
Oh Golly It's Molly

@secretlyawyvern / secretlyawyvern.tumblr.com

Names Alex or Molly. lei/lem/leir(s)/lemself. Minor. Dunno what else to say. I appologise for the lack of tags in advance, executive dysfunction is killing me.

"... “I’m taking action because I feel desperate,” said U.S. climate scientist Peter Kalmus, who along with several others locked himself to the front door of a JPMorgan Chase building in Los Angeles. A recent report found that the financial giant is the biggest private funder of oil and gas initiatives in the world.

“It’s the 11th hour in terms of Earth breakdown, and I feel terrified for my kids, and terrified for humanity,” Kalmus continued. “World leaders are still expanding the fossil fuel industry as fast as they can, but this is insane. The science clearly indicates that everything we hold dear is at risk, including even civilization itself and the wonderful, beautiful, cosmically precious life on this planet. I actually don’t get how any scientist who understands this could possibly stay on the sidelines at this point.” ..."


In the wake of JK once more being a total jk, here’s a (non-exhaustive) thread of works by Black trans writers.

  1. Don’t Call Us Dead - Danez Smith, poetry about Black masculinity, police brutality, gender and queerness. Probably the best book of poetry I’ve ever read. Smith has several collections available and you should read them all.
  2. The Deep - Rivers Solomon, a speculative fiction novella about the descendants of murdered slave women. Themes of trauma and memory. Really beautiful writing. Their sci-fi novel An Unkindness of Ghosts is equally unmissable.
  3. Redefining Realness - Janet Mock, the memoir of Mock’s childhood and adolescence as a trans woman before she transitioned. Mock’s second memoir, Surpassing Certainty, focuses on her life in her twenties.
  4. Felix Ever After - Kacen Callender, a YA novel about a teenage trans boy (at the start of the book), Felix, as he further questions his identity, tries to find love, and works on his artistic future. Everything that makes YA novels great.
  5. Reacquainted with Life - KOKUMO, a debut about Black trans womanhood and the power of her voice and body. This work is so hard to describe. Ferocious? Lively? Witty? Completely different to literally any poetry I’ve ever read? All of the above and more.
  6. Mannish Tongues - jay dodd, a poetry collection about Black youth, queerness, religion, family, and gender. I hate how pretentious the word ‘visceral’ is, but it’s pretty accurate here. dodd’s collection The Black Condition ft. Narcissus is also phenomenal.
  7. Pet - Akwaeke Emezi, a YA novel about a Black trans teenage girl and having to confront the existence of monsters. Emezi also has an acclaimed adult novel out, Freshwater, and I believe their new adult novel, The Death of Vivek Oji, is out in August 2020.
  8. trigger - Venus Selenite, poetry about being Black, trans, queer, and unapologetic. This one is hard to get hold of, but worth it if you can. Selenite also co-edited and is featured in Nameless Woman, an anthology of writing by trans women of colour.
  9. Surge - Jay Bernard, a poetry collection written in response to the 1981 fire at New Cross Road, as well as Grenfell Tower and the Windrush Scandal. Bernard is one of those poets who can use 10 words to say more than most of us can in 1,000.
  10. Nameless Woman: An Anthology of Fiction by Trans Women of Color - ed. Venus Selenite, Ellyn Peña and Jamie Berrout, this one includes several stories by Black trans women and is, as a body of work, completely invaluable. The stories here range from semi-autobiographical and romance to sci-fi and speculative fiction.
  11. Resilience - ed. Amy Heart, Larissa Glasser and Sugi Pyrrophyta, an anthology of writing by ©AMAB trans people. Again, this anthology is not specifically dedicated to Black trans people, but it includes work by KOKUMO and CHRYSALISAMIDST, amongst others. This book is super varied, with short stories, poetry and personal essays.

Consider ordering these, where possible, from independent Black owned bookstores.

You can also financially support Black trans people through donating to organisations such as this and these.

Important addendum: I tried incredibly hard to find published works by Black trans women, because trans women are the focus of JK Rowling’s tweets and indeed an overwhelming amount of violence and bigotry in general, but I’m sure it’s no surprise to anyone that Black trans women are enormously discriminated against by the publishing industry, and are routinely denied a platform for their work and their voices. Literally, when you Google ‘black trans woman author’, you just get Janet Mock’s author page. I think all of the books by Black trans women in the list above, with the exception of Janet Mock, are self/indie pub.

I have trawled through online indie and radical publishing magazines, message boards, and nearly 100 lists of ‘trans authors you must read now!’ and I would charitably say that about 1% of people featured in such lists are Black trans women. Obviously, Black trans women are writing, but the lack of available platform for their work is a huge barrier to their voices being heard. If anyone else has recommendations for work by Black trans women, whether it’s a physical book, an online chapbook, an Insta account of poetry, or anything else, please add it, because there must be so much more than I’ve managed to find.


March 31st is Transgender Day of Visability

Reblog this to show your support and love of our trans brothers and sisters!


This is it. The post I’ve had in my queue for a year.

I just reblogged this twice already and queued it for the next three years as well


There is a rise in white nationalism that’s aligned with Donald Trump. It’s never been more important to make sure Bernie Sanders is elected.

Every vote is important to reach a majority of 1991 delegates before the convention (otherwise it’s almost certain Biden will be chosen), so please take action to help make Bernie Sanders the nominee. There’s everything to fight for!


Make phone calls —> http://berniesanders.com/call

Download the BERN app —> http://berniesanders.app.link

Find your polling place —> berniesanders.com/vote


The number of clueless fucking "leftists" already falling for the exact same fucking "don't vote at all if the candidate isn't left enough" garbage (that was liiiiiiterally pushed by Russian trolls last election) is ASTOUNDING.

You vote as progressive as possible every single election. Every time. Whether your choices are SUPER progressive, or kinda progressive, or just 'less evil than the other guy' you vote for your best available option every time.

Refusing to vote helps no one but the most evil option.

Push for progressive candidates. Campaign for them. Donate to them. Support them. Vote for them. And always always always vote for the best option on the ballot.

Hmmm......this sounds like an argument that might make sense to be making in November.

It’s March.

Right now the furthest left US candidate on the national stage is still very much in this thing and needs your support if your state hasn’t held its primary yet.

Biden is very, very bad news. He can still be stopped.


guys PLEASE do not start being like “fuck joe biden basically won the nomination” he LITERALLY did not. a candidate needs nearly two thousand delegates to win. biden currently has about 3 hundred and bernie has about 2 hundred. it’s literally still anyone’s game. the majority of states have yet to have their primary yet. chill

final super tuesday results and they’re literally 65 DELEGATES apart. not even 100. in a race where not even a quarter of the delegates have been pledged.


stop fucking using the word psychotic to describe bad behaviour and violence already god fucking damn it

oh my god i'm so tired psychotic does not mean violent it does not mean angry or erratic. it refers to a person suffering from psychosis, a loss of touch with reality that includes hallucinations and/or delusions. psychotic people are not inherently violent and y'all need to understand how much stigma you create when you again and again incorrectly use the word psychotic without even thinking about it

would appreciate if non-psychotic people could reblog this


I said it in the notes on the last post but I’m gonna say it again.

I’m married to someone with severe memory problems. Automation of household appliances & systems helps him a lot and helps me a lot because it reduces the number of things I have to keep in my brain at all times. I love doors that lock themselves, being able to schedule dog food being delivered, a thermostat I can manipulate from wherever. Beyond my little bubble it should be noted that voice controlled appliances can be really good for people with mobility concerns. Appliances that can measure and talk and remember little tasks can be such a blessing for people.

I will never forgive Amazon and Google for taking technologies that could be really helpful and weaponizing them, and fuck everybody who acts like its some kind of conspiracy theory that those devices are spying on you. You absolutely should be distrustful of those devices but just make sure you’re getting angry at the right people.

This really is the core of the issue: the tech itself isn't inherently sinister or Panopticon-ic, it's how these companies are choosing to use them for control and micro marketing.


reminder that most states haven't even voted yet and u need 1991 delegates to officially win the primaries. as of right now biden is at 401 and bernie is at 325 so can yall PLEASE knock it off w the defeatist posts acting like bidens already won??? this is how u get people not bothering to vote when their states primaries are happening. we won't know until literally JUNE who won. the last states voting are voting on JUNE SECOND. we're nowhere near knowing who's going to be the democrat candidate so don't just hand it to biden, damn

the gap looks even narrower right now at 10 am EST 3/4/20. The delegate gap is equivalent to like one reasonably sized state.

also everyone remember state primaries usually don't work like the general, Biden can "win" a state but Bernie grabbing second in most places where Biden came out on top means Bernie still gets delegates. Still a lot of room to fight.

Also, if your state hasn't voted yet please take the time to look up the rules to vote in the primary. Some require a party affiliation to vote in the primary, others don't. Part of the reason Bernie Sanders lost in 2016 was much of his support base was among independent voters who would likely vote Democrat in the general election but didn't have an official party on paper. Registering as a Democrat in states where this is an issue is typically pretty painless and does not say anything about your personal politics or obligate you to vote in any particular way in the general.


reblog this if you’re jewish or your blog is a safe space for jewish people

in light of recent events as well as a new rise in creating nazi ocs I think this post is an important one to have on your blog if you stand behind your jewish followers or are jewish yourself.

If you can’t reblog this unfollow me.

excuse me WHAT OCS NOW

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