


Instagram: mymellowcupcakestudentJust another girl. With her feet on the earth and sight at the sky. Writes about everything in betweenPlease do not use my writing without giving me appropriate credits on any social media page.

Bodies may have mass,

But souls are the ones which occupy places.

Indefinitely, at least a few souls have left their imprints on you,

Leaving little but all too noticable traces.

Yet, none of this is temporary.

You see I've always felt that people may come and go, but souls stay connected forever.

They're like buds of the same flower,

Having the grit of the same bark,

Relations often happen to turn sour,

But souls stay connected even when afar.

Often, a feeling envelopes me,

Part jealousy, part possessiveness, part agitation and part helplessness.

I shall have to move and to stay in touch forever,

No one assures me that guarantee.

People slip into the void created by your absence so easily,

Yet few know how you tried to move on,

Oh so painfully.

And in those days I comfort myself,

By knowing that,

Distance hardly matters,

To keep in touch, you have the power.

There will be distance in your words,

But none in your message.

There will be distance in the way you live your lives,

But none between who you choose to live it with.

There will be distance in your bodies,

But none between your souls.

Because bodies may have mass,

But souls are the ones which occupy places.


I'm not the same as I was last year.

Over the months, I've collected my fair share of scars and joys.

The scars not signifying all I've been through,

But all I've come out of.

The joys not signifying what I've been given,

But what I've made of it.

You see, I'm like a deciduous tree.

Periodically, I shed off things closest to me.

To make way for new beginnings.

My life is mostly like the sun's movements.

It's a constant cycle between the break of the dawn, to the dusk and back to the Aurora again.

Inhale: my mind explodes with thoughts

Exhale: my heart is bursting out of my rib cage.

People leave. Accidents happen.

And I need to move on.

So I block my emotions,

Pick up the scattered feelings,

And shed off.

Shed off the bad memories and the heart wrenching moments.

I collect my scars as my battle honours

And move on.

Make way for the new season.

Often I've been jealous of the ones who are evergreen,

But I'm evolving as I go,

Discovering myself through each high and low.

It's time I come out of my shadow.

To pave the way for a better tomorrow.

_ The sweet subtle petrichor, Wrinkles my nose, Dark and grey clouds Hover over the sky, Tiny droplets cover the windows of my house, The noise of rain slashing against all obstructions seems almost soothing. And that’s when I realise than I was born, Not to make summers seem brighter, Cause they’re already too bright, Instead, I was born to enhance the joy of rain, Revel in the sensation of petrichor, And dance through thunderstorms. I am a child of lightning, Fierce and sharp. And it’s then that I realise that, Maybe rain is God’s way of showering upon us, Millions of opportunities through droplets, Maybe thunderstorms and lightning are gods way of reminding us of our abilities and responsibilities. Maybe, just maybe fear is an illusion which blinds our eyes, Preventing us from seeing the goodness within._
_ It’s been a while since I walked down memory lane, It took so much for me to leave you behind, In my past. And now I’m revisiting those alleys with confusion, Because I just see dust gathered up, With ‘closed’ signs on shops. I enter into a bookstore, Dusty and full, And I pick up a book to see exactly how it all started, And ended. Scared, I rush out. I bump into many lampposts, Once my guiding lights, Now my distant recollections. And in that moment, I realise, That I left this street a long time back, Including all it’s crossings and shops, For good. Now I’m on another street, Paving my way ahead. I realized that I need to be careful Because the street I’m exploring now, May just be like this haunted, old street someday. So I need to explore every nook and corner, Before dust comes and fogs my memory forever._

Often when adolescence comes knocking on the door,

Of a young, impressionable and emotional girl's mind,

She's left alone.

Because the society doesn't want

The bleeding vagina,

The emotional drama.

But oh they want some of it.

The big breasts and the wide hips.

Isolation, depression and embarrassment,

We suffer these when we're told to keep mute about the harassment.

But what the outside world doesn't know is,

Every morning, each girl

Puts on a fake smile and

A false glimmer in her eyes.

Emotions are left in a bare mess.

Tears soaking up her dress.

They mute her sound,

And take away her right to express.

Just to blame it all,

On that age old saying,

"It's that time of the month".

But each girl has within her,

a cauldron brimming with millions of, unsaid words,

unacceptable morals,

unprovoked thoughts

and unjustifiable strength.

She's gonna change the world,

Shatter the inhibitions,

Change mindsets.

It's you and I,

Who shall make a change today,

Because one day it will be that girl who we support today,

Who will unfurl her inner pearl

To then change the face of this world.


There are times in life, when you feel like you're as close to magic as possible.

These moments emerge out of nowhere,

Only to engulf you thoroughly.

A window shattering wind blows,

Over a dull grey sky,

But it's that petrichor that makes your heart fly.

Amidst chaos and cheer,

Unable to distinguish confusion from fear,

You find that sliver of glitter,

To light up your day.

Between words and actions,

You're stuck, for you have to make a choice,

But each choice opens an endless door of opportunities,

Exactly halving the possibilities.

Warmth by words and hugs,

Cannot be matched,

For these carve out a special corner for themselves.

With every note, beat and crescendo,

The music seeps deeper into our veins,

Breaking free from the chains,

Of stress and anxiety,

To give birth to a smile at the end.

With independence at the midnight hour,

When we took up the reins of power,

It wasn't just liberation,

It was then that a magical bird of independence had flown.

With every up and down,

High and low,

We realise that life isn't perfect,

But to cherish a brush with magic, we sure do know.

As a child I wanted so badly to believe in the tooth fairy,
An act of selfless generosity
As a child I so badly wanted to believe that santa Claus would come around my house at midnight
That someone could bear the harsh cold to deliver packets of warmth and joy.
As a child I so badly wanted to believe in fairy tales,
Which made an ordinary girl into a princess
As a child I so badly wanted to become an adult
Because I wanted to make my own decisions.
As a child I so badly wanted to wanted to be pretty like a Barbie,
Because it was what everyone wanted to be.
But then I grew up.
Grew up to a deafening sound echoing throughout the world,
Women were synonymous with silence,
Their magical wings weren't to be unfurled.
Being made the victims of violence,
They were made to feel inferior.
Girls grew up in a world where their world was determined by their exterior.
It was the colour of your skin,
Which defined you,
But not what lied within
The world wasn't filled with acts laden with selflessness
Instead there lay a bare mess.
With money taking over all thoughts and actions
Love and kindness being expressed in transactions.
As a child I believed that the war for Independence had been fought for us,
And thus,
Born with a silver spoon,
Little did we know that what was left to solve,
Was as fierce as the thundering monsoon.
It was a chilly morning,
And he'd had a late start to the day,
Rushing out he hopped quickly into his car.
Warm bright sunshine serenaded her room,
The weather suited her mood.
Happy and cheerful.
A second passed.
Life happened.
He lay bare and motionless,
With blood emerging,
A text and her heart broke.
Shattered, in fact.
We're all just tragic accidents waiting to happen.
An accident
A heartbreak
We're so fragile and vulnerable,
It's impossible to form a shield
Yet it's a paradox
For when we form a shield, we don't live
Which is the essence of creatures. To live.
We just protect ourself from the inevitable, pain.
Pain is omnipresent,
Happiness is just pain being less prominent.

Crimson, like those Autumn leaves all around, Coral, being the shy and soft impressionable mind, Periwinkle, that shade of blue whose potential was never tapped, Lime, like that zing and that mischievous grin, Apricot, with her strength and will, And with all her shades of black and white, She was chaotic, unique and mind blowing, All at the same time. But there was this little, hidden, Reserve of silver, Which made her different, And which made me fall for her.


Breathe in. Breathe out. My life is inflating like my day. It's like falling down from the cradle, But worse. Because no one is there to catch you. Another slamming door, Words thrown around like knives, There isn't any such thing similar to abandonment, Which replicates the seasons, With all their peaks and troughs and their chaos and subsequent torment. Inhale: my heart shatters like a vase Exhale: my mind is suffering from crippling pain. It's like a series of storms one after the other, Wearing me down, Bit by bit, I reflect and gaze within myself, For what have I done to deserve this? And it's then, that it hits me like a bolt of lightning. I was the sunlit sky, but she was the moon. She never saw me in my true glory. I was the thunder, strong and independent, But she was the tide, slow and persistent. I was at the top of the ferris wheel, But she never saw me cause she was at the bottom. I was the varied palette of colours, And she was the water. Diluting my uniqueness. She never saw me for who I was, nor did she care. But that doesn't make me any less. I'm just not a speck of dust on this planet. I was made after millions of galaxies broke down, I'm not just a living creature, I'm a human. I have the ability to think and the right to feel. I might fall and fall but one day, I will rise. Rise up and stand tall, Face the world with the beauty of my scars, Because they don't signify all that I've been through, They signify all that I've come out of. I will be a Phoenix. I will rise from the ashes. I'll wait till the blazing fire cools down externally. But internally, she has ignited a fire within me to show the world, how I really am. To step out from her shadow, To make a mark of my own. And round and round, like a spinning wheel, Goes around karma, What goes around, will ultimately come around. I am special. I will be loved. I belong here.


Be silent when the tide goes against you, Be silent when people's words become swords, Be silent when the tree of your life just isn't bearing fruit, Be silent when your feelings and emotions start getting to you, Be silent when the other person just doesn't understand, Be silent when life throws hurdles like raindrops on you, Be silent the taste in your mouth is bitter with betrayal, Be silent when jealousy creeps into your mind, Be silent when your anger is on the verge of erupting, Just keep your head down and work, Just keep your ears shut and listen to the millions of voices inside your head, Be blind to other people's hatred, Because that day, your silence will be your strength, Your results will be your answer, One day, the tree of your life will bear fruit, Other people won't matter, And the sweet taste of happiness will linger on in you. Stay low. Speak out, when necessary. Because at the end of the day, Some people won't understand the depth between the 26 letters of the alphabet, But it'll be a slap in their face, When you glow with happiness, Moreover, you'll realise that there is much more to life, That just speaking randomly. It's the power of listening. Don't let them destroy you, Cause stardust runs in your veins And stars didn't just blow up, To see you waste it all. Make the stars proud. Be silent and unbeatable.

Every once in a while, An August evening comes around, When nostalgia is engulfing you, Rain is enveloping you, You can no longer hear the rustling of the leaves, Instead a long silence prevails, The sound of droplets falling softly to the ground, To the thrashing of rain against houses, Nature calls out to us. Through the clouds huddling together in the sky, To the petrichor which blows you away, Through the crystal clear water on leaves, To the greenery that borders our sight, I simply sit. I sit, and see, For we have become so engrossed in the hustle bustle of our daily life, That we somehow forget to witness the striking beauty and balance. For maybe, with the eyes of a hawk, Blinded by my lust for adventure, I forget to halt to look around. For maybe, sometimes even with the precision of sight, Blinded by our fears, We forget to see the glimmer of hope that lies within.


What is left of you, When the air you breathe, Leaves you suffocated, When the eyes that show you the world, Start watering, When the heart that beats inside you, Slouches down in a corner. When you just can’t keep your head above the water, When the tides seem just too fierce, When it’s you up against the world, What happens when the ship starts sinking? And you just can’t help but drown, In your mistakes, disappointments and failures. That’s when, you see the light in darkness, When you see beauty in black And when you see a shimmer of glitter within yourself.
Black. Black is often like the girl in the glass who never spoke out yet her presence was acknowledged and missed. Black is the symbolance for strength. Black is a paradox in itself. Black is often misinterpreted as evil . It’s dark, yes, the darkest actually. But not evil. Black is like that thunderstorm occuring is your life. It’s comes, disrupts, calms down, passes. Yet, black has a preconceived opinion by most. Black is the look exchanged between two soldiers, with patriotism in their hearts and strength in their body. Black is the night, enhancing the beauty of the stars. Black is necessary for if they sky never went black, the stars would go unnoticed. Black is that feeling evoked within you of possibility and potential. Black makes you undergo a restful emptiness. Black is classic. From tuxedos to limousines, black says it all. Black isn’t just a colour, it’s the essence of everything else. It’s omnipresence makes it worth admiring. Nothing in black in this world is bad, it’s just your perception towards darkness. Embrace it and you will rejoice. Distance it, and it will envelope you.
Like an endless dark tunnel, Neverending yet waiting for a glimpse of light, I wander, on and on For what seems like forever. And just when I am about to give up, Lies some shimmer. Some light. Some days go past us in a flash, Some events go unnoticed, But when you need time to unravel itself, Slowly and in your favour, Gloominess prevails. Without a shadow of doubt, you give up. And then suddenly you bump into a Halo. Petals fall and they emerge beautifully again, When the sun retires for the day, we know that dusk shall arrive soon. Yet we fail to see such beauty in ourselves and others, We despair on and on, Yet never keep faith. Faith that things will turn out well. Faith that life may be a roller coaster, but sooner that later, it will stop. So halt, take a moment And realise that life isn’t a bed of roses. Yet hope is a bud just waiting for the right conditions to bloom.
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