainment.
  • We Had To Remove This Post - Hannah Bervoets (86 page short story): A social media moderator reflects on the effect constant exposure to violent/depraved/conspiratorial content had on her mental health and relationship with her girlfriend. I wasn't all the way sold until about 2/3rds in, but since it's only 80 pages that hardly matters. Cool use of an unreliable narrator.
  • Lie With Me - Phillipe Besson (148 pages). A secret first love between two boys in the French countryside of the 80s, and the long years after they part. Sentimental and cinematic. If you love melodrama and tragedy you'll enjoy this.

** check content warnings for. well basically all of these tbh.

Please add to this list with your own recommended short reads 💖


my hearing has been aided and holy shit is this how you guys hear all the time

I can hear the birds calling to eachother!! im sat inside my house and I can still hear them!!

my cats purrs are so loud...I never knew how happy he was when I petted him 😭😭

bees have such nice buzzes!!!!!

rustling leaves sound nice. motorbikes do not

I can hear the river running through my village...this world has so many beautiful and amazing sounds

if you rub your hands on a leather sofa. that sounds excellent

gravel sounds fantastic btw. go kick some gravel immediately


I still can't get over jinx purring. I never knew how happy he was or how much he loves me. he's been purring since I got home, every time I say hi to him. my husband says he's always purring like that, I just never heard it before

thank you @dwiwediblino for suggesting a clicky keyboard. I just tried it out and what a FANTASTIC sound


Have you heard the pitter patter sound of your cats toes yet? Always enjoy that sound

yes!! when we came home and I called him downstairs for some food I heard him leap off the bed I think and his excited patters down the stairs

food in frying pans really do be sizzling...

the sound of old crinkly book pages oh my GOD I have found my new favourite sound

went down to the village river and it was so nice!! the river is pretty low rn because of the lack of rain but when it rains lots I want to go back and see it go fast and hear it

also! hearing the rustle of grass as I walk through it!

and and and i threw a stone into the water and it made a very satisfying splash sound :)

What do you think of this noise?

that's such a funny sound I need to get some sheets of metal and laminate some paper immediately omg

popped my hearing aid on when I woke up and just listened to my husband breathe next to me. he's here, I get to wake up next to my best friend every day. he's alive. he loves me.

then he started snoring very loudly and it was even worse with the amplified sound

you guys can hear the ticking of watches?? they're so loud!!

when you light a cigarette and you hear a faint crackle as the dried leaves catch fire. very good.

I was hanging my washing outside and I shook out a pillowcase to hang it up and it made a very good whoosh sound with a slightly sharp crack!

the crackling sound of a candle wick being lit!! what a fun noise!!

a bird landed on the tree branches above my head and I heard it!! I thought birds were silent but theyre not!!

heard my neighbour come home from his daily bike ride and the bike made a clicking sound??? :0

im outside in my garden with my easel doing some painting and I was drawing on the easel and it makes a scratchy noise?! the pencil was scratching! it makes a very good sound indeed!!

all of you who were suggesting a cold drink over some ice...you were all so right for that

sizzling barbecues!! loud and fun!! different foods make different sizzles



TIME TO REVIVE THIS POST. I heard lambs the other day and they make really sweet noises. I also went for a walk around a local nature reserve yesterday and heard lots of birds. and I met a dog who said "boof" at me. im still absolutely bowled over by the sound of the sea. in my job I rip up a lot of cardboard boxes and I enjoy the noise.


Meghan Dailey on Louise Bourgeois’s Maman

“The spider Bourgeois repeatedly insisted was the image of her mother, whose work was repairing tapestries, resonates not only with Arachne in Greek myth but with the spider woman-mother-goddess figures in the myths of southwestern American Indian tribes and the formidable Teotihuacan Spider Woman of pre-Columbian Mexico, the goddess of creation itself. Robert Goldwater was an expert on what was then called "primitive art.” No one will convince me that the artist wasn’t aware of every one of these resonances. One myth is deftly woven into other myths.“

Siri Hustvedt, Mothers, Fathers, and Others: Essays

"This arachnoid maternal shape is of more than biographical interest. It bespeaks Bourgeois’s familial links with the arts of weaving, but its power as a representation of maternal ambivalence is also striking. Mother is both static and busy, many-limbed but imprisoned; she is ugly and useful, frightening and familiar, so competent that a kind of helplessness adheres to her emotional and spiritual being, atop the clever busy legs. The spider is benevolent and productive, a worker, a provider, but she is fundamentally unfree. She traps things in her web; she embroiders her tiny corner of the universe.”

Rachel Cusk, Coventry

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