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Just reposts of amazing art and random fandoms and writing and stuff ...

On Volpina Hate

Sort of based off this post I made earlier. Don’t worry, I won’t be long (or as long as many of my meta posts lol)

Here we go okay so seriously Volpina is all about illusions right? She never even actually fought Lady and Chat really, she only ever ran and used her illusions.

So think for a moment about what that picture did to the fandom.

We saw something, a single image, with little to no context and no reason to suspect anything really but we had it and it was there in our minds and we built it up and up and we ended up with all these theories about Volpina and we set her up to be this great new hero and just generally being a super great person and character (and I think Lila is a great character but that’s not the point).

This was literally just an illusion.

She was pulling her illusions on us since before she even aired. Think about it. And no one even had to lie. Like all the very best illusions, the lie was created by us the viewers, not the ones setting it up. That picture of Volpina made us trick ourselves and the time between it being released and the episode being released only ensured that the hype would be so great that Lila ending up an akuma bad guy was literally the ultimate betrayal for us.

And that’s why she’s getting so much hate. Not because she’s a liar, but because we as a fandom feel like she lied to us. Adrien lied as early as Copycat, and no one batted an eye. Marinette, while specific lies don’t come to mind, has repeatedly shown petty and damaging behavior but they never targeted the fandom.

It’s not just “Oh, she’s a liar. We don’t like liars so we don’t like her.” Because of that picture and all the hype we created surrounding her, it’s personal now. We didn’t observe a lie, we were lied to. Even though, really, we weren’t.

But more than that, it wasn’t a lie, it was more like a betrayal. Because, and this is the beauty of it. She didn’t do anything. We got one picture. That’s it. But we were allowed to believe what we wanted to believe. That’s the greatest, cleverest, and quite frankly easiest illusion of all, and the creators of ML really got us good with it.

Unfortunately, that little stunt ended up with so much Volpina hate. Because we were hurt, we feel betrayed, like how could you let us think you were so great and you just ended up being this? Volpina is quite literally just a scapegoat, because we don’t want to accept that the Volpina we wanted, that we wished were here, isn’t the one we got. So we blame her and we make all of her faults out to be even worse than they really are.

Is she a liar? Yes, and that’s not okay, but we’re all literally being Ladybug right now. We’re overreacting because we’re being petty and we don’t want to let go of the Volpina we’ve been tricking ourselves into keeping around for months.

And I don’t remember exactly, if someone could find the actual image that would be great, but I think I remember something about “A new heroine arrives in Paris” or something as a caption to that image? I could be making that up but if I’m not, think about how that one little lie, calling her a heroine, is exactly the kind of thing Lila would lie about. It’s almost like Lila gave us one little lie and all this time later we realized that she wasn’t telling the truth and so that’s why this is so hard for people.

That’s my theory anyway, take from it what you will. Personally, I think it’s really clever and funny.


okay, hold on a second

Aurore is just moping in an elevator after her loss when all of a sudden

the elevator just? Stops?? Is this a complete coincidence? Does Hawk Moth really have control over Parisien elevators? Or maybe the akuma can control elevators?

Also, Aurore was the only one to have opposed getting akumatized — she tried to fend it off, but as soon as the akuma hit her umbrella, she suddenly went under Hawk Moth’s control and relapsed back into her negative emotion. This might be something to keep in mind as season 2 approaches — once Hawk Moth creates an akuma, it’s unstoppable. 


me: i freaking hate chloe omfg i can’t stand her she’s so rude

lila/volpina: yo



The moment when you realize...

Thomas Astruc

our beloved Hawk Daddy

Director and Writer of this beautiful show…

was a storyboard and writer of this beautiful show…

its no wonder why I love Miraculous so much!!!!

sorry its a long post, but had to get it out there!


French Blonde Cats spewing out Weird Jokes and calling cute girl “Princess”.



(Is it sad that I now completely head cannon Adrien and Odd being distant cousins because I SWEAR)

I am so supremely unsurprised rn i s2g it was Odd all along stupid annoying catboy dorks always ruining my life ffs

Don’t forget, he also worked on Totally Spies! He came up with Ladybug during that time, which may explain the female hero in a catsuit…

(art by ninabjornsen!)


i have yet to read a fic where marinette finds out Adrien is Chat and is just horrified that she’s been running around acting like a complete drooling nutcase over Chat Noir

“I have posters of my partners face all over my room.

I bet not even Chat is this creepy”

“- He’s greeting us - Oh no, what are we doing now? - Greet him back!”


PS I’m just thinking of all those comics where Adrien is like “I think I… scare her” lolll

Also why is he taking the train, anyway??


While I was working on a gifset, re-watching all episodes to find the right shots, I stumbled upon this papyrus.  In the red circle we obviously see Tikki, meaning that people back then were not only aware of the heroes but also their Kwami… However, what I find even more interesting, is the green circle. It shows two peoples feet, one of them looking exactly like the one belonging to Ladybug. Now looking a little more to the right side we obviously find Chat Noir, recognisable by his stick. Comparing the clothes and positions those two are drawn in with the couple on the left side it’s more than obvious that it’s the two of them together.

My question now: Have Ladybugs and Chat Noirs of the past been dating too? Are those two heroes fated to fall in love over and over again?

Who knows…


The three times Chat Noir/Ladybug rolled on the floor + I’m actual trash Miraculous Ladybug I’ve been wanting to do this idea for a really long time

Anonymous asked:

Posting art on Tumblr when you admit you don't know where it came from isn't art theft. Getting attention for your blog does seem unethical, but they're outright claiming it isn't theirs and is leaving it up to the user to find the owner. Users like these rarely, practically ever, make money off of their Tumblr blogs, and the ones that become famous (also practically never) fall from grace immediately. So it literally doesn't matter.

now this mainly applies to older artists but do you, who sound like you have never posted art in your life, have any idea how discouraging it was when I was a younger artist with barely any audience at all, to know that every time I spent time on something and made it look good that it was bound to get reposted by someone with more followers than I had?

so many times I would be discouraged from spending time on something just because I knew someone else would get the credit for it

and while reposts may not ALWAYS get more popular than the originals, its always going to hurt

and its always going to do damage

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